Tag Archive for New Year resolutions

Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

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Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

There has to be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends and a New Year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences.

It’s a good time for GenuLines to look at the endings in your life. For example , the death of a loved one, will leave you sad.

But if you accept the loss and focus on the good memories the person brought you can move on.

sprout shows new beginnings

Each step in your life

These are necessary for you to continue growing. The end of high school or college signifies the beginning of adulthood.

This might give way to a career that you’ve studied for.

Every New Year is an opportunity for you to sit down and figure out what you want to change in the coming year. What will make you a better and happier person.?

Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking, move on to another job? Now is the time to rethink and reset your goals and make the necessary changes in your life.

Endings can only come when you let go of thinking about the negative events. When bad things go beyond your control you’ve got to distance yourself.

Make space for the positive 

Get a grip on the reality of endings. You don’t like all endings, but you do need to accept their reality.

If you don’t learn to accept endings to allow for new beginnings, you might give up. That could open the door to a lifetime of regrets.

Think about things in a new way. You may think of yourself as “set in your ways,” about certain things.

But you have the right to change your mind if something changes, like more facts about what happened. Sometimes it helps to gain a fresh perspective on life and let go of old beliefs.

Remember, if you don’t take chances, change isn’t possible. You can hold on to the good things in your life, but if a new idea triggers excitement and fulfillment in your life, try it.

If you don’t, you may regret it.

JohnK 12-30-2024

stick figure hears about new beginningsOverhead: “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down”

                                                                    ~Mary Pickford


Article photo by Kindel Media: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-person-holding-a-plant-in-a-glass-6774951/


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How to Find And Begin Your One Goal

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If you break New Year resolutions try making goals instead. In fact, aim for one goal.

There’s a way to do this and GenuLines has a plan that can help you.

How to Find And Begin Your One Goal

When you sleep, you dream. Even if you don’t remember those dreams when you wake up, you do still have them.

The thing about dreams is that we have them one at a time. They don’t overlap.

They’re okay with waiting in line and taking their turn.

Think about making your goals  like your dreams—one at a time. Here are a few ideas from GenuLines on how you can decide on your next goal.

hockey goal

1.                 Find the ONE goal
It might be that the reason people make vague resolutions instead of New Year’s Goals is that a goal is a big thing. And it can be overwhelming.

But losing the big picture means losing the prize.

Ask yourself these questions:
·        Why are you doing what you’re doing? The why provides motivation even when you’re discouraged.

Knowing the why will also help clarify your goal.

·        Next year, what achievement from this year will have the most significant impact on your life. Would it get you closest to achieving your goals?

If you’re looking to become healthier, this might be becoming a non-smoker. If you’re looking to change careers, it might be going back to school for more training.

Attention Please

·        What takes your full attention while you’re doing it? Where does your passion lie?

Are you consumed by cars? Does being a mechanic sound like something to look into?

·        What do you believe is worth doing that other people might not? That’s a question designed to give insight into your personality.

In the 1960s Rosey Grier played pro football for the New York Giants and later for the LA Rams.

He was 6’5” and 300 pounds.

He also spent off field time knitting. It was his passion.

What makes you so passionate that you don’t mind standing alone to do it? What drives you or from what do you take comfort?

How can that be a part of the goal? Or can it become the goal?

2.                 Translate your goal into a number

Numbers are easier to remember. What number?

For example,  your goal is to become an ex-smoker. If you smoke a pack per day at $5 per pack, that’s 5 X 365 or $1,825 spent each year on cigarettes.

That’s a good number

Call it $2,000 by the time you factor in all those trips to the gas station for cigarettes. Does that number make the goal real?

3.                  Keep your eyes on the prize

Get out a sheet of paper. Write down  that $2,000 number in big, bold, colorful numbers.

Use crayon if you like.

Post that number where you can see it. Often.

Learn to rank your goals. By doing this you’ll find it easier to pick the one that means the most to you right now.

Then put your laser like focus on that particular goal until you get to where you want to go.

JohnK 1-1-2024


stick man hears about a goalOverheard: “Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.”

~ Elbert Hubbard


Article image by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/metal-bar-with-net-on-the-ice-surface-6847387/


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Are You Even Capable of Personal Transformation?


banner to help your transformationYou may have some sort of transformation on the list of changes to make in the New Year. Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a long time.

Let’s pause for a moment as GenuLines asks if you have what it takes.

Are You Even Capable of Personal Transformation?

People seem to want changes in their lives. They might want a new career.

Or they want to lose weight. Some want to do something different that nobody’s done before.

They want to go through some personal transformation.

But is it even possible for us to transform?

man ponders transformationThink about the number of times you’ve made New Year’s resolutions. Did any of them last?

Many people give up because they know it’s an exercise in futility. Then, you have those who try over and over again to lose weight.

They try one diet after another and after a few months gain most of the pounds back.

On the other end of the spectrum are people who have overcome major obstacles. They’ve thrived, often never looking back from their new situations.

Do some of us have different wiring?

Most people are capable of transforming their lives. If that weren’t true, you’d have way fewer success stories in the world.

It depends on how badly people want to make changes. Sometimes, people aren’t ready for a change.

Your environment also plays a huge role in determining success in implementing changes. Being with negative-thinkers who discourage change is going to make succeeding difficult.

If you’re looking to transform, align yourself with people who want to help you succeed.

People are different. Some are naturals at making transformations.

And they don’t need help or encouragement from others.

They have strong wills and keep going until the change becomes part of their lives. Others need more help and encouragement.

Look to the past

Your upbringing could be a factor in how well you adapt to change. Let’s say your parents preferred the status quo.

Your first reaction to change might be hard, at least in the beginning.

Bear in mind, there are plenty of people who break away from the mold of their families. They make changes in spite of their family backgrounds.

Don’t give up. If something doesn’t work out, try something else or look at the situation in a different way.

Learn from your mistakes and failures and continue until you’re where you want to be. Determination and persistence are your biggest allies when making your transformations.

Granted, it’s never easy. If it were, everyone would make the necessary changes and change would not be scary.

Never let anyone stand in the way of something you must do.

JohnK 12-25-2023

stick man hears about transformationOverheard: “In order to save myself, I must destroy first the me I was told to be.”



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