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Why Stress Is Terrible For Problem Solving

You know that stress can be bad for your health. And it can make a big problem even bigger

Start downsizing that problem with a GenuLines look at how this happens.

Why Stress Is Terrible For Problem-Solving

Got a challenging problem that’s stressing you out? Is it preventing you from working to the best of your abilities?

Man feeling stress


Then take a lie down!

Lying down on the job might sound like the worst thing you could do when you have a problem. But it’s one of the very best options of all.

Let’s take a look at why…



Neurochemistry And Problem-Solving

Your brain reaches a different state when necessary. And it uses different neurochemistry to get there.

When we’re stressed, our body assumes that we are in immediate danger. It responds by putting us in the ‘fight or flight’ mode.

This means you’re flooded with norepinephrine, dopamine, and cortisol – stress hormones.

They have many effects on the body. From contracting our muscles to clotting our blood (helps us survive injury). to taking blood and energy away from digestion and immune functions.

And these give you intense focus.

You get ‘tunnel vision’ so that you can escape from the threat you’re facing. This is very useful if you need to keep your eye on the terrain while a leopard chases you.

But it’s not very helpful when facing the kinds of problems you encounter in the office.

Creativity and Problem-Solving

To be specific you have to be able to think outside the box and to make connections between disparate ideas. That’s why you’re actually at your most creative in a relaxed state – even when you’re close to sleep.

The hypnagogic brain produces many creative works and scientific breakthroughs. And, by definition, this happens right before dozing off..

In fact, studies show that sitting in a more supine position increases creative thinking.

Likewise, the color green alone is enough to help us increase creativity. That’s because we associate it with being in natural environments.

Even alcohol can help increase creativity in some circumstances. It’s a depressant that puts us in a subdued state (though GenuLines is not recommending that you do this.)

Next time you’re faced with a difficult problem, remember this. Your stress will only make it tougher to find the answer.

So relax, take a breather, and come back to it when you feel calmer!

JohnK 7-31-2023



stick figure hears about stressOverheard: “Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.”

– Hans Selye



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