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3 Easy Ways To Cut Back On Sugar Consumption

It’s tough to avoid sugar. It seems to be an ingredient in most everything.

But you can be more aware of the sweet stuff, and GenuLines can show you how.

3 Easy Ways To Cut Back On Sugar Consumption

You’re no doubt aware of the explosion of processed foods and the sugary drinks and snacks in society. Especially refined sugar.
And there are potential health problems associated with excessive sugar consumption.
Things like increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It’s important that you read nutrition labels and be mindful of how much sugar you’re taking in daily.
sugar cubes
Think of the damage this causes. It rots our teeth.
It gives us Type II Diabetes. And it contributes to the obesity epidemic in the western world.
What’s more, added sugar has found its way into all sorts of foods we consume on a daily basis. And it isn’t only the sugary breakfast cereal or the ice cream that is the culprit.
There’s sugar in our salad dressings, our frozen dinners, and pasta sauce to give you a few examples.
What can we do to cut back on the amount of sugar we consume on a daily basis? Let’s start by cutting out some of the big offenders.

Cut The Soda and Other Sugary Drinks

Let’s start with something easy that will also have a huge impact. Stop drinking soda and other sugary drinks.
This includes what seem like innocent things.
It could be the sweet tea you’re enjoying. Or the fancy coffee drink.
But, it could also be your favorite juice beverage. Look at the labels and figure out how many teaspoons of sugar you’re drinking each day.
Then cut them out.
Stick to water, black coffee and herbal tea for a few days. It’s not an easy transition, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Stop Indulging In Sugar Laden Treats

Next it’s time to give up your favorite sugary treats. Enjoy a bowl of oatmeal or scramble up some eggs instead of pouring a bowl of sweet cereal.
Skip the muffin, cake, cookies and candy. Instead reach for a piece of fruit or cut up some fresh veggies.
Find sugar free or low-sugar replacements for your favorite treats. Fix a sandwich if you’re hungry in the afternoon instead of raiding the cookie jar.
Or grab some cheese and crackers. Do your best to train your brain and taste buds to not crave sweet treats all day long.

Stick To Real Food

Finally, work on reducing the added sugars. They sneak into your diet via all sorts of convenience foods.
Anything that’s labeled low fat, fat free or gluten free is worth avoiding. The fat in these items is usually replaced by lots of sugar and salt to make them palatable.
Your best bet is to stick to real food. Stick with single ingredients and cook your meals from scratch. This allows you to control what’s going into the food you eat – including the sugar.
JohnK 7-10-2023
stick man hears about sugar dangersOverheard: “An overdose of praise is like 10 lumps of sugar in coffee: only a very few people can swallow it”
                                                        ~Emily Post
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