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5 Factors That Keep You From Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Why are you here and what is your purpose? Don’t spend your life struggling with this question, as many do. 

Explore the possibilities with GenuLines and start finding some answers.

5 Factors That Keep You From Finding Your Life’s Purpose

A great way to find your true purpose in life is by living what I call your ‘genuine life.” You live your life without needing approval from other people.
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You explore your interests and passions. And when you discover that passion, you have to listen to one voice only.
The voice that lives inside of you. That voice which is your True North.
The voice that will tell you to keep trying, keep moving, believe in yourself, and to stay true to your purpose.
Unfortunately, few people find their true purpose in life. They’re living a life someone told them they’re supposed to live.
Or they follow the misguided notion that finding your true purpose takes years and years. Which may not always be the case.
Here are 5 things that are hindering you from finding your true purpose in life:
1. You don’t know where to begin
To find your calling know where to begin searching. And the best place to start is inside you.
What are you passionate or excited about? What are you so good at that people come to you for help or advice?
That could be your true purpose.
2. You rely on other people to dictate your life purpose
You miss your calling when you become accustomed to people telling you how to live. And what you ought to be doing.
Close friends or family may have the right intentions when advising you. They’ll tell what you should be pursuing.
But because they have good intentions doesn’t mean they’re right. They may have a picture of who and what they want you to become.
But that doesn’t mean it’s what you must become.
3. You’re busy comparing your life to that of others
Don’t spend your time focusing on “If only I was that smart.” Or “I wish I could do that.”
You won’t appreciate what you’re already great at. Get rid of negative thoughts, and replace them with “I was born to have an impact and I will find out what that is.”
4. You already have a “picture” of what your purpose is
We all have an “idea” of what we’re meant to do. Or which line of work we’re supposed to be in, particularly during our adolescent years.
Not to generalize but more often than not this is an idealized “picture.” This picture from our younger years turns out to be the wrong picture. 
5. You are not seeking guidance from the right people
While discovering your true purpose on your own is the way to go, seeking guidance from the right people won’t hurt. It will speed up the process of finding out what your calling is in life.
It will give you ample time to look for ways of staying true to your purpose. And working on becoming who you’re meant to be.
JohnK 9-5-2022
Stick figure hears about finding purposeOverheard: “There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim”
                                               ~Napoleon Hill
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