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Stop Letting Stress Impact Your Life

Stress is a normal part of everyday life. Some level of stress is even healthy.
It can help you stay alert and function at your best. But you may have a tough time managing your stress.
Some stress disorders are hereditary. They can be due to imbalances of the chemicals used in mind/body communication.
The mind and body can disagree on what makes up a threat. This can be stressful, too.
Maybe you’ve survived an accident, combat, or something on the same level. You could have a hard time adapting to life outside of high-stress levels.
Whether it’s from personal concern or diagnosed disorder, stress shouldn’t control your life. But if it does there are actions you can take.
These tips can help supplement advice from a medical professional. Note that they’re not intended to be a substitute for professional help.
stress sign
Talk To A Friend
A friend can help you remember that stress is not unusual or that it only affects you.
A study by the National Alliance on Mental Health looked at severe stress. Things like anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
It found that more than 18 percent of American adults were affectedThat’s close to one in five people.
Knowing the statistics may ease your mind about talking to a healthcare provider. And it may also help you to feel more comfortable talking to a friend or community member.
Casual talk might yield some advice on how to deal with stress. It can also give you an idea of how serious your condition might be- or not be.
Focus On Life Before Your Stress Problem
Stress can come on in a gradual way due to life changes. Or it can be sudden due to an incident or experience. Either way, you shouldn’t let it stop you from doing things you enjoy.
It’s natural for stress to make new things seem scary. But they can also have this effect on activities you’ve had in the past.
For example, the onset of stress may cause you to stay away from old friends. Or, a car accident may cause you to avoid driving, riding in, or even being around cars.
Remind yourself that outings and activities served you well in the past. Seeing them now in a different light doesn’t change the nature of the activity.
Ease Into Stressful Activities
Doctors often suggest that you ease yourself back into your routine.
Let’s look at the car accident case.
Getting behind the wheel too early could be dangerous for you and for others. And it could reinforce your problem rather than help it.
Instead, try a rideshare company or taxis. You might want to ride with friends and family for a while before getting behind the wheel again.
At first, it may even be helpful to read a book in the car instead of paying attention to traffic.
JohnK 8-2-2018
man feels stressOverheard: “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”   
                       ~William James