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What Innovation Can Do For Your Life

Innovation is a word we often connect to companies and their products. We’re told those innovations will improve our lives.

But GenuLines wants you to know that you can put your own innovation to work in your life, 

What Innovation Can Do For Your Life

It’s a talent that we all have. Yet many of us don’t believe it.

That talent is the power of innovation.
Did you ever admire somebody’s creative prowess? Guess what, you can create and innovate too. It takes some time.
But we can all show our creative side.


a wish for good life


You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? A while, right?
It’s the same with innovation. Today GenuLines shows you a few ways to help your innovation come to life.
1. Don’t listen to what other people say about how to live your life
Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make.
If you have an original idea, don’t waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won’t.
And the ‘help’ that comes your way often comes in the form of negative feedback. If all the geniuses of the past had listened to their peers, we might still be living in the middle ages.

2. Spend time on it
I put a lot of emphasis on this, but please don’t think I mean you should quit your day job. I don’t. With conscious time management and a little discipline you’ll be able to squeeze both in.
3. Exercise
Take a walk. Run a mile or two.
Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising clears and relaxes your mind and helps you handle anything that pops up. 

4. Record your dreams

Some might be wild things that your conscious mind would never have thought of. If you’ve had this kind of dream, it shows you the untapped innovative power you have within.
So make notes. Those dreams may create an innovative spark in you.

5. Find your own style

You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You’ll know Hemingway wrote something by the choice of words on the paper.
So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it’s yours alone.
6. Don’t hide behind gadgets or tools
You don’t need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. So what if you’ve got an expensive SLR camera if you’re a crappy photographer?
Who cares if you’ve got a blinging laptop if you can’t write at all?
The artist actually reduces the number of tools he has as he gets better at his craft. He knows what works and what doesn’t.
7. Nothing will work without passion
What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning?

What’s the one thing that you must do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the people who want it more.
Think the hare and the tortoise.
Sometimes you just want something so bad you become almost unstoppable. And that is passion.
Passion will keep you going.
8. Don’t worry about inspiration
You can’t force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to. Don’t let these unpredictable yet inevitable moments slip away.
Carry a notebook and pen.
I hope this article helps you bring more innovation into your life. Keep in mind that you’re doing these things for your own satisfaction and no one else’s.
In time others may notice the changes in your life. Expect those changes to snowball from there.
JohnK 2-6-2023

stick man hears about lifeOverheard: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated”
                                           ~ Confucius
Article photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
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Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

When you lose your enthusiasm for living your life sucks. Simple as that.

But it’s not too late to get it back, and GenuLines is here to partner with you in the recovery. 

Get Back on Track If You’ve Lost Your Enthusiasm For Life

Feel like you’ve lost your enthusiasm for life? Does it seem like it’s not worth caring anymore?
You’ve got plenty of company.
Many people lose their enthusiasm for life somewhere along the way. Whether it’s mental or emotional , or because they’re stuck in a rut.
boy shows enthusiasm
But there are ways you can get back on track and regain your enjoyment of life. Let’s look at some of the things you can do right now to take back your enthusiasm for life…
What Is Holding You Back?
It’s a good idea to figure out exactly what it is that’s holding you back. Is it self-doubt?
Could be that you had unrealistic expectations that led to you giving up on what you wanted? Figuring out the causes can be the start of working your way back toward enthusiasm.
Get Into A Healthy Routine
Keeping a healthy and positive routine is important. The things we do each day give power to our outlook.
If you feel as though you’re going through the motions in life, switch things up.
Start with your morning routine.
Does it leave you feeling energized, positive, and inspired? If not, change it up so it better serves you.
Avoid checking your phone and the news as soon as you wake up. Do things the night before that will make your mornings easier.
When you start the day right, it can leave you feeling a lot more positive all day.
Surround Yourself With Positivity
As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, staying positive is key to regaining your enthusiasm. The people you surround yourself with make a huge difference in how you feel.
Keep negative companions and your outlook will head south, too.
The reverse is also true. Be around positive people and you’ll be more positive.
You’ll see opportunities and start to enjoy each day.
Your inner circle should consist of people who build you up and support you. When you have encouragement and support, it helps you to feel like you can take on anything.
Know When To Seek Help
At times depression may be the cause of a low enthusiasm for life. If you suffer with mild depression, the above tips may help you to overcome your current low state.
But, if you have moderate to severe depression, you may need professional help. Getting this help can prove invaluable for getting back your passion and joy for life.
Many of us go through times when we lose interest in life. Yet, the key thing to remember is that you’re not stuck.
There are things you can do right now to regain your enthusiasm and live a happier and fulfilled life.
JohnK 8-8-2022
stick figure hears about enthusiasmOverheard: “It’s faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.”
                                    ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Today on Chi For Yourself- Zen In The Backyard

When Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller and her family land in a house with a hundred-year-old Japanese garden, she uses the paradise in her backyard to glean the living wisdom of our natural world. Through her eyes, rocks convey faith, ponds preach stillness, flowers give love, and leaves express the effortless ease of letting go.

Karen Maezen Miller is the author of Paradise in Plain Sight: Lessons from a Zen Garden.The book welcomes readers into the garden for Zen lessons in fearlessness, forgiveness, presence, acceptance, and contentment. Miller gathers inspiration from the ground beneath her feet to remind us that paradise is always here and now.

Karen Maezen Miller is our guest on Chi For Yourself. Hear the interview today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at chiforyourself.com.

Picture of Karen Maezen Miller

Karen Maezen Miller



JohnK 6-12-2014

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For Good Vibrations Focus on the Good

The next first-run Chi For Yourself interview is scheduled for Wednesday October 16th at 1pm Pacific. We had to move the date from our usual Thursday to Wednesday because of a scheduling conflict. I hope you’ll be with us for the streamed interview. I’ll be talking to Kuwana Haulsey, author of Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned from My Six-Month-Old. Kuwana Haulsey fuses memoir, spirituality and self-development into the unique perspective that babies are actually extraordinarily divine teachers who are capable of showing their caregivers the way toward inspired living.

Picture of Kuwana Haulsey

Kuwana Haulsey


The following week we get back to a Thursday interview schedule. Chi For Yourself will welcome Erica Tucci on October 24th at 1pm Pacific. Erica is the author of Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive Through Recovery From Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences.The book is about healing, and it offers hope,inspiration, and encouragement to anyone facing trauma in their lives.

Picture of Erica Tucci

Erica Tucci


On October 31st (Halloween) Chi For Yourself welcomes a woman who will be making her second visit to the show. I’ll tell you more about that in a future post.

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Article:     For Good Vibrations Focus on the Good

Picture of thumbs upI like to say that everything is energy, and energy is everything. Energy differs according to the speed at which it vibrates. Light energy has a high frequency vibration, while something like a dining room table has a lower frequency. Human beings have different frequencies of vibration, too. The ways we think and feel go a long way toward determining the frequency at which we vibrate. We then send that vibration out to the world, much like a radio station sends out its signal. The result, as Universal Law tells us, is an attraction to that which vibrates at a similar frequency. And what we bring to us determines our reality. So, it makes sense to raise our vibration in order to make a positive shift in our lives.
You probably know or have been around someone who is vibrating at a high frequency. They strike you as spirited and dynamic. This type of person can be an inspiration to us for working on raising our own vibration. Then there’s the other side of the coin- someone who is very negative or cynical. This is a person who vibrates at a lower frequency. Do a simple test to find out where you stand on the vibration scale. Think about where you fall on a scale between the most negative person you know and the most vital. You’re not doing this to be critical of the person. Rather you can find your place on the vibrational scale. This is a good way to measure your progress and to remind you that you may have some vibration raising left to do.
There is no shortage of ways to raise your vibration. You can say affirmations or start a meditation practice. And it’s always wise to monitor your thoughts. Choose where you send your attention. You can see how effective this is by visualizing- just a few minutes a day. You might want to spend those minutes focused on the good in your life. As you do this you’ll be training yourself to be more mindful and in the moment. And over time you’ll start to see a real shift in your vibration.

JohnK 10-8-2013

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