Tag Archive for Emotional Wellness

Live a More Fulfilled Life- Choose to Accept Yourself

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Live a More Fulfilled Life- Choose to Accept Yourself

You want a fulfilled life. But do you wear a mask of perfection?

Beneath that facade lies a whirlwind of strengths and weaknesses. It’s the messy reality of being human.

Even the most benevolent among us can’t escape the occasional dark cloud; So, what happens when your best intentions get sidetracked by your demons?

How do you navigate those turbulent moments that test your genuine self? Today GenuLines will dive in to the topic.

Couple feeling fulfilled

The truth is, all of us are a mix of strong points and weak ones.

That’s to be expected. It’s part of the human condition.

Usually, it takes just one bad day for the demonic side of a person to show up. What do you do when those days come your way?

How do you deal with that?

My point is that your flaws are what give you character. They’re actually what make you special and unique.

If people wanted to date you based on your good looks you’re going to be in trouble. Why?

Looks fade. What happens when the wrinkles appear?

What gives you character is your weird laugh, your quirky sense of humor, your off-beat way of looking at situations. These are things that people hang on to.

Crazy High Standards

Unfortunately, if you keep on focusing on impossible standards, you become blind to the flaws that give you character. Now, a lot of people can accept this, but they would try to rework their flaws.

They would try to reshape their flaws.

You could try this. Flaws can be reshaped, but understand that they never go away.

This is all part of the territory. Learning to accept yourself is really the first step in learning to live in a flawed world.

That’s how things work. That’s how they are.

You’re actually tapping into a deep reservoir of personal power if you accept your flaws. This means you choose to stop running away from them, apologizing for them, justifying them, pointing the finger at others, or otherwise avoiding them.

Instead, you acknowledge them. Acknowledgment is the first step.

Next, you learn to live with them. Then you take ownership of them.

Eventually, you’ll get to the point you need to reach: making your flaws work for you instead of against you.

JohnK 3-10-2025


stick man hears about feeling fulfilledOverheard: “To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life”

                                                          ~Robert Louis Stevenson



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Moving On Might Be Exactly What You Need

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Moving On Might Be Exactly What You Need

It may be hard to believe, but there’s tremendous strength in releasing the past and moving forward. I understand it doesn’t feel that way.

Right now it’s easy to get caught up in what’s already happened.

young man moving on


But there’s a lot of power in letting go and moving on. I know it doesn’t feel like it.

And GenuLines knows that at this point, you’re focusing on what happened in the past.




You’re thinking that if you keep dwelling on what happened, you might be able to figure it out. You think that with enough contemplation, things would fall into place.

And you’d see the rhyme and reason for the negative things that happened in the past.

This isn’t the first time you’ve thought this way. In fact, this might be the thousandth or so time you’ve entertained that idea.

What happened the previous days when you thought this way? How about the days before those?

Focusing on the past isn’t going to help you. And understand that past misfortunes don’t make your life a complete disaster.

You do want to map out a more clear path for your life. You’ll see that things are not so bleak.

There are very promising possibilities

Understand that these areas of light are areas of hope in your life.

You haven’t completely dropped the ball in those areas. You haven’t completely screwed up.

There’s your cause for optimism. It’s something to feel good about.

Focus and move on.

Focus on the fact that you have control. Given time, that area of control in your life could grow.

But these areas of control can’t grow if you don’t focus on them. As the old saying goes, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”

How can you take full ownership of your life if your attention stays on the things you can’t control? I’m talking about people from the past.

I’m talking about situations in the past. And I’m talking about people in your present you can do nothing about.

Focus on your area of competency, which is your choice to respond to things going on in your life.

This is your area of control. It’s the only area of control.

But the good news is the more you focus on it, the more competent and self-confident you become.

This helps you to become a more responsible and powerful person. Focus on these and move on from things that waste your time, attention, and emotional energy.

JohnK 1-13-2025


stick man hears about moving onOverheard: “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind”

C.S. Lewis


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