Tag Archive for bad habits

The Impact Of Bad Habits On Your Work

Your bad habits can make their way into your work. This doesn’t bode well for things like promotions and raises.

We’re raising this issue with a GenuLines look at what can go wrong,.

The Impact Of Bad Habits On Your Work

social media habit

Some of the bad habits you’ve developed over your lifetime are causing you problems at work. And You may not even realize it

If you’re not aware that you  have any of the following habits they could be affecting your job (or business)

Lack of Sleep

Say you have the bad habit of staying up late because you see yourself as a night owl. You do this even though you have to get up early to go to work.
What’s more, not sleeping enough at night can also cause health problems. Among these-cardiovascular disease.

Not Eating Breakfast

You don’t have to eat a giant breakfast at the crack of dawn to be healthy. But at some point during the morning you should eat something – even if it’s a banana with some peanut butter on it.
If you don’t eat when you’re hungry, you can weaken your body and make your brain unable to focus.

Constant Email Reading

Even at work you should not check your email all the time. Checking email (and social media) is a trap that might take you down a rabbit hole of no return.
Instead, set a timer to check your email and social media or any other communication channel. You can do this three or four times a day at set times.

Sitting For Long Periods of Time

You can’t always help it, but if you sit for work then go home and sit some more, you’re making a big mistake. This can impact your health and make it hard for you to do your job at all.
Find ways to move around the office more. Take small walks or volunteer for the food runs.

Complaining About Everything

This can be a habit that sneaks up on you. You may not even realize that you’re doing it. .
To stop doing this, recognize the behavior. Say something nice instead of something negative.

Comparing Yourself To Others

This can be a big mistake. You have no idea what the person has experienced in their life or what happens to them at home.
This habit can erode your confidence. It can cause you to second guess yourself and make you look incompetent.

Thinking You’re a Great Multitasker

Here’s some news for you; no one is good at multitasking. If you’re trying to multitask – even if it’s required at work, it’s going to be hard to get things done . 

Multitasking Can Result in Mediocrity

Do what you can to get out of that situation. Do your best work by keeping your mind on one thing at a time.

If you can replace these habits with good habits, you may end up becoming irreplaceable at work. Or you might boost your business to the next level.

The main thing you want to do is to at least recognize which bad habits you have. Then you can plan to combat them with good ones.

JohnK 8-7-2023
stick man hears about habitsOverheard: “All people are the same; only their habits differ.”
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What Exactly Is a Bad Habit?

Do you have a bad habit or two, or more? Let GenuLines help you as we take a closer look at them. 

See if any of these are holding you back. 

What Exactly Is a Bad Habit?

For the most part, a bad habit is something that you do again and again,. Something you can stop doing when you decide to, and that society has deemed to be bad.

picture of a bad habit
Often it breaks laws, customs, or some societal moral code. Most of us think that bad habits are something you should avoid.
This is because they can often affect your health and wellness. There are different categories of bad habits.
Let’s look at the most common ones.



* Time-Wasting Habits

These include not putting things where they go. Or not creating a home for everything you own.
And not keeping your stuff organized. Wasting time can end up affecting your downtime because you still have to make time for work.
* Unhealthy Habits
As an example there’s eating unhealthy snacks every night. Watching lots of TV instead of doing physical things.
And avoiding regular doctor visits. 

* Lost Productivity Habits 

Lack of a morning routine and some sort of schedule hurts your productivity. These types of bad habits are for the most part a lack of good habits.

* Habits That Harm Your Financial Health

Habits like gambling can ruin your financial health today. Overspending is often started by a bad habit of not minding your finances.
* Habits That Impede Your Social Life
For some people, bad habits can hurt their social life. Being late and slighting others are two examples.

* Habits That Harm Others

Some people develop habits that harm themselves as well as others. For example, a smoking habit can hurt you and those around you (especially kids).
* Habits That Ruin Relationships
Some people allow their habits to even ruin their relationships. Being sloppy, unclean, and not thinking of others can ruin many relationships.
Especially if you’re late a lot or gossip too much.
* Gross Habits
Smoking and nail-biting come to mind when it comes to gross habits. So does nose picking, picking your toes with your fingers, and other rude behavior.
It’s best not do them in public (and some not even in private). If you do have these habits, you can stop them with a plan.
Bad habits are those that are not good for you or anyone else around you – whether human, animal or the environment.
JohnK 8-30-2021
stick man hears about bad habitsOverheard: “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”
                                    ~Stephen R. Covey
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7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior

Your behavior can carry you a long way, or it can hold you back. And you may be the one keeping it on the negative side. 

Here’s a list of points that GenuLines wants you to consider during your behavior review.

7 Ways to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior
We tend to think that most opposition comes from around us. A complaining spouse, a controlling boss, a road-raging driver.
child's bad behavior
But something we rarely acknowledge is that we’re often our own worst enemies. Here are a few ways to stop self-defeating behavior.

#1: Let go of victory

It’s nice to win, but you don’t have to win all the time. The lust for victory can keep you chugging along a reckless path.
Then again, sometimes it’s good to cut your losses and win a lesson instead.

#2: Stop trying to please everyone

You can’t make everyone happy every time. Rushing around to do this is a huge self-defeating behavior.
And it can cost you your health and peace of mind.

#3: Accept imperfection

If you seek perfection, you will never find completion. Can you imagine Michelangelo stressing over the Sistine Chapel details?
Nothing would ever get done! Imperfection is part of being human, and most of the time, you’re the only one who will notice your mistakes anyway.

#4: End bad habits

These days, most people have bad habits that relate to technology. Like obsessive email or social media checking.
Take stock of how you spend your time. Make a detailed log of the minutes and hours, and see how much time you might be wasting with various pursuits.

#5: Overcome fear

Fear is something that holds most people back from living a higher purpose. It doesn’t have to be a direct sense of trepidation.
It might come disguised as laziness or avoidance.

#6: Stop being a lone wolf

Everybody needs help sometimes, even the lone wolf. Ask for help when you need it.
Whether it’s in business or personal life, make friends, accept help, and seek help when it’s needed.

#7: Drop the guilt

People can change and grow, so you don’t have to let your past hold you back. Most of us grow up with a mentality that we have to slave away for someone else.
We cram our enjoyment into the weekend, But you can break free from this thought prison.
JohnK 8-9-2021
Stick figure hears about behaviorOverheard: ” If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior”
                                 ~William Glasser
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The True Impact of Addiction

Society is struggling with addictions of various types. We think of it as harming the individual. 

But as GenuLines will show you, the effects of addiction have far-reaching consequences. 

(Listen to this post by clicking here)

Or, click on below:

The True Impact of Addiction

man with addictionPeople with addictions often assume that their dependency won’t harm others. But addiction can harm you and your community.
* Physical Harm –
Most additions have something to do with drugs, food, or other substances. These can harm your physical health.
And sometimes the physical health of those around you. For example, second-hand cigarette smoke harms anyone around it.
And the chemicals left behind on surfaces also continue to do harm.
* Your Career –
Addiction gets in the way of your work life, even if you think it’s not. You won’t be as productive as others and you’ll call in sick more often.
And if you think no one knows what’s going on, guess again.
* Emotional Toll –
Dependency on something bad for you makes you feel powerless to stop it. The guilt can be worse than anything.
*Hurting Your Finances –
You spend money that’s not in your budget, whether it’s for gambling or cocaine. Even a coffee habit might impact your finances.
* Your Freedom –
You could base all your choices on whether you can have that thing you’re addicted to or not. At some point, you avoid social activities.
And you stick to places that can let you better engage in your addiction.
* Romantic Relationships –
Addiction requires lying and deception. When your partners find out, they’re usually not too happy about it.
They might break up the relationship. Or if they’re also damaged, they may stay in it and you’ll both be miserable.
* Friendships –
Challenges to your friendships will be a lot like those in your love life. (Though much faster)
Friends will lose interest in you with drama in your life. They may love you, but they’re powerless to help.
* Harming Those You Don’t Even Know –
Your habit can harm others even if you don’t know them. For example, driving under the influence.
Or going bankrupt due to gambling debts. Both contribute to problems in your community.
* Impact on Your Community –
A community struggling with addiction will become less desirable to live in. The people who can do so will leave.
If you see yourself in any of this get professional help. Especially for physical or emotional issues.
You can develop good habits to replace bad ones. The solution might be as clear as cleaning up some bad habits.
JohnK 3-8-2021
Stick figure hears about addictionOverheard: “My recovery must come first so that everything I love in life doesn’t have to come last”
Article image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay 
addiction disclaimer

Kick Your Procrastination to The Curb

Procrastination leaves you with questions. Maybe you wonder where the time went, and eventually where the years went. 

So today GenuLines looks at how time and opportunities slip away, and some ways you can change this. 

(Listen to this article by clicking here)

Kick Your Procrastination to The Curb

Procrastination is a thief. It will rob you of precious minutes and hours before you realize they’re gone.
You put off the task you intended to complete today. There was good reason to do it, but right now you can’t remember why.
Procrastination comes in many disguises. Sometimes it’s called rationalization.
You didn’t get started on that project because the weather was too hot. Or you didn’t have all the parts to finish the job.
You can always come up with good reasons to delay a project.
Procrastination as a habit
When you put off correcting this it becomes your constant companion. You find ways to delay a task because there are other things more important to do.
bee doing procrastinationThere are lots of excuses.
Like checking your email. Playing an on-line game.
Or turning on the TV to see if you’re missing something interesting.
You have to recognize a real reason you delay as opposed to an excuse not to do something you don’t want to do. Ask yourself if that job needs to get done. and if your answer is yes then get it done and then reward yourself for a victory over procrastination.
When the job is complete, step back and assess what you’ve done to see if it was worth the time and effort. Could be you were procrastinating for good reason, but that’s rarely the case.
Lack of direction can cause you to procrastinate because you’re not sure what to do next.


This could be the father of procrastination. Get organized with a to-do list, putting the most urgent at the top.
Make a deal with yourself that you cannot do anything else until you finish at least one thing on the list. You can make giant strides with tiny steps.
Big projects can be daunting whether you’re writing a book or building a house. Break them into sections.
A small manageable task is much more palatable than trying to swallow the entire project. No matter how small the success it’s another step toward completion.
Decide what needs done and do it. Even if it’s done wrong at least you’ve done something.
Indecision can cause major delays in both your business and personal life. It’s easier to make a decision if you make a list of project pros and cons.
Once you have a clear direction, your mind clears and the way opens up.
Fear of failure can cause procrastination. But, the failure lies in never getting started.
Difficult and dreaded tasks are rarely as bad as they seem at the beginning. Stop procrastinating today.
Don’t put it off until tomorrow.
JohnK 1-8-2021
stick figure man hears about procrastinationOverheard:  “Life, as it is called, is for most of us one long postponement”
                                  .~ Henry Miller
Article image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 
disclaimer for talking about procrastination

How Meditation Can Benefit Your Motivation

Meditation might not be your first thought when your motivation is on the wane. But GenuLines knows that it can be a go-to tool for those times when you lose your spark, 
How Meditation Can Benefit Your Motivation

meditation momentThe downward spiral of low motivation can seem like an impossible cycle to break. During those times productivity and accomplishment can seem like unattainable goals. 

There is one simple tool you may not have considered before that can get you back on track, and that’s meditation. It’s an exercise that goes well beyond providing relaxation.

Focus and Concentration

Focus and concentration are by-products of meditation. But don’t force the issue.
This could have a negative effect on your motivation.

Increased Happiness

More and more of us are being diagnosed with depression. It’s no surprise that happy people tend to have more energy and higher self-confidence.
And motivation raises happiness by helping release the brain’s “happiness hormones.” When you’re feeling more positive, you’re likely to have more desire to get things done.

Less Stress

Meditation leads to a more relaxed state. This is due to the way it allows the brain to slow down as it receives sensory input.
This relaxation and improved processing leads to reduced feelings of stress and overwhelm. With less stress comes a feeling of more control, which then fuels your motivation.

Positive Thinking

One of the biggest killers of motivation is negative thinking. A pessimistic view can come from many sources.
Think depression, poor habits, or general life difficulties.
The beauty of meditation is that it “rewires” brain patterns. This process encourages more positive thought patterns.
The result is a reset that helps you become more motivated.

Clarified Goals and Purpose

Taking time each day for meditation can give you a great deal of insight. This helps with reassessing what’s most important in your life.
When you have a better picture of your priorities, your goals and life’s purpose become clearer. Knowing where you want to go kicks your motivation into high gear.
And you’ll feel a greater urgency to take the necessary steps on the path to your dreams.
The benefits of meditation for increased motivation are many. There are various types of meditation.
You can begin to research on your own or find a teacher who can help you develop a practice that works for you. What’s most important is that you get started.
And maintain consistency in your meditation practice to get the most effective results. Soon you’ll be tackling your to-do list and pursuing the life goals that matter with renewed vigor.
JohnK 11-16-2020
stick figure man hears about meditationOverheard: “When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace”
disclaimer for meditation

What Kind of Mindset Do You Have?

Your mindset can take you to great heights. Or, it can keep you mired in the depths. 

Today GenuLines steers you around the negative mindsets and on the path to genuine living. 

(You can listen to this article by clicking on here)

What Kind of Mindset Do You Have?

Thinker mindsetYour mindset is what compels you to take a certain action or leads you back off from acting on something. It influences how you see yourself and those around you.
Different types of mindsets can mean different things to each of us. And they can say a lot about how and why you think like you do.
Each has benefits and drawbacks.


A numbers game

The number of mindsets that exist is dependent on how much you generalize them. Finding your type is key to understanding how you operate in every area of your life.
There are two main types of mindsets, Fixed and Growth. Each has benefits and downsides.
If you have a fixed mindset, you tend to believe your skills or qualities are set and you resist changing them. These include your intelligence level, and your personality or character.
This can cause you to limit yourself and focus on proving yourself to others.
Some of the sub-mindsets of a fixed mindset include these tendencies:
· Fear 
· Laziness 
· Envy 
· Greed 
· Short-term thinking
· Anger
· Tendency to follow

Characteristics include:

1. Blaming others for things that are wrong
2. Lazy habits
3. Relying on addictions
4. Insatiable and always want more
5. Self-absorbed, with little thought of others
6. Limited initiative to achieve
7. Obsessed with what others are, do or say
8. Waste time
9. Come across in a negative way
With a growth mindset, you tend to believe in a basic set of qualities. You feel you can cultivate and develop them through effort, strategy, and help from others.


Some of the sub-mindsets of a growth mindset include:

· Social 
· Business 
· Dreamer 
· Gratitude 
· Confident 
· Creative 

Characteristics include:

· Willing to help others
· Solve problems
· Think big and know what you want
· Feel gratitude for what you have
· Eager to learn
· Dedication to achieve and grow
· Able to change and develop skills
· Embrace challenges
· Learn from failures
What type of mindset is the basis of your thoughts and actions? Do you believe that this is how you are and can’t change?
Do you believe you can change, and things can be different for you? The good news is you can change your mindset to one of growth and abundance.
JohnK 10-19-2020
Stick figure hears about mindsetOverheard: “Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance”
                           ~Samuel Johnson



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How to Use Failure to Strengthen Belief in Yourself

                                                                                                          airplane landing in trees is a failure                                      Does the thought of failure fill you with dread? You’re not alone. 
Read on as GenuLines looks at some ideas to help you believe in yourself and to loosen failure’s grip.
call to action for avoiding failure

How to Use Failure to Strengthen Belief in Yourself

One of the best tools for dealing with failure is failure itself. You can examine it to figure out what went wrong.
You can look back on the steps you took and try to find the exact point of failure. Then you’ll be able to choose alternative steps based on this information.
You do need to be honest in your assessment of why the failure happened.
If you blame others for your failures, you’ll mask the causes, and you’ll never move on. It’s easier to blame others rather than admit mistakes.
But you aren’t doing yourself any favors when you do this.
Recognizing your failure is important, but don’t be hypercritical. Putting yourself down because you failed won’t help your cause.
Know that failure happens and embrace it. Then, you can take a step back and figure out your next move.

Learning from others

boy reading abut failureYou can get inspiration from the failure of others. People write about their trials and tribulations in books.
They record videos about their setbacks. Their experiences can help you by giving you tips on how to avoid the mistakes they made.
Using this approach can help you turn things around at a much faster rate. If you’re not doing this yet, give it some thought.
Drawing from the experiences of others also shows you that you aren’t alone. Many of the most successful people overcame obstacles.
Their stories can help you feel better about your own slip-ups.
In other words, if they did it, so can you. That too is a powerful benefit of using failure to your advantage.
If you’re repeating the same mistakes over and over, it’s time to take a hard look at what you’re doing. If you’re struggling to break that cycle, you may want to find a coach who can help you.
Sometimes, that extra push can be all that you need to get you to break out of the pattern.
JohnK 8-27-2019
stick figure wanting to avoid failureOverheard: “Failure is success if we learn from it” 
                                ~Malcolm Forbes
Photo #1 by David Kovalenko on Unsplash
Photo #2 by Woodsy on RGBstockcom 
disclaimer concerning failure

Fear Strikes Out: Getting Around the Wall of Worry on the Way To a Genuine Life

Little girl peekingIt’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, much like many along Pacific Coast Highway. Pelicans glide near the surface of the ocean while gulls let out a sort of shrill encouragement nearby. Yet I’m feeling a bit uneasy as I make my way toward my dental appointment. Now, I’m no coward but I’m wondering ‘what if?’ What if this time I’ll need extensive work? It’s happened before. What if that work leaves me with a big bill? Been a while since any work was done. Am I due for a surprise?

Fear. It can stop you cold, give you what athletes call ‘jelly knees’, and steal your ability to make smart decisions. It can rob you of rational thinking and even turn you into a shadow of your real self. And all because of a perceived threat. Feeling threatened is not the same as an actual threat. But how can you tell? Do you face real danger or do you advance confidently?

Fear of uncertainty can leave you too frightened to take the path you really want to take. You can freeze at a bad time and not take to the road you must travel. It can be a helpless feeling and one that could leave you playing the victim.

Fear, real or not, can play a big part in how and if we respond and in who we become. There are countless stories of people who’ve let fear get the upper hand, even if only for a short time. That fear takes on an air of paranoia when their judgement is colored by those who are ‘out to get’ them. It’s a bit over the top but that’s the power of fear brought on only by perception.

Who are you becoming? Who is that person you call your self? My own belief is that the combination of listening to the faint inner voice and thinking rationally can turn back even a natural fear. It may require getting past the perception of whatever you’re facing. This will go a long way toward keeping you on target to living genuinely.

Oh, the dentist appointment? Got a checkup, a cleaning, and a reminder to ‘keep up the good work’.


Image for overheard

Overheard: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

– Margaret Mead


JohnK 2-20-2013

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