Tag Archive for change of direction

Do You Need Mentors?

Mentors can help you find your way through life. But how do you go about finding the mentor?

Use these directional guides from GenuLines to better get your bearings.

Do You Need Mentors?

You can’t know everything there is to know about how to get where you want to be in life. While it’s possible to learn the needed skills, this will take time and likely a lot of money.
Instead, what if you had someone (or a group of people) who can help guide you to success?
A mentor in action
A mentor is someone who right now is where you want to be. The relationship you have with a mentor can be an official one.
Or it can be informal such as following in the footsteps of someone you admire.
Mentors have experience and have gone through the growing pains towards success. They will know what kinds of training you may need or skills to develop.


Best of all, mentors can provide feedback. They’ll let you know what you’re doing right and wrong during your development.
This kind of advice is invaluable.
You don’t want a mentor who will hold back. Make sure you give them full permission to be completely honest with you.
Most worthwhile mentors will have no problems doing this for you. It may be a hard pill to swallow, but you’ll be better off than having mentors who sugarcoat your progress.
That won’t help you in any way.

Matching up

The mentors you choose should have the experience or skills you desire to learn. Be sure to ask lots of questions about what they expect from you and ask what you can expect from them.
This expectation is important.
Otherwise, you won’t know whether the mentoring relationship is working. Someone you’re considering to mentor you may take issue with these questions.
If so, this is a sign they may not be right for you. It can also be more difficult to sever the relationship once it’s begun.

Should you pay for mentors?

It depends on what you currently have available at your disposal. And what you intend to receive from this kind of arrangement.
If mentorship is available free of charge then consider going ahead with it. Then again, paying for someone to help you lets you hold them accountable.
This is a crucial aspect of mentoring.
Without it, you could be spinning your wheels, going nowhere. You don’t want to waste time.
The whole reason to take on a mentor is to save time and get you further in your development.
JohnK 11-14-2022
stick man hears about mentorsOverheard: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants
                                   ~Isaac Newton
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What Are You Doing with Your Life? Tips for Figuring It Out 

Yo want to make good life choices. But you can’t figure out where to start. 

Get some ideas today from GenuLines and then get going and start mapping it out. 

What Are You Doing with Your Life? Tips for Figuring It Out 

Do you often find yourself wondering what to do with your life? Many people reach a point where they feel they lack direction.
Instead of living life to the fullest, they only go through the motions.
sign says live life
If this sounds like you, there are things you can do to help you get out of the rut. Below, you’ll find some fabulous tips for figuring out what it is you want from life.
Consider Your Passions
If you want to know what direction to go in, it’s helpful to think about the things you’re passionate about. The things that motivate and inspire you will change from time to time.
For example, what you want today may look very different from what you wanted a few months ago. We change and adapt over time according to our experiences.
This means to keep a direction in life, we need to assess what it is we want. Figuring out the things you’re passionate about will help you to understand where to go next.
And what you need to do to get there.

Address Your Fears

Even if you know what it is you want to do, you might be stuck because of fear. It’s one of our most powerful emotions.
Fear can stop you from going after the things you want in life.
So, if you’re going to move forward and figure out what it is you must do in life, you’re going to need to address your fears. Figure out where the fear is coming from.
Then, be willing to work it them so you can stop it controlling your life.

Assess Your Current Goals

Do you have any goals you’re working toward right now? Chances are, if you aren’t sure what you’re doing in your life, you won’t have any goals to work towards.
This can exacerbate the problem.
You need to set goals to keep you motivated and positive. When you have something to work toward it gives you a purpose each day.
You generate more motivation to get you to where you need to be. Make sure you set small, specific goals that are easy to achieve.

You Don’t Need To Have It All Figured Out

Nobody has everything in life figured out. There will always be doubts and things you want to do better.
In fact, at times going with the flow can present you with a lot of opportunities you would otherwise miss.
Feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing in life can be lonely and frustrating. Let the above points help you figure out exactly what you want.
JohnK 10-3-2022
stick figure hears about lifeOverheard: “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”
                                   ~John Lennon


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5 Factors That Keep You From Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Why are you here and what is your purpose? Don’t spend your life struggling with this question, as many do. 

Explore the possibilities with GenuLines and start finding some answers.

5 Factors That Keep You From Finding Your Life’s Purpose

A great way to find your true purpose in life is by living what I call your ‘genuine life.” You live your life without needing approval from other people.
sign warns wrong way to purpose
You explore your interests and passions. And when you discover that passion, you have to listen to one voice only.
The voice that lives inside of you. That voice which is your True North.
The voice that will tell you to keep trying, keep moving, believe in yourself, and to stay true to your purpose.
Unfortunately, few people find their true purpose in life. They’re living a life someone told them they’re supposed to live.
Or they follow the misguided notion that finding your true purpose takes years and years. Which may not always be the case.
Here are 5 things that are hindering you from finding your true purpose in life:
1. You don’t know where to begin
To find your calling know where to begin searching. And the best place to start is inside you.
What are you passionate or excited about? What are you so good at that people come to you for help or advice?
That could be your true purpose.
2. You rely on other people to dictate your life purpose
You miss your calling when you become accustomed to people telling you how to live. And what you ought to be doing.
Close friends or family may have the right intentions when advising you. They’ll tell what you should be pursuing.
But because they have good intentions doesn’t mean they’re right. They may have a picture of who and what they want you to become.
But that doesn’t mean it’s what you must become.
3. You’re busy comparing your life to that of others
Don’t spend your time focusing on “If only I was that smart.” Or “I wish I could do that.”
You won’t appreciate what you’re already great at. Get rid of negative thoughts, and replace them with “I was born to have an impact and I will find out what that is.”
4. You already have a “picture” of what your purpose is
We all have an “idea” of what we’re meant to do. Or which line of work we’re supposed to be in, particularly during our adolescent years.
Not to generalize but more often than not this is an idealized “picture.” This picture from our younger years turns out to be the wrong picture. 
5. You are not seeking guidance from the right people
While discovering your true purpose on your own is the way to go, seeking guidance from the right people won’t hurt. It will speed up the process of finding out what your calling is in life.
It will give you ample time to look for ways of staying true to your purpose. And working on becoming who you’re meant to be.
JohnK 9-5-2022
Stick figure hears about finding purposeOverheard: “There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim”
                                               ~Napoleon Hill
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Make Better Personal Decisions

You never know when one of your everyday decisions will turn out to be a life changer. It’s best to be prepared for whatever you face. 

So GenuLines has prepared some pointers to guide you in the decision making process.

Make Better Personal Decisions

man facing decisionYou’ll make countless decisions in your life. Some of these decisions are small. (What should I watch on TV?) and some of these decisions are big. (Should I take that job overseas?)
But, the outcome of a vast majority of these decisions, big or small, affects us in a very personal way.
These outcomes can have both a positive and negative effect on your life. So it makes sense that you take the time to learn how to make better personal decisions.


Under Construction

You use your brain to make decisions. That brain is the product of millions of years of development and evolution.
And it continues today.
Think of this development as the remodeling of an old house.
In the beginning, there was the original house.
Over time, you might add a garage.
Then, a family room. Then a second story.
Follow that up with a fireplace. The point is the skeleton of the old house is still there.
Over time it’s surrounded by all the new additions.

The Old and The New

Our brains evolve this way. Parts that developed a million years ago work alongside newer parts.
Newer as in those that developed ten thousand years ago.
It’s like the light sockets in the older part of the house. They’re designed for a different era, so to the older parts of our brains.
Yet, today the whole brain works to make decisions that have a direct affect on us.
Studies show that the average person makes a decision in less than ten seconds. When confronted by a life and death situation, you don’t have time to think about your next move.
Otherwise in less critical situations your best move is to take some time to think.

Easy Does It

A primary step in learning how to become a better personal decision maker is to teach yourself to slow down. Then think about the decision that’s facing you.
With any decision, big or small, you need to take the appropriate amount of time. You want to assess and weigh all the choices involved.
Look at all the angles and all the possible outcomes. Start making choices that increase you chances for positive results.
JohnK 5-30-2022
Stick figure hears about decisionsOverheard: “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision”
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Boost Your Motivation Skills In 5 Steps

Motivation seems to work on its own schedule. One day you’ll have it and the next you won’t 

Consider connecting the motivation “dots” with this GenuLines list of motivation boosters. 


Boost Your Motivation Skills In 5 Steps

Hard times are mile markers on the road to a life of fulfillment and achievement. The toughest of these markers to deal with tends to be motivation.

Motivation booster



The following 5 helpful steps are in no particular order. They’re intended to boost your motivation and drive to reach your goals.

1. Know Your Why

When you set out toward your goal you have an ideas of why you’re doing it. But as you do the work you may start questioning this why.

And there WILL be days in which you feel less motivated than others. Keep the why in front of you so you can get up from your falls and keep pushing.

2. Know Your Direction

Extreme motivation can cause you to put your head down and work like a maniac. Sometimes this mindset helps you.

But you’ve goy to keep some sense of direction. Big goals rarely consist of point A and point B.

Instead, keep in mind a general outline of each step toward your destination. So yes, keeping your nose to the “grindstone” is good.

But looking up every now and then to adjust your direction helps, too.

3. Allow Small Victories

If you don’t enjoy small successes in pursuit of your target you’ll run out of gas before you get there. Enjoy your journey.

Take some time to reward yourself when you pass one of the (often many) small steps along the way.

4. You Versus You, Not You Versus Them

This step is especially important. Your goals are YOUR goals. Letting other people’s pursuits dictate what you strive for is a slippery slope.

If you want to make a comparisons make it to the person you were the day before.

5. Controlled Tunnel Vision

Consider this: your target goal likely involves only one facet of your life. And your life must not stop while you pursue it.

Your motivation and energy will focus on the biggest victory you’re after. This is true whether this goal is career, athletic or more personal,

In any case make sure you honor all facets of your life that will get you there. Balance is always key.

Don’t let the rest of your life fall to the wayside while you chase one dream!

JohnK 5-31-2021


Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily” 

                                           ~Zig Ziglar




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What Kind of Mindset Do You Have?

Your mindset can take you to great heights. Or, it can keep you mired in the depths. 

Today GenuLines steers you around the negative mindsets and on the path to genuine living. 

(You can listen to this article by clicking on here)

What Kind of Mindset Do You Have?

Thinker mindsetYour mindset is what compels you to take a certain action or leads you back off from acting on something. It influences how you see yourself and those around you.
Different types of mindsets can mean different things to each of us. And they can say a lot about how and why you think like you do.
Each has benefits and drawbacks.


A numbers game

The number of mindsets that exist is dependent on how much you generalize them. Finding your type is key to understanding how you operate in every area of your life.
There are two main types of mindsets, Fixed and Growth. Each has benefits and downsides.
If you have a fixed mindset, you tend to believe your skills or qualities are set and you resist changing them. These include your intelligence level, and your personality or character.
This can cause you to limit yourself and focus on proving yourself to others.
Some of the sub-mindsets of a fixed mindset include these tendencies:
· Fear 
· Laziness 
· Envy 
· Greed 
· Short-term thinking
· Anger
· Tendency to follow

Characteristics include:

1. Blaming others for things that are wrong
2. Lazy habits
3. Relying on addictions
4. Insatiable and always want more
5. Self-absorbed, with little thought of others
6. Limited initiative to achieve
7. Obsessed with what others are, do or say
8. Waste time
9. Come across in a negative way
With a growth mindset, you tend to believe in a basic set of qualities. You feel you can cultivate and develop them through effort, strategy, and help from others.


Some of the sub-mindsets of a growth mindset include:

· Social 
· Business 
· Dreamer 
· Gratitude 
· Confident 
· Creative 

Characteristics include:

· Willing to help others
· Solve problems
· Think big and know what you want
· Feel gratitude for what you have
· Eager to learn
· Dedication to achieve and grow
· Able to change and develop skills
· Embrace challenges
· Learn from failures
What type of mindset is the basis of your thoughts and actions? Do you believe that this is how you are and can’t change?
Do you believe you can change, and things can be different for you? The good news is you can change your mindset to one of growth and abundance.
JohnK 10-19-2020
Stick figure hears about mindsetOverheard: “Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance”
                           ~Samuel Johnson



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Should You Take a Chance On Finding a New Career?

Your career takes up a big slice of your life. It informs many of the decisions you make along your path. 

Today GenuLines helps you consider whether it’s time for a change of direction.

(you can listen to the article by clicking on the player below or scroll down to read it)



banner to help find one's career


Should You Take a Chance On Finding a New Career?

When I was a kid we looked for jobs right out of high school or college. And we usually stayed with that same job for as long as we could.
Finding work automatically meant we were doing the right work.
Those of us who questioned what we were doing got an earful. Criticism came from friends, neighbors, and especially family.
You might be in a similar situation and disillusioned with your career. It just doesn’t seem to be what you thought it would be.
Change gonna come
You’ve thought about changing careers, but that sounds a lot like starting over.
It’s scary, especially if you’ve been in a certain career for several years, or you’re older.
Hey, you’re earning a decent salary and you’re even climbing the “corporate ladder.” Leaving means you’ll have to work for less money and no seniority!
You think to yourself “what if this affects the people in my life?”
Breaking it down
Sometimes, getting out of a bad situation is enough to overcome a salary hit. You can make money online, either by selling or working for others.
Being at a physical location is no longer necessary if you’re looking to make extra money.
The second factor with a lack of experience is the newness of it all. This can be exciting as well as scary.
Think back to when you first started in your original career. Any new achievement put you on top of the world.
The third factor concerns the lack of seniority. Remind yourself that you’ve got job and life experience that you bring to the table.
Any management experience that you have can work in your favor, too. And your age brings wisdom you can draw on in adverse situations.
Staying in a career that you’ve grown tired of can make you bitter and take years off your life. If you’ve thought about taking a chance on starting a new career, remember that many others have done it.
And they’ve made it work.
JohnK 2-26-2020
stick figure man looks for a careerOverheard: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle”
                                                      ~Steve Jobs
Article photo by kate.sade on Unsplash




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