“There’s no joy in Mudville” is a line from the poem “Casey At The Bat.” Today there doesn’t seem to be joy anwhere in the world.
But GenuLines reminds you can build a foundation of joy, even in an age of social isolation.
(listen to this article by clicking on the radio image or scroll down to read)
You Can Find Joy In Challenging Times
They are life’s ups and downs. A constant fluctuation of emotional highs and lows.
We spend most of our time in a rather even, mundane state of emotional normalcy.
This is broken up by peaks of the best times and unfortunately, valleys when nothing goes right.
The lows of everyday life are tough. But in times of crisis such as a worldwide pandemic, they only intensify.
Daily news of death, isolation, fear, grief, and loss can strip us of our joy. And, this can lead to depression.
While you can’t control what happens outside your door, you CAN control yourself. There are things you can do to maintain a positive and even joyful mindset.
Let’s look at three of them.
Surround Yourself With The Right People
It’s often said that we are the sum total of the five people we surround ourselves with most often. If so, make sure you get the right people around you.
Many times when life is beating us up, we retreat into the solitude of our home. We want to throw the covers over our heads and be alone with our thoughts.
Sometimes periods of solitude are healthy and necessary. Right now, isolation is the norm as we experience a health crisis.
But when you find your spirits cratering you feel robbed of your joy. So connecting with joyful types is crucial.
It’s not hard to stay connected to them during Shelter In Place orders. Technology has seen to that.
• Face Time on iPhones and Video calls on Android
• Skype
• A simple phone call
• Email
• Text
• Zoom and other video conferencing software can safely bring together friends and family.
• Good old-fashioned letter writing
Remember That Nothing Is Permanent
The time-honored adage says “THIS TOO SHALL PASS.” It would suggest that nothing in life is permanent.
So we tend to see extreme happiness and joy as temporary, and we play them down.
Yet keeping this expression in mind during the low times can be very beneficial. Whatever you’re going through, no matter how bad it may be, it WILL pass.
And consider this. Most of the difficult times you experience in life will end without any extra effort on your part.
It’s so easy to get into a mindset of having to put out a huge amount of effort to make something bad go away.
This is possible but most of the time TIME is the only remedy for tough situations. To maximize your joy in hard times, remember that your situation is not the way things are.
It’s the way they are RIGHT NOW.
Base Your Happiness On Yourself
So far we’ve discussed how life takes us through highs and lows. And that nothing lasts forever.
There’s one more thing to keep in mind during the best AND the worst periods.
To have more consistent joy never let your circumstances dictate your attitude.
Elation in good times and near despair during the bad can cause emotional exhaustion.
Stable, consistent, sustainable joy can only be created and found within yourself.
Life is far less about what happens to you than it is how you react to it.
You are in charge of how you feel. Don’t fall into the routine of letting happiness get to your head and failure to your heart.
So patience is a virtue. Well, let’s get a definition of virtue.
Merriam Webster defines patience as “the ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when dealing with problems or with difficult people.” Simple but not always easy!
GenuLines drills down a bit deeper to help bring patience a little closer to you
(Listen to the article by clicking on below or scroll down to read)
Patience is a Virtue And It Can Be Yours
Patience is one of those things that can make life go more smoothly. But, a lack of patience can cause serious problems, even health issues.
Some of life’s irritants move us to squeeze a little harder on the hair-trigger of impatience. But we can learn to overcome and enjoy life one day or even one minute at a time,
What triggers your impatience? For some, it’s certain situations or circumstances, such as a job or a family problem.
Others may lose their patience when they’re driving or cooking. Impatience with job or family situation can be especially tough to address – and even harder to fix.
A good start though is to acknowledge it. Then focus on anything that may help relieve tension.
Seek help
Work toward focusing on pleasant things in your life. If a certain task at your job is causing your impatience ask your supervisor or co-worker for help.
They may be able to offer help or suggestions.
Also, they may have a better way of dealing with it or be able to adjust your workload. The problem with many of us is that we don’t want to ask for help.
We want to be able to take on everything even though we aren’t able to do it.
If it’s a family situation the best way to handle it may be to talk about it, which can be difficult.
Again, many tend to shy away or avoid difficult situations.
But, getting it out in the open and talking about it is often the best solution. Seek outside help if a difficult challenge amps up the impatience.
The problem itself may not cause the impatience. But it may trigger something in you that causes you to be impatient.
Focus on other things
Impatience can affect your driving, housework, or other routine tasks. Be ready by conditioning yourself to relax and focus on your breath.
You could try relaxing before you start or listening to music while doing any of these tasks. This is where gratitude comes in.
Be grateful that you can do routine tasks.
Some only imagine cooking or driving but aren’t able to for any number of reasons. Keep this in mind during the tense moments.
It’ll help you to focus on the task at hand, but it may also make you more patient.
Your career takes up a big slice of your life. It informs many of the decisions you make along your path.
Today GenuLines helps you consider whether it’s time for a change of direction.
(you can listen to the article by clicking on the player below or scroll down to read it)
Should You Take a Chance On Finding a New Career?
When I was a kid we looked for jobs right out of high school or college. And we usually stayed with that same job for as long as we could.
Finding work automatically meant we were doing the right work.
Those of us who questioned what we were doing got an earful. Criticism came from friends, neighbors, and especially family.
You might be in a similar situation and disillusioned with your career. It just doesn’t seem to be what you thought it would be.
Change gonna come
You’ve thought about changing careers, but that sounds a lot like starting over.
It’s scary, especially if you’ve been in a certain career for several years, or you’re older.
Hey, you’re earning a decent salary and you’re even climbing the “corporate ladder.” Leaving means you’ll have to work for less money and no seniority!
You think to yourself “what if this affects the people in my life?”
Breaking it down
Sometimes, getting out of a bad situation is enough to overcome a salary hit. You can make money online, either by selling or working for others.
Being at a physical location is no longer necessary if you’re looking to make extra money.
The second factor with a lack of experience is the newness of it all. This can be exciting as well as scary.
Think back to when you first started in your original career. Any new achievement put you on top of the world.
The third factor concerns the lack of seniority. Remind yourself that you’ve got job and life experience that you bring to the table.
Any management experience that you have can work in your favor, too. And your age brings wisdom you can draw on in adverse situations.
Staying in a career that you’ve grown tired of can make you bitter and take years off your life. If you’ve thought about taking a chance on starting a new career, remember that many others have done it.
Anxiety is kind of like money. It’s a good servant but a terrible master.
GenuLines is here to help you take charge when anxious moments crop up.
(you can listen to the article by clicking on the “radio” or scroll down to read)
Don’t Let Anxiety Weigh You Down
Your quality of life takes a bit of a hit when anxiety is the order of your day. It puts your body on high alert.
You feel like you’re in danger, and that spikes your heart rate and gives you more stress and sweaty palms. Now, anxiety isn’t all bad.
It can motivate you, say, for a test or an interview. But in the workaday world, it’s pretty much useless.
If you think about them you could get anxious about things that are out of your control. The result is a terrible feeling that can cause you to lose sleep.
That loss of sleep often turns into a bad day. Too many of those and you start to see the effects on your body.
Upping the stakes
During times of unusual stress, our body releases a hormone called Cortisol. This, in turn, has been linked to weight gain.
When you’re stressed out you might reach for comfort foods. Things like chocolate or salty snacks.
Those will cause you to pack on the pounds.
Now, combine that with the added stress and lack of sleep and you risk heart disease. It takes some time for the physical debilitation to manifest itself.
But the mental effects of anxiety are immediate. A severe case can make each day a grind.
You constantly seem stressed out and fearful.
As anxiety starts to spiral out of control, you may come up with coping mechanisms. For instance, you might start avoiding people and stressful situations.
You find yourself only able to grocery shop during off-hours. Or you won’t feel like leaving the house at all.
Your high anxiety can morph into depression.
It gets hard to find the energy to get out of bed in the morning and face life. Operating on high alert and pumped full of adrenalin is exhausting.
Staying in bed seems like a much better alternative.
If you find your anxiety is weighing your life down get professional help. Anxiety can be debilitating.
But there’s help to be had and plenty of tools that can help you get back to where you want to be.
Have you ever wrestled with self-doubt? That might seem like a silly question.
Most people doubt themselves at some point in their lives. Scroll down for some good words from GenuLines on dealing with self-doubt.
Self-Doubt And What You Can Do About It
Why do people engage in self-doubt? The reason is that it’s easier to doubt yourself than it is to believe that something is possible.
You may believe in your concept, but it’s something that hasn’t materialized yet. It’s unfamiliar territory for you.
Our protection mechanisms tell us to reach for something that’s familiar. We use this as a reason to quit.
The unknown also helps us to come up with excuses. It’s easy to say it won’t work because, and then insert whatever reason can set your mind at ease.
You can even find help from others in coming up with excuses. They have plenty of them for you to choose from.
If they didn’t, they would be succeeding at their goals.
A survival mechanism
Sometimes self-doubt can help us survive. For instance, someone tells you that you can jump off a cliff and survive.
Your self-doubt probably jumps in and tells you this is a bad idea. Self-doubt can sometimes keep you from making bad financial decisions.
This might be an opportunity that sounds too good to be true.
In most cases, self-doubt is not something that will advance your life. It will hold you back, and you need always to be aware of that.
Don’t take the easy way out. Do prepare yourself as much as possible for unfamiliar situations.
But, go forward with a strong belief that you can complete what you set out to do.
Try to structure your life so that you have more positive than negative energy. Flush out as much negative energy as possible.
Use affirmations, support groups, or whatever works for you.
Negative energy is what self-doubt is all about. Two forces are opposing each other.
If you have 100% negative energy that means you have 0% positive energy. Try to tip the scale toward as much positivity as possible and push away the negativity.
No shortage of negative energy
It’s unlikely that you can ever have 100% positive energy. But, you can work towards exposing yourself to positive energy.
You can stop listening to or reading the news, and you can reduce your exposure to negative people. Positive people do exist.
Overheard: “Every time I start a picture I feel the same fear, the same self-doubts, and I have only one source on which I can draw. Because it comes from within me”
The grief from Hurricane Florence will be felt for a long time to come. Death, destruction, and displacement have affected so many people.
Those in the storm-affected areas now have to deal with that grief in some form or another. This GenuLines post will deal with things we all can do to handle the heaviness known as grief.
First I want to tell you about our next scheduled edition of Chi For Yourself.
Danielle Dulsky will make her second visit to the show. Listen in on the call on Tuesday, Sept. 25th at 4 pm Eastern 1 pm Pacific time at chiforyourself.com
Danielle Dulsky is the author of Holy Wild: A Heathen Bible for the Untamed Woman.
Grief touches most everyone at some point in their lives. But, no one grieves in exactly the same way in every case.
And the intensity and duration of grief can vary from one person to the next. This is due to a combination of things.
These include genetics, personality, and previous coping patterns. Add to that any previous history of depression or other mental illness.
It’s also affected by the presence or lack of support networks, and the event leading to the death (ex. sudden, unexpected death vs. expected death). There’s been a lot of debate over when grief becomes something more.
Something that may need medical attention.
But when does grief become something more than “normal?” Clinicians are doing a sort of balancing act.
They want to be careful that they don’t “medicalize” normal grief. But they also want to make sure they don’t exclude those who may be suffering from clinical depression.
This depression could be set off by the recent loss of a loved one. Grief is a process, not an event.
In the early stages of grief (sometimes referred to as “acute” grief), symptoms can pile up.
Think intense sadness, trouble with concentration, and reduced interest in activities and people. There could be crying, sleep issues, changes in appetite, too.
And it would be no surprise to have constant thoughts about the deceased. Now, these are many of the same symptoms as seen in depression. Yet they are considered two distinct entities.
The experience of grief does not necessarily mean that the individual is depressed.
Eventually, grief can become less disabling and intrusive in one’s life. The wounds begin to heal as pleasure is increasingly found in life again.
Furthermore, grief has no set time frame. It can last from weeks to years.
There can still be periods where the acute grief returns for short periods during events. They include the birthday of the deceased, holidays, and other reminders and memories.
But, the acute feelings of grief eventually wane.
Sadly, some people have a very hard time finding pleasure in their lives after the loss of a loved one. Again, the process has no specific length of time.
It varies according to the person and the circumstances. In any case, it’s important to recognize that depression can partner with grief.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is another possibility, especially for violent or unexpected deaths.
To summarize: we experience the process of grief in our own ways. Keep in mind that grief, depression, and PTSD can sometimes work together.
Don’t ignore signs of depression and PTSD. It’s better to seek the opinion of your physician sooner than later.
It is very important that you consult a physician if, at any point, the grief does not seem to be subsiding. Or if you have any thoughts of self-harm.
Your physician can help determine whether you’re suffering from depression or PTSD.
If so, various forms of treatment can help. These include psychological counseling and/or medications.
Fear is a lack of knowledge. When people fear doing something, it’s because they don’t know what the outcome of those actions will be.
When people fail, they can often turn to excuses. They’ll think of dozens of reasons why whatever they tried couldn’t work.
The conditions were not right or they didn’t have enough money. Perhaps a main supplier went out of business and that took down their own business.
Whatever the case, blame is easily distributed all around.
But excuses cannot be made for success.
Who can be blamed for doing something right?
Sudden success can bring on a sort of paralysis. And, a fear of what may happen next.
It’s easy to fall back on something that’s comfortable. That can take the wind out of the sails, so to speak, of a possible success.
Part of the problem with fear of success is not having a plan for when it happens.
You can make plans for what you’re going to do when you succeed at various stages. You won’t fear what comes next because you’ll refer to your plan.
Another problem is that you could be trying to do everything yourself. As you see some success, you’re going to be taking on more responsibilities.
These responsibilities may be unfamiliar to you and that can bring back those fears. If you already have others who work for you, see if they would be a good fit for some of these new responsibilities.
If not, hire others or outsource the work. You should try to keep within your comfort zone. But also be willing to break out of it when the time is right.
Fear of success isn’t just a buzzword used by marketers and psychologists. It’s a real fear and it can have a crippling effect on anyone who experiences it.
Childhood obesity has become an epidemic in our culture. Many children are so overweight that they almost stop being children.
They can’t play and enjoy their lives the way children usually do.
Of course, childhood obesity causes health issues too. Overweight kids tend to be sick more often.
And they’re at risk of developing long-term health problems. Understanding childhood obesity helps parents make decisions and prevent obesity in their children.
Childhood obesity is a health condition. The diagnosis is generally based on a child’s BMI or Body Mass Index.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has obesity guidelines for kids. The CDC defines it as a BMI greater than the 95th percentile for children of the same age and gender.
Your pediatrician records your child’s height and weight. Then the numbers are compared to the average child across the country.
What causes Childhood Obesity?
There are actually many causes of childhood obesity:
Hereditary factors
In some cases, genetics plays a role. A child may inherit a thyroid problem or another hormonal problem.
If parents and other family members are obese, then their children are more likely to be obese as well.
But, other environmental factors that may have a bigger impact on a child’s health. Things like diet and lack of activity.
Poor eating habits and lack of activity
The biggest causes of childhood obesity are poor eating habits and inactivity. Many obese children live on a regular diet of starchy carbohydrates and high-fat foods.
A fast-food diet is a major contributor
Let’s look at the common diet that’s high in sugar, white flour, and fat. These foods cause children to have blood sugar imbalances.
The highs and lows lead to cravings. Cravings then lead to more poor food choices and the cycle can quickly get out of hand.
The problem worsens when parents don’t or are unable to provide healthy options.
Cupboards stocked with junk food are tempting. Kids almost always choose the junk over a healthy snack.
Add inactivity to poor food choices and you have the makings of childhood obesity.
More and more children are left home to fend for themselves after school. When they’re home, they sit on the couch and watch television.
They play video or computer games instead of being active and playing outside. Obesity results when children are consuming way more calories than they burn.
Also, the calories they do consume are empty, not providing them with the nutrients they need.
What are some problems associated with obesity?
Overweight and obese children often face a life of ridicule from their peers. They suffer health challenges most adults cannot imagine.
The result can be a shorter lifespan.
The good news is that childhood obesity can be reversed. Children are incredibly adaptable.
They can learn new habits. But they can’t do it alone. They need support. They need adults who can help them make responsible and healthy decisions.
That’s where their parents or guardians are so important in helping them.
Experts say that 10 to 20 minutes of prayer or meditation each day can help reduce stress. Guided imagery also may be helpful, and can be included with prayer or meditation.
You can find websites with stress-relieving images. And there are other sources for guided imagery online and at your library.
Or you could see a professional who can guide you through the imagery or meditation.
Take an art class –
Art therapy has been shown to help with stress relief. Being able to channel the internal emotions into an art medium can be very therapeutic.
Go easy on yourself –
Don’t engage in self-criticism. Repeat your mantra; say your prayers, meditate. or whatever you need to do to silence the “you’re not good enough” voice.
Learn to take a timeout –
When you’re stressed, you may be more prone to angry outbursts. Learn to take a moment for a timeout before responding to something that angered you.
Be unavailable –
Sometimes it can be very stressful to feel like you always have to be there for others. At some point, it’s important to turn off your telephone(s) and close your email.
Just be there for yourself. You can even choose a regular time to do this.
Tell your friends and family in advance. This way they’ll understand why you’re not answering your phone or email.
Breathe deeply –
By themselves, meditation and slow, deep breathing may help to relieve stress. Deep breathing also may help remove toxins and relax muscles.
It’s also said to calm the mind.
Don’t set the stage –
Without meaning to, you might be setting the stage for everyday stresses. For example, if you don’t maintain your car, it may break down at the worst time.
Not taking care of your nutritional needs or your health can make trouble, too. Getting sick can really add to stress, especially trying to make up for the time lost after you get better.
Keep a healthy perspective –
Sometimes everything seems important and must be done right now. This is a recipe for overwhelm.
Try to keep a healthy perspective on things.
Remind yourself that a situation, decision, or “moment” may not really matter ten years from now.