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5 Consequences of Chronic Boredom

Medical experts call boredom the ‘disease of our time”. This is especially true during times of pandemic and quarantine.
microphone for lifting boredom
It can manifest into serious problems so GenuLines looks at some ways that can happen.


5 Consequences of Chronic Boredom

It’s not just for children anymore. Everyone suffers from it.
It used to be temporary for the most part. You couldn’t wait for the lecture to be over.
Or for your turn to see the doctor. It’s boredom, and it can turn serious.
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Boredom is a chronic disease, and why not? You’re bombarded with an endless array of stimuli every waking moment.
We’re used to constant information flow when we awake. We’re expected to take it all in, Television Boredomand we do.
We’ve stopped interacting and engaging. So, we get bored.  
German psychologist, Theodor Lipps, described boredom as ” a feeling of unpleasant arising out of a conflict between a need for intense mental activity and lack of incitement to it, or inability to be incited.”
This can mean different things to different people. An introvert, might find pleasure between the pages of a book or any other type of solitary activity.
But an extrovert may want more excitement as well as more social encounters.

You Do You

No matter the personality type, there’s a correlation between boredom and self-awareness. Let’s say you have a clear idea of your strengths, weaknesses, motivations and beliefs.
And you’re comfortable in your own skin. You’re now better prepared with the tools required to make yourself less bored.
You can gauge your moods and feelings, and understand what it is you want out of life. It also better prepares you to deal with others, and respond accordingly.
But having a clear understanding of your personality can be a real problem. The world is at our fingertips 24/7.
The idea that we can turn off the noise for a few seconds is now a foreign concept.
No one wants to sit there and do nothing! Adults fixate on playing games or browsing through their social media.

Downtime can be scary!

But it’s in those moments where we really feel our presence, tune in to our thoughts, and get in touch with our feelings. It’s also when we are at our most imaginative and creative.
It’s how we evolve, discover and invent.
Chronic boredom can make it easy to leave you in a rut of negative habits. You feel powerless to finish tasks.
This puts a damper on the quality of your life, and exacerbates physical pain. It comes with a slew of negative ramifications, the 5 most common are:

• Obesity

Constant snacking minus real hunger could be a case of boredom. This often involves foods high in processed fats and sugars.
These make you feel calmer and happier. Dieticians refer to this as emotional eating, which is often brought on by boredom.

• Depression

Boredom can be a symptom of depression, and it can also trigger it.
Working long hours. Stressful work or home environments. Less than challenging jobs.
These can ramp up stress and lead to deep bouts of depression.

• Stress and anxiety

Living day to day in an environment that doesn’t give you what you need can lead to emotional exhaustion. Top that with a helping of work responsibilities and financial strain.
This is the perfect recipe for chronic stress triggered by boredom and redundancy.

• Alcohol and drug abuse

In an attempt to break through the boredom spells, it’s common to find people reaching for alcohol and drugs. Of course these can have an addictive effect.
But in the moment, all people see is how they allow them to forget. They’re forgetting the aggravating effects boredom has on their lives.

• Heart disease

When boredom is the rule, your brain releases toxic hormones into your bloodstream. These hormones create problems for your heart.
Moreover, chronic boredom sufferers tend to skip exercise and eating right. In fact, they’re more likely to turn to bad habits, like smoking and drinking.
These can take their toll on the cardiovascular system, resulting in premature death.
A great way to break the boredom cycle is to step back and look at the big picture. Make lists of all the good in your life. as well as all the things you’ve wanted to try but never found the time and start from there.
Take control of your life and try to work your way around the things you cannot change. Form new, healthier habits.
Try something different each day. Volunteer your time to helping others who are in need.
And, above all, find something that piques your interest.
JohnK 5-27-2020

Stick figure hears about boredomOverheard: “The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom”

                                ~Arthur Schopenhauer



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Powerful Goals Are Yours If They’re S.M.A.R.T.

The lockdown gives you time to make plans and set goals. When it’s over you’ll want to resume your life with a full head of steam.
GenuLines offers a list of steps to make sure your goals are powerful- and genuine!
microphone for speaking about goals





Powerful Goals Are Yours If They’re S.M.A.R.T.

There are smart goals and then there are S.M.A.R.T. goals. The acronym S.M.A.R.T. can help you set better goals.
The letters stand for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable, and Timely. Let.s take a look at each one.
Rubik's Cube toward goals



Stands for specific. Be precise.

Use language that spells out what the goal is. 

Why you want to reach it. And how you will get there.
Detail is important here. Take the time to do this part right.


Stands for measurable. For example, you want to add 100 dollars a week to your income. So you decide to write 5 articles a week for buyers that will pay you for them,


“A” can stand for several things, like actionable, assignable, or achievable. Actionable goals give you daily activity to get you closer to them.
Goals should also be achievable or you will only get frustrated. Be accurate about the time it takes to reach a goal, and what actions it takes to get there.
Also, know who will be responsible for doing it.

This can stand for realistic or relevant, and either or both are important and are true. If you want your goal to succeed, it should be something that is realistic or you’ll fail.
It should also be relevant to your life’s vision and match with your values.


Various authors refer to the “T” in the S.M.A.R.T. acronym as time-bound, timely or trackable. These are all important parts of the goal creating and setting process.
If you don’t set a time limit and you can’t track what’s happening, your goal will be hard to count as achieved.
There are plenty of words you can use to help you craft your goals. The important thing is that you need to have a process to help you set smart goals.
The ones you know you’ll follow through on and know when you’ve met them.
JohnK 5-18-2020
Stick figure hears about goalsOverheard: “A goal properly set is halfway reached”
                                       ~Zig Ziglar
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Depression And The Use of Natural Remedies

Is it depression? I mean, I’m sad, feeling out of sorts, a bit blue, kind of detached.

When these are persistent rather than passing moods there’s a problem. GenuLines looks at some ways to deal with those feelings before they reach the problem stage.

microphone speaking against depression





Depression And The Use of Natural Remedies

Clinical depression. It can affect your physical health.
And your ability to perform regular daily activities.
It can lead to suicidal thoughts, and if untreated to self-destructive tendencies.
Depression help list
There are lots of possible lead-ups to depression. It can be a nutritional deficiency. Or, with seasonal pattern depression, it’s lack of sunlight.
A doctor or therapist may suggest things like lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments.
Extreme cases may call for prescription medications.
Of course, you want to follow doctors’ orders. But you can be proactive in your treatment. That means using various natural remedies on a day-to-day basis.

Your Options In Natural Remedies For Depression

• Increase physical activity. Exercise relieves symptoms of depression. And it eases stress, which can contribute to depression.
Exercise releases the body’s endorphins. These diminish the perception of pain and act as a sedative.
Exercise is a natural mood elevator.
• Eat well. Poor nutrition can trigger depressive symptoms in some people.
Lab testing can check for hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. Especially in one or more of the B-Vitamins, Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D.
Thyroid imbalance is important. The thyroid releases hormones, which regulate the whole metabolism.


• Asking your doctor about herbal supplements. An herb commonly recommended for the treatment of depression is St. John’s Wort.
It seems to be most effective when used to treat mild to moderate cases. Saffron also shows promise as a treatment.
But saffron can cause notable side effects in high doses.
Herbal supplements are best used under the supervision of a health care practitioner.
They can interact with other medications. And they may have negative side effects for some people.
To ward off symptoms of depression 
• Establish healthy sleep patterns. The quantity and quality of your sleep impacts your health and mental state.
Get enough sleep and complete a full sleep cycle. (sleep without interruption)
• Stay engaged in daily activities and set goals. Depression has physical components, though it’s considered a mental illness.
Engage your mind. Stick to a daily routine of activities and set small goals.
This counters the negative self-talk and helps keep you from “getting down on yourself.”
• Consider mind-body connection practices. Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Biofeedback, Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, and other alternative therapies.
They can relieve depression symptoms. They also help with fatigue, anxiety and scattered thinking.


Many people live with mild to severe depression without seeking medical help. People in depressive states no longer need to suffer with the illness.
There are many treatment options. Depression can be managed and in some cases alleviated.
Early diagnosis and treatment can have a positive impact on your physical health. The same goes for your relationships.

To Learn More: Call the NDMDA (National Depressive Manic-Depressive Association) Depression Hotline – Support Group (800) 826-3632 for help.

JohnK 5-13-2020
stick figure man hears about depressionOverheard: “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
                                                         ~Lao Tzu
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8 Tips for Handling Frustration In a Healthy Way

Are you feeling frustration over the pandemic? In a way, it’s possible that you’ve been here before.
Could be you even have some coping strategies for when you’re stressed. But now you’re aware that some of those strategies aren’t the best.
Try switching them out with these healthy GenuLines tips.

microphone speaking against frustration







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8 Tips for Handling Frustration In a Healthy Way

boy with frustrationHandling stress in healthy ways is an ongoing challenge. That’s because when we’re frustrated, we tend to react rather than respond.
The good news is there are natural, healthy ways to deal with that frustration.
Accept It
The first step in dealing with anything is to accept that it’s real. Once you’ve acknowledged you’re frustrated, you can do something about it, and it no longer rules your life.
Send an S.O.S
Imagine you’re in a battle and stuck behind enemy lines. You can ask for help, but you’ll need to ask for that help in a letter.
Describe your distress, including all the details of how you got where you are. Ask for help.
Once you’ve done that destroy the letter. You’ll feel much better (and you might even get an idea for ‘rescue’ from the exercise).
Make a List
What are your options for fixing whatever is causing the frustration? List everything you can think of, even the silly ideas.
Use this list as a jumping-off point toward finding a solution.
Read something funny. Watch a comedy.
Chuckle at your favorite comedian’s jokes. Laughter releases endorphins in the brain.
Your thinking gets clear and you feel better in general. Frustration doesn’t stand a chance.
Look at the Big Picture
What will this frustration look like next week? Next month?
Next year?
Will it be as scary as it is today? Asking these kinds of questions helps you to put your frustration in perspective.
They make it smaller and easier to deal with right now.
Find Some Positive Energy
Hang around people who are full of enthusiasm. Being around them helps you to remain positive and likewise energizes you. Frustration fades in this environment.
Talk with someone about what’s frustrating you or post it on your social media. You’ll find out in short order that you’re not alone. And you’ll see that others have had success dealing with this very same situation.
Focus on Something Else
Doing repetitive work helps to put your focus elsewhere. Break your frustrating task into tiny pieces.
Then work each one with full concentration. Celebrate progress.
Frustration gets lost in concentration.
There are dozens of ways to get past frustration. Experiment and find what works for you.
The key is not to give in. Keep pressing onward.
You’ll get through this too.
JohnK May 6, 2020
Stick figure hears about frustrationOverheard:  “It is hardly possible to build anything if frustration, bitterness, and a mood of helplessness prevail”
                                           ~Lech Walesa

Article image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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Your Stress Doesn’t Have to Own You

What do you do when the constant stress of staying tethered to your house all day feels unbearable? Try some suggestions from this GenuLines list to help you “chunk-down” the job of de-stressing.  

microphone counters stress





Your Stress Doesn’t Have to Own You

calm man resting in chairStress is unavoidable in life, but we don’t have to feel stressed around the clock. We can often prevent stressful incidents and decrease our negative reactions to them.
As a result, many times all we have to do to reduce our stress is to acknowledge that it’s there. Also, there are steps we can take to do an effective job of stress management.
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Managing time

Time management skills can allow you more time with your family and friends. Furthermore, they can help with performance and productivity.
This will help reduce stress.
To improve your time management:
· Save time by focusing and concentrating, delegating, and scheduling time for yourself. 
· Keep a record of how you spend your time, including work, family, and leisure time. 
· Prioritize your time by rating tasks by importance and urgency. Re-direct your time to activities that are important and meaningful to you. 
· Manage your commitments by not over- or under committing. Don’t commit to what isn’t important to you. 
· Deal with procrastination by using a day planner. Break large projects into smaller ones.
And set short-term deadlines. 
· Examine your beliefs to reduce conflict between what you believe and what your life is like. 
Build healthy stress coping strategies
It’s important that you identify your coping strategies. One way to do this is by recording stressful events, your reaction, and how you cope in a journal.
With this information, you can turn unhealthy coping strategies into healthy ones. Those that help you focus on the positive and what you can change or control in your life.


Some behaviors and lifestyle choices affect your stress level. These may not be direct causes of stress.
But they can interfere with the ways your body seeks relief from stress. Try to:
· Balance personal, work, and family needs and obligations.
· Have a sense of purpose in life. 
· Make sure you get enough sleep since your body recovers from the stresses of the day while you are sleeping. 
· Eat a balanced diet for a nutritional defense against stress.
· Get moderate exercise throughout the week. 
· Limit your consumption of alcohol. 
· Don’t smoke. 
Social support
Social support is a major factor in how we experience stress. This is the positive support you get from family, friends, and the community.
It affirms to you that you’re cared for, loved, esteemed, and valued. And research shows social support can support better mental and physical health.
Ways of thinking
When something triggers negative thoughts, you may experience a range of problems. These include fear, insecurity, anxiety, depression, rage, and guilt.
Add to those a sense of worthlessness or powerlessness.
Emotions like these trigger the body’s stress, much like an actual threat does. Dealing with your negative thoughts and how you see things can help reduce stress.
· Thought-stopping helps you stop a negative thought to help do away with stress. 
· Disproving irrational thoughts is good practice. You’ll avoid exaggerating the negative thought and anticipating the worst. And you won’t give it an incorrect interpretation.
· Problem solving helps you identify all aspects of a stressful event and find ways to deal with it. 
· Maybe it’s time to change your communication style. You want to make sure others won’t feel put down, hostile, or intimidated.
This reduces the stress that comes from poor communication. Use the assertiveness ladder to improve your communication style.  

And Finally…

Anybody can get stressed. You don’t have to have a high powered job or any job at all.
Let’s face it unemployment is stressful in itself.
Whether you’re a mail carrier, the CEO, or a parent, stress is going to affect you from time to time.
Above all, how you deal with it is what counts.
JohnK 4-29-2020
Stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.”
                                                         ~Hans Selye
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Be Calm and Centered With Stay At Home Activities

It’s hard to stay calm when a pandemic is the story of the day. People shelter in place and do their best not to panic.
GenuLines suggests a few activities that can calm irrational tendencies.

microphone speaks calm


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Be Calm and Centered With Stay At Home Activities

cat being calmWe’re trying to keep calm as a deadly but invisible killer moves through our cities and suburbs.
Authorities tell us to stay in our homes to prevent COVID-19 spread. But that doesn’t mean we have to fixate our attention on the world’s bad news.
Over-hyped stories step up fear and anxiety.
Settle on your most trusted news sources, then do your best to filter out the media noise. Keeping social distance and careful hand-washing are important.
But your ability to stay calm comes from within.
Here are three of the best ways that you can stay calm and centered in times of pandemic panic!

Meditation & Mindfulness

Consider meditation or mindfulness techniques.
The Mayo Clinic finds meditation can really boost your mental and emotional health. It can even benefit aspects of your physical health.
Meditation can also give you:
● A better outlook on life (positivity)
● Increased feelings of calm
● Greater self-awareness
● Reduced levels of anxiety and stress.
● Improved focus
The best part is: There are plenty of different types of meditation.
If you can focus for longer periods of time try guided meditations or visualizations.
When you’re looking to stay more active while you’re quarantined, you can give yoga or Pilates a go!

Finding a Creative Outlet

You might be stuck in the house for a some time, but that doesn’t mean you have to go stir crazy. Instead try out some new (or old) creative hobbies.
Focusing on building or creating something new can reduce negative feelings.
Creativity is a solid way of helping you to relax.
A creative outlet can be almost anything. Here are a few things you might want to try (if you have the supplies at hand:
● Painting, coloring, or drawing
● Singing or playing musical instruments
● Taking photos or videos of things you enjoy
● Building something with things lying around the house
● Writing
● Puzzles
● Reading something and then writing an essay about it (yes, remember English 101 class?).
These are great ways to take your mind off the world’s troubles.
The idea is to find an activity or task that requires an intense amount of focus and makes you happy. And brings you happy feelings.

Giving Back & Helping Others

It’s completely natural to be fearful of the unknown. But giving back to others can help you to tackle this fear once and for all.
Giving back to the community helps people in need. Instead of fear and anxiety you’ll be working to spread compassion and happiness.
When people are sick or self-quarantined they aren’t able to leave home. But they still have needs that they now can’t meet on their own.
You can be helpful while keeping your distance and not exposing anyone to the virus. You can deliver food and groceries or do things like yard work.
It’ll make you feel good about yourself while also helping those in need! So, call your neighbors.
Post something on your Facebook page to let those in need know you’re available and how to get in contact.

Final Thoughts

You can’t do much to stop the spread of a pandemic. But there are things you can do to reduce your panic and increase your calmness.
Practice mindfulness. Find a creative outlet, and give back to those in need.
You’ll be able to stay calm and centered through most anything!
JohnK 4-22-2020
Stick figure hears about calmOverheard: “The true strength of a man is in calmness”
                                             ~Leo Tolstoy
Image by Daga_Roszkowska from Pixabay 
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You Can Find Joy In Challenging Times

“There’s no joy in Mudville” is a line from the poem “Casey At The Bat.” Today there doesn’t seem to be joy anwhere in the world.

But GenuLines reminds you can build a foundation of joy, even in an age of social isolation. 

(listen to this article by clicking on the radio image or scroll down to read)

Radio sounding joy





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You Can Find Joy In Challenging Times

They are life’s ups and downs. A constant fluctuation of emotional highs and lows.
We spend most of our time in a rather even, mundane state of emotional normalcy.
This is broken up by peaks of the best times and unfortunately, valleys when nothing goes right.
The lows of everyday life are tough. But in times of crisis such as a worldwide pandemic, they only intensify.
Daily news of death, isolation, fear, grief, and loss can strip us of our joy. And, this can lead to depression.
Sign tells of joy
While you can’t control what happens outside your door, you CAN control yourself. There are things you can do to maintain a positive and even joyful mindset.
Let’s look at three of them.

Surround Yourself With The Right People

It’s often said that we are the sum total of the five people we surround ourselves with most often. If so, make sure you get the right people around you.
Many times when life is beating us up, we retreat into the solitude of our home. We want to throw the covers over our heads and be alone with our thoughts.
Sometimes periods of solitude are healthy and necessary. Right now, isolation is the norm as we experience a health crisis.
But when you find your spirits cratering you feel robbed of your joy. So connecting with joyful types is crucial.
It’s not hard to stay connected to them during Shelter In Place orders. Technology has seen to that.
• Face Time on iPhones and Video calls on Android
• Skype
• A simple phone call
• Email
• Text
• Zoom and other video conferencing software can safely bring together friends and family.
• Good old-fashioned letter writing

Remember That Nothing Is Permanent

The time-honored adage says “THIS TOO SHALL PASS.” It would suggest that nothing in life is permanent.
So we tend to see extreme happiness and joy as temporary, and we play them down.
Yet keeping this expression in mind during the low times can be very beneficial. Whatever you’re going through, no matter how bad it may be, it WILL pass.
And consider this. Most of the difficult times you experience in life will end without any extra effort on your part.
It’s so easy to get into a mindset of having to put out a huge amount of effort to make something bad go away.
This is possible but most of the time TIME is the only remedy for tough situations. To maximize your joy in hard times, remember that your situation is not the way things are.
It’s the way they are RIGHT NOW.

Base Your Happiness On Yourself

So far we’ve discussed how life takes us through highs and lows. And that nothing lasts forever.
There’s one more thing to keep in mind during the best AND the worst periods.
To have more consistent joy never let your circumstances dictate your attitude.
Elation in good times and near despair during the bad can cause emotional exhaustion.
Stable, consistent, sustainable joy can only be created and found within yourself.
Life is far less about what happens to you than it is how you react to it.
You are in charge of how you feel. Don’t fall into the routine of letting happiness get to your head and failure to your heart.
JohnK 4-15-2020
Stick figure hears about joyOverheard: “Joy is untouched by circumstance”
Article image by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
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6 Steps To Help You Combat Loneliness

Loneliness has increased for some of us now that we’re being advised to stay home. We have time to think, and those thoughts can lead toward feeling disconnected. 

GenuLines wants to help you push back and put connection into your life.

(Listen to the article by clicking on the radio image, or scroll down to read)

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6 Steps To Help You Combat Loneliness

Lonely manSocial isolation only adds to what seems to be an increasingly lonely society. Most of us feel periods of loneliness at some point in our lives.
And when a worldwide health crisis forces you to stay home those feelings can be intense. But an excess of lonely feelings can translate to poor mental and physical health.
Shaking those feelings can be tough without some type of help. This can come from a friend, family member, or a professional.
There are some steps you can take that can make a difference right away.
Find a Hobby
When you have free time on your hands, it’s easy to allow your mind to wander. Your mood can range from loneliness to negativity.
If you’re spending too much time in this range why not consider taking up a hobby?
Look for something you can be passionate about. Something you’ll enjoy enough to turn to when you have time to spare.
Get Moving
Walking is a great hobby when it comes to combating loneliness. It allows you to get in a good workout and explore your community at the same time.
Better yet, it’s free.
Make sure to say hello to the people you meet. You never know where the conversation will lead.
Chat with Old Friends
A long chat with old friends does wonders to combat loneliness. And when you’re pretty much forced to stay home you’re likely to have time to make the connection.
It may seem daunting to get back in touch with someone you haven’t talked to for some time. But, if you reach out to them, your friendship might pick up right where it left off.
Take Time to Reorganize
Cleaning and reorganizing your house may not sound like fun. But it will give you something to stay focused on.
Having a clean house can give you a good feeling that can rub off on others who come into your house.
Consider a Pet
Pets are great companions. But having one is a big responsibility.
Give this careful thought. Your decision can affect both you and the animal.
Stay Positive
Poor self-image and negative thoughts about yourself can make feelings of loneliness worse. You’ll be less likely to seek out contact with others.
Always try to avoid having self-deprecating thoughts by being as positive as you can be.
If you still feel like you need help after taking these steps, you may want to reach out to your support network.
Look to friends, family, or even co-workers.
If this isn’t an option, think about professional help. It can be an effective way to keep your lonely feelings in check.
JohnK 4-8-2020
Stick figure hears about lonlinessOverheard: “Loneliness is one thing, solitude another”
                                     ~ Friedrich Nietzsche



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Junk Food Is NOT Food, It’s Junk

Are you a junk food junkie? Today GenuLines gives you an idea of what you’re taking into your body. 

You may want to re-consider.

(You can listen to this article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)

radio talking about junk food




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Junk Food Is NOT Food, It’s Junk

Marketing can be a powerful tool. How so?
Well, think about it. Marketing can fool the masses into believing things are good for them when they’re not.
This opens the door for, say, the pharmaceutical companies to come in.
Many junk foods are so processed that their original products disappear. The fact is, junk food is NOT FOOD, it’s junk.
Need more information about processed food? Consider:
They’re Loaded With Sodium
A lot of our daily sodium consumption comes from processed rather than whole food. So many foods contain excessive sodium yet you’re unlikely to realize it.
For example, you may not have a natural liking for “salty foods”, but you love sweets. That sugary soda you’re drinking is also loaded with a sodium derivative, even though you can’t taste it.
Such are the hidden dangers of processed food.
Picture of junk food
Loading Up On Simple Sugars
If you rely on processed foods for “nourishment”, you’re falling short. You may often find yourself constipated if you use junk food for sustenance.
This is due to a lack of complex carbs and fiber. Simple carbohydrates enter the bloodstream and are quickly absorbed.
The result is blood sugar disruption.
Natural foods have more complex carbs that are low on the Glycemic Index. They have more fiber that promotes digestive health and regularity.
Processed Foods Contain Artificial Fats
It’s wrong to think all fats are bad. In fact, natural fats are ALL good for us and even essential. But it’s a different story for trans fats.
Trans fat is a modified variety of oil that allows it to remain solid at room temperature. Oils are usually liquid at room temperature.
This kind of fat is pro-inflammatory.
Inflammation speeds up aging and contributes to many of our chronic diseases. The list includes high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

Many Processed Foods Contain Anti-Nutrients

One such anti-nutrient is the white potato. It prevents the absorption of other nutrients.
This brings down the nutritional value of the entire meal. And guess what?
White potatoes are a favorite ingredient in processed food.
White potato is cheap, and some say, tastier than sweet potatoes. This helps increase the profits of big brand junk food companies.

Preservatives And Additives 

Food doesn’t keep for months without spoiling or turning rancid. So how does processed food last so long?
You can thank additives and preservatives. They’re chemicals for the most part.
And they extend the shelf life of food.
Are they helpful? Sometimes, definitely.
But more often than not, they’re a hazard to your health.
Many are “safe” in very, very low concentrations and approved for human consumption by the FDA. But they’re often used in amounts far exceeding their safe limit.
And their consumption is more than occasional.
Processed foods are far from natural- even with the word “natural” on the label. And many are genetically modified.
There’s been a lot of debate in this area, too. If you’re in doubt eat whole foods, closest to their original source.  
JohnK 4-1-2020
Stick figure hears about junk foodOverheard: “Nourish the mind like you would your body. The Mind cannot survive on junk food.”
                                          ~Jim Rohn
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6 Tips For Building Optimism Into Your Life

Seen much optimism lately? Me too. 

But, you can begin to change things and GenuLines wants to put you on the path!

(You can listen to this article by clicking on below, or scroll down to read)







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6 Tips For Building Optimism Into Your Life

Water glass and optimismOptimism…it’s a four-syllable word for something that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa.
But believe it or not, you can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good.
Here are a few ways to do that.


#1: Find the laughter

You won’t have to go far to find it. Start with Youtube and social media.
No shortage of funny memes, videos, vines, and more here. You could also rent a funny movie, watch stand up comedy, or hang out with funny people.
Laughter will lead you to smile, and smiling will lead you to feel good. Which brings us to our next point.

#2: Turn the frown upside down

It’s hard to believe that something like smiling can improve your mood. But studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift.
Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even it if feels cheesy, stupid, and inauthentic. Hold your smile for a minute, two minutes, or more…see how long you can go.
Start the day off with a smile, and make a conscious effort to smile more.

#3: Use positive words

Studies have shown and confirmed what spiritual traditions have long held. Words can shape the reality around you.
If you want to build a more positive vibe, try using more positive words. Scrap the negative talk about yourself and others, too.

#4: Find positive people

The impact of those we hang out with is enormous. Avoid negative influences and people who bring you down with complaining and criticism.
Misery loves company, the old adage goes. And these people will send you into a downward spiral.
Be with friends who are upbeat, positive, and happy, and their resilience and optimism will rub off on you.

#5: Stay healthy

If you’re feeling tired and sick, it’s easy to get irritable and negative. By contrast, try maintaining an active lifestyle of healthy choices.
These will maximize your energy levels and build you up. It’s easier to be upbeat and happy when you feel good inside and out.

#6: Spirituality and/or self-actualization

Most spiritual traditions promote a positive outlook on life. Not keen on organized religion?
Find something that can provide a positive outlet. Like exercise, music, art, or reading.
Yes, positive words can turn your perspective around. And filling your heart and mind with good stuff will help optimism come easier.
JohnK 3-25-2020
Stick figure being optimistic
Overheard: “Keep looking up…. That’s the secret of life”




Article photo by Joseph Greve on Unsplash


disclaimer to bring about optimism