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How to Fight For What Is Yours

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An old saying tells us to pick our fights carefully. We’re not suggesting violence. But there are times when you can be more combative and GenuLines shows you how to do that.

How to Fight for What Is Yours

Everyone has needs which at some point will collide with others. In such cases, you may need to fight for what is yours.

There are ways to handle the situation and not get too overheated or out of control.

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Always be respectful of others’ feelings. There is nothing wrong with fighting for what you deserve.

But keep in mind that others are going to try to fight for themselves.

That could cause you to become angry with them.  And you might  say something disrespectful in the heat of the moment.


Stay Calm
Try to remain calm and remember that the other people are trying to get the same as you.

Along those lines, always present your case based on the facts. Don’t introduce false information to try and sway the decision makers to your side.

When you have the facts on your side, you can reference them and where you found them.

Be ready for any counter-arguments from others fighting for what you want. Preparation will help you know what to say when they present those arguments.

And you’ll be able to prepare an answer ahead of time.

Sticks And Stones?
Never revert to name calling and don’t make the situation personal. In most cases, what you’re fighting for has little to do with peoples’ personalities.

So it has no place in the discussion.

For instance, you may be competing with someone for a promotion at work.  If you start attacking them on a personal level, it’ll likely backfire on you and you’ll look bad.

Make Room
Let other people speak. If you interrupt people before they speak their minds, you may not get the full story.

You may jump to incorrect conclusions. By allowing others to finish what they have to say, you can present a more appropriate argument.

Expect the same when you speak.  And ask to speak without interruption.

Above all, try to remain calm throughout the process. You’ll exude confidence.

That can strengthen your position when others are getting hotheaded. You’ll be the bigger person.

And that could give you the advantage.

JohnK 9-4-2023


stick man hears about fightsOverheard:  “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight”

~ Sun Tzu


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