Tag Archive for mindfulness

Develop Creative Ideas- And Make Them Your Own

Creativity is a word that’s familiar to you. You probably use it from time to time. But do you understand it?

Creativity is about imagination, newness, freshness, and ingenuity. Yet it’s tempting to copy creativity from others. Below you’ll find some ways to fuel your creativity ‘engine.’


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Creative genius. It’s all around you. In the phones and other tech devices you use. In the music you listen to and the movies that keep you riveted to the screen.

picture of creativity

And maybe you have the mistaken opinion that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. It probably comes from the idea of ‘personality type.’
This makes you think personality and style of working are set in stone.
That’s not true at all. Your so-called personality type is only a set of behavior patterns. You took these on to help you meet the different challenges of your early life.
You can change those patterns.
The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs exercise to give you great results.
If you don’t practice harnessing creative thinking, this skill will atrophy. And the ‘muscle’ will become weak.
But keep it working and it will come to you whenever you call.
So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing to do is to become a human leech.
No, we’re not talking about sucking the blood out of every living being in sight. We’re saying that you should take in as much knowledge and learning as you can find.
Read everything available — good and bad. And keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
The more you know, the more you’ll want to know. And the more your faculty of wonder will kick in.
Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color to your life.
Focus on a creative activity every day. Yes, it’s an effort. But even doodling is a creative activity.
Don’t let anything hinder you.
Sometimes daydreaming is a creative activity. But if you’re new to creative thinking you might need concrete evidence.
When you see it you’ll be able to say “hey, what I’m doing is getting somewhere.”
JohnK 6-27-2018
Image for creativityOverheard: “Creativity is a drug I cannot live without”
                       ~ Cecil B. DeMille

Should I Be Vegan or Vegetarian? What’s the Difference?

Vegan and vegetarian. Words we hear pretty often.child eating vegan
But do you know exactly what they mean?
And what about their cousins?
Words like pescatarian.
What the heck? 
Today we’ll try to clear the air a bit with a quick look at eating styles. See if any of these fit you. Check out the article below. 



Going vegan, or vegetarian is a great way to eat smarter, lose weight, burn fat and feel energetic. Choosing to live a healthier lifestyle starts with your diet.
Estimates show that up to 70% of your physical fitness level is a direct result of your diet. So, “Good for you!” for deciding to go vegan or vegetarian.
By the way, what is the difference?
A vegan is definitely a vegetarian, but not all vegetarians are vegans. And what is this pescatarian thing anyway?
Defining the Difference Between Vegan and Vegetarian
Before you join a club or organization, you first find out what they are all about, right? What do they believe?
What are the basic tenets, rules and unwritten laws which govern that organization? Choosing between a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle? Ask yourself the same questions.
– Vegan – A person who excludes the use of animals for clothing, food or any other purpose. They do not consume or use any products made from animals.
This means they do not eat eggs, meat, milk or any other animal-based food.
– Vegetarian – This is someone who does not eat meat or fish. Unlike a vegan, some types of vegetarians eat dairy products, eggs, and cheese.
Vegetarians don’t usually concern themselves with excluding animal-based non-food products. These include things like clothing.
The Different Types of Vegetarians
Now you’re beginning to see the differences. Vegans look at food and nonfood production in a different light. They can be more passionate about the exclusion of animals from the process.
Vegetarians pretty much stick to a plant-based diet. But you may find them wearing leather shoes and clothing. Or they may eat eggs and cheese and drink milk.
Check out these different types of vegetarians …
Pescatarian – This person is pretty much a vegetarian. But, they also eat fish and other seafood products, dairy, and eggs.
Flexitarian – If you would like to be an “almost vegetarian”, the flexitarian diet might be right for you. This is a vegetarian who sometimes eats eggs, cheese, and dairy products.
They also eat less meat.
Lacto vegetarian – As a “lacto” you can exclude poultry, meat, fish and any egg products from your diet. But you can still eat dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and milk,
Lacto ovo vegetarian – Do you love cheese, eggs, egg-based food items. Do you have to have yogurt, milk and other dairy products?
When you add these foods to an almost completely plant-based diet you are a lacto ovo vegetarian. 
JohnK 6-20-2018
Image for veganOverheard: “There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”
                            ~George Bernard Shaw

Forgiveness Can Restore Your Life: It’s Your Choice

It doesn’t take much looking around anymore to find a real need for forgiveness. Society keeps a laundry list of “somebody-done-somebody-wrong-what-should-be-done-about-it” items.
Look at your own life. What are you carrying around? More importantly, can you “put it down?”
Chi For Yourself answers in the affirmative. Read on to find out how you can lighten the load through forgiveness–


Does it seem that your days are a constant stream of anger and resentment? Is it tough remembering when you were happy?
You know, those times when you greeted your days with more enthusiasm?
Ah, but that was before my partner (and love in general) let me down!
child with forgiveness
You may think that holding on to anger and grief grants you a certain power. One that you wouldn’t have if you forgave and let go of the anger and confusion.
It doesn’t seem logical that forgiveness can give you a new outlook. An outlook free of constant thinking about how and why you were “wronged.”
Forgiveness is not excusing or condoning the act. Nor is it letting someone back into your life.
Forgiveness is actually a gift you can give yourself. Doing this will restore your life to a sort of normalcy. You’ll enjoy the good things about life. And, you won’t let the bad stuff get you down.
I like to say that we make choices. And forgiveness is a process you must choose. It’s not a sudden awakening that pushes you to let someone “off the hook.’
Forgiveness is a powerful ally in your life. It’s critical to restoring relationships and/or carrying on with life. No more wallowing in self-pity.
When you forgive, you take a load off of yourself. You rid your mind of thoughts of revenge. You can move forward with a happy here-and-now. And you de-clutter your path toward manifesting in the future.
You’ll be surprised how forgiveness can soothe aches and pains. Plus you’ll be able to open yourself up to better relationships.
You may not feel able to trust someone immediately. But gradually you’ll experience honesty and respect. You’ll have a newfound trust and openness.
You may not be ready to forgive – and, that’s okay. But, you can begin working toward forgiveness and enjoy the journey.
Just deciding to forgive starts freeing you from corrosive feelings that bother you.
It feels nothing short of traumatic when your life has been rocked by someone you trusted and loved. Forgiveness is a path to restoring your life so that you’re open and your spirit is ready.
Choose to experience life again!
JohnK 6-13-2018
Image for forgivenessOverheard: “Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.”
                       ~Indira Gandhi
Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash

A Chi For Yourself “Happy Dance”, And Law of Attraction Re-visited

Happy was the order of the day when Andrew Matthews visited Chi For Yourself. Andrew reminded us that to be happy we have to emulate happy and successful people. And he says that it’s what you feel that attracts the sort of life you have. 
Andrew Matthews being happy
Andrew Matthews is the author of How Life Works: Why Happy People Are More Successful. How You Can Be Like Them!
Listen to last week’s show by clicking on below–
radio logo for happy
image for haRecently I had the chance to respond to a blog post and I just couldn’t resist. I rarely do this. The writer read The Secret, did affirmations, and felt this “belief” was all fueled by ego wants. The following is an excerpt of my response.  As the saying goes, “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse.”
O.K. kids, time to clear this up once and for all… Law of Attraction does not manipulate anything. And, ego is not the driver of LOA.
Let’s put away our copies of The Secret and get this thing right. Law of Attraction is more accurately known as Law of Vibration. 
This vibration occurs in everything in the universe, including YOU. Work on honing your energy or vibration- think gratitude, love, and so on.
You’ll ACTIVATE and work with The Law of Vibration to deliberately manifest. You do this by seeking out ways to optimize your energy and clear the way for the alignment process to work.
Universal Law is not about “believing.” It’s not a faith, a cult, a fad, a superstition, or a parlor trick. 
It’s not the fast track to a new Lexus or a winning lottery ticket. It’s been around forever and it ain’t goin’ anywhere.
Honing this magnetic energy as mentioned earlier can have extraordinary effect. It’s constantly affecting individuals, communities, and even countries.
Studies have shown that attractor energies can impact something as basic as water. And, water makes up more than half of an adult male’s body. See Dr. Masaru Emoto’s study
Still having a problem believing this Universal Law business?  Step off of a tall building and see if you believe in another Universal Law- the Law of Gravity.
Whew! Law of Attraction is not a threat to you or your religion for that matter. You don’t have to convert to a dogmatic creed, do penance, or sacrifice any virgins.
JohnK 6-6-2018
Image for happyOverheard: Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
                     ~Earl Nightingale

Happy Days And How You Can Have Em’: Next CHI FOR YOURSELF


What’s it take to be happy? We’ll explore that question on this week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF.


Andrew Matthews being happyOur scheduled guest is Andrew Matthews, author of How Life Works: Why Happy People are More Successful. How You Can Be Like Them!

Andrew teaches how to emulate happy and successful people and that it’s what you feel that attracts the sort of life you have.



You can listen in this Thursday, May 31st at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.

C’mon, get happy!


JohnK 5-30-2018

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Don’t Let Excuses Destroy Your Momentum

Are excuses getting in your way? Another week is passing by and you’re no closer to reaching your goal. Or wish. Or dream! 
Here’s a gentle reminder from CHI FOR YOURSELF about excuses and what you can do about them. 
Excuses. They’re some of the biggest momentum destroyers. But you can overcome the need to create excuses by keeping moving in the right direction.
The smallest actions toward achieving your goal can keep your momentum moving along.
You want your action to be consistent. This will keep momentum moving and your goals on track.
In time, your progress will become easier and your actions will be done without even thinking. You’ll enjoy the actions much more too. And you’ll become more enthused as you realize one success after another.
chalkboard excuses
Here are some common excuses. They’re often used to keep you from beginning or following through with a commitment:
Time constraints –
“I just have too much to do and can’t exercise (or whatever else you need to do). Everyone has the same amount of time, but they don’t set the proper priorities.
Decide what’s most important to you. Then take action after weeding out some of the less important tasks in your life.
It’s too difficult –
You may need to break down the goal into small steps so that you better understand and can complete it. Make it a point to study and analyze what you want and how to get it.
That may mean going back to school, but if you want it badly enough, it’s worthwhile.
Too old (or too young) –
Look at older folks. Some have accomplished what seemed like impossible feats in their later years.
And look at those who’ve reached phenomenal success at very young ages. If you have the will and commitment to gather the momentum you need – you’ll succeed.
The time isn’t right –
You might think you’ll do it when the kids are out of school, when you retire, or when your finances are in better shape.
Chances are, the time will never be quite right to begin the motions to reach your most lofty goals. Begin now – even in small increments – to create the momentum necessary to move you along.
What are some of the excuses you’ve used in the past? Did they keep you from completing a project or beginning the process to reach a goal?
Decide whether your excuse is valid or a momentum killer that’s holding you back.
JohnK 5-24-2018
Image for excusesOverheard:  “It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” 
                        ~ George Washington

How Much Exercise Do You Need Every Day To Lose Weight?

Warmer weather seems to be more conducive to exercise. Maybe you’re looking to break a sweat and lose a few pounds in the process.
GenuLines always supports good health, and managing your weight is a big part of that. 
Below are some things to keep in mind during your program. All the best!

How Much Exercise Do You Need Every Day To Lose Weight?

Weight loss requires both a disciplined dietary approach and exercise. Other factors are important too. But, how much exercise do you need to do?
There’s no magic number of minutes, reps or hours needed to produce weight loss. Rather there are variables that you have to consider to reach the right numbers.
Here are some options to help you come up with an exercise time frame that works best for you.
Variable 1: Calories Consumed and Calorie Quality
The first principle of weight loss is that to lose weight you must reach a caloric deficit. This means burning more calories than you’re consuming.
barbell for exercise
So, to know the amount of exercise needed to lose weight, you need to know your daily caloric intake. Just as important are the sources of those calories.
For example, vegetables versus potato chips. If you function on a low-calorie diet you’ll need less exercise to lose weight.
You may be fine with a moderate 3-4 day a week training plan. If you eat large amounts of food you’ll need to up your exercise plan.
Variable 2: Exercise Type and Intensity
The second key variable is the type and intensity of exercise. 20 minutes on the elliptical has a far different energy output than 20 minutes of all-out sprinting.
kettle bells for exercise
This variable can also dovetail with our first variable. The greater the calorie consumption, the more energy for high-intensity exercise. Otherwise, you may not need to exercise for an especially long time or at a high intensity.
In general, aerobic-intensive exercise is different. It requires a longer time to see any sort of effective impact on weight loss.
Jogging, biking, the elliptical or other options eat up more time. This could consume hours over the course of a week before you see a meaningful impact.
Anaerobic activities will be more effective in a shorter amount of time. These include sprinting, resistance training or interval training methods.
But, their intensity level is much higher. So, you’ll need a certain level of fitness to get the full potential and results.
Variable 3: What is the Weight Loss Goal?  How much time do we have to achieve it?
The third variable is arguably the most important. Think of your car ride or travel plans.
They’re determined by your destination. Your exercise plan and weight loss journey will be dictated by the goal we have set. If the goal is to lose 5 pounds in two months, that is a fairly modest and achievable goal for most.
If you’re a sedentary person you would only need to exercise 20-30 minutes a day for 3-4 days a week to achieve this goal.
Conversely, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds in two months, the equation is quite different. This would involve more hours every day at high intensity to achieve that same goal.
Putting it All Together: Finding the Right Number
We’ve examined the variables. Now we can consider how much exercise we need per day to lose weight.
jogging for exercise
Let’s say you have a low caloric intake, low-intensity aerobic exercise, and a modest goal.
You might be O.K. with 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise a day. Not so if you love to eat, love to lift weights and also have an ambitious goal for weight loss.
You’re going to have to spend considerable time every day working out to reach those goals. Your best bet would be to assess your starting point as compared to your goal.
Look at how much time you have to reach that goal. Then make your plan to reach it.
This is a better bet than relying on a standard number or cookie-cutter approach.
JohnK 5-16-2018
Image for exerciseOverheard: ”Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
                           ~ George Bernard Shaw

Breaking Up With Busy: This Week on CHI FOR YOURSELF


Being busy has become a status symbol in society. Overworking and under-sleeping are two of the byproducts of this. But what does all the busyness accomplish?

Yvonne Tally on busynessOur scheduled guest on this week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF has written a book that shows you how to reclaim your time and get off the busyness hamster wheel.

Yvonne Tally is the author of Breaking Up with Busy: Real-Life Solutions for Overscheduled Women.



Be with us for the interview with Yvonne Tally on Thursday, May 10th, at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com



JohnK 5-9-2018

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Feeling Hungry? Get A Plan!

Picture this. You come home from work stressed, exhausted, and hungry. You decide that tonight might be a great night to order in.
Hungry woman
Do you find yourself doing this two or three times a week because your life is so busy? The scenario isn’t meant to shame, Most of us have been there.
Life doesn’t stop because your day has been crazy busy.
The kids still need to eat. The laundry still needs to get done. And you still have a night of balancing your checkbook ahead of you.
Let’s be honest, who would have time to even think about cooking with a schedule like that? This is where the importance of planning comes in.
When you’re able to plan your meals ahead of time you won’t need to hit that drive-thru window. You’ll already have your dinner ready, all you need to do is heat it. With everything already in place, you can focus on other things while your food is cooking.
Taking one or two hours a week to plan your meals might seem like a hassle. But this can save you hours in the future.
Doing something once a week is a lot easier than doing it several times a week. One trip to the grocery store and one afternoon in the kitchen. This can produce an entire week of meals for your family.
But planning your meals is only the beginning. You can also plan your trip to the grocery store.
What was once a headache can be a breeze when you have a categorized list in front of you. Make an Excel spreadsheet and list your grocery categories in bold, (frozen, produce, meats, etc.).
Then put each item under the appropriate category and print it out. Now you have an easy-to-use, focused list that will keep you on track.
And, your printout can be a template for your future grocery lists.
JohnK 5-2-2018
Image for hungryOverheard: “True healthcare reform starts in your kitchen, not in Washington”  

Boost Your Confidence by Making Better Decisions

You’re starting another week. Another week of decisions you’ll need to make. But somehow those decisions don’t get made.
It’s one of the more frustrating situations you (and those around you) can face. You can’t seem to make a decision and stick to it.
signpost toward decision
There can be many reasons why you lack the confidence to make decisions in your life.
As a child your parents may have made all your decisions for you. And you weren’t supposed to question them..
Or it could be that you don’t like the pressure decision making puts on you. You question whether you’re making the right decision. And you’re fearful about how your decision will affect others.
You may feel very anxious at the thought of having to make a decision.
Here are a few ways to recognize if you’re someone who lacks the confidence to make  decisions:
You would rather have someone else make the decision for you –
Passing the decision-making process to another could show a lack of confidence.
You never make a decision –
Other people may be relying on you for a decision, but you let weeks or months slide by without deciding.
When you do make a decision, you second-guess yourself –
This is another demonstration of lack of confidence in your abilities.
Regardless of what led to an inability to trust yourself you can become better if you work at it.
Here are some ideas for improving your confidence and making good decisions.
Make an “unofficial” decision –
This is a decision that’s not yet set in stone. Make a decision, and live with that decision for a day.
For example, you’ve decided to upgrade to a bigger house, and you have the money saved up. You find a house that you really like that fits all the criteria you want in a bigger house.
It has a big yard, a deck, and an attached garage. But, you have trouble making decisions.
You may find that you try to talk yourself out of it. You begin to worry how you’ll afford it, the increased heating and cooling costs, and so forth.
This is where it can help to make an “unofficial” decision. You have to decide that you will or will not move.
Pick one, and live with that decision for a day. Convince yourself that the decision is a real one.
Then see how your decision makes you feel. This can be a good way to test decisions before making them official.
Knowing that you can still change your mind, if it doesn’t feel right, can be comforting.
Recognize decisions that are reversible –
For example, you’re having a tough time choosing a color of house paint. Start by picking some swatches. Then make a decision rather than fretting over the perfect color.
If you start painting and don’t like the color you can just reverse course and choose another color.
Ask yourself: what is the worst that can happen? –
Not all decisions are life altering. If you begin by making small decisions (like choosing which movie to go to) your confidence can grow as time goes on. You’ll be better positioned to make bigger decisions as time passes.
Write down the pros and cons of each decision you are considering –
It might help if you put your ideas on paper. List what you like and don’t like about them.
Seeing rather than only thinking about the options can make it easier to come to a decision.
man making decisionOverheard:  “To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.”

                       ~Maxwell Maltz