Tag Archive for GenuLines

Doing Anything is Easy (To Excel At It Is Something Else)

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Doing Anything is Easy (Being Good At It Is Something Else)

Many of us have big dreams that we try not to think about. Some people want to be astronauts. some people want to be rock stars.

Yet few people will admit it at a social gathering.
Problem is, it seems a bit silly to admit to our ambitious dreams and hopes. We figure they have a small chance of becoming real.

We let a fear of failure prevent us from speaking them. What’s worse,, they prevent us from acknowledging them!

Anything Goes?

So can you achieve anything you want to? And can you be whatever you want to be – like the teachers told you at school?

Read on as GenuLines looks at how and why this can be the case.

How to be a Rock Musician
If you want to be a rock musician, what do you do? The first step is to start playing rock.

What you could do next though is to start recording that playing. Then upload it to YouTube.

Do this enough and in time you’ll get a following as people start to add you and subscribe.

Over the course of a few years, you could end up with a list of subscribers. One that’s long enough to make you something of a minor celebrity…

Want to be a novelist?

Then you can write a book and publish it on a self publishing site to be able to say you’re a ‘published author’.

The point is that in some ways it’s easy to become the thing you want to be. Getting to the level where you’re professional is harder,but you don’t need to make your job the thing that defines you.

So in other words, if you want to say you’re a ‘writer’ all you have to do is to ‘write’.

When you look at your goals and dreams like this, it allows you to forget the idea of failure. Failure is no longer an issue and so you can attack your goals with vigor.

You can’t fail when you ‘write regularly’.

You’ll enjoy the things you’re passionate about. And you won’t think you have to lie or downplay your hopes and objectives.

Take your shot at being what you want to be. But remember that getting to the highest levels will take time!

JohnK 1-29-2024

stick man hears about living easyOverheard: “Ability is active power”

~ Noah Webster



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12 Signs You Lack Clarity In Your Life

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12 Signs You Lack Clarity In Your Life

Clarity is essential for achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life. What happens when you lack clarity?

Well, you may experience frustration, indecision, lack of motivation, and other negative emotions. GenuLines reminds you that there are ways to overcome obstacles to gain clarity in life.

glasses for clarity

Here are 12 signs you lack clarity in your life:


1.    Frustration

One of the signs that you’re lacking clarity is feeling frustrated. You may feel like you’re working hard, but you’re not making progress, or you’re unsure what to do next.

To overcome frustration, take a step back and check your situation. Ask yourself if you’re clear about your goals and what steps to take to achieve them.

If not, take some time to clarify your goals and create a plan of action.

2.    Indecision

It may seem that you’re unable to choose between many options, or you’re not sure what direction to take. So, gather more information and weigh the pros and cons of each option.

Consider what’s most important and which option aligns with your values and goals.

3.    Not Knowing Where to Begin

If you’re unsure where to begin, it could be a sign that you lack clarity. This is overwhelming, but breaking things down into smaller steps is key.

Start by identifying the first step you must take, then focus on that one task. Once you complete it, move on to the next step.

4.    Not Trusting Your Decisions

When you lack clarity, you may second-guess your decisions. This can lead to a lack of trust in yourself and your abilities.

To overcome this, take the time to reflect on your values and goals. Make decisions that align with these, and trust that you’re making the right choices.

5.    Being Unproductive or Procrastinating

Feeling that you’re unproductive or procrastinating could mean you lack clarity. Identifying and addressing the root cause of your procrastination is essential.

Is it because you don’t know where to begin or are unsure what steps to take next? Once you identify the cause, take steps to overcome it.

6.    Inconsistent Effort

Inconsistent effort to achieve your goals can be a sign that you lack clarity. This could be due to not having a clear plan or not being clear about your goals.

To overcome this, create a plan with specific, measurable goals and action steps. Track your progress and adjust as needed.

7.    Lack of Motivation

When you lack clarity, you may feel unmotivated and uninspired. To overcome this, take some time to reflect on your values and goals.

Reconnect with your why and remind yourself of the bigger picture. Break down everything into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate your progress.

8.    Overwhelm and Burnout

Feeling overwhelmed and burned out can be a signal, too. It’s essential to discover the cause of this overwhelm and take steps to address it.

This could be delegating tasks or saying no to commitments that don’t align with your goals. It can also mean taking time for self-care.

9.    Feeling Stuck

If you’re feeling stuck, it could show that you lack clarity. Take some time to reflect on what’s holding you back.

Is it a lack of knowledge or resources, or are you unsure what steps to take? Once you identify the root cause, take steps to overcome it.

10. Low energy

Identifying and addressing the root cause of your low energy is vital. This could include getting more rest, eating a healthier diet, or reducing stress.

These can make positive impacts on your mental clarity and focus.

11. Decreased Focus and Concentration

When you lack clarity, you may struggle to focus and concentrate on tasks. This could be due to feeling overwhelmed or not knowing where to begin.

To overcome this, break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, focusing on one thing at a time. Create a distraction-free environment and give yourself regular breaks to recharge.

12. Negative Self-Talk

If you don’t know where you’re going, it’s hard to stay positive. To overcome this, practice positive self-talk and affirmations.

Focus on your strengths and achievements.

And make sure to remind yourself that you’re capable of achieving your goals.

JohnK 1-15-2024


stick man hears about clarityOverheard: “Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision”

~Aldous Huxley

Article image by engin akyurt on Unsplash

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How to Find And Begin Your One Goal

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If you break New Year resolutions try making goals instead. In fact, aim for one goal.

There’s a way to do this and GenuLines has a plan that can help you.

How to Find And Begin Your One Goal

When you sleep, you dream. Even if you don’t remember those dreams when you wake up, you do still have them.

The thing about dreams is that we have them one at a time. They don’t overlap.

They’re okay with waiting in line and taking their turn.

Think about making your goals  like your dreams—one at a time. Here are a few ideas from GenuLines on how you can decide on your next goal.

hockey goal

1.                 Find the ONE goal
It might be that the reason people make vague resolutions instead of New Year’s Goals is that a goal is a big thing. And it can be overwhelming.

But losing the big picture means losing the prize.

Ask yourself these questions:
·        Why are you doing what you’re doing? The why provides motivation even when you’re discouraged.

Knowing the why will also help clarify your goal.

·        Next year, what achievement from this year will have the most significant impact on your life. Would it get you closest to achieving your goals?

If you’re looking to become healthier, this might be becoming a non-smoker. If you’re looking to change careers, it might be going back to school for more training.

Attention Please

·        What takes your full attention while you’re doing it? Where does your passion lie?

Are you consumed by cars? Does being a mechanic sound like something to look into?

·        What do you believe is worth doing that other people might not? That’s a question designed to give insight into your personality.

In the 1960s Rosey Grier played pro football for the New York Giants and later for the LA Rams.

He was 6’5” and 300 pounds.

He also spent off field time knitting. It was his passion.

What makes you so passionate that you don’t mind standing alone to do it? What drives you or from what do you take comfort?

How can that be a part of the goal? Or can it become the goal?

2.                 Translate your goal into a number

Numbers are easier to remember. What number?

For example,  your goal is to become an ex-smoker. If you smoke a pack per day at $5 per pack, that’s 5 X 365 or $1,825 spent each year on cigarettes.

That’s a good number

Call it $2,000 by the time you factor in all those trips to the gas station for cigarettes. Does that number make the goal real?

3.                  Keep your eyes on the prize

Get out a sheet of paper. Write down  that $2,000 number in big, bold, colorful numbers.

Use crayon if you like.

Post that number where you can see it. Often.

Learn to rank your goals. By doing this you’ll find it easier to pick the one that means the most to you right now.

Then put your laser like focus on that particular goal until you get to where you want to go.

JohnK 1-1-2024


stick man hears about a goalOverheard: “Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.”

~ Elbert Hubbard


Article image by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/metal-bar-with-net-on-the-ice-surface-6847387/


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Are You Even Capable of Personal Transformation?


banner to help your transformationYou may have some sort of transformation on the list of changes to make in the New Year. Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a long time.

Let’s pause for a moment as GenuLines asks if you have what it takes.

Are You Even Capable of Personal Transformation?

People seem to want changes in their lives. They might want a new career.

Or they want to lose weight. Some want to do something different that nobody’s done before.

They want to go through some personal transformation.

But is it even possible for us to transform?

man ponders transformationThink about the number of times you’ve made New Year’s resolutions. Did any of them last?

Many people give up because they know it’s an exercise in futility. Then, you have those who try over and over again to lose weight.

They try one diet after another and after a few months gain most of the pounds back.

On the other end of the spectrum are people who have overcome major obstacles. They’ve thrived, often never looking back from their new situations.

Do some of us have different wiring?

Most people are capable of transforming their lives. If that weren’t true, you’d have way fewer success stories in the world.

It depends on how badly people want to make changes. Sometimes, people aren’t ready for a change.

Your environment also plays a huge role in determining success in implementing changes. Being with negative-thinkers who discourage change is going to make succeeding difficult.

If you’re looking to transform, align yourself with people who want to help you succeed.

People are different. Some are naturals at making transformations.

And they don’t need help or encouragement from others.

They have strong wills and keep going until the change becomes part of their lives. Others need more help and encouragement.

Look to the past

Your upbringing could be a factor in how well you adapt to change. Let’s say your parents preferred the status quo.

Your first reaction to change might be hard, at least in the beginning.

Bear in mind, there are plenty of people who break away from the mold of their families. They make changes in spite of their family backgrounds.

Don’t give up. If something doesn’t work out, try something else or look at the situation in a different way.

Learn from your mistakes and failures and continue until you’re where you want to be. Determination and persistence are your biggest allies when making your transformations.

Granted, it’s never easy. If it were, everyone would make the necessary changes and change would not be scary.

Never let anyone stand in the way of something you must do.

JohnK 12-25-2023

stick man hears about transformationOverheard: “In order to save myself, I must destroy first the me I was told to be.”



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A Few Easy Ways You Can Excel- With Excellence 

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Excellence represents an ideal. A way in which you can live your best life.

Let GenuLines show you some simple ways you can continue to excel.

A Few Easy Ways You Can Excel- With Excellence 

Use the following steps to help you excel with your commitment to excellence.

workers show excellence

Give more than what is asked of you

When someone asks for help with a certain task or chore be prepared to go that one step further. If a neighbor needs help moving old furniture out of the house, offer to help move the new furniture in too.

Over deliver to clients by adding something extra. The something won’t be a request, but it will add value to the project.

Be passionate about what you do

If you want to excel at work then you need to be passionate about the thing you do every day. It may not be that easy, especially if you aren’t that happy with your current job.

The next time you’re asked to deliver a project, be passionate about it and put all your efforts into it. If not for your boss, for yourself, this way you know you delivered your best work.

Believe that what you do will make a difference 

Did you ever hesitate from helping someone else because you didn’t think it would help? This is the type of behavior you want to stop.

Your actions, even small ones, can make a difference. You need to start believing this if you want to excel with everything you do.

Challenge yourself 

Do you take the easy way out, or are you up for a challenge? People who excel love challenges and are always looking for one.

Completing a challenge can really boost your self-confidence.

Expect the best of everyone

As soon as you start expecting the best from others, this is what you will see. Start thinking about yourself and others in a positive manner from now on.

Follow through and follow up

How many times have you started a job and put all your effort into it, only to find your energy levels dwindle? Only take on a job that you know you can finish and when you do ensure that you do it right, and get it finished on time.

Focus on one task or goal at a time

Doing too many things at one time is a sure-fire way not to excel at anything. You simply have too many projects and not enough time.

By using the above steps, you can easily start to excel with excellence in your daily life.

JohnK 12-11-2023


Ostick man hears about excellenceverheard: “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.”

~Booker T. Washington


Article image by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash


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Why Regret Is a Useless Emotion And What To Do Instead 

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Regret is a load of baggage that you lug through life. And it doesn’t get any lighter as the years go by.

Let’s lighten things up a bit with this GenuLines look at some alternatives.

Why Regret Is a Useless Emotion And What To Do Instead 

So you’re feeling sad, sorry or disappointed over something that you did or did not do. This is the textbook definition of regret.

And regret can cause terrible feelings of guilt, sadness, and even depression.

man feels regret

In its extreme, anxiety can soon turn into anger or resentment. You can be so unhappy with your lot in life that you begin to take that anger out on others.

Although regret is a common emotion, it’s pointless.  You can’t go back in time and change past decisions.

When you live in your regret, you’re wishing for a new outcome from an old script. This a functioning level of insanity, but insanity nonetheless.

And it can cause emotional and sometimes physical distress.

Regret can also play a major role in impacting happiness. If you feel regret you may be hard on yourself; almost to the point of severe self-pity.

A big problem here is that you cloud your ability to trust in yourself.

You’ll continue to defer to the past as opposed to looking toward the future. Basking in regret will leave you blind to the good in front of you.

Although it seems easy to wallow in regret, it’s self-harming.

How to Combat Regret 

Acceptance is the key to overcoming your regret. Trying to change the past is impossible and only results in frustration.

So it’s important to make peace with your previous decisions and move forward. Take responsibility for your actions and learn how to make better choices in the future.

Making the best of your bad choices shows maturity and positive thinking. Once you make a decision it’s done.

Instead of worrying about the past, why not find something positive in your present. This involves asking yourself some questions:

 What can I do to make this situation better?

 How can I adjust my attitude to see the positive?

 What can I currently change?

These questions can help you analyze your current situation and look for the best. This will turn your negative disposition toward the positive.

Being able to overcome feelings of regret can make you a stronger person. You’re embracing positivity as opposed to living in the past.

One way to turn your regrets into an opportunity is to think about any good that’s resulted. Have you grown as a person?

Have you learned a valuable lesson?

These questions will help you to further see the good in your past. Yes, regret can be frustrating and painful.

But you have the power to keep it from controlling you.

JohnK 12-4-2023


Stick figure hears about regretOverheard: “Never regret anything you have done with a sincere affection; nothing is lost that is born of the heart”

 Basil Rathbone

Article image by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

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The Every Day Choice Between Staying Stagnant or Progressing

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Choice is something you’re faced with most every day. And sometimes a choice is the difference between a big gain or a setback.

Make it a positive result with the help of today’s GenuLines look at making choices.

The Every Day Choice Between Staying Stagnant or Progressing

Ever wonder what day-to-day life should look like when it comes to success?. When you’re formulating plans for success, is it more of a general idea of what your life is going to become?

Or is it a structured plan with daily or even annual goals?

A choice of doors

An important key toward success is realizing that every day, you can be making a progress toward becoming more successful.  But you need to be able and willing to take full advantage of that.

Rise.. and Shine?

When you get up in the morning, you have a full day ahead of you. Lots you can get done.

Any or all of it can move you to the next level. Or it can leave you where you are right now.

Each day is a new chance to do things you want to do to improve. That could mean tending to your relationships or getting something accomplished at work.

Either way, the day is full of opportunities for you to advance.

Better Days Ahead

Realize that every day there’s something you can do to improve. Even on days when you’re just going to relax and recharge, at least you’re doing that with the intention of regaining energy for a better performance later down the line.

On days that you’re not recharging, you need to boost any aspect of your life that needs it. Something that a lot of people struggle with is getting back on track after they’ve fallen off the productivity wagon.

They seem to feel as though it’s the end of the world, and they’re not going to be able to go any farther. This causes so much disruption in their success plans.

They stop all progress, assuming that they’re not able to recover.

This is far from the truth. Just as each day is a new chance to progress, it’s also an opportunity to get back on track.

Good Days Bad Days

You start every day with a clean slate, and from there you can shape the day any way you want.

If sometimes you don’t have a productive day it’s okay. Everyone has their bad days.

What you can’t do, though, is just sit there and mope about it. Wake up the next day committed and with a plan to get yourself back on track.

JohnK 11-27-2023

stick man hears about choiceOverheard: “We must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy”

~Professor Dumbledore



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5 Behaviors You Don’t See In Highly Successful People

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Successful people aren’t always on their best behavior. Sometimes they show their less than attractive sides.

But GenuLines wants to tell you about some tendencies that won’t show up in their daily inter-actions

5 Behaviors You Don’t See In Highly Successful People

Everyone has a different interpretation of what success is, or what it means to them. But, when you break it down, most everyone can come to an agreement on it’s meaning.

Success is accomplishing a goal, or attaining a meaningful purpose.

That may be a loving relationship, or it could be a form of artistic expression. It might be career advancement.

Regardless of what the goal is, true success is never an an easy upward, or stable journey. The world’s most successful people are aware of this fact.

And they often have behavioral traits which set them apart from the rest.

picture of bad behavior

If you’re struggling to achieve what you want in life, you may want to consider starting with an inward look. This might mean a shift in your mindset to bring you in line with how successful people behave.

When you work with great leaders and executives you notice what does and doesn’t work in the long-term. It’s not so much personal habits or intrinsic characteristics that determine success.

Instead, it’s about your behavior.

What does behavior mean? It’s about how you communicate and how you react to stressful situations.

It’s also about how you interact with the people around you.

Add to that the attitude you have in dealing with clients and colleagues.

It’s how hard you work. And whether you’re disciplined, and focused.

You may know some dysfunctional people who have gained success. But these behaviors will catch up with them.

Here’s a look at 5 behaviors that you won’t see in highly successful people.


High pressure and stressful situations in the business world are a common occurrence. Things don’t always go according to plan, and they often go horrifically wrong.

It’s just part of the territory.

What highly successful people don’t do is panic. If you can’t override that adrenaline spike and stay calm during a crisis, you’re not going to last long.


While passion is a massive driver in success, you can take it too far. Become a fanatic and your energy and passion starts to work against you.

The result? Flawed reasoning, poor decision making, and a skewed perception of reality.


When you’re driven to achieve greatness, you have one fundamental truth: it’s going to be a long haul. And it’s going to be a lot of hard work.

That’s why highly successful people are so disciplined, and highly focused. A lot of people are slackers, and quite simply, it’s why they don’t go on to achieve great things.


Okay, so we may all start out with a wide eyed, gullible approach in the business world. However, the sooner you turn skeptical the savvier you become.

And the better your chance at succeeding. Why is this true?

Suckers don’t succeed.

Highly successful people question everything. And they tend to trust, verify, and consider the source.


Thin skinned people don’t make great leaders, nor do they tend to be highly successful. They drive themselves crazy with every little criticism.

And they don’t obsess over every comment that offends or upsets them. That’s why seriously great business leaders often have a sense of humility, and a good sense of humor.

While life may be serious, you can’t take yourself too seriously.

JohnK 11-20-2023

stick man hears about behaviorOverheard: “Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Article image by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash


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Create A Vision of Who You Want to Be

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A vision for your life is like a roadmap. It takes you from point A to point B and beyond.

Today GenuLines gets behind the wheel to show you a few points along the way. .

Create A Vision of Who You Want to Be

If you’re unhappy where you are in life, it could be you are not creating the right vision about yourself.

viewfinder helps visionThink back to recent thoughts you had. Were they negative thoughts or feelings like you’ve hit a roadblock?

Shift your focus to a life that you want or a person that you want to become. If you want to have a life similar to an idol of yours, read about how that idol has become a success and use that as a guideline to help you accomplish something similar.

When you create a positive image within your mind, it will set up neural pathways to help you reach your goals. The more you reinforce this mental image the more pathways you’ll create.


If there is information available online that can help you with your vision, use it to your advantage.

Finishing Touches

Determine your vision and then the steps you believe will help you get there. Finally, continue to imagine that vision  on a daily basis.

Your brain will get so used to this vision it will become a subconscious process.

This is not to say you can’t alter your plan or your vision. There may be something you thought you wanted, but as you progress, you find this not to be the case.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

If this happens, create another vision and move on from there. Your brain will form pathways for this new vision.

If your vision is fine but the plan is not getting you where you need to be, don’t be afraid to make changes with it. Plans are only guidelines.

You can change as needed. This can happen when new information comes to light along the way, information which wasn’t available when you got started.

People Gonna Talk

Be prepared for criticism as you create this new vision for yourself. It’s yours and yours alone.

People may not understand what you’re trying to shoot for. Hold to your beliefs and prove them wrong.

Your critics are not the ones who have to live with the vision you make for yourself. You’ll find when you reach your goals those same critics will suddenly be on your side.

They’ll even claim to have been there for you all along.

It’s annoying, but that’s how people behave. It’s not worth the aggravation.

Just move on with your vision and let them think whatever they want.

JohnK 11-13-2023

stick man hears about visionOverheard: “Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and  purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others”

~ Roy T. Bennett



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What Is Information Overload?

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Information is an indispensable part of life. The problems show up when there’s way too much of it.

If it’s time to lighten up a bit then think about these GenuLines pointers and do some offloading.

What Is Information Overload?

Have you ever started something new – a new job, a new sport, even a new game and you’re trying to learn the information and it feels like your brain might explode? That’s an exaggerated symptom of information overload.

But, most people are experiencing it daily from normal life due to fast access to information via the internet.

information overload books


Information overload can cause the following symptoms:
Cardiovascular issues
And more…



Plus, often it can cause problems in interpersonal relationships and work relationships. The reason is that most information overload is a choice you make.

You choose to be on social media all day; you choose to watch every single news station and every single pundit on TV talk about whatever is the topic of the day.

It’s Like Drinking Water from a Fire Hydrant

Anytime you want to learn something, it’s tempting to start gathering tons of information. And due to the net, it’s easy to get drawn down into the rabbit hole of unending information.

It becomes hard to determine what information is good and what information is bad.

It Leads to Poor Information Filtering

When you’re bombarded with so much information, your brain can’t filter it properly. Your brain does something called twigging, which means that instead of filtering information in terms of importance it just generalizes all information as being the same.

This is terrible for decision making.

It Leads to Bad Choices

If you can’t properly filter information to determine what is true, what is right and what is wrong, you’ll have a hard time making the right choices. The information overload causes you to choose wrongly on any number of issues, because with so much noise going on you can’t determine what is right.

It Harms Your Relationships

Information overload can harm your relationships. If you’re always reading your smartphone, looking at social media and not being present in your life, it can hurt intimacy.

If your partner and friends are complaining, take heed.

It Leads to Black and White Thinking

The world is not black and white. The world is colorful, black, white, gray and everything in between and more.

The same can be said for a lot of issues. There are very few issues that are either right or wrong, black or white.

If you have too much information at your fingertips and are rating everything the same, it’s easy to see things as black and white, which can make it hard to negotiate a happy life and successful business.

It Can Lead to Mental Issues Like Depression

When you get to the point of information overload, a lot of people experience mental problems such as short-term memory issues and even depression. If you find that you’re just feeling mixed up a lot, forget appointments and aren’t doing your best at home or work, consider information overload as a potential culprit.

Information overload can even lead to tragedy when texting mixes with driving.

Who knows how much money is lost in overall productivity due to information overload.. You can do your part by trying to limit information overload for yourself and your family.

You can also encourage co-workers and employees to avoid multitasking and focus training on smaller topics rather than broad ones.

JohnK 11-6-2023

stick man hears about information Overheard:  “…a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention…”

~Herbert A. Simon


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