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You Can Improve Your Character Defects

Your character is not set in stone. There are ways to make changes that can power up your life. 

Let GenuLines start you on your own character re-charge.. 

You Can Improve Your Character Defects

Everybody has at least one character defect. But it’s how you go about changing your bad habits that define you as a person.
Life is non- linear and non- stagnant, and nobody is perfect. Keeping that in mind, be gentle on yourself.
And open your mind as you discover your character defects and work towards changing them.
examples of character



What Are Character Defects?

They are what seem to be harmful or toxic traits hindering your growth. These present issues for you in your life.
It could be a vice, your habits, or a way of thinking. It’s something that you have may have recognized as a problem area that you would like to fix.

Changing Your Personality

Personality changes don’t happen overnight. It’s a process.
As humans, we spend most of our lives changing and evolving. The key is to acknowledge and work on what you see as an issue in your life and take action to fix it.
Personality has to do with your mind and the way you think. Here are some steps and things to think about as you work on overcoming what you believe is holding you back.

Progress Not Perfection

We spend the majority of our lives working to better ourselves. The goal is to start the process chase this idea of making progress, not finding the solution.
It’s the steps you take toward the solution that count.
Time is linear. But remember that progress and life are very much non-linear in how and when events in life happen.
It’s okay if something doesn’t work. The goal is to keep trying. 

Replace Behavior

Replace malicious behavior with positive behavior. Substitute destructive activities with alternative tasks.
Use these to distract yourself. It can be something productive, but it doesn’t need to be.
The goal is for it to be less harmful than whatever it is you are trying to replace. This will do one of two things.
It will rewire your brain until you won’t focus or crave that harmful activity. And two, it would provide you less time to think about such.


Don’t give up. Aim to change and improve yourself as a person.
This is an ongoing process. We’ll spend our whole lives improving.
And we’ll become better versions of ourselves each time. It won’t be perfect, but the idea is progress, not perfection.

Let Go

Let go of old negative behaviors from your past. Work towards conquering past pain so that you can move forward.
Let go of the things that stop you from moving forward. The ones that make you bitter or bear a grudge, and in general, anything that’s not making you happy.
Taking off that bitter edge will allow you to move forward and give up things that no longer serve you.


Envision what you want for yourself and who you want to be. In a sense you’ll be a role model for yourself.
And you provide yourself something to strive toward. Control your narrative.
You can become the type of person you want to be. You have the power to change.
Not right away, but over time.

We grow

Everybody has something that could fall into the category of a character defect. We’re always growing and evolving.
Identify your problem areas and make a plan to address them. This will go a long way to a happier, healthier life.
JohnK 3-21-2022
Stick figure hears about characterOverheard: “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”
                                            ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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