Thanks to all who have been checking out the Jason Lincoln Jeffers interview. Ever since I can remember I’ve been a big fan of writers and speakers who give us a little peek at society’s future. Alvin Toffler, Faith Popcorn and Gerald Celente are favorites of mine, but when you can weave consciousness through that look down the road as Jason does in The Next Human, then you really get my attention. Listen to the interview here.
Good stuff on the way in the days ahead. Our scheduled Chi For Yourself guest in the first week of November will make his second visit to the show. Marc Allen returns to tell us about some easy-to-apply practices that can change the course of your life in miraculous ways, as they did his. Marc’s new book is The Magical Path.
Also in November we’ll be talking to Brian Leaf, author of Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi. Downward facing dog meets self-effacing dog! More reasons to give thanks.
Speaking of thanks..I’ve been away from these pages for a few days, mainly because I did some work on a television commercial. That always puts my fun graph in the green.
Be grateful for something or someone today!
JohnK 10-22-2012
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