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12 Signs You Lack Clarity In Your Life

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12 Signs You Lack Clarity In Your Life

Clarity is essential for achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life. What happens when you lack clarity?

Well, you may experience frustration, indecision, lack of motivation, and other negative emotions. GenuLines reminds you that there are ways to overcome obstacles to gain clarity in life.

glasses for clarity

Here are 12 signs you lack clarity in your life:


1.    Frustration

One of the signs that you’re lacking clarity is feeling frustrated. You may feel like you’re working hard, but you’re not making progress, or you’re unsure what to do next.

To overcome frustration, take a step back and check your situation. Ask yourself if you’re clear about your goals and what steps to take to achieve them.

If not, take some time to clarify your goals and create a plan of action.

2.    Indecision

It may seem that you’re unable to choose between many options, or you’re not sure what direction to take. So, gather more information and weigh the pros and cons of each option.

Consider what’s most important and which option aligns with your values and goals.

3.    Not Knowing Where to Begin

If you’re unsure where to begin, it could be a sign that you lack clarity. This is overwhelming, but breaking things down into smaller steps is key.

Start by identifying the first step you must take, then focus on that one task. Once you complete it, move on to the next step.

4.    Not Trusting Your Decisions

When you lack clarity, you may second-guess your decisions. This can lead to a lack of trust in yourself and your abilities.

To overcome this, take the time to reflect on your values and goals. Make decisions that align with these, and trust that you’re making the right choices.

5.    Being Unproductive or Procrastinating

Feeling that you’re unproductive or procrastinating could mean you lack clarity. Identifying and addressing the root cause of your procrastination is essential.

Is it because you don’t know where to begin or are unsure what steps to take next? Once you identify the cause, take steps to overcome it.

6.    Inconsistent Effort

Inconsistent effort to achieve your goals can be a sign that you lack clarity. This could be due to not having a clear plan or not being clear about your goals.

To overcome this, create a plan with specific, measurable goals and action steps. Track your progress and adjust as needed.

7.    Lack of Motivation

When you lack clarity, you may feel unmotivated and uninspired. To overcome this, take some time to reflect on your values and goals.

Reconnect with your why and remind yourself of the bigger picture. Break down everything into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate your progress.

8.    Overwhelm and Burnout

Feeling overwhelmed and burned out can be a signal, too. It’s essential to discover the cause of this overwhelm and take steps to address it.

This could be delegating tasks or saying no to commitments that don’t align with your goals. It can also mean taking time for self-care.

9.    Feeling Stuck

If you’re feeling stuck, it could show that you lack clarity. Take some time to reflect on what’s holding you back.

Is it a lack of knowledge or resources, or are you unsure what steps to take? Once you identify the root cause, take steps to overcome it.

10. Low energy

Identifying and addressing the root cause of your low energy is vital. This could include getting more rest, eating a healthier diet, or reducing stress.

These can make positive impacts on your mental clarity and focus.

11. Decreased Focus and Concentration

When you lack clarity, you may struggle to focus and concentrate on tasks. This could be due to feeling overwhelmed or not knowing where to begin.

To overcome this, break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, focusing on one thing at a time. Create a distraction-free environment and give yourself regular breaks to recharge.

12. Negative Self-Talk

If you don’t know where you’re going, it’s hard to stay positive. To overcome this, practice positive self-talk and affirmations.

Focus on your strengths and achievements.

And make sure to remind yourself that you’re capable of achieving your goals.

JohnK 1-15-2024


stick man hears about clarityOverheard: “Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision”

~Aldous Huxley

Article image by engin akyurt on Unsplash

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Moving On Might Be the Best Thing You Can Do

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Moving on is like escaping gravity. You want to but you can’t seem to do it.

It’s a big decision, and GenuLines is here with help. .

Moving On Might Be the Best Thing You Can Do

Believe it or not, there’s a lot of power in letting go and moving on. I know it doesn’t feel like it.

man moving on


At this point you may be focusing on what happened in the past.

You’re thinking that if you were to keep dwelling on what happened, You might be able to figure it out.

After all, things might fall into place. That way you would see the rhyme and reason for the negative things that happened in the past.


Repeat Offender?
It’s likely that this isn’t the first time you’ve thought this way.

Focusing on the past isn’t going to help you. Life can suck big time. You don’t need a graduate degree to understand that.

But your life isn’t a complete disaster.

Sure, you may feel frustration in certain areas of your life. Nobody’s immune to this.

You need to have a clear direction for your life. If you do you’ll realize that it’s not so bleak. Look for bright spots.

Discover them and understand that these areas of light are areas of optimism in your life.

Outta Here
Focus on these and move on. Focus on the fact that you have a measure of control. Given enough time, your area of control in your life could grow. Put your focus there.

As the old saying goes, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”

Taking ownership of your life demands a lot of your attention. Don’t let the things you can’t control drain it.

I’m talking about people in your past. And  situations in the past.

Plus those people you cannot control.

Focus on your area of competency, which is your choice to respond to things going on in your life. This is your area of control.

The more you focus on it, the more competent and self-confident you become.

This enables you to become a more responsible and powerful person. Focus on these.

Then move on from what you’ve been wasting your time, attention, and emotional energy on.

JohnK 10-16-2023


stick man hears about moving onOverheard: “I can’t go on. I’ll go on”

~Samuel Beckett


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Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life

Fear is something that, at times, can help you in life. But when it takes control of your life it’s a whole different story. 

Never fear, GenuLines is here to get you back in the driver’s seat. 


Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life

The number one thing that holds many of us from going after our dreams is fear. If left unchecked, it can keep you locked up inside your own mental prison.
picture of fear ride
The trouble is, confronting your fears isn’t easy. And changing it is going to be uncomfortable.
While they may keep you comfortable, they can also cause frustration and depression. If you’re honest about wanting to live your best life, you need to stop letting fear rule it.
Here, we’ll look at how you can stop letting it control your life.
Explore the cause of your fear
If you want to stand any chance of getting over your fear, you’re going to need to know its cause. Write down all your fears.
Then, circle the fears that are most palpable. Once you’ve identified your main fears, start to think of ways you can prevent them from happening.
This can help you to feel like you have more control over them.
You won’t always be able to prevent your fears from coming true. But most of them are nothing more than a defense mechanism.
By facing our fears, we often find that they weren’t as bad as we thought they’d be. Once you have an idea of what’s causing them, you can then look at ways to combat them.
Practice mindfulness
Fear tends to generate a lot of anxiety. By practicing mindfulness, it can help to bring a sense of calm into the mind.
Lowering your anxiety levels will in turn give your fear less control over you. When you’re in a calmer state, you’re going to feel a lot stronger and better able to face your fear.
Meditation and deep breathing exercises are great for calming anxiety. They also deliver a lot of other great benefits for the mind and body.
Start with short, guided meditations if you’re a beginner. They’re free on sites such as YouTube.
Focus on the consequences if you don’t change
If you’re struggling to face your fears, focus on what will happen if you don’t make the needed changes. That is, how will your life be a year from now if you don’t change anything now?
Most likely, you’ll still be stuck feeling dissatisfied with your life. You’ll be unable to move forward.
The reason you’re reading this is that you’re already feeling fed up and wanting to make a change. So, if you don’t start facing your fear, you’ll only start to feel more frustrated, resentful, and lost.
Focusing on what will happen if you don’t face your fear can provide you with the motivation you need to do it.
These are the best ways you can stop letting fear control your life. Only by recognizing and facing up to this can you get past it.
Fear is also linked to how you feel about yourself. So work on your self-improvement and boost your confidence.
You’ll be in a much better position to face your fears.
JohnK 11-1-2021
stick man hears about fearOverheard: “Courage is knowing what not to fear.”
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