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How to Deal With People Who Drive You Crazy

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How to Deal With People Who Drive You Crazy 

There’s one in every office, every family and every group you’ve ever been a part of. A person who drives you up the wall and makes your blood boil.

They seem to have a cheat sheet on what pushes your buttons. And GenuLines knows they can get under your skin.

So how do we deal with these people who frustrate us and make us impatient? Try these  tips during your next work meeting, family reunion or carpool.

man upset with people

We all have different priorities

What you think is a must-do isn’t always everyone else’s. This thinking has been the cause of many spousal disagreements and work resignations.

Keep this in mind when it seems someone isn’t taking action that you think is important. They might not be trying to drive you nuts; they might only have a different priority than yours.

Put yourself in their shoes

Sometimes, all you need to throttle down your impatience is empathy. Someone could be dealing with major life events or be under a great deal of stress.

And they aren’t thinking about the fact that they might be driving you nuts. Put yourself in their situation and see if you can offer them a little empathy.

Ask yourself why they bother you so much

Could it be that they mirror a fault of your own that drives you to distraction? Are they always late and that habit holds everything up?

Look at your own habits

How often are you late? How often do you keep people waiting or expect them to wait for you?

You might actually be responding more to something you see as a character flaw in yourself, but can’t admit to.

Remember that everyone has a different natural rhythm

We don’t all march to the same drummer, and we don’t all have the same internal pace. Some people are more easy going and have a slower rhythm, even when they’re in a hurry.

This can be frustrating. But keeping in mind that we all have a different pace can ratchet down your anger.

People move at the rate that feels right to them.

Focus on their best qualities

It’s easy to focus on the little things that irritate us, but when we do, that’s all we are able to notice. Rather than get impatient with someone, think about what you like or respect about them.

This helps put those little irritations in perspective.

JohnK 12-16-2024


stick man hears about peopleOverheard: “I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him”

~Booker T. Washington


Article image by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/upset-male-with-headache-taking-break-after-intensive-work-3974785/



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The Art of Rapid Problem Solving

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The Art of Rapid Problem Solving

When you think of problem solving, what comes to mind?  Or, What ideas or images pop up for you when you hear the words “problem solving”?

Most of us might see someone sitting at a desk or scratching their head and chewing a pencil.

We would approach these challenges in a gradual way. And we’d take a gradual approach to solving them.

In reality though, this isn’t always the case.

youngster problem solving y



Often, we’ll have to solve problems in a hurry and, on the fly. And this is when things can get difficult.

Here GenuLines looks at why this ability is so important and what you can do to improve it.




Action Sports

The best place to study ‘rapid problem solving’ is in the world of action sports. This will include sports like snowboarding, surfing, racecar driving and others.

These involve last-minute reflexes and reactions. You might think that these actions are automatic and in the moment.

Even so you can still consider them forms of decision making.

For instance, it might be pure impulse to go around an obstacle. But you still need to think about which way around that obstacle you want to go.

This could include which route would be quicker. Or which has the most obstacles further on and which will make it easiest to balance as you travel.

The decisions you might face are countless.

In every-day life we make decisions like this all the time too – right down to knowing when to cross the road. So how can you improve this kind of decision-making process?

Flow States

The answer might lie in ‘flow states’. A flow state is a psychological phenomenon.

It lets you make rapid but accurate decisions.

The kinds you would otherwise not be capable of. During these states you’re completely focused on the matter at hand.

And your performance is flawless though you’re almost not thinking about it. The world seems to slow down, and you become untouchable.

It’s a lot like the zone you enter when you’re very focused on a work project.

The fuel for this state is a large number of neurochemicals. These include dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide and endorphins.

It’s much like the fight or flight response (which tends to deaden creativity). Even so you remain relaxed and in control the whole time.

How to Get Into Flow

So how do you get into flow? The answer seems to be that you need to be completely focused on what you’re doing.

And this happens when you’re a) very passionate about it, or b) you believe your life is on the line. To be better at rapid decision making you need to be 100% present.

And as with anything, the best way to do that is to practice. Practice while doing things that mean a lot to you.

And look for your rapid decision making to improve!

JohnK 8/12/2024

stick man hears about problem solvingOverheard: “All problems become smaller when you confront them instead of dodging them”

                                                                 ~ William F. Halsey

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