Tag Archive for genuine living

Marlise Karlin sends CHI FOR YOURSELF an S.O.S.


picture of john kobikI always enjoy hearing about new methods of meditation and the inward journey in general. On last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF we learned about the Simplicity of Stillness Method (S.O.S.) from Marlise Karlin.

Marlise was a teen runaway. She became an award winning film producer after overcoming a dramatic childhood of abuse and addiction. When she underwent a series of life altering energetic experiences it shifted her perception and future life purpose. If you weren’t with us on the call you can hear the interview by clicking on this player…


Here are some of the show’s talking points:

  • Marlise’s early life and addiction
  • How she got clear on what she wanted
  • The main features of the Simplicity of Stillness Method
  • A bit about Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity
  • SOS for those with an established meditation practice
  • The business world’s reaction to SOS
  • Depression
  • Helping someone with an addiction

Be well..

John K 10-26-2015

chiforyourself.com home


clip art of man Overheard:

“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”

∼ Jiddu Krishnamurti



Today: Ancient Consciousness Traditions For the New Paradigm with Tracey Ash

picture of Tracey Ash

Tracey Ash

Be with us for today’s CHI FOR YOURSELF when we welcome Tracey Ash. She’ll be talking about looking to the past and finding tools for consciousness, awakening, and healing. Tracey Ash is the author of Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing: The Source Codes for High Frequency.


We’ll get started today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com. Plan to be there!


JohnK 10-16-2015

chiforyourself.com home

Questions and Actions- You Can Help Make CHI FOR YOURSELF Even Better!

picture of john kobikCHI FOR YOURSELF is always working to come up with new offerings that can contribute to your transformation. Today I’m asking you to give your own suggestion. Here’s a question for you- What one area of your life do you most want to improve? The answer could point to your relationships, your work, your spirituality, or your finances. You know in your heart where you want to bring about change.

The answers to this question will greatly help CHI FOR YOURSELF in bringing you future articles and guests. Please take a moment to use the following email address to send your answer:


You can give a one word answer, or more if you need to explain. Either way your response will be a great help in carrying CHI FOR YOURSELF’s work forward. So… What one area of your life do you most want to improve? Send your answer to:


…and thank you for being a part of the CHI FOR YOURSELF community!

Be well,


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When Good Prayers Go Bad

On the heels of the US visit by Pope Francis Chi For Yourself  looks into the power of prayer. When she talked to us in 2012  August Gold reminded  us that since the beginning of time men and women everywhere have prayed — millions of prayers daily and yet only a handful of those prayers are answered. August suggests that prayer is something that everyone wants to do but a lot of people have confusion or concern about because they think they don’t know how or that they’re praying incorrectly. August Gold is the co-author (with Joel Fotinos) of The Prayer Chest.


Looking Forward to Some New Old-Fashioned Healing!

picture of john kobikAfter time off to take care of some family business, it’s time to get back to the business of CHI FOR YOURSELF! The next first run interview is scheduled for October 16th. On that program we’ll hear from Tracey Ash, who’ll tell us about Celestial Healing and what she calls new scientific and historical evidence on ancient knowledge technologies that accelerate miracles in your life and world.

picture of Tracey Ash

Tracey Ash

I’ll have a reminder post for you in the days ahead..


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picture of Kim SchneidermanOur last CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Kim Schneiderman helped us put pen to paper to achieve personal transformation. Kim Schneiderman  is the author of STEP OUT OF YOUR STORY: Writing Exercises to Reframe  and Transform Your Life. You can hear that show by clicking on this player…


Picture of Tim Link…and, Tim Link joined us to talk about his “pet project” – animal communication!  Tim Link is the author of Talking with Dogs and Cats: Joining the Conversation to Improve Behavior and Bond with Your Animals. Listen to the show by clicking on this player…

Enjoy your week!


John K. 9-28-2015

chiforyourself.com home


Clipart image of overheard


.”Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

∼ Lucille Ball




(Still) Unstoppable Frankie Picasso!

Picture of Frankie PicassoI love a good “overcoming obstacles” story, and that’s exactly what we got on last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF with Frankie Picasso  Frankie sketched out a period in her life when just about everything was going wrong. But she looked inside to find a way to work through that period and go on to have a life that really is Unstoppable! If you missed the interview you can get caught up by clicking on this player:

Here are some of the talking points from the show:

  • Frankie’s near-fatal motorcycle crash
  • Things happen for a reason
  • Putting setbacks into perspective
  • Dealing with death’s eventuality
  • Handling negative thoughts
  • Today’s “mid-life” issues
  • Following the early-in-life calling
  • Fear of going inside
  • Knowing our life’s purpose
  • Fear of failure AND success
  • A look at relationships today
  • Whether to attract or pursue a companion
  • Animal communication and how we benefit
  • A takeaway message


Be well,

JohnK 5-11-2015

chiforyourself.com home


clip art of man Overheard:

If you are depressed you are living in the past.

If you are anxious you are living in the future.

If you are at peace you are living in the present

                                                  Lao Tzu

This Week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF: Frankie Picasso

A quick invitation for you to join us on the call when CHI FOR YOURSELF welcomes Unstoppable Frankie Picasso. Frankie’s specialty is bringing the impossible to life! We get underway today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com

Picture of Frankie Picasso

Frankie Picasso


JohnK 5-7-2015

chiforyourself.com home

First Place For a First Rate First Responder


picture of Dan WillisCHI FOR YOURSELF is delighted to tell you that a past guest on the show has taken top honors in New York City. Captain Dan Willis was with us in the fall of 2014 to talk about his book First Responders. Now, Dan’s book has landed a Books for a Better Life award.

Read the announcement from publisher New World Library and see a short video by clicking here:


And, you can hear the complete CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Dan Willis by clicking on this player:



Congratulations Dan!


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Picture of Susan AndersonWell despite a problem with the YouTube screen the interview with Susan Anderson made it to the CHI FOR YOURSELF Start page. Our topic was what Susan calls the “outer child”. Her book is Taming Your Outer Child: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing from Abandonment. Check out some of the talking points from the show:

  • Personal challenges that moved Susan toward writing the book
  • Outer Child and Inner Child
  • Abandonment fear
  • The Outer Child’s entry and when we might first see it
  • Teaching parents to work with their kids and the Outer Child
  • The Outer Child’s effects and PTSD
  • It’s not about will
  • Society’s reluctance to “go inside”
  • Giving ourselves more self love
  • Consciousness and Outer Child Work

You can hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Susan Anderson by clicking on this player:


Be well!

JohnK 4-20-2015

chiforyourself.com home


Clipart image of overheard Overheard..

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

∼Eleanor Roosevelt



The Susan Anderson/ CHI FOR YOURSELF Re-do


Hiding faceMy apologies to you if you were on the chiforyourself.com Start page today, expecting to hear the interview with Susan Anderson, and instead getting an unresponsive YouTube screen.

Susan joined us to talk about her book Taming Your Outer Child: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing from Abandonment. The interview was recorded and you can hear it now by clicking on this player:

JohnK 4-16-2015
chiforyourself.com home



Next CHI FOR YOURSELF: The Ins and Outs of the Outer Child



Picture of Susan AndersonA quick heads-up to alert you to our next episode of CHI FOR YOURSELF. We’ll hear from psychotherapist and author Susan Anderson, who says that self-sabotaging behaviors come from an aspect of our personalities that most people aren’t consciously aware of — their Outer Child. Susan’s the author of Taming Your Outer Child: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing from Abandonment.

Join us on the call next Thursday April 16th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. Look for the screen on the Start page of chiforyourself.com.


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Joy and Roy MartinaOn last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF we took on the issue of weight loss with out guests, Joy and Roy Martina, co-authors of Sleep Your Fat Away. I like that they stay away from the traditional methods of losing the pounds- things like diets and possibly dangerous pills.



Here’s a look at some of the talking points from that show:

  • Weight issues in their earlier lives
  • How their system works with natural sleep cycles
  • Comparing sleep programming with hypnosis
  • The virtual gastric band
  • Why is weight hard to take off and then keep off?
  • Intelligence as a whole-body system
  • Diet “truisms”- true or false?
  • Some practical tips on keeping pounds off


If you didn’t hear the show you can listen to it by clicking on this player



“Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can.”

                   ∼ Rhonda Byrne, The Secret





JohnK 4-7-2015

chiforyourself.com home


Joy and Roy Martina Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF

DrsMartinaBigPicJoin us as we welcome Joy and Roy Martina to CHI FOR YOURSELF. They’re the authors of Sleep Your Fat Away. The book outlines a system intended to help you re-train your unconscious mind to overcome addictions and change your lifestyle habits, so you can attain your optimum weight and become the healthiest YOU possible.

Be with us on the call today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com!


JohnK 4-2-2015

chiforyourself.com home