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10 Ways Exercise Boosts Your Self Confidence

Mentioning exercise can bring groans and frowns from the people around you. Not the kind of talk that will make you the life of the party.

Today GenuLines looks at how the effects of exercise might well make you the “toast of the party!”

10 Ways Exercise Boosts Your Self Confidence

Most anything, which can help boost our self-confidence, is good for us. One of the best ways to boost your self-confidence is through regular exercise.
This is not only good for self-assurance but also for better health. So how can exercise boost self-confidence?
(Click on the image below to listen to this post)
Man doing exercise
Here Are 10 Ways That Exercise Boosts Your Confidence:

1. Weight Control

Woman doing exerciseExercising along with healthy eating is the best way to control weight or lose weight. This is all about energy intake and energy burning.
Of course, if you burn more energy than you take in, then the more you’ll lose weight. Being overweight is a confidence destroyer.
So the better shape you’re in, the better you’ll feel.



2. Improves mood

A good workout is great for your mood. Before you think that this requires a trip to the gym, think again.
A good workout could be a brisk walk or a jog. In fact, anything that makes your body work harder can be a workout.
What this does is stimulate brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These promote a general feeling of well-being.
The results are less stress and anxiety.

3. It’s good for the heart

Regular exercising lowers the risk of various heart-related conditions. Exercise lowers blood pressure and reduces problems associated with diabetes.
It can even help in fighting heart disease. This is quite logical.
If exercising reduces weight it means that the heart has to work less. The heart is much healthier.
There’s also less pressure on joints and other areas of the body.

4. Keeps the body in shape

This is a bit different from weight control. Being is shape involves having a well-toned body and better posture. These are aspects connected with self-confidence.
When you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to make friends and more connections in life. You feel more confident.

5. More energy

If we don’t have the energy to do things, then everything becomes a chore. That can lead to feeling bad about oneself.
Regular exercise helps the whole bodywork better. The result is that chores become responsibilities.
And the more responsibility we’re coping with, the better we feel.

6. Better sleep

Regular exercise promotes good sleep. It’s proven that sleep is necessary for general feelings of well-being.
Sleep so affects our looks. Imagine preparing for an important meeting as you look in the mirror.
You see dark circles under bloodshot eyes. How confident will you feel?
So exercise will improve sleep. One word of warning – don’t exercise too near bedtime.

7. Improves productivity

Regular exercise helps clear the mind. Exercise gives you a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh.
As you push yourself with exercise you can realize new potentials. This in turn boosts self-confidence.
Very often, what you thought was a major problem before exercising disappears after.

8. Gives you something to look forward to

Once you have a reasonable schedule for exercising, you’ll start to look forward to it. This in itself is a confidence booster.
Once you start seeing the benefits of exercising, you’ll have the desire to continue. In the end, you feel better and look better.

9. Improves concentration

Exercise helps us to develop the necessary skills to concentrate on the task in hand. We’re better at handling tasks.
We start to see more praise and benefits.

10. Feelings of control and achievement

Working out takes effort, dedication, commitment, and care for oneself. All this can bring about enormous feelings of confidence.
Don’t Wait! Get Started Today!
Try incorporating regular exercising into your routine. You’ll experience the many benefits to your self-confidence that regular exercising gives.
JohnK 4-5-2021
Stick figure hears about exerciseOverheard: “Exercise should be regarded as a tribute in the heart”
                                 ~Gene Tunney
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Get Better Sleep The Easy Way

These days good sleep seems like, well, a dream. But  GenuLines wants you to “sleep tight.”

Rest assured that the following suggestions are designed to let you do just that. 


microphone for speaking about sleep





Get Better Sleep The Easy Way

baby going to sleepIf getting good sleep is a challenge for you you’re not alone. It’s a common complaint of working people.
And stress due to lockdown and constant negative news reports doesn’t help either.
If you’re in one or more of these categories, here are some of the ways that can help make positive changes:
Develop better sleeping habits
Good sleep habits help you complete tasks. If you’re falling down in this area get to working on those habits.
You might start with daytime routines that include eating smarter. Avoid food that contains stimulants such as caffeine.
An afternoon nap can work, but don’t “over nap” and affect your sleep at night.
Daily exercise can help 
Aside from health benefits, regular exercise also helps you get better sleep. This is because it lets the body do enough work to want to rest at night.
Consider simple exercises like brisk walking or light yoga.
Come up with your own personal sleeping plan
More than anyone you know your own body. If you’re having trouble sleeping, analyze what may be the problem.
If it’s something that you can handle, try to do the things that will help you overcome it. You can do this by coming up with a personal sleeping plan.
Decide on what you’ll do each night. If the specific plan doesn’t work today, try another the next night and then another one the next. By doing this, you can find the techniques that will work for you.

Create a good sleeping environment

An easy way to get good sleep is to create a comfortable, and cozy sleeping environment. Take a look at your bedroom.
Is there something there that keeps you awake? It could be time to re-arrange the space.
Check to see if your bed still suits the needs of your body and if not, try replacing it. Look for smaller items that catch your attention and make it hard for you to close your eyes.
If there are, try removing them for a while until you’re able to sleep better.
JohnK 6-30-2020
stick figure man hears about sleepOverheard: “There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep”
                                     ~Homer, The Odyssey
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4 Self-Care Tips For Extra Busy People

Even in a time of downtime you can find yourself short on time.Here are some GenuLines tips for making sure that self care is one of your priorities.  
microphone for speaking self-care





4 Self-Care Tips For Extra Busy People

Living in challenging times can leave little time to take care of yourself. The constant wail of news and social media take a toll on your physical, mental and emotional health.
If you’re struggling to find time for self-care, try these four tips. They’ll help you work good self-care habits into your schedule.
banner to boost self care

1. Establish a morning routine                                                       

Starting the day right is a good way to maintain your mental and physical health. This might include a healthy breakfast, daily exercise or meditation.self care means breathe
Figure out what works for you and do it every day.
Over time this will become a habit, helping you to take some time for self-care every day.
2. Schedule time off
It’s easy to find yourself in a cycle of continuous activity. You move from one activity to the next until it seems you’re just going through the motions.
Schedule some time off so you don’t get lost in the chaos.
It might be an afternoon away from your normal routine. Then again it could be something more extravagant like a weekend away or a vacation.
Whatever you choose, taking a break will allow you to relax and rejuvenate.

3. Get enough sleep

Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep.Good quality sleep allows your body to heal and re-energize.
Proper sleep helps you maintain good lifestyle habits, too. You’ll be less likely to make bad diet choices and avoid exercise when you’re rested.
Sleep is critical for physical and mental health. Make sure it’s one of your priorities.
4. Set realistic goals
Manage your mental health by setting realistic goals. Why let your commitment to something unachievable cause you to feel like a failure?
Spend some time considering your aspirations.
Make goals that are challenging, but possible for you to reach. You also need to set realistic goals when it comes to your self-care commitments.
Add things to your routine that will work long term with your lifestyle.
We all get 24 hours in a day. Make sure yours include time for self-care.
JohnK 6-24-2020
stick man hears about self-careOverheard: “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop”
Article image by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash
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