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Top Ways to Identify Your Strengths

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What are your strengths? Are you uncertain how to answer the question? Get some clear answers with this GenuLines look at finding those strengths.

Top Ways to Identify Your Strengths
Lion symbolizes strength

We all have unique strengths and unique weaknesses. This is part of what makes us, well, unique.

And it’s what makes teamwork so important in a working environment.

This way it’s possible to leverage the individual strengths of many different people. The result is a well-oiled machine.

The problem is many of us actually don’t know our own strengths. We’re unable to be objective in analyzing our skills

Our ego or our self-doubt kicks in to prevent us from finding out what we’re good at. So how do you find where your strengths lie?

Ask People
One approach is to ask people what they think your strengths are. Now, you don’t want to take anyone’s word and leave it at that.

But when you start noticing patterns in the responses there could be at least a bit of truth.

Look at Your Experience
Another way to find your skills is to look at your own experience. If you’ve spent a lot of time on a particular career path, you may have gained specific abilities related to that.

And they may open your eyes to strengths you weren’t aware of.

Asses Your Weaknesses
Another good way to find your strengths is to look at your weaknesses. In other words, as you drop the things you’re bad at, it should leave the things you’re good at.

Look at your own career. Let’s say you’re a web designer – do you work better with the code, with the layout or with the artistic part?

Which of these is your skill and which is the weak link?

Look at What You Love
As a general rule, you’ll tend to enjoy doing the things you’re very good at. So if you want to know what you’re good at, try to spot the times when you’re the most engaged and the most switched on.

Try Lots of Things
There’s a good chance that the thing you’re good at is something you haven’t even considered yet. That’s why it’s important to broaden your experiences.

Give yourself more leverage in finding your strengths and skills.

JohnK 9-11-2023

stick figure hears about strengthsOverheard: ” Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength”

~Eric Hoffer


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How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Distractions in your life can hurt your relationships. There’s help for this. And today GenuLines will show you some ways to bring this about. . 

How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Spending undistracted time with people will build stronger relationships. You’ll have time to devote to each other in more effective and productive ways.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a working relationship or a personal relationship. 

Enjoy Improved Communication

driver having distraction

Take time to talk to people minus distractions from screens or other activities. This is most conducive to real conversation.

You’ll learn each other’s communication styles better.
And you’ll start understanding each other more. Knowing what the other person means when they talk to you helps all aspects of the relationship.



Have More Fun 

It’s more fun to be with people when you’re not having to answer your phone or look at screens. The few times you get together will be exclusive and without distractions.

Build Positive Memories 

When you look back on your life you’re not going to with you had more time with gadgets or small concerns. Instead, you’ll focus on the memories you’ve built with those closest to you.
You can’t make memories if you aren’t focused on the event or person.

Discover More Shared Interests 

Remove distractions from your dealings with others and you’ll
learn more about who they are. You’re quicker to find common ground.
When you have more shared interests relationship satisfaction improves.

Foster a Sense of Commitment 

When we connect to our community and environment, we’re a lot more devoted to it. Human nature is that way, even if we don’t want to do the activity in question.

Feel Happier 

Studies using couples and families showed interesting results. They found that spending quality time minus distractions brought more happiness.
And they have longer-lasting relationships than those who don’t.

Reduce Stress 

Distraction causes stress, and stress causes so many other problems – even physical illness. If you want to reduce your stress level, consider making lifestyle changes.
Ones that allows you to focus only on each activity you’re in as you’re in it.
Do the same with relationships. If it’s at work, find an electronics free place to talk.
At your work meeting, ask everyone to turn off unnecessary distractions. If it’s your family and friends, make a concerted effort to spend this time together without an agenda.
And ditch the distractions. you’ll be happy you did.
JohnK 2-20-2023
stick man hears about distractionsOverheard: Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions.                                     
                                ~Saul Bellow
Article image by Breakingpic: https://www.pexels.com/photo/car-music-audio-controls-3102/
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What Innovation Can Do For Your Life

Innovation is a word we often connect to companies and their products. We’re told those innovations will improve our lives.

But GenuLines wants you to know that you can put your own innovation to work in your life, 

What Innovation Can Do For Your Life

It’s a talent that we all have. Yet many of us don’t believe it.

That talent is the power of innovation.
Did you ever admire somebody’s creative prowess? Guess what, you can create and innovate too. It takes some time.
But we can all show our creative side.


a wish for good life


You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? A while, right?
It’s the same with innovation. Today GenuLines shows you a few ways to help your innovation come to life.
1. Don’t listen to what other people say about how to live your life
Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make.
If you have an original idea, don’t waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won’t.
And the ‘help’ that comes your way often comes in the form of negative feedback. If all the geniuses of the past had listened to their peers, we might still be living in the middle ages.

2. Spend time on it
I put a lot of emphasis on this, but please don’t think I mean you should quit your day job. I don’t. With conscious time management and a little discipline you’ll be able to squeeze both in.
3. Exercise
Take a walk. Run a mile or two.
Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising clears and relaxes your mind and helps you handle anything that pops up. 

4. Record your dreams

Some might be wild things that your conscious mind would never have thought of. If you’ve had this kind of dream, it shows you the untapped innovative power you have within.
So make notes. Those dreams may create an innovative spark in you.

5. Find your own style

You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You’ll know Hemingway wrote something by the choice of words on the paper.
So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it’s yours alone.
6. Don’t hide behind gadgets or tools
You don’t need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. So what if you’ve got an expensive SLR camera if you’re a crappy photographer?
Who cares if you’ve got a blinging laptop if you can’t write at all?
The artist actually reduces the number of tools he has as he gets better at his craft. He knows what works and what doesn’t.
7. Nothing will work without passion
What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning?

What’s the one thing that you must do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the people who want it more.
Think the hare and the tortoise.
Sometimes you just want something so bad you become almost unstoppable. And that is passion.
Passion will keep you going.
8. Don’t worry about inspiration
You can’t force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to. Don’t let these unpredictable yet inevitable moments slip away.
Carry a notebook and pen.
I hope this article helps you bring more innovation into your life. Keep in mind that you’re doing these things for your own satisfaction and no one else’s.
In time others may notice the changes in your life. Expect those changes to snowball from there.
JohnK 2-6-2023

stick man hears about lifeOverheard: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated”
                                           ~ Confucius
Article photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
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What Is Personal Mastery?

Your road to personal mastery can be long and winding. And it can be a frustrating process. 

GenuLines has been on this road before, and today we’ll make some of the “stops” along the way. 

What Is Personal Mastery?

Personal mastery is about approaching life in a different way. People sometimes refer to it as a journey towards continuous improvement.
Tiger showing mastery
Certain key principles can guide you. These include vision, purpose, creative tension, and commitment to truth.
Add to those an understanding of the subconscious mind.




One of the most important fundamental aspects of personal mastery is personal vision. Combine these two and you get a guiding philosophy.
This can be your operating system throughout life. Supplement with books, tapes, and courses for continued growth.
Personal mastery is about loving yourself and expressing your gifts to the fullest. It’s not about control or limiting yourself.
The more you suppress things the tougher it is to overcome them.

Take Responsibility

Personal mastery is self-discipline. It’s about taking responsibility for the direction that your life is going to take.
You come to realize that you can do anything with the aide of your skills and talents. Discipline can clarify and deepen your perspective in life.
And it can help you develop patience and a healthy view of life.

See The Signs

Personal mastery can actually help you become successful in life. A sign of progress is starting to understand your strengths, talents, and purpose in life.
Personal mastery makes you inspired, energized and happy with your life. You start to show a sense of commitment in changing on how people perceive life and the world.
Important qualities to include on your journey are integrity, humility, justice, and industry.

A Long Road

Reaching personal mastery has no shortcuts or no quick fixes. The process can take a lifetime.
You’ll detach from self-interest or selfishness. You’ll encourage people to care about and serve others.
And you’ll see the connections in your surroundings and everything in general as a whole.
Proactive behavior is another product of personal mastery. You base your actions and services on maximizing your skills in a creative way.


Personal mastery guides you to awareness of your beliefs, attitudes and behavioral impacts. It also enables self acceptance, and responsibility for your action, attitude, and thought.
It’s living with integrity and purpose. And it’s all tied together with your ideals, standards, and behavior
JohnK 9-19-2022
stick figure hears about masteryOverheard: :”The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions”
                                    ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
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Make Better Personal Decisions

You never know when one of your everyday decisions will turn out to be a life changer. It’s best to be prepared for whatever you face. 

So GenuLines has prepared some pointers to guide you in the decision making process.

Make Better Personal Decisions

man facing decisionYou’ll make countless decisions in your life. Some of these decisions are small. (What should I watch on TV?) and some of these decisions are big. (Should I take that job overseas?)
But, the outcome of a vast majority of these decisions, big or small, affects us in a very personal way.
These outcomes can have both a positive and negative effect on your life. So it makes sense that you take the time to learn how to make better personal decisions.


Under Construction

You use your brain to make decisions. That brain is the product of millions of years of development and evolution.
And it continues today.
Think of this development as the remodeling of an old house.
In the beginning, there was the original house.
Over time, you might add a garage.
Then, a family room. Then a second story.
Follow that up with a fireplace. The point is the skeleton of the old house is still there.
Over time it’s surrounded by all the new additions.

The Old and The New

Our brains evolve this way. Parts that developed a million years ago work alongside newer parts.
Newer as in those that developed ten thousand years ago.
It’s like the light sockets in the older part of the house. They’re designed for a different era, so to the older parts of our brains.
Yet, today the whole brain works to make decisions that have a direct affect on us.
Studies show that the average person makes a decision in less than ten seconds. When confronted by a life and death situation, you don’t have time to think about your next move.
Otherwise in less critical situations your best move is to take some time to think.

Easy Does It

A primary step in learning how to become a better personal decision maker is to teach yourself to slow down. Then think about the decision that’s facing you.
With any decision, big or small, you need to take the appropriate amount of time. You want to assess and weigh all the choices involved.
Look at all the angles and all the possible outcomes. Start making choices that increase you chances for positive results.
JohnK 5-30-2022
Stick figure hears about decisionsOverheard: “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision”
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Find Time In Your Busy Morning

Morning rush hour isn’t only on the highway. GenuLines knows you deal with your own rush before you head out the door. 

With that in mind, here are a few ideas to help you “tap the brakes” during your earliest hours. 

Find Time In Your Busy Morning

Mornings are busy and they can be quite chaotic. If you have a young family and plenty of people to get ready and out the door, you know this first hand.
The hourglass sands of timeThe good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way, no matter how busy you think you are first thing in the day.
The first few hours in the morning set the tone for the entire rest of the day. Do you want a panic scene, feeling like you’re running and trying to catch up?
Or do you want it to be calm, collected, productive, and with a feeling that you’re in control? It’s up to you and it’s all about embracing two simple concepts.

Get Up Early Enough

It’s tempting to hit the snooze button and catch a few more minutes of sleep, isn’t it? It’s even hard to set the alarm early enough that you have plenty of time for everything you want and need to get done.
I get it.
If you’re not a morning person, moving up the alarm by 30 minutes to carve out a little extra time can be tough. But after the first few mornings, it won’t be anywhere near as hard as you think.
And you’ll get used to it.
Getting up early enough and avoiding the snooze button at all costs is the key to an unrushed morning.

Buying Time?

Here’s the problem with cutting corners with time, or worse hitting the snooze button a few times. It gets you behind from the very start.
You have to rush to make it out the door in time and any little problem or speed bump along the way turns into a huge problem. Not being able to find the car keys becomes a major crisis.
It could cause you to be late for work and the kids to be tardy at school. Remember, your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day.
If you start it chasing downtime and things, that’s likely how you’ll spend the rest of your time.
But getting up early enough puts you ahead of the game. You’re in control.
You can take care of everything that needs doing in a calm manner. And you’ll still have time for the important things you want to work on.
In short, getting up early enough sets you up for an amazing, productive day.

Restructure Your Routine

Think about your current morning routine and where you’re spending time. Look for things you can change and tweak to find more time for the things you want to do.
For example, let’s say you want an extra 20 minutes in the morning to meditate. Look at what you could take care of ahead of time, get rid of, or delegate to make that time.
You may spend a lot of time getting breakfast for everyone. So get in the habit of setting the breakfast table the night before.
Arrange for your spouse or partner to get the coffee ready, so all you have to do in the morning is push a button. Teach the kids to make their own breakfast.
Have them take their dirty dishes and prep them for the dishwasher. Make sure clothes are set out the night before (including yours).
Give book bags, purses, briefcases, and car keys a designated spot. Know that they’re where they need to be before you turn in for the night.
Small changes like this to your morning routine can make a big difference. I challenge you to come up with a few more small tweaks that will save you at least 30 minutes in the morning.
JohnK 4-4-2022
Stick figure hears about timeOverheard: “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”
                 ~Charles Darwin, The Life & Letters of Charles Darwin
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Stress Management In Easy Steps

Living in times of stress can leave you feeling as though there’s nothing you can do about it. Each stressful event seems to dish out more than the one before. 

Take some of the stress off your plate with this GenuLines look at stress management, 

Stress Management In Easy Steps

man relieves stress


Feeling at least occasional levels of stress in life is unavoidable, But you don’t have to feel it at all times.

We can often prevent stressful incidents and decrease our negative reactions to them.

In fact, many times all we have to do to reduce our stress is to acknowledge that it’s there. And in many areas of our lives, there are steps we can and should take toward effective stress management.
Managing time
Time management skills can allow you more time with your family and friends. And they can help your general performance and productivity.
This will help reduce your stress.
To improve your time management:
· Save time by focusing and concentrating, delegating, and scheduling time for yourself.
· Keep a record of how you spend your time, including work, family, and leisure time.
· Rank tasks by importance and urgency. Redirect your time to those activities that are important and meaningful to you.
· Manage your commitments by not over-or under committing. Don’t commit to what is not important to you.
· Deal with procrastination by using a day planner. Break large projects into smaller ones.
And set short-term deadlines.
· Examine your beliefs to reduce conflict between what you believe and what your life is like.

Build healthy coping strategies

It’s important that you identify your coping strategies. One way to do this is by recording stressful events, your reaction, and how you cope in a stress journal.
Knowing this, you can work to turn unhealthy coping strategies into healthy ones. Those that help you focus on the positive and what you can change or control in your life.


Some behaviors and lifestyle choices affect your stress level. They may not be a direct cause of stress.
But they can interfere with the ways your body seeks relief.
Try to:
· Balance personal, work, and family needs and obligations.
· Have a sense of purpose in life.
· Get enough sleep. Your body recovers from the stresses of the day while you are sleeping.
· Eat a balanced diet for a nutritional defense against stress.
· Get moderate exercise throughout the week.
· Limit your consumption of alcohol.
· Don’t smoke.

Social support

Social support is a major factor in how we experience stress. It’s the kind you get from family, friends, and the community.
It shows how they love, esteem, and care for you. Studies link this to good mental and physical health.

Ways of thinking

When an event triggers negative thoughts you can experience a cascade of reactions. Like fear, insecurity, anxiety, depression, rage, guilt. and a sense of worthlessness or powerlessness.
These emotions trigger the body’s stress, much like an actual threat does. Dealing with your negative thoughts and how you see things can help reduce stress.
· Thought-stopping helps you stop a negative thought to help calm you.
· Disproving irrational thoughts helps you to avoid exaggerating negative thoughts. Anticipating the worst.
And giving the event an incorrect interpretation.
· Problem-solving helps you identify all aspects of a stressful event and find ways to deal with it.
· Change your communication style. You’ll get your views across and others won’t feel put down, hostile, or intimidated.
This reduces the stress that comes from poor communication.
Anybody can get stressed. You don’t have to have a high-powered job or any job at all.
In fact, unemployment is stressful in itself. Whether you’re the mail guy, the CEO, or the average parent, stress is going to affect you from time to time.
How you deal with it is what counts.
JohnK 2-28-2022
stick man hears about stressOverheard: “ In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers”
                                                   ~Fred Rogers
Article image by SHVETS production from Pexels
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