Tag Archive for life changes

Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

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Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

There has to be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends and a New Year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences.

It’s a good time for GenuLines to look at the endings in your life. For example , the death of a loved one, will leave you sad.

But if you accept the loss and focus on the good memories the person brought you can move on.

sprout shows new beginnings

Each step in your life

These are necessary for you to continue growing. The end of high school or college signifies the beginning of adulthood.

This might give way to a career that you’ve studied for.

Every New Year is an opportunity for you to sit down and figure out what you want to change in the coming year. What will make you a better and happier person.?

Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking, move on to another job? Now is the time to rethink and reset your goals and make the necessary changes in your life.

Endings can only come when you let go of thinking about the negative events. When bad things go beyond your control you’ve got to distance yourself.

Make space for the positive 

Get a grip on the reality of endings. You don’t like all endings, but you do need to accept their reality.

If you don’t learn to accept endings to allow for new beginnings, you might give up. That could open the door to a lifetime of regrets.

Think about things in a new way. You may think of yourself as “set in your ways,” about certain things.

But you have the right to change your mind if something changes, like more facts about what happened. Sometimes it helps to gain a fresh perspective on life and let go of old beliefs.

Remember, if you don’t take chances, change isn’t possible. You can hold on to the good things in your life, but if a new idea triggers excitement and fulfillment in your life, try it.

If you don’t, you may regret it.

JohnK 12-30-2024

stick figure hears about new beginningsOverhead: “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down”

                                                                    ~Mary Pickford


Article photo by Kindel Media: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-person-holding-a-plant-in-a-glass-6774951/


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5 Steps to Find Your Passion

Your passion in life seems so elusive. Yet, the ancients told us you carry it with you at all times. 

GenuLines breaks down the process of carving out a path toward your passion.

(listen to this article by clicking on the player below) 



banner to help find one's passion

5 Steps to Find Your Passion

If you want to live your best life, then you need to find your passion and follow it. Sounds easy, no?
Actually, it isn’t that hard, so it’s surprising that more of us don’t do it. Rather, we seem to choose existing over living a life of happiness and success.
To make a positive change in your life consider the following five steps.

Step 1: Dream Big

Everyone has big dreams. What have you done with yours?
dog dreams of his passionDo you think about them, act on them or hide them away?
Help yourself find your passion and purpose, by dreaming big. List those big dreams you’ve had from childhood to today.
No matter how wild or funny, write them all down. Which of those dreams resonates most with you?
Which makes your heart sing and inspires you the most?
Now, if you’ve set your sights on being the first full-time resident of Mars, then double-check your list.
You may be coming from your ego rather than your Self.
Don’t expect your dream to be outrageous or huge. But expect that it will push you out of your comfort zone.
Be ready for the changes in your life that will help you achieve it. You’ve got to want it.
It needs to spark your inner passion and desire.

Step 2: Set Mile Markers (Goals)

I’ve always preferred the words “mile markers” to goals since goal has the sound of being finished.
Once you’ve fleshed out your ideal or dream you need to set your mile markers. They’ll lead you to your dream.
There will be other, smaller goals, that you will need to achieve along the way. You want to jot these down, too.

Step 3: Plan Your Way

Now that you know what you want and need to achieve, it’s time to plan what you need to do to get there. Think about several things.
The action you need to take. The resources you’ll need.
And anything or anyone that can provide help and support.

Step 4: Take Action

You know what you want, how you can achieve it and the steps to take. It’s time for action.
Remember you’re looking for a passionate life. One that fills you with excitement, joy, and success.
Step 5: Live Your Best Life
Once you’re taking action and seeing your direction you’ll find that your life starts to improve. Instead of dreading each day you’ll look forward to it with excitement and anticipation.
Your best life is the one that gives you achievement AND fulfillment. It’s the result of living your passion and your purpose.
You can get your desired result on your own. Or you can get the help of a coach or mentor.
Either way, your passion is waiting for you.
JohnK 2-18-2020
stick figure man looks for his passionOverheard: “When you are born, your work is placed in your heart.”
                                                        ~Khalil Gibran
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How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

Goals are a sort-of road map on your life’s journey. You want them to be satisfying, yes. But you don’t want them to be too challenging. 

In this first of a two part post GenuLines offers a map to guide you on a comfortable and rewarding trip!

Banner helps with goals

How to Set Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

Say you need a fresh start? O.K., you want to challenge yourself, but you don’t want to make things so tough that you fail.
target for goal reachingFirst we’ll look inside, at the things that are important to you. And we’ll make sure that these goals are even doable.
Match Your Core Values
Start with four main areas in your life. 
  • Family
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Personal
The better you goal fits into one or more of these the more likely your goal is achievable.
If for some reason a goal doesn’t fit into one of your core values, it’s not likely you’ll experience much success.
Be 100 Percent in Control
Goals that rely on others are not necessarily wrong. But they can be harder to achieve.
A goal you control 100 percent is one that you can reach.
Make sure fear isn’t getting in your way. Be realistic about whether you do have control or not and give yourself more credit. And, don’t blame fate for your setbacks.
Don’t think you lack control over your financial future because “that’s just how it is,”
Be Able to Envision the Goal
If you can’t see the end result, it will be very difficult to move forward toward achieving the goal. If you need to draw a picture, make a vision board.
Or take a day off to fantasize about your big dreams. Imagine how it all fits together in the big picture of your life. You need to see the end to be able to achieve it.
Be Specific-Spell It Out
Every goal you set needs to be very exact in nature. If you want to be sure to reach the goal, you have to know when you’ve actually reached it. Instead of saying “I want to start a business,” state exactly what type of business you want to start.
Know who you want as your clients. Know all you can to make the goal more concrete.
JohnK 1-7-2020
stick figure talking about goalsOverheard: “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”
                                                          ~Seneca the Younger
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Can Vision Boards Help You Believe in Yourself?

It’s called a vision board. Its purpose is to reinforce some message about yourself or your goals.
But, does it really work?
Today GenuLines looks at the question from both sides.
banner for vision boards

Can Vision Boards Help You Believe in Yourself?

man looking for vision boardsWhile “vision board” is not an official definition, it should serve to give you the concept in a nutshell. Are vision boards an effective tool towards helping your self-development?
First, we look at how they work. In general, you place information and pictures on your vision board.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay


These represent various aspects of your life. They can be personal, professional, or both.
You could have separate vision boards for personal and professional purposes as well.
Vision board pros and cons
One of the most significant benefits of a vision board is you can refer to it whenever you need inspiration. Or if an aspect of your life changes in some way.
You can update the board to reflect those changes.
Another pro (but possibly also a con) is that you can put whatever you want on a vision board. That’s great, but if it doesn’t help you with your goals, it may not be as beneficial to have it on the board.
In fact, it could hinder your progress since it takes up prime real estate on your board.
Remember that nothing is set in stone on your board. If you find something on it that isn’t working, take it down.
Vision boards are not for everyone
Some people find them to be a waste of time. They spend lots of time finding items to place on the boards and then never refer to them again.
It’s time that could be better spent elsewhere.
One use of vision boards is to place accomplishments on them. It’s easy to forget about events that happened earlier in our lives.
Keeping spots on the vision board dedicated to them will serve as reminders.
Don’t believe that you’ve forgotten about your accomplishments? Think back to what you accomplished in high school and college.
Or when you started your first job.
Having a handy reminder of your accomplishments boosts your self-belief. Each accomplishment will help you remember what you went through to get it.
This can help move you toward future accomplishments.
There are no right or wrong answers when creating a vision board. It just needs to work for you.
If it doesn’t, you should figure out why and adjust as you see fit.
signature for vision board article
JohnK 7-23-2019
stick man sees vision boardsOverheard: “Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements”
                                         ~Napoleon Hill
disclaimer to highlight vision boards

Ira Israel on CHI FOR YOURSELF And A New “Freebie”

Ira Israel pictureLast week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Ira Israel ran into some “technical difficulty” as they say. So it was not available to you live. But my conversation with Ira was recorded.

Ira Israel is the author of How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You’re an Adult: A Path to Authenticity and Awakening.


First, a look at some of the show’s talking points:

  • The central theme of the book
  • The meaning of “negativity bias”
  • A definition of authenticity
  • The part resentment plays in our lives
  • Is there such a thing as the “mid-life crisis?”
  • The myth of romance
  • Beginning the process of forgiveness

…and, the show itself. Listen by clicking on below–




A new CHI FOR YOURSELF “freebie” is up and available. Get this free report on dealing with stress when you click here–


FREE Stuff





JohnK 2-13-2018

chiforyourself.com home page




Ira Israel on CHI FOR YOURSELF And A New “Freebie”

Ira Israel pictureLast week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Ira Israel ran into some “technical difficulty” as they say. So it was not available to you live. But my conversation with Ira was recorded.

Ira Israel is the author of How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You’re an Adult: A Path to Authenticity and Awakening.


First, a look at some of the show’s talking points:

  • The central theme of the book
  • The meaning of “negativity bias”
  • A definition of authenticity
  • The part resentment plays in our lives
  • Is there such a thing as the “mid-life crisis?”
  • The myth of romance
  • Beginning the process of forgiveness

…and, the show itself. Listen by clicking on below–





A new CHI FOR YOURSELF “freebie” is up and available. Get this free report on dealing with stress when you click here–


FREE Stuff



JohnK 2-13-2018

chiforyourself.com home page




A Grown-up Look At Childhood: Ira Israel on CHI FOR YOURSELF

It’s our first (first run) CHI FOR YOURSELF episode of 2018! 

Ira Israel pictureOur guest will be psychotherapist and counselor Ira Israel, author of How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You’re an Adult: A Path to Authenticity and Awakening.

Ira offers a step-by-step path to recognizing the ways of being that we created as children and transcending them with compassion and acceptance.

Hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Ira Israel on Friday, February 9th at 4 pm Eastern, 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com


JohnK 2-8-2018

chiforyourself.com home page

Adventures In Solitude With Robert Kull

Although many cultures have long recognized solitude as an opportunity to look inward, in our culture we sometimes think that spending time alone is unhealthy.

In the 2009 CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Robert Kull, we learned that spending time alone can actually soften our sense of alienation from others. Kull used his journey to deep wilderness solitude to drive that point home.

Robert Kull talking solitude

Robert Kull is the author of SOLITUDE: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes- A Year Alone in the Patagonia Wilderness.

Listen to the interview by clicking on below-






JohnK 2-2-2018

chiforyourself.com home page




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Eating To Live And The Signs That You Eat Too Much

Eating is a fundamental pillar of life. Most of us enjoy it, especially when we’re savoring some great tasting food!
eating bad food Unfortunately, we also don’t always have the best sense of when to stop eating. Especially when we have access to good-tasting foods in immense quantities.
We poke fun at humorous situations such as Homer Simpson eating until he can’t move. But, there are consequences to this. They range from a mild stomach ache to cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Plus, overeating is not as dramatic as eating until our pants are about to burst. It’s subtle. It’s more like eating more than we need in one sitting. Or eating until we’re full rather than eating until we’ve gotten the nutrients we need.
We don’t have the natural constraints our ancestors did to prevent us from overeating. In evolutionary terms, most humans couldn’t overeat. Large-scale agriculture and food processing are fairly recent developments.
Most humans (especially Americans) have access to more food and convenience than ever.
So, what drives us to eat more than we need?
One key insight is the emotional connection to food many people have. Research has shown that they tend to eat more or overeat when they’re feeling sad. Or depressed. Or if they’re struggling with an issue.
A study in the Journal of Adolescent Health looked at eating disorders like binge eating. It found that “it’s important to consider depressive symptoms in overeating.”
Are we eating because we’re hungry, or because of an emotional issue we’re dealing with?
Another consideration is symptoms of Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. The Medical University of Warsaw found that these symptoms can lead people to eat more. Why? To satisfy urges to increase insulin. So, it’s important to practice moderation when eating sweets. They cause us to eat far more than we actually need.
Finally, your body is your best warning system. Warnings come when you experience constipation, blockage, vomiting or stomach aches. Your body is telling you it’s had enough.
If you feel a constant need for laxatives or antacids it’s most likely your body’s alarm system at work. It’s telling you that you’ve taken in far more food than you need.
Your body’s energy level and mental alertness also are signs of eating too much.
We all enjoy a well-prepared meal or delicious healthy snacks. Yet as far as biology is concerned food is no more than fuel for our body to consume and turn into energy.
                                                                                                                                          eating bad food
But when you bog your system down with excess or poor quality food (A.K.A. junk food) your energy will decrease. You’ll feel sluggish and less alert. Rather than boost energy, it will make your digestive system feel overloaded.
Your brain and your emotions work together to send you the warnings. These can come in the form of depression or stress.
Be mindful with this. Be aware of your current state. Your body tells you through your energy levels and digestion system when you’ve had too much.
The signals are there. Are you listening?
JohnK 1-31-2018
Image for overheard for eatingOverheard: “It’s not that some people have the willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.”
                    ~Carl Sandburg

Build Self-Esteem: The First Step Toward Self-Development


If you’re interested in self-development but have low self-esteem, the first thing you need to do is change that. Until you do, it’s much harder to assess what you need to learn and change to achieve your goals. In fact, if you have low self-esteem it can be difficult to even see what your goals are.
dartboard of self-esteem
Imagine yourself as a dart board. At times anything and anyone can become a damaging dart pin at one point or another.
These dart pins will destroy your self-esteem and pull you down in ways you may not even be conscious of. It’s important not to let them destroy you, or get the best of you.
So what are the dart pins to avoid, and how can you keep them from hurting you?
Dart Pin #1  Negative Work Environment
Beware of “dog eat dog” theory where everyone else is fighting to get ahead. This is where non-appreciative people usually thrive.
No one will appreciate your contributions even if you miss lunch and dinner, and stay up late. You may find you are working harder and harder for less and less return.
Stay away from this since it can ruin your self-esteem. Find ways to manage your work within the normal working day at least 90% of the time.
If you have to compete with others, compete on your own terms. Don’t fall into power games or negative behavior that could hurt your self-image.
Dart Pin #2: Other People’s Behavior
Bulldozers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers, snipers, the walking wounded, controllers, naggers, complainers, exploders, patronizers, sluffers … all these negative behaviors in others can damage your self-esteem.
And, they’ll push back your self-development program. But remember, it’s not the person who is the problem: it’s their behavior.
Dart Pin #3: Changing Environment
Changes challenge our paradigms. They test our flexibility, adaptability, and they alter our thought process.
Changes will make life difficult for a while and often cause stress. But when we look back we’ll see that change is often the catalyst or cause of self-development. Decide not to resist it.
Dart Pin #4: Past Experience
It’s okay to cry and say “ouch!” when you experience pain. But don’t let past hurts turn pain into fear.
Dragging the issues of your past relationship into your new one is a road to failure. Don’t expect your partner to be a mirror image of your last partner.
Treat each failure and mistake as a lesson, and move on.
Dart Pin #5: Negative World View
Look at what you’re looking at. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negativities of the world. In building self-esteem, we must learn how to make the best out of worst situations.
Dart Pin #6: Determination Theory
Your behavior is said to be the result of a mixture. The ingredients include your inherited traits and your upbringing.
Other factors include your environment, such as friends, work situation, and the economy. You can even throw in the climate in your country.
Know that your genetics or upbringing don’t determine your life path. Failures among your family members don’t rub off.
Learn from other people’s experience, so you’ll never have to encounter the same mistakes.
In life, it can be hard to stay true to your code. Especially when things and people around you seem to keep pulling you down.
Yet, building self-esteem will lead to self-development if you become responsible. Be responsible for who you are, what you have, and what you do.
man raising self-esteem
When we develop self-esteem, we take control of our mission, values, and discipline. Self- esteem brings about self-improvement, true assessment, and determination.
So how do you start putting up the building blocks of self-esteem? Be positive. Be contented and happy. Be appreciative. Never miss an opportunity to compliment.
A positive way of living will help you build self-esteem and set you on the path to positive self-development.
JohnK 1/24/2018
self-esteem image of stick manOverheard: “Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your handbrake on.”
                       ~ Maxwell Maltz