Tag Archive for facing fear

5 Steps To Living Your Purpose

You’ve nurtured your purpose for a long time. But you’re not sure if you’re really living it.

Let GenuLines help you take the guesswork out of this puzzle.

5 Steps To Living Your Purpose

You’re working hard to achieve your dream life. It could be that you’re aiming for a promotion at work.

Or you’re trying to get your business off the ground. If you’re finding success a bit of a struggle you may need to find your life’s purpose.

Finding your purpose is like finding a magic key. The key helps you align everything you do and focus on getting to your best life now.

Here are five steps to help set you in the right direction.

purpose spelled out

Look Within

Too many people look to others for the answers. Too many people follow a path that’s not theirs.

Only you can know what your dream life looks like. The answer to your life’s purpose lies deep within you.

You have to tune into it.

Journaling can be a helpful tool to allow your subconscious to speak your truth. Or meditation, or brainstorming.

The important thing is that you look into your own heart.

Trust Your Intuition

Learning to trust that inner voice that tells you that the conventional way of doing things isn’t right for you.

Whether it’s a college degree or a selling technique:

If it doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to do it!

Find your own way of living your life, and you’ll be much more likely to feel content and to be successful.

Get Friendly With Fear

Many people choose to live safe, conventional lives. They’re too afraid to do things in a different way or to take a chance.

Fear of the unknown is understandable. But you can choose to face your fears and to meet challenges head-on.

Deciding to live your own life according to your values and your passion means many things. One of them is being able to look fear in the face and step out of your comfort zone.

Don’t Be Bound by Your To-do List

It’s easy to become a slave to the never-ending checklist of things you need to do before you can live your purpose. You only get one shot at life.

Have a look at your current list of tasks. How many of them will move you closer to living your best life?

How many can you delete or delegate to someone else?

Know That You Already Have What You Need

One of the most important things to know is that you don’t need expensive courses or workshops, or the right suit or car.

You already have everything you need to start living your life’s purpose.

It’s all within you. What matters is what you do with it.

And today is the best time to start!

JohnK. 10-30-2023

stick man hears about purposeOverheard: “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere, is to be nowhere”

~Michel de Montaigne


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5 Questions To Determine If A Change Is A Good Idea

Something needs to change in your life. But you’re not sure if it’s a smart thing to do. 

Use these GenuLines questions to help you make the wisest decision. 

5 Questions To Determine If A Change Is A Good Idea

Change is synonymous with living. It may come into your life out of the blue and take you by surprise.
Other times you know it’s coming and you rush to prepare.
sign symbolizes change
Yet even though change may be your choice, it still may feel scary and overwhelming. You may find yourself wondering: should I make the change or not?
To help you, GenuLines offers 5 questions to determine if a situation is something you can change. The idea here is to make you feel more in control of your life.
These questions can help you decide which situations you should change, and which aren’t worth your time or effort.
Let’s get started.
1. Will it Make Me Happy?
Before you commit to any change ask yourself: will it give my life meaning? Will it make me feel happy?
To answer that question, you have to know what it is you want from life.
One way to do that is to consider your beliefs and your core values. Include those dreams you had for your life when you were younger but forgot about when you got older.
2. Can it Help Me Reach My Goals?
Now that you know what makes you happy, it’s time to take a look at your life goals. Start by making a list of all the realistic goals you want to achieve in life.
Then, divide them into three categories: short-term, medium, and long-term goals.
The final step is to take action. This may force you to step out of your comfort zone, but if that’s what it takes to make a change for the better, why not?
It takes a positive attitude, a bit of patience, and a whole lot of self-love.
Also, remember that your goals themselves may change.
So, it’s important to stay flexible, especially when you’re setting new goals.
3. Is This Something I Want?
We’re programmed to try and always please as many people as we can. It can be exhausting.
You spend time wondering if people like what you’re doing or if they’re satisfied with your work. If you’re going to change any aspect of your life, make sure it’s for you and not to please other people.
After all, it’s your life. No one is going to live it for you.
Another thing to remember is that the only person you should compare yourself to is you. There’ll always be someone who’s better than you or is more successful than you.
The best thing to do is to focus on your progress. Be proud of how much you’ve achieved and concentrate your energy on where you’re going next.
4. Will It Improve My Life?
You might be thinking of moving to a smaller house or changing your job. Change can also come on a smaller scale.
You could be thinking of upgrading your security system, Or planting a garden,
Whatever it is, think about all the ways it can improve the quality of your life. Any type of change you pursue must make your life easier, less stressful, and a lot more fun.
5. Am I Letting Fear Hold Me Back?
Being afraid is natural, but letting fear control you isn’t. We’re all afraid of failing, of uncertainty, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Yet, there’s one thing that successful people don’t do; they don’t let their fears take over their lives.
They learn how to face whatever it is that’s putting those butterflies in their stomachs. Then, they take a deep breath and jump in.
Whether it’s fear of public speaking or fear of heights, you have to muster some courage. Then power through the fear, no matter what the outcome is.
You’ll come out the other side a stronger, more experienced individual.
Everyone goes through a wide array of changes in their lifetime. You can either join in and embrace all the good that change has to offer, or you can stay behind.
If you choose to stay, you’ll always be standing on the sidelines of life. Living with discontent, never fulfilled.
So, draw a deep breath and take the plunge. Who knows?
You might even come to enjoy the ride!
JohnK 1-30-2023
stick man hears about changeOverheard: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”
                                        ~ Steve Jobs
Article image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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6 Tips To Make Fear Your Friend

In life it seems that fear takes time outs yet never really leaves the game. But you can put fear on your team. 
This GenuLines game plan aims to do just that. 

6 Tips To Make Fear Your Friend

What makes you afraid? Is it losing someone close to you? A trip to the dentist?
Thunder and lightning?
hiding in fear
Whatever it is, keep in mind that fear is normal. It’s how our body warns us of dangerous situations and that we should be careful.
Yet, sometimes, our fears can become so great that they hold us back from living up to our full potential. We’re stressed and anxious over the smallest things.
Then again fear, in its positive form, can actually be good for us. It can inspire innovative ideas and motivate us to reach new heights.
Today GenuLines helps you make fear your friend. Follow the six tips below, and you’ll know how to turn what was once your foe into an ally.
Let’s get started.
1. Identify the Source
This could be the hardest step, though it’s very much worth it. But first, you need to come to terms with the source of your fear.
Being aware of the root cause will be difficult in the beginning, but it’ll make you stronger. You’ll no longer live in the shadow of that big, insurmountable fear.

2. Own It

You’ve come face-to-face with your fear. Now, it’s time to own it.
But before you do that, you have to actually admit that such-and-such scares you. There are several ways to do this.
First, you can either say it out loud. Do this with someone else in a comfortable setting.
You can also write it down in a journal or diary. The point is to get it out of your head and into a way to deal with it.
That’s when your fear loses its control over you.
It also feels better to get it off your chest and share it with the world. It might surprise you to know that many other people are as afraid as you are.

3. Think Rationally

Fear makes us panic, and panic makes us do stupid things. In fact, studies show that when we panic, our prefrontal cortex shuts down.
This is the region of our brain responsible for rational thinking.
Learn how to think rationally despite your worries and panic. Make fear your friend, and you’ll be able to go a lot farther in life.
4. Take Stock
People deal with fear, stress, and anxiety in different ways. Some people like challenges and the pressure they bring.
Others find it better to work at their own pace without any tight deadlines looming overhead.
Whichever way you prefer, the important thing is not to let fear get the better of you. For example, say you’re afraid to speak in public.
A colleague gets sick and asks you to take over their presentation. In this scenario, you have to pick whether you’ll let your fear overpower you or whether you’ll rise to the challenge.
The latter won’t be easy, but it’ll definitely be worth it in the long run. Tell yourself that others have held presentations before and have lived to tell about it.
So, what’s the big deal?
Remember, your mind tends to blow things out of proportion. So, find a way to deal with the stress and take stock.
It’s the only way you’ll be able to harness your fear and get the job done.

5. Find Support

No one ever failed by having a strong support system. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to do better.
These are the people who listen to you when you’re venting about your fears and anxiety.
There’s research to back the benefits of having a support system. This helps your coping skills. your self-esteem. and your well-being.
Moreover, a sound support system can lower stress, anxiety, and depression rates. 
6. Be Positive
Whenever you’re afraid, you’ll tend to focus on negative thoughts and emotions. But then, they fester in your mind and transform into this big, ugly thing that you can no longer control.
Why not try some positivity for a change? Remember, the mind is quite powerful; it only needs a small push in the right direction.
Stay in this mindset and expect things to fall into place.
JohnK 1-16-2023
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out”
                                   ~Karl Augustus Menninger
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What Am I Doing with My Life? Tips for Figuring Things Out

You’re in charge of your life, but it doesn’t exactly come with an instruction book! Feels like a Rubik’s Cube sometimes. 

It’s a puzzle that GenuLines will do it’s best to help you figure out. 

What Am I Doing with My Life? Tips for Figuring Things Out

Do you often find yourself wondering what you are doing in life? Many people reach a point where they feel they lack direction in their lives.
footprints of life
Instead of living life to the fullest, they only go through the motions.
If this sounds like you, there are things you can do to help you get out of the rut you’re in. Below, you’ll discover some useful  tips for figuring out what it is you want from life.
Consider Your Passions
If you want to know what direction to go in, it’s helpful to think about the things you’re passionate about. The things that motivate and inspire you will change on a frequent basis.
For example, what you want today may look very different to what you wanted a few months ago. You change and adapt over time according to your experiences.
You want to keep assessing what it is you want.
Figuring out the things you’re passionate about will help you to understand where to go next. And what you need to do to get there.
Address Your Fears
Even if you know what it is you want to do, you might be stuck in fear. It’s one of our most powerful emotions.
Fear can stop you from going after the things you want in life.
So, if you’re going to move forward and figure out what it is you’re doing in life, you’re going to need to address your fears.
Figure out where the fear is coming from. Then, be willing to work through them so you can stop them controlling your life.
Assess Your Current Goals
Do you have any goals you’re working on right now? Chances are, if you aren’t sure what you’re doing in your life, you won’t have any goals to work towards.
This can contribute to the problem.
You need to set goals to keep motivated and positive. When you have things to work for, it gives you a purpose each day.
As you see yourself progressing you’re more motivated to get where you need to be, Make sure you set small, specific goals that are easy to achieve.
You Don’t Need To Have It All Figured Out
There will always be doubts and things you want to do better. You don’t have to have it all figured out all the time.
In fact, going with the flow can open you to a lot of opportunities you would otherwise miss.
Feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing in life can be lonely and frustrating. The above are only some of the things you can do to figure out what it is you want..
JohnK 12-5-2022
stick man hears about lifeOverheard: “What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it”
                                       ~Hugh Mulligan
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Setting Aside Fear Can Free You

You can look at fear as friend or foe. It depends on the situation.

Today GenuLines reminds you that sometimes you just have to kick it to the curb. 

Setting Aside Fear Can Free You

Fear is something that can protect you. When you enter into an unknown area, your sense of fear increases.

You want to survive to live another day. In this way, fear can help you determine whether you should move forward or go somewhere else.
man feeling fear
But that same fear can hold you back from experiences that may advance your life. People fear the unknown.
Most will need to venture into the unknown to reach their goals or to get out of unwanted situations.
One way to overcome fear is to read about others who have faced similar situations like yours. See what steps they took and try to fit what they did to what you would like to do.
Not every solution will be viable.
But if you search for ideas from different people, you may find a set of ideas that will work. Know that usually most of what we fear is not as bad as we first believe.
In other words, try something that you’re afraid to try,
That Was Easy
You may find it was much easier than you thought it would be. This won’t happen in every case, but with a fair majority, it will.
Think about those times when you said to yourself, “that wasn’t so bad!” There are likely to be many of those in your life.
Create a vision of what your situation would be without the fear. Continue this vision for as long as it takes to reduce or end it.
Mind Game
The very act of believing the fear is not real can help convince your mind that there is nothing to be afraid of.
There are circumstances where we should take heed of our fears. Jumping out of a 50-story building is going to kill you unless you are somehow very lucky.
Of course you have to respect and acknowledge these fears. Other fears have the potential of positive outcomes.
Get Started
Think asking for a raise, buying a stock for the first time, or starting a new business. These are the types of fears that we need to try and overcome.
It can cripple you in other ways, too.
For instance, you have a lot of experience in your job. So you get caught up in avoiding new experiences since you’ve already “done it all.”
Your experience tells you that these new situations will not work. This is also the reason why inexperienced people try things without fear.
They have no bias associated with it.
JohnK 5-9-2022
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Ignorance is the parent of fear”
                                  ~Herman Melville
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Taking Action Even When You’re Scared to Death

You visualize taking action. But thinking about it grips you with fear. 

This GenuLines report can help you take action while putting fear on the back foot. 

Taking Action Even When You’re Scared to Death

Fear is a normal emotion. Sometimes it can be beneficial because it makes you aware of risks.
It also keeps you alert, and improves mental focus.
man with fearBut too much fear will have the opposite effect. Don’t fret since even the most successful people experience this feeling.
The key is to prevent it from dictating your actions.



The many shades of fear

This human emotion isn’t all black and white. Fear can take many forms. They range from mild anxiety to downright debilitating over thinking under certain circumstances.
It can protect you from danger and stop impulsive behaviors. But because it’s closely tied into your gut instinct, it can also help you improve your decision.
Not all types of fear are good for you. In fact, this emotion often does more harm than good.
It can stop you from reaching your full potential, fuel procrastination.

It can cause stress

Let’s say you want to quit your nine to five job and start a creative agency or work as a freelance web designer. You might be afraid that you’ll lose time and money if things don’t workout as you planned.
But what if you won’t have enough clients? Or what if you get sick and can’t work anymore?
The risks are real, so it’s normal to experience fear. But you’ll never know what you’re missing if you don’t try.
Who knows, you might have a huge success and build a loyal customer base five years from now. You could have enough money to buy the home of your dreams.
Do you want to live your life wondering what if?
How to Conquer Your Fear
No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to get rid of fear completely. Instead, you can make it your ally.
Picture yourself reaching your goal whatever it is. Imagine a worst-case scenario then come up with a backup plan.
Ask yourself: what are the facts? Am I making assumptions? What’s the best thing that can happen? Who can I call for help?
Use your fear as a source of guidance. Assess your inner fears and seek possible solutions.
Using our example above, you could start a web design side hustle to complement to your regular job. This way, if your business fails, you’ll still have an income.
If it keeps growing, turn it into a full time job. With this approach, you’ll get to do what you want and mitigate risks.
JohnK 2-14-2022
Stick figure hears about taking actionOverheard: “A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.”
                            ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin


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Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life

Fear is something that, at times, can help you in life. But when it takes control of your life it’s a whole different story. 

Never fear, GenuLines is here to get you back in the driver’s seat. 


Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life

The number one thing that holds many of us from going after our dreams is fear. If left unchecked, it can keep you locked up inside your own mental prison.
picture of fear ride
The trouble is, confronting your fears isn’t easy. And changing it is going to be uncomfortable.
While they may keep you comfortable, they can also cause frustration and depression. If you’re honest about wanting to live your best life, you need to stop letting fear rule it.
Here, we’ll look at how you can stop letting it control your life.
Explore the cause of your fear
If you want to stand any chance of getting over your fear, you’re going to need to know its cause. Write down all your fears.
Then, circle the fears that are most palpable. Once you’ve identified your main fears, start to think of ways you can prevent them from happening.
This can help you to feel like you have more control over them.
You won’t always be able to prevent your fears from coming true. But most of them are nothing more than a defense mechanism.
By facing our fears, we often find that they weren’t as bad as we thought they’d be. Once you have an idea of what’s causing them, you can then look at ways to combat them.
Practice mindfulness
Fear tends to generate a lot of anxiety. By practicing mindfulness, it can help to bring a sense of calm into the mind.
Lowering your anxiety levels will in turn give your fear less control over you. When you’re in a calmer state, you’re going to feel a lot stronger and better able to face your fear.
Meditation and deep breathing exercises are great for calming anxiety. They also deliver a lot of other great benefits for the mind and body.
Start with short, guided meditations if you’re a beginner. They’re free on sites such as YouTube.
Focus on the consequences if you don’t change
If you’re struggling to face your fears, focus on what will happen if you don’t make the needed changes. That is, how will your life be a year from now if you don’t change anything now?
Most likely, you’ll still be stuck feeling dissatisfied with your life. You’ll be unable to move forward.
The reason you’re reading this is that you’re already feeling fed up and wanting to make a change. So, if you don’t start facing your fear, you’ll only start to feel more frustrated, resentful, and lost.
Focusing on what will happen if you don’t face your fear can provide you with the motivation you need to do it.
These are the best ways you can stop letting fear control your life. Only by recognizing and facing up to this can you get past it.
Fear is also linked to how you feel about yourself. So work on your self-improvement and boost your confidence.
You’ll be in a much better position to face your fears.
JohnK 11-1-2021
stick man hears about fearOverheard: “Courage is knowing what not to fear.”
Fear disclaimer

Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

There’s no getting around some tasks. You can dodge them all you want and yet there they are. 

It’s a challenge that GenuLines is happy to take on with a look at why they happen. 

Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

List of tasks to do
Do you find yourself dreading a particular task in your life every time you have to complete it? Do you often wonder why you avoid that task?
There are several reasons humans avoid completing specific tasks. These can vary from person to person.
You Don’t Think You’ll Have Fun
One of the main reasons people avoid certain tasks is that they don’t believe that they’ll enjoy them. Or it could be that they’ve performed the task before and didn’t have fun.
Humans generally want to avoid doing things that lead to unhappiness. This is especially true when they see the task at hand may be especially difficult or complex.
When you’re tired, you’ll generally avoid certain tasks. Even if you usually have fun doing them.
This is because you’re tired and need to get some rest.
If you find yourself avoiding a task because you feel exhausted, then it’s time to get some rest. Try to do it later. It’s tough to focus when fatigue sets in.
It could lead you to become distracted as an avoidance tactic for certain tasks.
You Don’t Think You’ll Do Well
Fear of failure is another big reason that people will avoid certain tasks. Often, they’re afraid of looking bad.
Or they want to avoid the embarrassment they might feel. This fear of failure is quite common but it’s one of the easier fears to overcome.
The remedy usually is the result of working on self-confidence and self-acceptance.
Medical Conditions
Several conditions such as anxiety and depression can lead you to avoid what you want to do. Although this may sound bad, treatment of the underlying condition is possible.
And this can help you find your motivation to follow through.
The reasons on this list may vary, but they all boil down to a shortage of motivation. If this is the case with you then start by realizing that you lack motivation.
Once you do, you can start paving your road to the future with real motivation.
JohnK 10-11-2021
Stick figure hears about tasksOverheard: “The hardest task needs the lightest hand or else its completion will not lead to freedom but to a tyranny much worse than the one it replaces”
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7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior

Your behavior can carry you a long way, or it can hold you back. And you may be the one keeping it on the negative side. 

Here’s a list of points that GenuLines wants you to consider during your behavior review.

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior
We tend to think that most opposition comes from around us. A complaining spouse, a controlling boss, a road-raging driver.
child's bad behavior
But something we rarely acknowledge is that we’re often our own worst enemies. Here are a few ways to stop self-defeating behavior.

#1: Let go of victory

It’s nice to win, but you don’t have to win all the time. The lust for victory can keep you chugging along a reckless path.
Then again, sometimes it’s good to cut your losses and win a lesson instead.

#2: Stop trying to please everyone

You can’t make everyone happy every time. Rushing around to do this is a huge self-defeating behavior.
And it can cost you your health and peace of mind.

#3: Accept imperfection

If you seek perfection, you will never find completion. Can you imagine Michelangelo stressing over the Sistine Chapel details?
Nothing would ever get done! Imperfection is part of being human, and most of the time, you’re the only one who will notice your mistakes anyway.

#4: End bad habits

These days, most people have bad habits that relate to technology. Like obsessive email or social media checking.
Take stock of how you spend your time. Make a detailed log of the minutes and hours, and see how much time you might be wasting with various pursuits.

#5: Overcome fear

Fear is something that holds most people back from living a higher purpose. It doesn’t have to be a direct sense of trepidation.
It might come disguised as laziness or avoidance.

#6: Stop being a lone wolf

Everybody needs help sometimes, even the lone wolf. Ask for help when you need it.
Whether it’s in business or personal life, make friends, accept help, and seek help when it’s needed.

#7: Drop the guilt

People can change and grow, so you don’t have to let your past hold you back. Most of us grow up with a mentality that we have to slave away for someone else.
We cram our enjoyment into the weekend, But you can break free from this thought prison.
JohnK 8-9-2021
Stick figure hears about behaviorOverheard: ” If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior”
                                 ~William Glasser
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The Psychology Of Fear

Fear is everyone’s companion at various times in life. We know how it feels but we don’t know much about how it works. 

Today GenuLines takes a look at fear and what makes it tick. 

The Psychology Of Fear

Fear is something we all have to deal with in some way at some time. It affects almost every part of the body from breathing to heart rate to muscle control.
man with fearBut what is fear? And how can it grip us the way it sometimes does?
Today we look at the psychology of fear. Why we feel it.
How it works. And what it does to our bodies when we experience it.
What is It?
Fear is a default survival tactic for all humans and animals. Fight or flight is pretty much embedded in each of us.
What kicks it into gear is the body experiencing fear as a danger (of any sort) approaches. We don’t face as many predators as our more animalistic ancestors did.
Yet we feel that something harmful is coming our way.

Decision Time

Fight or flight helps you decide whether the best and safest course of action is to fight the danger or flee from it.
But, there are different types of fear. As you well know, we aren’t only afraid of the serious dangers on our paths. The future or social situations are triggers too. They may not be life-threatening but they can provoke a similar fear-induced response.
Conditional Fears vs. Inerrant Fears
Inerrant fears are the fears you’re born with (danger, violence, small spaces, heights, etc.). Conditional fears are those you feel because of a bad experience and the fear of duplicating it.
Most fight-or-flight-triggering fears are inerrant fears. They involve fears of an approaching life-threatening danger. Conditional fears are more of our everyday fears. Fears of public speaking, relationship failure, the future, etc.
Effects On The Body
Fear triggers quite an interesting response in the body. It can spark a different reaction in each person.
And it can change with each fearful experience.
It can induce panic attacks, which are often different for each person. These usually feature breathing difficulties and shaking, that at times lead to fainting.
Your heart gets into the act, racing and making you feel antsy.
The Effects Are Many
Fear can affect almost every part of the body. It can keep us from reacting, paralyze us, cause us to make poor decisions, and more.
The following are ways that fear can affect our ability to function.
Decision Making
The first thing that fear can affect is our ability to make proper decisions. It can weaken the judgment which controls our decision-making abilities.
Our actions become defensive actions. These actions hinder your ability to assess options and make more informed decisions.
Fear can be a big factor in changing your outlook. When the brain picks it up it starts to paint a negative picture. .
For instance, let’s say you’re at a Chevron gas station and a dog attacks you. You may start connecting Chevron stations or any gas station with the incident.
Our bodies’ panic reactions can disrupt body functions. Some people react to panic with paralysis and others with breathing problems.
Fear affects different people in different ways. Few of us stop to think about the psychology behind it.
With better understanding, you can work to overcome your fears. And you can use them to pump up your motivation.
JohnK 6-7-2021
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Do one thing every day that scares you”
                        ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Article photo by samer daboul from Pexels
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