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Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

Do you have a favorite time of day to do your work? Not everyone’s a “rise and shine” thinking dynamo.
Today GenuLines looks at different peak productivity times. Let’s see where you might fit into one of them.
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Do You Know Your Optimal Routine Zone?

People have certain times of the day when they do their best work. They get more done and are more focused.
Some do better in the mornings. Others in the afternoons.
relaxing in the zoneThen there are the night owls, who can produce the most during the later hours. These are their optimal routine zones.
What is your optimal routine zone? Are you a morning person or do you cringe at the thought of getting up early?
Do you have vampire blood that lets you do your best work at night?
Match up with the zone
Whatever you find to be your optimal routine zone, set your tasks to work during these times. Do as much of your work as possible during this optimal zone.
Structure your day around it.
Working during your optimal time doesn’t mean you do nothing when you’re outside of those zones. Your boss will likely not take too kindly if you slack off.
Instead, you should use this time for activities that are not as taxing. These include making phone calls and other non-stressful activities.
Sometimes, you’ll have no choice but to do more of the heavy lifting during your “off times.” If this happens, you’ll have to make the best of it.
Zone out
Another problem is that you may be working in a job that does not coincide with your optimal zones. That’s a tough one. 
You may want to adjust or to move on to opportunities where you can work during your optimal times.
If your job involves being creative, this concept of optimal zones is going to work in your favor. For instance, if you are a writer, try to do most of your writing during these times.
You can use the other times to answer emails, post on social media, or check out forums related to your writing. If you’re writing for a blog, try writing several posts in your zone. 
Schedule them as if you’ve written one per day, etc.
Increasing your productivity is knowing your advantages. Find your optimal work zones and use them effectively
This way you’ll increase your productivity. Your manager will notice this, and it could help you when asking for a raise or getting a promotion.
It will also give you the satisfaction of a more fulfilling job.
JohnK 4-23-2019
stick figure hears about zoneOverheard: “It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it.”
                                          ~John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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