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The Impact Of Bad Habits On Your Work

Your bad habits can make their way into your work. This doesn’t bode well for things like promotions and raises.

We’re raising this issue with a GenuLines look at what can go wrong,.

The Impact Of Bad Habits On Your Work

social media habit

Some of the bad habits you’ve developed over your lifetime are causing you problems at work. And You may not even realize it

If you’re not aware that you  have any of the following habits they could be affecting your job (or business)

Lack of Sleep

Say you have the bad habit of staying up late because you see yourself as a night owl. You do this even though you have to get up early to go to work.
What’s more, not sleeping enough at night can also cause health problems. Among these-cardiovascular disease.

Not Eating Breakfast

You don’t have to eat a giant breakfast at the crack of dawn to be healthy. But at some point during the morning you should eat something – even if it’s a banana with some peanut butter on it.
If you don’t eat when you’re hungry, you can weaken your body and make your brain unable to focus.

Constant Email Reading

Even at work you should not check your email all the time. Checking email (and social media) is a trap that might take you down a rabbit hole of no return.
Instead, set a timer to check your email and social media or any other communication channel. You can do this three or four times a day at set times.

Sitting For Long Periods of Time

You can’t always help it, but if you sit for work then go home and sit some more, you’re making a big mistake. This can impact your health and make it hard for you to do your job at all.
Find ways to move around the office more. Take small walks or volunteer for the food runs.

Complaining About Everything

This can be a habit that sneaks up on you. You may not even realize that you’re doing it. .
To stop doing this, recognize the behavior. Say something nice instead of something negative.

Comparing Yourself To Others

This can be a big mistake. You have no idea what the person has experienced in their life or what happens to them at home.
This habit can erode your confidence. It can cause you to second guess yourself and make you look incompetent.

Thinking You’re a Great Multitasker

Here’s some news for you; no one is good at multitasking. If you’re trying to multitask – even if it’s required at work, it’s going to be hard to get things done . 

Multitasking Can Result in Mediocrity

Do what you can to get out of that situation. Do your best work by keeping your mind on one thing at a time.

If you can replace these habits with good habits, you may end up becoming irreplaceable at work. Or you might boost your business to the next level.

The main thing you want to do is to at least recognize which bad habits you have. Then you can plan to combat them with good ones.

JohnK 8-7-2023
stick man hears about habitsOverheard: “All people are the same; only their habits differ.”
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