Tag Archive for genuine living

Have You “Herd?”- Animals Can Teach Us Leadership

Linda Kohanov picture on leadershipOur guest (Linda Kohanov) adapts horse-inspired insights into powerful tools for developing collaborative leadership and managing change.

Over thousands of years, Kohanov writes, “master herders” of nomadic herding cultures developed a multi-faceted, socially intelligent form of leadership combining the five roles of Dominant, Leader, Sentinel, Nurturer / Companion, and Predator.


Linda Kohanov is the author of  The Five Roles of a Master Herder: A Revolutionary Model for Socially Intelligent Leadership. 

Some talking points from the show:

  • Features of socially intelligent leadership
  • A definition of “master herder”
  • Master herder roles in the working world
  • Human and animal interaction
  • Animals and their work in entertaining humans

Listen to the interview by clicking on below:


logo for leadership

 …and you can read more about leadership styles here:



Why You Might Be Failing At Leadership


   Expert Author Cillin David Hearns          I remember getting my very first leadership opportunity. I was thrilled because this is what I’d been working towards for many years and boy oh boy did I suck!

I thought I understood all I needed to know because, after all, I’d read all the books and gave an awesome interview so why was I floundering so badly?

I couldn’t understand why my team wasn’t jumping on board and hanging onto my every word. It was at this point that I was firmly pressed up against reality and I quickly realized that I didn’t have the skills that I thought I had.

My boss, who seemed quite successful in building a team, told me that the team had to want to follow me and that no title was going to give me that. That’s where his advice ended, not because he was short on giving advice, but because he didn’t understand what made him a good leader and he, through no fault of his own, lacked the skills to grow leaders under him.

It was like being thrown into a pool to learn to swim but no one was there to teach me. Looking back it was largely this experience that led me on the journey to discover what makes great leaders. I was no longer satisfied with the theory alone, I wanted to the tools to grow a team and to be able to lead them to be high performers.

As you’ve often heard me say in the past, the first step is awareness of yourself and, in this instance, awareness of your default leadership style. We all have a default and with every style there are positives and negatives in how they are used and there are also specific times when each style should be ‘consciously’ drawn upon.

More on this later but for now, let’s look at the different core leadership styles.

Debate is common about which leadership style is most effective. The answer, of course,… it all depends. ~ Thomas Kohntopp

Visionary Leadership Style

The Visionary Leader moves people towards a shared dream/vision. This style is particularly effective when a business is adrift-it comes naturally to transformational leaders, those who seek to radically change an organization.

Of all the leadership styles, this style appears to be the most strongly positive. Examples of Visionary Leaders include Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and Barrack Obama.

The key personality traits of these leaders are empathy, self-confidence, and honesty/integrity and they act as a change agent and are big on transparency.

A note of caution: This style can fail when the leader is working with a team of experts or peers who are more experienced than he/she and may be viewed as someone with a grand vision or someone who is misaligned with the existing agenda. It can cause cynicism which can lead to poor performance.

The leader can come across as overbearing and can undermine the spirit of the team.

Coaching Leadership Style

The Coaching Leader connects what a person wants with the organization’s goals. This is a highly positive leadership style. The focus is less so on the “bottom-line” but tends to promote loyalty and a strong culture which, in an indirect way, leads to “bottom-line” results.

The personality traits of this style of leader are emotional self-awareness, empathy, rapport building, and listening. When done well, coaching improves the team member’s capabilities, self-confidence, autonomy, and performance.

This style is the most lacking in leaders. Having a deep conversation with a team member goes beyond the immediate short-term concerns and instead explores a person’s life, including dreams, life goals, and career hopes… this takes time and effort.

A note of caution: When executed poorly the coaching approach can look more like micromanaging or excessive control of the team member. This can impact on the team member’s self-confidence and be detrimental to performance.

Affiliative Leadership Style

The Affiliative Leader creates harmony by connecting people to each other. This leadership style has a positive impact on the environment.

It heightens team harmony, increases morale, improves communication and repairs broken trust in an organization. This leadership style tends to value people and their feelings-putting less emphasis on accomplishing tasks and goals, and more on team member’s emotional needs.

They strive to keep people happy, to create harmony and to build team resonance. But, it should not be used alone.

When coupled with the Visionary Leadership Style it can be a highly potent combination. This style is best used to heal rifts in a team, motivate during stressful times, or strengthen connections.

A note of caution: When using this style alone poor performance can go uncorrected and lead to a culture of mediocrity.

Democratic Leadership Style

The Democratic Leader values people’s input and gets commitment through participation. It has a positive impact on the environment and keeps morale high by spending time one-on-one and in meetings listening to the concerns of team members.

The democratic approach works best when the leader is uncertain about what direction to take and needs ideas from able employees. Even if there is a strong vision, this style works well to surface ideas about how to implement that vision or to generate fresh ideas for executing it.

Please Note: In order for this to be effective, team members have to be well-informed and competent. This approach should not be used in times of crisis and when urgent events demand on-the-spot decisions.

A note of caution: Over-reliance on this style can be exasperating leading to endless meetings to gain consensus, delayed decision making, confusion and lack of direction leading to delays and escalating conflicts.

The next couple of leadership styles, although they have their place, need to be used sparingly and because of the incorrect use of these, they are deemed highly negative… I’m speaking from experience here!

Pace-Setting Leadership Style

The Pace Setting Leader meets challenging and exciting goals. Because this style is frequently poorly executed, it has a highly negative impact on the environment.

When used excessively or in the wrong setting, team members can feel pushed too hard, morale drops and the result is discord. This style works well with a team of highly competent, motivated individuals who need little direction and it makes sense during the entrepreneurial/growth phase of a company.

It can also be effective for short deadlines but continued high pressure can lead to increased anxiety and a drop in performance.

This approach is synonymous with the leader needing to dive into the detail, reluctant to delegate and taking over from others who are not performing (rather trusting they could improve with guidance). The continued high pressure can constrict innovative thinking.

The underlying foundational characteristics of this style include the drive to achieve, a high initiative to seize opportunities, striving to increase their own performance and those of their team.

Leaders who default to this style are motivated, not by external rewards, but by a strong need to meet their own high standards of excellence. Use with caution!

Commanding Leadership Style

The Commanding Leadership Style soothes fears by giving clear direction in an emergency. This is the least effective style in most situations.

This style contaminates the team’s mood and impacts performance, feedback tends to focus on what people did wrong. It is useful, however, in a crisis, to kick-start a turnaround, or with problem employees (when all else fails).

The Commanding Leadership Style undermines the ability to give people the sense that their job fits into a grand, shared mission. This leads to people feeling less committed (even alienated) from their jobs and thinking, “Why does any of this matter?”

It comes from the old military command and control hierarchies used in the twentieth century… interestingly enough, this style is now even cross-pollinated with other styles in the modern military. Again, use with caution!

As you can see, each style has it’s uses and can be effective when applied at the right times. Each style also has its drawbacks and it’s useful to be aware of these too.

Earlier I mentioned that ‘each style should be consciously drawn on’ and by this, I mean that in order to be an effective leader you have to rely more on a range of leadership styles and apply them intelligently rather than just having your default style.

If I was to ask a project manager why they included a section on Risk Management in their project management plan I expect them to be able to tell me. In the same manner, if I was to ask you why you choose to behave one way under certain conditions and another under other conditions I would expect you to be able to articulate the leadership style you are consciously applying and why.

Don’t leave your leadership development to chance. Consciously take control of it and become the best leader you can be!

I wish I knew about the importance of flexing my leadership style back then, it would’ve made a world of a difference.

Knowing what you know now: What’s your default leadership style? What are the challenges you face with your team and what style would be most appropriate in this situation?

Knowing what you know now: You don’t have to have a title to lead. How can you apply these styles in what you do? What styles do you recognize in your peers and leaders in your organization and what impact do they have on their teams?

If you’d like to know more about how you can embed this powerful principle into your life, or if you’d like to learn a little more about what coaching can offer you, please contact us at any time for a free consultation:

e: results@setantaconsulting.com

m: +64 (0) 21 592 445

Skype: SetantaCoach


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Cillin_David_Hearns/1376757

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9099238



JohnK 3-7-2018

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5 Fitness Tips For Busy Professionals

Your work can be bad for your health. You might sit at a desk for eight hours. Or look at a computer screen all day. Or spend your day on your feet, running around an emergency room treating patients.
Your risks include repetitive strain injury, stiff joints, eye strain, and back pain. One of the biggest risks is weight gain, especially for busy professionals.
Even being on your feet during the workday poses problems. You might turn to sugary foods to keep going, adding to the risk of weight gain.
man doing fitness
There is good news, though. Here are five fitness tips for the busy professionals among us.
1. Sleep Well
It’s one of the best things you can do for your health. Sleep improves your focus and performance.
And, it means you’ll more likely make the right dietary decisions.
Choosing the right foods gives you fuel to do your workout. It improves your mood. And it can even boost your sex life.
2. Plan Well
If you want to maintain your fitness you’ll want to plan ahead. One of the biggest downfalls of any lifestyle is the inability to maintain it.
So, if you know you’re prone to grabbing junk at lunch, make sure you prepare your lunch the night before. Do the same with your breakfast and dinner.
If you often forget to grab your gym bag, leave it at the door or somewhere you will see it for when you need it. The magic number when it comes to moderate exercise is 150 minutes – it is easier to achieve than you think.
3. Switch Up Your Commute
Provided you live fairly close to your workplace – you can leave the car at home and hop on a bike or just walk. Not only will it save you money, it also helps protect the environment.
Look at you, thinking of others and improving your health!
4. Lunch Break Movement
If possible, consider going for a walk on your lunch break – the fresh air will do you good.
You can walk to a park to eat lunch. Or walk to a healthy eatery where you know there’s time for you to dine well and get your steps in.
It will also provide you with an energy boost, you’ll find your afternoon at work goes in quicker, too.
5. Travel Well
If travel is a regular part of your business, then you know how difficult it can be to exercise and to eat well. The first thing you can do is start keeping a food diary. This way you can track what you’re eating while traveling, as it’s easy to lose track.
When it comes to exercise, check ahead to see if your hotel has a gym. If it doesn’t, you can track a path to walk or jog and see if there is a gym in the vicinity.
Even in a hectic atmosphere, there are plenty of ways you can find time for fitness. You can skip the elevator and always choose the stairs.
To save time, try to find a gym that’s on your way home from work – you can slip in a few nights a week for a quick workout.
You may be surprised at how many calories you burn doing the housework.
Start your day with a short yoga session. Eat a healthy breakfast.
Tackle the day with the energy and vigor it deserves.
JohnK 2-26-2018
stick figure of man on fitnessOverheard:   “The difference between someone who is in shape, and someone who is not in shape, is the individual who is in shape works out even when they do not want to.”
                ~ Unknown

Horse Sense For a Complex World: Linda Kohanov on CHI FOR YOURSELF

On the next CHI FOR YOURSELF, we’ll hear about a new approach to the changing role of leadership.

Linda Kohanov leadershipLinda Kohanov adapts horse-inspired insights into powerful tools for developing collaborative leadership and managing change.

Linda Kohanov is the author of The Five Roles of a Master Herder: A Revolutionary Model for Socially Intelligent Leadership.

Join us on Thursday, February 22nd, at 1 pm Pacific, 4 PM Eastern time at chiforyourself.com



JohnK 2-19-2018

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Mass Shootings, Boys, and Feeling The Feelings

It’s been a tough week in the U.S. with another school shooting capturing the country’s  attention. CHI FOR YOURSELF usually doesn’t discuss these types of events. Certainly not from a political perspective or one that whips the populace into a frenzy. 


Boy shows feelingsBut it’s worth noting that these shootings tend to have one thing in common. They’re committed by males. Young males. The nation asks “why?”





Today we look back to a 2013 CHI FOR YOURSELF episode with guest Cynthia Gill. She told us about ways in which boys are educated, conditioned, and often left with feelings of hopelessness.


Picture of Cynthia Gill

Cynthia Gill is the author of Jump-Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Learner Find Success in School and Life.  Hear the show by clicking on below–


Show logo shows feelings



Down But Not Out: Feel the Feelings and Keep Going


The other day I was reminded of the waves of emotions that can roll through our lives unannounced. These can range from down days to the darker depression-like moods.

I dealt with those heavy feelings earlier in my life. I referred to those as “situational” since there were some troubling issues that had to be faced.

When I ran a search on the definition of emotions I found: A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Definition 2 read: Any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, horror, etc. The key word in the first example is ‘natural’.

Your first reaction might be to turn your feelings away. You might push the feelings down, put them on hold until later, or use distractions to get your mind off of things.

You can deny them or indulge in them (often called wallowing). And there’s a cliche to match every situation- ‘I don’t have time to think about that now’, ‘It’s always something’, or ‘I’ll take care of it later.’

But what you’re feeling is neither positive nor negative. It’s all part of being human.

If your choice is not to experience intense feelings they could become embedded in your physical body. When they set up shop deep inside you they can have an effect on the way you look at the world.

The worst case scenario is that they can be so troubling as to cause illness. This is a good time to monitor your thinking, too.

One of the greatest figures in the Human Development field is Louise Hay. She put it this way, “The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.”

You can bring out the feelings, front and center, to experience them in a safe and enriching way. When I feel the need to do this I pretty much drop whatever was planned for the day, if possible, and get to the feeling place.

You may have a more demanding schedule, so how about a date- with yourself? Pick a safe, secure, and comfortable place along with a time when you can be alone.

Start by remembering the circumstances that touched off the emotions you’ve been putting off. When you’ve stirred up the emotions let yourself FEEL them. Don’t block them.

Cry if you feel like it. Let any thoughts that come up come through.

And be gentle with yourself. This is not a good place to judge what’s happening.

Recognizing your emotions instead of pushing them away helps you to stay emotionally healthy and goes a long way toward truly conscious living.


JohnK 2-16-2018

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Image for overheard for feelingsOverheard: Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings – always darker, emptier and simpler.”

                       ~ Friedrich Nietzsche 




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Sending You Peace In The Season of Peace

It’s the time of the year when the word “peace” makes its big appearance. We see it on greeting cards, on holiday wreaths, and in department store display windows. 

CHI FOR YOURSELF has its own take on peace. This graphic pretty much says it all. 

Enjoy the season!


Peace graphic

Be well,

JohnK 12-25-2017

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“Big Ups” For Big Love And Scott Stabile


Scott Stabile talks love

The CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Scott Stabile offered us plenty of inspiration with a nice helping of humor. If you weren’t with us on the call you can hear the conversation by scrolling down the page to the audio player. Scott Stabile is the author of BIG LOVE: The Power of Living With a Wide-Open Heart.


Talking points from the show:

  • Why Scott chose the name “Big Love” for the book
  • The most important lesson from his parents’ death
  • His compassion showed early in life
  • Scott’s emotions today
  • Forgiving his parents’ killer
  • An example of “Genuine Living”
  • Scott’s big “flop”
  • Takeaway from the book

If the player doesn’t start, click on the Blog Talk Radio logo to listen–
Love radio logo

JohnK 12-18-2017

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Image for overheard for big loveOverheard:   “Enthusiasm moves the world.”

                       ~ Arthur Balfour



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Come and Get It: Another Great Meal Idea From Jo’s Kitchen!

Food for Thought: “Healthy Eats” with Jo Eager on CHI FOR YOURSELF!

HealthyEatsSaladPicpicture of john kobik

All the noise about nutrition these days! CHI FOR YOURSELF wants to cut through the clutter, so I’m happy to announce that Jo Eager will be joining us with a new segment called “Healthy Eats.”


Jo Eager

Jo Eager


Jo knows her way around the kitchen and her conscious lifestyle is reflected in her cookin’. Take a look:



Dividing line

Why are we stressed? Stress is the body’s normal reaction to daily events. There are several sources of stress and as many ways to react to it. Basically, stress is a human defense mechanism, but it is important to not let it take over.

On the next CHI FOR YOURSELF, you’ll hear clinical psychologist Arthur Ciaramicoli  offer therapeutic tools for fighting the anxiety, fear, and depression caused by stress. Arthur Ciaramicoli EdD, Ph.D. is the author of  The Stress Solution: Using Empathy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Develop Resilience.

picture of Arthur Ciaramicoli

Arthur Ciaramicoli

“De-stress” with us on the next CHI FOR YOURSELF, Thursday, July 7th at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern time. You’ll see the screen at the usual place- chiforyourself.com.

JohnK 7-1-2016

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listener animation“You cannot shake hands with a closed fist”

~ Indira Gandhi


“Quiet Revolution”: Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF

picture of john kobikWe’re getting set for today’s CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with William Martin, author of  The Activist’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for a Modern Revolution.  Be with us at 4pm Eastern, 1pm pacific time at www.chiforyourself.com!


JohnK 6-9-2016

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We “Do the Tao Now”: This Week on CHI FOR YOURSELF

picture of john kobikIt’s more than 2-thousand years old, but our next CHI FOR YOURSELF guest says it’s just what we need to make positive change in our troubled world.

The Tao Te Ching is known for its enigmatic wisdom and yet William Martin says Taoism’s simplicity can be subversive and its flexibility a potent force. Martin is the author of  The Activist’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for a Modern Revolution.

William Martin is our scheduled guest on this week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF. Be on the call with us Thursday, June 9th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time for a different approach to modern times. You’ll find us at chiforyourself.com.

picture of William Martin

William Martin


JohnK 6-6-2016

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Clipart image of overheardOverheard:

“There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man’s lack of faith in his true self.”

~ William James