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5 Signs You Need to Improve Your Resilience

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Need a little more resilience in your life? It could come in handy during tough times. Today we’re offering you some “tough love.” from GenuLines. 

5 Signs You Need to Improve Your Resilience
sculpture lacks resilience


Successful people are resilient in some shape or form. If not they would never overcome failure.

You might see yourself as resilient, and in many ways, you could be right.

But if the following descriptions fit you, then your resilience may be falling short . Here are five signs that mean you need to improve your resilience.



1. You’re afraid of failure
Failure is a natural part of success. You may fail several times before you succeed in something.

In fact it may even be necessary before you see that success.

Being able to face your failures is a part of being resilient. If you let all your unsuccessful attempts keep you down you may never try again.

Being afraid of failure may be a sign that your resilience is not as strong as you think

2. You let negative thoughts keep you down
Resilience is a sign of mental fortitude. You can survive challenges without pervasive thoughts discouraging you from trying.

Negative thoughts also impact your mental health. And they can lower your perception of self-worth.

If you’re prone to constant negativity you need to work on your positivity. Positive thinking is a tenet of resilience and can help you find success.

3. You don’t learn from your mistakes
Growth is an important factor in resilience. Improving your skills and abilities will lead you to success.

How can you ever grow as a person if you keep making the same mistakes over and over?

Take a clear look at your mistakes. Don’t place blame.

You’ll improve yourself. And, you’ll grow.

Don’t pretend your mistakes never happened or you’ll be unable to avoid them the next time.

4. You lack confidence
Resilient people are confident in their abilities. even without success on the first try. Confidence gives you the willpower to try new and intimidating things.

If you’re too afraid to try, you’ll never succeed.

5. You don’t take responsibility for your failure
It’s easy to place blame on outside factors that you have no control over. You won’t always have power over everything, so you have to take every situation for what it is.

By acknowledging what you can control and change, you take agency in your life. Admit it if something didn’t go right because of something you did.

Don’t always blame others for your mistakes.

Resilience gives you the power to overcome challenges. Without it, you’ll be more prone to give up.

If you find that some of these signs describe you, then you may need to take steps to improve your resilience.

JohnK 10-2-2023

stick man hears about resilienceOverheard: “Fall seven times, stand up eight”

~Japanese Proverb


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