Tag Archive for Law of Attraction

“Big Love” On The Next CHI FOR YOURSELF

What happens when you fully commit yourself to love? Our guest on the next CHI FOR YOURSELF says the result is endless good.

Scott Stabile found that out by overcoming plenty of bad, including the murder of his parents. 

Scott’s intention is to show us that growth and healing are possible, regardless of the circumstances.

Be with us for Scott Stabile on CHI FOR YOURSELF. Thursday, December 14th at 4:30 Eastern, 1:30 Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.

Scott Stabile talks love

Scott Stabile is the author of Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart


JohnK 12-11-2017

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A few “de-Stressing” Tips For a More Relaxed You

picture of john kobikCHI FOR YOURSELF wants to help you reduce your stress levels. This week in GenuLines we looked at some “stress-busting” tips. Today we get some actionable steps that are easy to do and will help you nurture good chi! 🙂

***Stress is an overwhelming force that interrupts our body’s natural ability to fend off disease. Use the following actionable ideas to help reduce your stress:



  • Woman3dWrite down two places that you consider your happy places. Think about these whenever you feel stress is getting the better of you.
  • Plan your next vacation even if you have a bit of time before you can take it. Just the act of doing research for it can put you in a better mood.
  • Find an organization that will allow you to give your time as a volunteer. Try to do it at least once a week or if you can’t swing that, do it twice a month.


JohnK 7-8-2016

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Clipart image of overheardOverheard:


. “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
~ William James

“The Stress Solution and More “De-Stressing Tips

picture of john kobikTodays CHI FOR YOURSELF scheduled guest (Arthur Ciaramicoli-The Stress Solution) will help us lower our stress levels. This week is a great time to get you to thinking about some ideas you can consider to begin the process. Each day this week GenuLines is posting several “stress-busting” tips. Tomorrow, you’ll get some actionable steps that are easy to do and will help you nurture good chi! 🙂

man with check signTOP TIPS
Stress is an overwhelming force that interrupts our body’s natural ability to fend off disease. Use the following tips to help reduce your stress.



7. Diet:
Because stress is an energy-robbing force, maintaining a diet that can
replenish our energy is an important part of combatting it. Avoid foods that
make you sluggish and sleepy. Eating fruits and nuts are great energy foods.
Drink lots of water to stay hydrated as well.

8. Take a Vacation:
Companies offer vacations to their employees for a reason. It gives the
employees the ability to live life outside the company. It also helps the
employees get away from the situation that may be causing stress and lets
them see that there is more to life than just work.

9. Visit with Family:
Even if you choose not to take a vacation, spend more time with your family.
You can plan day trips here and there or you can just all be with each other for
short periods of time each day. If schedules are scattered, try to set up, at
least, two days a week where the whole family must be together for dinner.


JohnK 7-7-2016

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listener animationOverheard:

“Keep your temper,” said the Caterpillar.”
~Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the   Looking-Glass  



Saying NO to Stress: More Ways You Can Do This

picture of john kobikTomorrow’s CHI FOR YOURSELF scheduled guest (Arthur Ciaramicoli-The Stress Solution) will help us lower our stress levels. This week is a great time to get you to thinking about some ideas you can consider to begin the process. Each day this week GenuLines is posting several “stress-busting” tips. At the end of the week, you’ll get some actionable steps that are easy to do and will help you nurture good chi! 🙂

man with check signTOP TIPS
Stress is an overwhelming force that interrupts our body’s natural ability to fend off disease. Use the following tips to help reduce your stress.


4. Connect Socially:
We need contact with each other. Face-to-face contact is the best but if that is
not available connect with people on social media. Strive to stay off business
and political topics when you are stressed out. These will only add to your
stress. Consider talking about music, funny stuff, or whatever you and your
friends would like to talk about.
5. Volunteer:
Volunteering can help people see that their lives aren’t always as bad as they
thought. When they see others that are worse off and have the ability to help
those people, the stress levels can be drastically reduced.
6. Exercise:
Exercise is a proven stress reducing activity. If you are extremely stressed out,
consider upping the ante and going for higher impact type of activities like
Kickboxing or some kind of boot camp. Exercise can actually help prevent
onsets of stress from happening in the first place and can reduce the effect
when it does.


JohnK 7-6-2016

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Overheard:clip art of man

“Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.”

~Hans Selye


This week: CHI FOR YOURSELF Helps You Get Your Stress Under Control

picture of john kobikThursday’s CHI FOR YOURSELF guest (Arthur Ciaramicoli-The Stress Solution) will help us lower our stress levels, so it’s a great time to get you to thinking about some ideas you can consider to begin the process. Each day this week GenuLines will post several “stress-busting” tips. At the end of the week, you’ll get some actionable steps that are easy to do and will help you get to nurture good chi! 🙂


man with check signTOP TIPS
Stress is an overwhelming force that interrupts our body’s natural ability to fend off disease. Use the following tips to help reduce your stress.

1. Recognize When You’re Stressed:
The first step is to recognize that you are stressed. It’s amazing how many
people maintain high levels of stress and that becomes their modus operandi.
When they get to that point, they don’t even realize that they are experiencing
stress. If you are in this situation you need to reflect back to a time when you
were not constantly stressed out.

2. Go to Your Happy Place:
Close your eyes and imagine what it would be like if you were in your favorite
place or your happy place. Is it on an island somewhere? Or perhaps you are
more of the daredevil type and love jumping out of planes. Whatever it
happens to be it’s important to imagine yourself being there.

3. Find a Place That is Quiet:
You need a place where you can go just to get away from it all. Even if that is
for only five to ten minutes a day. It can work wonders to reset your internal
batteries and can help you continue on. It could be in a remote area of a park
or it could be going to a sauna in a gym or a massage.


JohnK 7-5-2016

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Clipart image of overheard“If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person.”

~Seneca, Letters From a Stoic



A Dad’s Challenging Journey to “cross the veil”: Next CHI FOR YOURSELF

picture of john kobikWhen Matthew McKay’s son Jordan was murdered, he set out on a quest to discover the truth about why we are here and what happens when we die. He became determined to listen and look for his dead son in any way he could.

In his book Seeking Jordan: How I Learned the Truth about Death and the Invisible Universe, McKay shares what he learned along the way. Matthew McKay will be our CHI FOR YOURSELF guest this Thursday May 26th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com

picture of Matthew McKay

Matthew McKay, PhD

Plan to be with us!



JohnK 5-23-2016

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listener animation


“No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.”

~ Author Unknown

Inner Guidance From Your IGS: Amaze-ZEN!

picture of john kobikIt’s no secret that around here it’s all about the inner guidance. Our CHI FOR YOURSELF guest this week is going to tell us about a system that wants you to be happy, successful, and stress-free- and you need only to go inside to find it!

Zen DeBrucke is an internationally renowned teacher, speaker, and coach whose programs have helped people all over the world transform their personal and business lives for the better. She’s the author of YOUR INNER GPS: Follow Your Internal Guidance to Optimal Health, Happiness, and Satisfaction. The book is designed to teach you to tune into this guidance to learn the best course of action in every situation.

picture of Zen de Brucke

Zen DeBrucke


That’s Zen DeBrucke on CHI FOR YOURSELF. This Thursday May 19th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at chiforyourself.com 


Dividing line


Empowerment was the order of the day when we welcomed Cara Bradley to CHI FOR YOURSELF. Cara’s the author of ON THE VERGE and she brought us plenty of encouragement to not be spectators of life but to instead cultivate ways to live beyond our busy minds and be present in each moment.

Here are some of the talking points from the show:

  • Cara defines “Verge”
  • Her a-ha moment at the age of 19
  • There’s no such thing as self-improvement
  • Living in the heart instead of the head
  • Why rhythm is more important that movement
  • Verge practices and strategies
  • Do we all have some “drama queen” in us?
  • Coming down from the bleachers and getting into life’s game
  • Cara’s time as a pro roller-blader
  • Advice for dealing with low self esteem moments


Click on the BlogTalkRadio image to hear the show..

Blog Talk Radio logo


JohnK 5-16-2016

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“Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to listen.”
~ Vernon Howard

CHI FOR YOURSELF This Week: We’re “On The Verge” with Cara Bradley

picture of john kobikCHI FOR YOURSELF brings you empowering information, and this week we get a visit from the very empowered Cara Bradley, author of ON THE VERGE: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine. Cara’s a passionate teacher of yoga, meditation, and fitness who has been in the trenches of personal transformation as a “mental strength coach” for more than three decades. Her intention is to help us reach peak performance at home, at work, and at play.

picture of cara bradley

Cara Bradley

Hear Cara Bradley on CHI FOR YOURSELF this Thursday May 12th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com.


JohnK 5-9-2016

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“The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.”

~ Joseph Campbell


Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF: Spring Cleaning Turns Inward with Donald Altman

picture of john kobikMaybe you’re about to tackle your yearly cleaning tasks and the moving out of unnecessary stuff from your space- and maybe you could use a little emotional un-cluttering, too! Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF we welcome back Donald Altman. We’ll be talking about tidying-up our cluttered emotional spaces, the psychological versions of the jam-packed closet or impenetrable garage. Donald Altman is the author of Clearing Emotional Clutter: Mindfulness Practices for Letting Go of What’s Blocking Your Fulfillment and Transformation.

picture of Donald Altman

Donald Altman

We get underway at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com..’talk to you then..


JohnK 4-28-2016

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What You Nееd tо Knоw Abоut Crеаting Chаngе in Your Life


man with check signChаngе can be diffiсult.  Okay, we got that out of the way.  It can be even more diffiсult whеn thе сhаngе is big. Again, no surprise. Let’s say уоu wаnt to brеаk uр with someone you love. You may be thinking оf lеаving уоur old job tо mаkе a transition tо a different job. Maybe you’d love to start your own business.
If уоu саn оvеrсоmе thе fear of fаilurе whеn you set out to make change, thеn a huge portion of the job is done.  Bеlоw wе’ll look аt some hеlрful tiрѕ to guidе you through trаnѕitiоn.


You Nееd tо Truѕt Yоurѕеlf
Trusting yourself iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt in making аnу mеаningful change. It’s оnе оf the bеѕt things you саn do for уоurѕеlf in any area of life. Sеlf belief рuѕhes you to dо what nееds tо bе dоnе.
Bеliеvе thаt you саn dо it.  You’ve done thingѕ оn уоur оwn that уоu (and maybe others) never thought уоu соuld.
Onе Chаngе аt a Timе
Thiѕ iѕ whаt I call change mаnаgеmеnt.  Lifе сhаngе can be vеrу stressful if уоu attempt multiple changes at one time. You may еnd uр nоt асhiеving аnу. Focusing on a ѕinglе tаѕk makes success more likely when you take up your next lifе changing project.
Think of the сhаngеѕ thаt уоu nееd to make. Write them down if you have to. Then choose to work on them in sequence. This will leave you with mоrе drivе. And it will еliminаtе any роtеntiаl blосks to сhаngе уоu may encounter.
Mаkе Time tо Wоrk оn Chаngе
Take thе timе that you need tо work оn the сhаngе(ѕ) you рlаn tо mаkе. Remember the old saying “failing to plan is planning to fail”.  Allowing enough time lets you take care of all the details involved with less stress.
You made a list of the changes you want to make. Very good.  Now уоu саn also writе dоwn thе ѕtерѕ to tаkе to achieve your best rеѕult.  Cоnѕult experts or mentors.  Aѕk questions. Plаn the wауѕ you’ll асhiеvе уоu aim.
This is by no means the only list of tips. But it can help you start out with more confidence as you begin to mаkе important сhаngеs in your lifе.


JohnK 1-18-2016

Clipart image of overheardOverheard

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself”

                                    ˜ Andy Warhol