Tag Archive for take risks

What’s Wrong With Staying In Your Comfort Zone?

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What’s Wrong With Staying In Your Comfort Zone?

Why do you stay in your comfort zone? Let’s see.

It’s stress-free. You’re not really challenged.

It’s familiar.

It’s also the place where you’re likely the most dissatisfied with your life. When we stay in our comfort zone, we’re forcing ourselves to stay stagnant.

We’re afraid to change for fear of what could happen. Through habit our brains keep us safe so we stay in our comfort zone instead of facing the unknown.

baby in comfort zone

Staying in our comfort zone though can cause problems as well.  GenuLines brings you 8 reasons to question staying in your comfort zone.

Not reaching your goals

If you stay in your comfort zone, you’re less likely to follow through on reaching your goals. You’re procrastinating,

You’re making excuses that keep you from taking action toward your goal.

Lack of growth

Staying in your comfort zone will probably keep you from growing into more than you are right now. You’ll always be stuck, never going forward and never growing and changing.

You might end up not achieving your goals because you’re stuck. You’re doing things the same way you’ve always done them, even when you’re not seeing any results.

You don’t step out of your comfort zone to explore what you’re capable of doing or what you can do.

No or lost passion

Staying in your comfort zone makes it harder for you to discover your path. Expect to find your path outside your comfort zone.

Feeling left behind

Your colleagues and others you relate to seem to race ahead of you. They might have been behind you as far as your life or career.

But because they stepped out of their comfort zones, they’ve passed you by.

Settling for less

By continuing to live in your comfort zone you push yourself to settle for less than you desire. You put your passions or things you love aside.

Your self-confidence lags

While you’re stuck in your comfort zone, you don’t build the confidence you need to grow and take on new challenges.

Your health suffers

Sometimes when you’re not getting out of your comfort zone you aren’t taking care of your health either. It can be from fear of going to the doctor, or not wanting to change your routines.

Do you avoid going to the gym for some reason such as appearing or trying something different?

You’ll be unprepared for changes

You’re inflexible and set in your ways when you stick to your comfort zone. Life can be difficult, throwing all kinds of things at you.

Things can happen that will pull you out of your comfort zone even if you don’t want to. Staying in your comfort zone keeps you from being open to new possibilities.

The reasons we stay in our comfort zone are the same ones that we should be using to step out of our comfort zone. Staying in your zone may feel comfortable.

But don’t limit yourself to settling for mediocrity.

JohnK 4-8-2024

stick figure hears about comfort zoneOverheard: “By leaving your comfort zone behind and taking a leap of faith into something new, you find out who you are truly capable of becoming.”



Article image  by Foden Nguyen: https://www.pexels.com/photo/baby-sleeping-wrapped-in-green-blanket-17873700/


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Finding Success Helps You Build Confidence

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You’re expecting great success in whatever you’re doing. But, when it comes to confidence that’s something else again.

Today we look at a GenuLines yardstick to help you measure up.

Finding Success Helps You Build Confidence
We’ve all experienced a time in our lives when our self-esteem was on the skids. The common thread in these experiences is a lack of confidence.

Think about a job you didn’t like. I’m guessing it wasn’t about your lack of knowledge.

A more likely reason is that you didn’t have the confidence in your ability to do the given tasks.

handshake of success

A strong sense of self and self esteem is essential to overcoming adversity. Success in this area builds your self-confidence.

Success Strengthens Your Self-Love
When you reach a goal, you’re proud of your accomplishment. You know your story and you’ve experienced the challenges firsthand.

You’re better able to endure. And this strength fuels your confidence that you’ll do what you intended to do.

Success Makes You Self-Reliant
Let’s use the life versus lemons example. You take lemons and create, say, a profitable lemonade stand.

You understand that you have power and the capability to overcome most anything.

Success Means Taking Risks
Success forces you venture out of your comfort zone. You act on opportunities that you may have passed on before.

Walking into new ventures despite the fears and the unknown requires absolute confidence. You have no idea if you’ll sink or swim.

Yet, taking that first step into the ocean is a brave move.

Many people shy away from taking on new tasks because they’re afraid of failure. They believe they’re unable to overcome a challenge.

Get into the mindset that no challenge is too difficult to overcome. Over time, this mentality will lead to ultimate self-confidence and power.

The journey of finding success in itself requires confidence. Sure, it’s easy to take what’s given to you, but is that building your inner strength?

Successful people fight for what they have and go out and get what they want. Through your efforts, wins and accomplishments, you develop a heightened sense of awareness.

This will enable you to continue reaching ever higher levels of success.

John K. 9-25/2023

stick man hears about successOverheard: “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out”

~ Robert Collier

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Trust Your Choices To Work For You

You trust others, but in yourself, you’re not so sure. Are you in this camp?
Today GenuLines offers some ideas to help you turn this around.

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Trust Your Choices To Work For You

alligator and man with trustYou may have a difficult time trusting yourself. If so, you’re not alone.
Often, when you lose trust in others, you start to lose trust in yourself.
To help you overcome this problem, you need to focus on key aspects of trust. The first is to be mindful of your accomplishments.
Pass off your accomplishments as unimportant and they won’t be there to draw on when you need them. That’s sure to interrupt the process of trusting yourself. 

Trust your instincts

This feeling will put you on target if it comes from the deepest part of you. An instinct is something you feel strongly about and does not come only from experiences.
It comes from something internal that defies explanation. It’s part of that inner voice that is telling you what to do.
You need only listen. How many times have you said to yourself that you should have listened to your instincts?

Opening up to others

A funny thing happens when you let others into your life. You find that you become more trusting of yourself.
Don’t be afraid to need other people.
Draw from the strength of others to supplement what you know. It’ll unburden you from feeling as though you have to do everything yourself.
And it will open you to the possibilities of trusting yourself.

Filter out negative information

You’re bombarded with negativity throughout your life. You get it every day in the news, at work, and too often, at home.
The more you learn to focus on positivity in your life, the easier it will be to trust yourself. A good first step towards this goal is to avoid negative people.
Trusting yourself sometimes requires a leap of faith. Take some chances.


Sure, you want to take calculated risks. But you don’t want to over-analyze every decision you make.
That will only cause you to stagnate.
It’s true that not everything will work out the way you plan. But you’ll never know unless you try.
The good news is that when you’re ready to try, many of your decisions will work for you.
JohnK 11-12-2019
stick figure talking about trustOverheard: “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
                                 ~Ernest Hemingway

Article image by skeeze from Pixabay

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