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The Kaizen Method 101 (fixes video player link)

It’s called The Kaizen Method, and it could propel you toward positive change in your life. But like ancient Rome, those changes aren’t built in a day. 

It’s a gradual method, and GenuLines gives you this overview to get you on your way. 

The Kaizen Method 101

Your journey toward self-improvement or personal growth can be tough. A lot of it goesBoy learns kaizen method uphill and often includes many setbacks that leave you questioning your choice to start.

But there’s one path that gives you a gradual road to improvement. It’s called The Kaizen Method.
Rather than make it better RIGHT NOW, this approach adopts a more realistic strategy.
Understanding the Kaizen Method
The Kaizen method focuses on continuous, incremental improvement rather than radical change. This leads to significant, long-term change.
Many people talk about Kaizen as being the “1 percent rule,”
You focus on doing one small thing every single day that will get you closer to your final outcome.
This method started as a business model to promote lean manufacturing. You may know it as “The Toyota Way,” because it became well known when that carmaker used it.
The idea was to ensure quality control and to revolutionize the auto industry in Japan.
The opposite of this approach could be called “radical innovation,”
A company or person using this style tries to make quick and drastic changes.
With the Kaizen method, you’re focusing on getting a little bit better than you were the day before. The power of this method is that these small, incremental changes build on each other.
Tiny changes in the beginning soon combine with other minor changes. The results are more significant, lasting effects.
The Kaizen Method started as a business model. But it also works for personal growth and development.
It gets you off the roller coaster of ups and downs usually associated with making changes in your life. Kaizen focuses on small steps you can do now, where you are, and with your current capabilities.
Change can be hard, and it comes through small steps taken every day. It comes through continuous improvement, not an overnight transformation.
The Kaizen method is a process, not a goal. It’s not something you achieve but rather something you commit to doing daily.
As an inspirational speaker once said, “Success isn’t owned, it’s rented. And rent is due every day.”
JohnK 4-19-2021
Stick figure hears about kaizenOverheard: “Let us cultivate our garden”
disclaimer for kaizen

The Kaizen Method 101

It’s called The Kaizen Method, and it could propel you toward positive change in your life. But like ancient Rome, those changes aren’t built in a day. 

It’s a gradual method, and GenuLines gives you this overview to get you on your way. 

The Kaizen Method 101

Your journey toward self-improvement or personal growth can be tough. A lot of it goesBoy learns kaizen method uphill and often includes many setbacks that leave you questioning your choice to start.

But there’s one path that gives you a gradual road to improvement. It’s called The Kaizen Method.
Rather than make it better RIGHT NOW, this approach adopts a more realistic strategy.
Understanding the Kaizen Method
The Kaizen method focuses on continuous, incremental improvement rather than radical change. This leads to significant, long-term change.
Many people talk about Kaizen as being the “1 percent rule,”
You focus on doing one small thing every single day that will get you closer to your final outcome.
This method started as a business model to promote lean manufacturing. You may know it as “The Toyota Way,” because it became well known when that carmaker used it.
The idea was to ensure quality control and to revolutionize the auto industry in Japan.
The opposite of this approach could be called “radical innovation,”
A company or person using this style tries to make quick and drastic changes.
With the Kaizen method you’re focusing on getting a little bit better than you were the day before. The power of this method is that these small, incremental changes build on each other.
Tiny changes in the beginning soon combine with other minor changes. The results are more significant, lasting effects.
The Kaizen Method started as a business model. But it also works for personal growth and development.
It gets you off the roller coaster of ups and downs usually associated with making changes in your life. Kaizen focuses on small steps you can do now, where you are, and with your current capabilities.
Change can be hard, and it comes through small steps taken every day. It comes through continuous improvement, not overnight transformation.
The Kaizen method is a process, not a goal. It’s not something you achieve but rather something you commit to doing daily.
As an inspirational speaker once said, “Success isn’t owned, it’s rented. And rent is due every day.”
JohnK 4-19-2021
Stick figure hears about kaizenOverheard: “Let us cultivate our garden”
disclaimer for kaizen

For Better Health Spend Time In The Sun

Fun in the sun is something a lot of us live for. It feels great, helps you look good, and more.

But if you’re not so keen on the sun GenuLines shows you ways you can benefit, too, 

Spend Time In The Sun For Better Health

Being out in the sun does great things to your mind and body. If you live in an area where there is plenty of sun, it shouldn’t be hard to get out into the sunshine.
If not, you should be able to find at least a few days where you can some sunshine.
(Click on this image to listen to the post)
flower in sunshine
Here are five health benefits of spending time in the sun:
1. Getting your Vitamin D intake
The major source of vitamin D is being out in the sun. The UV rays will help build up vitamin D in your body so you won’t have to take a vitamin D supplement.
Research has shown that most people don’t get enough vitamin D. It’s essential for many body functions.
And always wear the appropriate rating of sunscreen to protect your skin.
2. Spending time in nature
If possible spend time outdoors. It can be a neighborhood park or other wooded area.
Communing with nature helps reduce stress. Even a lunch break spent in the sun can improve your productivity and can help you have less stress at work.
3. Spending time in the sun reduces stress
You’ll likely find that you’re less stressed and happier when the day is sunny. You can sit on a park bench in the sunshine and meditate a bit or take a walk in a sunny area.
Try getting out in the sun every day for at least a half an hour. You’ll cut through the stress while enjoying the activity.
4. Sunlight can reduce cancer risk
It’s true that you’re at an increased risk of skin cancer if you burn yourself in the sun. But sunshine can actually help reduce your risk of developing other cancers.
This is especially true if you choose to exercise in the sunshine.
5. Sunshine can help you sleep better
Relaxing or exercising in the sunshine affects your sleep later in the day. A half hour of sunshine per day has been found to help you get to sleep easier and stay asleep longer.
It really doesn’t matter what you do in the sunshine as long as you get out there and get some rays.
JohnK 4-12-2021
Stick figure hears about the sunOverheard: “The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do”
                                    ~ Galileo Galilei
get sun disclaimer

10 Ways Exercise Boosts Your Self Confidence

Mentioning exercise can bring groans and frowns from the people around you. Not the kind of talk that will make you the life of the party.

Today GenuLines looks at how the effects of exercise might well make you the “toast of the party!”

10 Ways Exercise Boosts Your Self Confidence

Most anything, which can help boost our self-confidence, is good for us. One of the best ways to boost your self-confidence is through regular exercise.
This is not only good for self-assurance but also for better health. So how can exercise boost self-confidence?
(Click on the image below to listen to this post)
Man doing exercise
Here Are 10 Ways That Exercise Boosts Your Confidence:

1. Weight Control

Woman doing exerciseExercising along with healthy eating is the best way to control weight or lose weight. This is all about energy intake and energy burning.
Of course, if you burn more energy than you take in, then the more you’ll lose weight. Being overweight is a confidence destroyer.
So the better shape you’re in, the better you’ll feel.



2. Improves mood

A good workout is great for your mood. Before you think that this requires a trip to the gym, think again.
A good workout could be a brisk walk or a jog. In fact, anything that makes your body work harder can be a workout.
What this does is stimulate brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These promote a general feeling of well-being.
The results are less stress and anxiety.

3. It’s good for the heart

Regular exercising lowers the risk of various heart-related conditions. Exercise lowers blood pressure and reduces problems associated with diabetes.
It can even help in fighting heart disease. This is quite logical.
If exercising reduces weight it means that the heart has to work less. The heart is much healthier.
There’s also less pressure on joints and other areas of the body.

4. Keeps the body in shape

This is a bit different from weight control. Being is shape involves having a well-toned body and better posture. These are aspects connected with self-confidence.
When you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to make friends and more connections in life. You feel more confident.

5. More energy

If we don’t have the energy to do things, then everything becomes a chore. That can lead to feeling bad about oneself.
Regular exercise helps the whole bodywork better. The result is that chores become responsibilities.
And the more responsibility we’re coping with, the better we feel.

6. Better sleep

Regular exercise promotes good sleep. It’s proven that sleep is necessary for general feelings of well-being.
Sleep so affects our looks. Imagine preparing for an important meeting as you look in the mirror.
You see dark circles under bloodshot eyes. How confident will you feel?
So exercise will improve sleep. One word of warning – don’t exercise too near bedtime.

7. Improves productivity

Regular exercise helps clear the mind. Exercise gives you a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh.
As you push yourself with exercise you can realize new potentials. This in turn boosts self-confidence.
Very often, what you thought was a major problem before exercising disappears after.

8. Gives you something to look forward to

Once you have a reasonable schedule for exercising, you’ll start to look forward to it. This in itself is a confidence booster.
Once you start seeing the benefits of exercising, you’ll have the desire to continue. In the end, you feel better and look better.

9. Improves concentration

Exercise helps us to develop the necessary skills to concentrate on the task in hand. We’re better at handling tasks.
We start to see more praise and benefits.

10. Feelings of control and achievement

Working out takes effort, dedication, commitment, and care for oneself. All this can bring about enormous feelings of confidence.
Don’t Wait! Get Started Today!
Try incorporating regular exercising into your routine. You’ll experience the many benefits to your self-confidence that regular exercising gives.
JohnK 4-5-2021
Stick figure hears about exerciseOverheard: “Exercise should be regarded as a tribute in the heart”
                                 ~Gene Tunney
exercise disclaimer

5 Natural Remedies For Headaches

man with headache

 Nothing slows you down quite like a headache.                       And the pain can be intense.



There are various approaches to headaches, but GenuLines wants you to know about some natural ways to get relief. 


To listen to the post click on this image >>>  Headache spokesman


5 Natural Remedies For Headaches

Headaches can be quite painful. Often times they can leave you down for the count.
You want to head for the medicine cabinet. Instead, why not consider these all-natural remedies the next time you have a headache.
Here are some of the best non-drug remedies for the three most common types of headaches.
Tension Headaches
Of the three main types of headaches, tension headaches are the most common. The muscles contract and it feels like something is squeezing your head.
The pain can run from one ear to the other and back around. Tension headaches are usually caused by a lack of sleep and/or stress.
Natural Remedies For Tension Headaches:
Ginger Tea
You can find fresh ginger at your grocery store. Crush no more than an inch of ginger and put it in a pot of boiling water.
This home remedy will help reduce inflammation and ease your headache. It works much like, if not better than an aspirin and is a completely natural plant-based remedy.
Peppermint Oil
Many health stores sell peppermint oil. Apply it to your hairline.
The cooling sensation created by the oil will help relax the muscles in your head and neck.
Cluster Headaches
Those who suffer from cluster headaches often describe it as an ice pick in the head. This is because the pain is very concentrated and it feels like someone is stabbing them in the head.
Cluster headaches usually occur over a cluster of days. That’s where they get their name.
They’re most common in the winter.
Natural Remedies For Cluster Headaches:
Capsaicin Cream
Cayenne pepper is the main ingredient in Capsaicin cream. Put a dab on your finger and apply it to the inside of your nostril.
Be sure to place it on the side where you are experiencing the pain. Once applied the cream goes to work by blocking pain signals.
Chlorophyll Supplements
Plants use chlorophyll for photosynthesis. This turns carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.
Chlorophyll supplements promote the flow of oxygen to cells. And they protect the cells from oxidation damage.
They can also help with cluster headaches. And they give you a natural energy boost.
Migraine Headaches
Last but not least, we’ll cover migraine headaches. Migraine headaches can send you to bed, unable to move for extended periods of time.
Migraines cause a throbbing pain to occur on one side of your head. In some cases, they can even cause nausea.
As a result of the pain, individuals are usually sensitive to light and sound.

All In The Family? 

Migraines can be genetic and run in certain families. And women are three times more likely to have them than their male counterparts.
Some studies say a mix-up in nerve signals is to blame. Instead of interpreting them for what they are, the brain picks them up as pain.
Natural Remedies For Migraine Headaches:
Acupressure Massage
Acupressure massage has been around for hundreds of years. It is an ancient Chinese healing method that applies pressure at certain points on the body.
The pressure helps relieve pain.
Feverfew is an herbal supplement that comes from the sunflower family. Tests in clinical trials showed great results.
And it’s been effective for migraines.
Feverfew works by decreasing inflammation and lessening pressure on the nerves.
 As a result, the migraine starts to subside.
Changing Your Diet
Changing your diet is one remedy that helps all headaches no matter what type.
Start paying close attention to the foods you consume on a daily basis. Keeping a journal and jotting down everything you eat for at least 7 days is helpful.
You can track any specific foods that cause you to have an adverse reaction. Once you identify a pattern, you’ll know which foods to take out of your diet.

Some foods known to trigger headaches include:

• Wine
• Caffeine
• Cheese
• Cold Cuts
Skipping meals also causes headaches because your blood sugar levels drop.
The best way to prevent this is to make it a point to always eat your meals on time and never let hunger lead to a headache.
JohnK 3-29-2021
Stick figure hears about headacheOverheard: “Some people spend the day in complaining of a headache, and the night in drinking the wine that gives it”
                         ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
headache disclaimer

5 Ways To Better Handle Constructive Criticism

You don’t like hearing criticism. But sometimes it helps to know you need to improve in some areas. 
There are ways for more sensitive types to get this message, and today GenuLines will show you. 

(You can listen to this post by clicking my image below)





5 Ways To Better Handle Constructive Criticism

The finger of criticismDo you often feel offended when someone tries to give you advice on how to better do something? Or how to handle a certain situation?
Does it bother you when someone at work points out your need for improvement?
If you do find yourself not being able to stomach a few good words of advice…
Accept That You Cannot Receive Constructive Criticism
If you do not accept something, you will never feel the need to change it.
Acceptance is the first and most important step toward criticism. Write Down What You Are Receiving Criticism For Why are you receiving criticism? How will writing it down help you?
• It shows how making changes can help you on a deeper level
• You can go back and see what you need to change if you find yourself reverting back to your old habits
• A written record can help you to progress in the long term as a result of fixing the problem when it occurs
Listen and Think
Don’t jump to conclusions when you’re receiving constructive criticism. But do LISTEN!
By listening, you are forming a good habit. This will make you easier to work with.
And it will also improve your communication skills. This is crucial.
By “thinking,” you can get a better understanding of your actions. It’ll make the correction process a lot easier and it will make more sense to you.
Get Opinions From Others
If you’re in a situation where many people are offering you constructive criticism, it may be time to let go of your ego. Consider others’ advice. It may help you to see what you’ve been doing
Open up to the suggestions of others and know that they’re only trying to help you become more productive.
Try It!
Putting your constructive criticism into action might surprise you. Often, we get defensive if we don’t agree with something.
But the best thing to do is to realize that making adjustments can improve the quality of our efforts.
Trying doesn’t hurt and it may show you a better way of doing something.
Learn To Handle Constructive Criticism
It is in your (And everyone else’s) best interest to be receptive to constructive criticism. This is how many of us learn and become the best versions of ourselves.
Constructive criticism is an important part of your personal growth.
JohnK 3-22-2021
Stick figure hears about criticismOverheard: “The trouble with most of us is that we’d rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”
                             ~ Norman Vincent Peale

How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More

Was a walking regimen one of your New Year resolutions? Has that resolution gone down the memory hole? 

Check out these GenuLines suggestions for taking the “steps” to get up and going. 

Listen to this post by clicking the link below:

How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More


How To Get Into The Habit Of Walking More

The human body is capable of miles and miles of walking. Yet, in modern society, we spend most of our time sitting down.

 That’s not good for our bodies. It leads to a range of health issues.
A daily walk might head off these problems. Of course, that’s easier said than done.
walking path sign
Give up your seat
Most of us sit for our work. We eat sitting down.
And to be honest all we want to do when we come home from work is plop down on the couch for a Netflix marathon until bedtime.
This presents a challenge. But a walking habit is a good one.
Kind of like the habit of brushing our teeth twice a day or taking out the trash on Tuesdays. Once it’s a well-ingrained habit, it won’t be as much of a challenge to make sure we go for a walk each day.
Your path
You can start by finding a walking route you enjoy. Your favorite walk may offer beautiful vistas.
But if it’s a 30-minute drive there and back, you’ll be less likely to do it every single day. Instead, save that particular walk for the weekends.
Then come up with something convenient and pleasant for your everyday walking routine. If you can, find a route in your own neighborhood so you can leave right from your front door.
Taking the same route every day helps form that habit. It’s also encouraging to notice that you can walk the same loop faster or with less effort over time.
You’re steadily getting stronger and fitter.
Listening to your favorite music, podcast, or audiobooks is also helpful. It’ll make the time go by faster and give you something else to look forward to.
You can even use your favorite media as a way to bribe yourself to go for your daily walk. Let’s say you have a couple of podcasts you enjoy.
Save them for your walks and only let yourself listen to them while you’re walking. It’s a great incentive to get out there even on days when you’re not feeling it.
Group Walks
Finally, consider walking with other people. Find a walking group in your area, or talk a friend or neighbor into becoming your walking buddy.
Not only is it more fun to walk when you have someone to talk to, it also has some built-in accountability. You won’t want to skip a walking workout when you know that other people are waiting for you to join them.
Give these tips a try. They’ll help you make your daily walk an integral part of your health, your fitness, and your life.
JohnK 3-15-2021
stick figure man hears about walkingOverheard: “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”
                             ~Friedrich Nietzsche
walking disclaimer

The True Impact of Addiction

Society is struggling with addictions of various types. We think of it as harming the individual. 

But as GenuLines will show you, the effects of addiction have far-reaching consequences. 

(Listen to this post by clicking here)

Or, click on below:

The True Impact of Addiction

man with addictionPeople with addictions often assume that their dependency won’t harm others. But addiction can harm you and your community.
* Physical Harm –
Most additions have something to do with drugs, food, or other substances. These can harm your physical health.
And sometimes the physical health of those around you. For example, second-hand cigarette smoke harms anyone around it.
And the chemicals left behind on surfaces also continue to do harm.
* Your Career –
Addiction gets in the way of your work life, even if you think it’s not. You won’t be as productive as others and you’ll call in sick more often.
And if you think no one knows what’s going on, guess again.
* Emotional Toll –
Dependency on something bad for you makes you feel powerless to stop it. The guilt can be worse than anything.
*Hurting Your Finances –
You spend money that’s not in your budget, whether it’s for gambling or cocaine. Even a coffee habit might impact your finances.
* Your Freedom –
You could base all your choices on whether you can have that thing you’re addicted to or not. At some point, you avoid social activities.
And you stick to places that can let you better engage in your addiction.
* Romantic Relationships –
Addiction requires lying and deception. When your partners find out, they’re usually not too happy about it.
They might break up the relationship. Or if they’re also damaged, they may stay in it and you’ll both be miserable.
* Friendships –
Challenges to your friendships will be a lot like those in your love life. (Though much faster)
Friends will lose interest in you with drama in your life. They may love you, but they’re powerless to help.
* Harming Those You Don’t Even Know –
Your habit can harm others even if you don’t know them. For example, driving under the influence.
Or going bankrupt due to gambling debts. Both contribute to problems in your community.
* Impact on Your Community –
A community struggling with addiction will become less desirable to live in. The people who can do so will leave.
If you see yourself in any of this get professional help. Especially for physical or emotional issues.
You can develop good habits to replace bad ones. The solution might be as clear as cleaning up some bad habits.
JohnK 3-8-2021
Stick figure hears about addictionOverheard: “My recovery must come first so that everything I love in life doesn’t have to come last”
Article image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay 
addiction disclaimer

Know Your Normal vs. Abnormal Memory Changes

Your memory can fade as the years pass. And it’s important to know when that loss becomes something serious. 

It’s an important subject and today GenuLines is showing you when there’s cause for concern.  

(listen to this post by clicking here)

Know Your Normal vs. Abnormal Memory Changes 

Memory stickAs you age you may notice some memory loss. Your kids remember things while you struggle at times.
These changes can occur as your focus bends in so many different directions. 
For example, working parents get overwhelmed remembering all the appointments for the family. A calendar works well here.
This is an example of a normal memory problem.  
There are also biological reasons for forgetfulness. Changes in the brain can bring mild memory impairments. 
The ability to process information and to react to it slows, as does the ability to multi-task.  But a little more effort to learn and remember new things as you age is still possible.  
But not all cognitive and biological changes are the same. For example, abnormal cognitive changes can occur due to conditions such as Alzheimer’s.
Here are seven ways to identify normal forgetfulness from abnormal forgetfulness:
1. The passage of time  
The passing of time is often to blame for decreased memory in normal aging.  If you don’t think about particular memories often you may forget them. 
It’s the same with details surrounding the event.  This is normal. 
The more you recall the easier you’ll retain them. So if you don’t use those memories, you lose them.  
But abnormal forgetfulness is when you cannot recall recent events. Things like what you ate for breakfast or who visited you that day.   
2. Stressful events
If you try to recall events from a stressful time in your life it’s likely due to normal memory lapses.  During times of stress, your brain has a harder time storing information.  
3. Repetition  
Telling your daughter the same story in two weeks is more likely due to normal forgetfulness. But telling her the same story during a visit lasting thirty minutes is not normal.  
4. Date
Normal forgetfulness includes not remembering the exact date. Someone with abnormal memory will not even know what year it is.
5. Self-care abilities  
A good range of memory for your age range can include remembering to wash and dress yourself. To eat. To go to the grocery store.
And to take your medications, though you may need to use a pillbox as a reminder.
Not remembering how to do these tasks or even that they need done is abnormal.
6. Familiarity
You can get lost in unfamiliar locations, such as when you’re visiting a new area of your city.  What’s not normal is to get lost and not remember familiar things.
These include your own neighborhood or your family members.
7. Frustration levels
Normal forgetfulness isn’t likely to make you angry when reminded about something. Abnormal reactions to this include denial, anger, and defensiveness.
Other bad reactions can come when you test someone’s memory for dates, places, and more.  They may even accuse you of stealing something that they lost and cannot locate.  
JohnK 3-1-2021
Stick figure hears about memoryOverheard: “Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things”
memory disclaimer

Can a Pessimist Become An Optimist?

If you’re an optimist you may live by the old “glass is half-full” theory. But if you’re a pessimist and your glass is “half-empty” you may not be okay with this. 

You can work on switching mindsets, and GenuLines has some suggestions on making your mental “U-turn.”

(Listen to this post by clicking here)

Can a Pessimist Become An Optimist?

Optimist Smiley Face BallSome of us are born with sunny dispositions. Others are prone to negativity.

Many factors come into play:
*Childhood experiences
*Economic status
*Genetic predisposition
These can play into a pessimistic attitude. But there is one factor that may have the power to transform those reasons – the power of choice.
Optimism as a Choice
Someone with a negative mindset might view negative circumstances as all or nothing. A catastrophic event,
But those in the positive camp look at the negatives and assess their choices. They then go on to make the best decision in their control.
Plus, their positive mindset can bring them a more constructive and useful attitude.
How a Pessimist can become More Optimistic
Brain Training
While changing any part of our personality is never easy, it is doable. An individual must want it though.
Try telling a pessimist their attitude can change their outlook and thus change their life. Now expect a cynical response.
But if their decision is their own there’s more chance of success. Especially if the person is trying to find purpose or more joy in life.
What you focus on expands. Always focusing on what is wrong and what does not work is a surefire way to get more of the same.
Most everything can and does go wrong. There are plenty of positive circumstances in life to focus on:
What does go right in your life?
Counting your blessings
What do you have to be grateful for?
What does work?
Can adversity can contain some semblance of a silver lining? Will a pessimist view an ending as a beginning or as a lesson learned?
Can a pessimist find the deeper meaning instead of looking through a negative lens?
It’s best not to make the circumstances personal. In other words, what if something happened only because it happened and not because of “bad luck?”
Moving away from the woe-is-me way of thinking opens the door to a broader view.
Another way to subdue negative thinking is through stories. A pessimist will say they have no luck.
Everything always happens to them. Everybody else gets to get what they want.
Something happened because something happened – no story attached.
Changing your focus and perception. Don’t internalize.
Tell yourself a new story. See the glass as half-full and bring more optimism into your life.
JohnK 2-23-2021
stick man hears about optimistsOverheard: “Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable”
disclaimer for talking to an optimist