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6 Effective Ways To Change Your Attitude Towards The Positive

It’s tough to feel positive these days. A lot of us need what I call an “atti-tune-up.” Today GenuLines takes a look under the hood to help you run on all cylinders. 

6 Effective Ways To Change Your Attitude Towards The Positive

Your attitude reveals how you live your life, how you treat others, how others treat you, and a whole lot more.
man feeling positive
It can help you be successful at home and work.
At the same, you’ll enjoy a sense of inner peace and confidence.
If you’re looking for ways to boost your optimism, these six effective ways can help you.
Have the Desire to Change
Change may be scary. But if you want a more positive attitude, you have to embrace change.
You’ll find you become a calmer, more accepting person. Your self-confidence will also get a nice boost because fewer things bother you.
Personal growth is a slow and steady process. Yet, it goes hand-in-hand with change and all the good that can come of it.
Find a New Vantage Point
Life shows us both a good side and a bad. They’re always there, co-existing. Which one you see depends on your perspective.
The next time something happens, try to look at it from more than one angle. If there are other people involved, try to picture it from their point of view.
Being aware of other people’s vantage points gives clarity and puts things in their right place. It also helps you see both the good and bad in everything.
To develop a more positive attitude, direct more of your energy to the good.
Develop Good Habits
Negative thoughts and beliefs lead to negative habits. A habit is a learned behavior that, over time, becomes reflexive. Start doing more of the good habits.
Develop one good habit at a time. For example, start with taking a 10-minute walk during your lunchtime.
Add 10 minutes each week. You may even find yourself waiting in anticipation for your daily walks.
Other good habits to try could be: Getting quality sleep each night. Cutting back on processed food, alcohol, or smoking
And being a more effective manager of your money.
Take some time to re-energize and de-stress. Give back to your community.
Practice self-reflection through meditation, journaling, or prayer. Find a hobby that indulges your creative side
Spend Time with Positive People
Positive people seem to find a way to see the silver lining in a situation. Their presence will lift your mood.
Their can-do attitude will remind you of your accomplishments and life lessons.
Hanging out with people who have a positive attitude can help you see things in a brighter light. It’s a scientific fact that, after a while, you’ll start to think and act like them.
You’ll start to be more optimistic and self-assured.
Focus on Solutions
Rather than spending so much time and energy focusing on the problem, try to focus more on the solution. Brainstorm one, or ten, ways to solve a certain prickly situation.
It could get difficult in the beginning. But soon, finding solutions will become an automatic response.
Live in the Present
The past contains all life lessons that have helped shape the person you’ve become. In the future your goals and dreams are lying in wait.
While they’re important, they’re both out of your control.
The only thing you can control is the present moment. You can either make it the best it can be or you can let it pass you by, causing you to spend the rest of your life feeling regret.
One great way you can live in the present is to practice mindfulness. Sit somewhere quiet for a couple of minutes.
Let your eyes wander to absorb everything going on around you. Whatever it is you’re seeing, take a few seconds to look at every detail.
Mindfulness meditation doesn’t only reduce stress by allowing you to live in the moment. It also teaches you gratitude for all you have and all you’ve accomplished.
JohnK 11-7-2022
stick man hears about positiveOverheard: Satisfaction consists in freedom from pain, which is the positive element of life.
                                    ~Arthur Schopenhauer
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Five Effective Ways to Find Inspiration

Inspiration can come to you in a flash. But it can also avoid you when you need it most. 

GenuLines invites you to read on for some ways to get access to this thing called inspiration.

(you can listen to the article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)



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Five Effective Ways to Find Inspiration

light bulb of inspirationAt a loss for inspiration? Here are five techniques you can use to try and coax something new and exciting out of your brain.
They won’t always work, but give them a shot. They may just surprise you!
Go for a Walk
Walks are inspiring for many reasons. For starters, they allow us to take a break from what we’re doing and to change our environment.
In turn, this leads to new input. This can help us to gain a new perspective on whatever problem or task we’re wrestling with.
At the same time, walking is a monotonous task that allows our default mode network to kick in.
You could end up daydreaming, which is often, a source of great inspiration.

Ask the Right Questions

Sometimes, inspiration is merely asking the right questions. This can help to re-frame the problem and see it in a new way.
Let’s say you’re wondering how to solve a problem and you can’t come up with an answer. Make up a name.
Then try asking yourself how ‘Johnny’ would approach it. Likewise, instead of thinking about what you want something to be, decide what you don’t want it to be.

Take a Break

Sometimes, the best thing you can do to spark some creativity or solve a problem is to take a break. With a time-out, you stop trying to force the idea.
You ease your stress, and that lets ideas come to you much easier. This is why we’re often encouraged to sleep on big decisions.
Listen to Music
Music can be a great inspiration. It alters our mood and energy level and takes us to different places.
Often, you’ll find that music can leave you lost in thought. So try listening to some tracks while you mull over a subject, and see if that helps.

Talk it Over

You’ve seen ideas depicted as light bulbs. Or, as lightning strikes that show up in a flash, fully formed.
When you ask them most people admit that their best ideas formed slowly. They’ll tell you that they gestated for days, months, or even years before showing up.
Often, the best ideas come to us when we discuss them with other people. Even if we’re just thinking aloud, this can help us to see new perspectives.
And it can lead to new breakthroughs.
JohnK 1-28-2020

stick figure talking about inspirationOverheard: “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out”

                                        ~John Wooden
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