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5 Behaviors You Don’t See In Highly Successful People

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Successful people aren’t always on their best behavior. Sometimes they show their less than attractive sides.

But GenuLines wants to tell you about some tendencies that won’t show up in their daily inter-actions

5 Behaviors You Don’t See In Highly Successful People

Everyone has a different interpretation of what success is, or what it means to them. But, when you break it down, most everyone can come to an agreement on it’s meaning.

Success is accomplishing a goal, or attaining a meaningful purpose.

That may be a loving relationship, or it could be a form of artistic expression. It might be career advancement.

Regardless of what the goal is, true success is never an an easy upward, or stable journey. The world’s most successful people are aware of this fact.

And they often have behavioral traits which set them apart from the rest.

picture of bad behavior

If you’re struggling to achieve what you want in life, you may want to consider starting with an inward look. This might mean a shift in your mindset to bring you in line with how successful people behave.

When you work with great leaders and executives you notice what does and doesn’t work in the long-term. It’s not so much personal habits or intrinsic characteristics that determine success.

Instead, it’s about your behavior.

What does behavior mean? It’s about how you communicate and how you react to stressful situations.

It’s also about how you interact with the people around you.

Add to that the attitude you have in dealing with clients and colleagues.

It’s how hard you work. And whether you’re disciplined, and focused.

You may know some dysfunctional people who have gained success. But these behaviors will catch up with them.

Here’s a look at 5 behaviors that you won’t see in highly successful people.


High pressure and stressful situations in the business world are a common occurrence. Things don’t always go according to plan, and they often go horrifically wrong.

It’s just part of the territory.

What highly successful people don’t do is panic. If you can’t override that adrenaline spike and stay calm during a crisis, you’re not going to last long.


While passion is a massive driver in success, you can take it too far. Become a fanatic and your energy and passion starts to work against you.

The result? Flawed reasoning, poor decision making, and a skewed perception of reality.


When you’re driven to achieve greatness, you have one fundamental truth: it’s going to be a long haul. And it’s going to be a lot of hard work.

That’s why highly successful people are so disciplined, and highly focused. A lot of people are slackers, and quite simply, it’s why they don’t go on to achieve great things.


Okay, so we may all start out with a wide eyed, gullible approach in the business world. However, the sooner you turn skeptical the savvier you become.

And the better your chance at succeeding. Why is this true?

Suckers don’t succeed.

Highly successful people question everything. And they tend to trust, verify, and consider the source.


Thin skinned people don’t make great leaders, nor do they tend to be highly successful. They drive themselves crazy with every little criticism.

And they don’t obsess over every comment that offends or upsets them. That’s why seriously great business leaders often have a sense of humility, and a good sense of humor.

While life may be serious, you can’t take yourself too seriously.

JohnK 11-20-2023

stick man hears about behaviorOverheard: “Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Article image by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash


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8 Ways Leaders Pull the Team Through Tough Times

Leaders who get that title can put the group on their shoulders during the toughest times. It’s inspirational, and it can even change the world.

This GenuLines look at how it’s done should inspire you, even if you don’t plan to change the world.

8 Ways Leaders Pull the Team Through Tough Times

It’s easy to be a leader when things are rolling along. In fact, it can be downright awesome.
picture of leaders
Especially if you get your own castle or palace (this may not apply to the typical shift manager).
But what if your team is in the trenches under fire? You need some serious leadership skills to hold it all together.
Consider the following.
1. Grit
The definition of grit is courage, resolve, and strength of character. Blend these qualities and you come up with one word: toughness.
Good leaders hold the team together in tough times by staying committed to the battle.
2. Optimism
Grit tends to relate to the present. But optimism is a component of leadership that looks to the future.
A leader who has a positive view of the outcome is creating a mental framework for the team to pull through. This is because they foster the belief that something great is on the other side.
3. Pragmatism
Leaders need to be gritty and optimistic. They also need to be practical.
Their intelligence and common sense will steer them through a given situation. Viewing the future through rose colored glasses can lead to costly mistakes.
A bad captain will try to save their own skin. A good captain makes sure crewmembers get off the sinking ship first. (that said, it’s not necessary to go down with the ship)!.

5. Resolution

Tough times are ripe for dissension and mutiny, but a good leader holds command. Sometimes you have to show tough love.
Put the proverbial foot down when members of the team start talking smack. They’ll thank you later.
6. Encouragement
A good leader encourages the team during a tough stretch to help them find the drive to make it through. Sometimes encouragement can be as simple as a casual look-in to the group.
They’ll pat some backs, and give smiles or friendly words.
7. Preparedness
A good leader makes preparations for the team’s bad times.
The plan to cover all the possibilities, including what to do if things don’t go exactly the way they were hoping.
8. Bravery
Fear can undermine the entire mission. This is true whether the war is on a battlefield, a sporting field, or the sales floor.
A good leader is brave and inspires the team with that bravery.
JohnK 6-28-2021
Stick figure hears about leadersOverheard: “A person always doing his or her best becomes a natural leader, just by example.”
                               ~Joe DiMaggio
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