Tag Archive for introvert

Setting Aside Fear Can Free You

You can look at fear as friend or foe. It depends on the situation.

Today GenuLines reminds you that sometimes you just have to kick it to the curb. 

Setting Aside Fear Can Free You

Fear is something that can protect you. When you enter into an unknown area, your sense of fear increases.

You want to survive to live another day. In this way, fear can help you determine whether you should move forward or go somewhere else.
man feeling fear
But that same fear can hold you back from experiences that may advance your life. People fear the unknown.
Most will need to venture into the unknown to reach their goals or to get out of unwanted situations.
One way to overcome fear is to read about others who have faced similar situations like yours. See what steps they took and try to fit what they did to what you would like to do.
Not every solution will be viable.
But if you search for ideas from different people, you may find a set of ideas that will work. Know that usually most of what we fear is not as bad as we first believe.
In other words, try something that you’re afraid to try,
That Was Easy
You may find it was much easier than you thought it would be. This won’t happen in every case, but with a fair majority, it will.
Think about those times when you said to yourself, “that wasn’t so bad!” There are likely to be many of those in your life.
Create a vision of what your situation would be without the fear. Continue this vision for as long as it takes to reduce or end it.
Mind Game
The very act of believing the fear is not real can help convince your mind that there is nothing to be afraid of.
There are circumstances where we should take heed of our fears. Jumping out of a 50-story building is going to kill you unless you are somehow very lucky.
Of course you have to respect and acknowledge these fears. Other fears have the potential of positive outcomes.
Get Started
Think asking for a raise, buying a stock for the first time, or starting a new business. These are the types of fears that we need to try and overcome.
It can cripple you in other ways, too.
For instance, you have a lot of experience in your job. So you get caught up in avoiding new experiences since you’ve already “done it all.”
Your experience tells you that these new situations will not work. This is also the reason why inexperienced people try things without fear.
They have no bias associated with it.
JohnK 5-9-2022
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Ignorance is the parent of fear”
                                  ~Herman Melville
disclaimer for fear

4 Ways To Get Out Of Your Introvert Rut

You’re okay with being an introvert, until you’re not. It can put into a rut that leaves you feeling sort of stale. 

This list of suggestions from GenuLines is designed to ease you out of that rut.

4 Ways To Get Out Of Your Introvert Rut
Have you been feeling like you’re stuck in an introvert rut lately? Do you find yourself spending too much time on your own?
Could it be you do the same things over and over, or feel like you’re holding yourself back? There are a few things you can do if you’re stuck in an introvert rut.
Let’s get busy and figure them out!
introvert boy1) Step out but within your comfort zone
One of the best ways to get out of a rut is by pushing yourself to try new things. Now this can be a bit much for the VERY introverted.
Branch out and try new things in new places. You could hang out with a larger group of people, but do so within the confines of your comfort zone.
Go to your favorite coffee shop and order your favorite drink at their busiest time of day. Go to a party you wouldn’t normally attend, but hang in the corner with a close friend.
The key to this exercise is finding a balance; you want to push yourself, but not too far.
introvert girl2) Meet new people on your terms
Along the same lines, you want to meet new people within your comfort zone too. Spark up a conversation with a friendly person at your favorite store, restaurant, or bar.
This will help you meet someone that’s most likely like-minded. And you’ll do it without pushing yourself to the point of discomfort.
Push yourself to go somewhere where you might meet a new friend with whom you have common interests. This could make it easier for you to mix things up.
And you can get out of your rut without pushing yourself to the point of discomfort.
introvert boy3) Push yourself to take part in something new
Doing something entirely new to you can be a good way to break yourself out of your rut. But for a lot of introverts, this is highly uncomfortable.
It could even be anxiety-inducing. You have to push yourself to do something new that you’re comfortable with.
Are you more comfortable going out to a game night at a brewery or a book club that let you be in a smaller group? Then push yourself to do that.
If you’re more comfortable going to a larger party where you can hide in the crowd if you need to. then that needs to be the something new you try.
introvert girl4) Drive yourself to bust out of your shell
A great way to break out of an introverted rut is by pushing yourself to get out of your shell. This is another exercise that might prove to be very uncomfortable for introverts.
So it may not be for everyone.
Try branching out to new small groups where the attention has to be on you at some point. It could be a book club, creative writing group, local bridge game, or a small jam session among other things.
This will help you break out of your shell and push past this introversion and the rut you’re in.
Final thoughts
Getting out of an introvert rut can be tough. And the more introverted you are, the harder it becomes.
If you find the process too difficult, talk it over with a professional. You’ll get steered to more specific and custom exercises.
These will better help you get out of this rut without hurting yourself in any way.
JohnK 5-3-2021
stick figure man hears about introveertOverheard: “I was never less alone than when by myself”
                          ~Edward Gibbon
disclaimer for introverts