Tag Archive for attracting prosperity

How Your Mental Attitude Helps You Prosper

Keeping a good attitude helps you stay on the road to realizing your dreams. Kinda hard to argue with that. 

Today GenuLines examines how your mental attitude can take some of the bumps out of that road. 

How Your Mental Attitude Helps You Prosper

You’ve heard the one about ‘The Power Of Positivity’ right? Yes, it’s a famous book that made someone famous.
And it’s become even more famous because other famous people agree with this famous saying. And they live by it, or at least that’s what they tell everyone that they do.
Let’s find out for ourselves.

Being Positive Helps You To Be More Positive

cat with attitude
Positivity has a wonderful characteristic. It’s a feedback loop of positivity.
When you’re more positive you feel better about yourself and your life. And that positivity builds on itself.
Unfortunately, negativity works in exactly the same way. But that’s for miserable people and we’re not going to be like them, are we?
To some, this will make complete sense immediately. But I can already hear some ‘Negative Nellies.’ They’re saying, “How can I be positive about my life when it’s so bad?” There’s a simple answer. It’s loved by children, and it’s called ‘Let’s Pretend’.

The Prosperity Of ‘Let’s Pretend’

Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s happening to you and what’s imagined. Think about spending all day imagining that everything was great.
You felt happy about yourself and your life. You would think that everything was great and that you were happy about yourself and your life.
Isn’t that great, and a positive thing to know?
But if things aren’t particularly great you can pretend and make your brain think that they actually are. But how does this apply to prosperity?
If you feel and think you’re prosperous, who on earth is there to say that you’re not. You might not have the biggest house or newest car.
Yet if you don’t need those things to be happy and peaceful in your life, then what do they have to do with true prosperity? If you’re in an internal state of happiness and peace, then you are more likely to be open to opportunities.
Your internal state influences your external state. Have a go at making yourself more prosperous by being more positive.
JohnK 11-21-2022
Stick figure hears about attitudeOverheard: “Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.”
                              ~George Bernard Shaw
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What Is Prosperity? ( And How Do You Find It?)

Prosperity isn’t guaranteed in life. First you have to know what it is, then know how to get there. 

The following is a GenuLines road map aimed at getting you to your destination. 

What Is Prosperity? ( And How Do You Find It?)

Okay, let’s have a look. The dictionary definition is – ‘The state of being prosperous’
Well that wasn’t much help. So, what is the definition?’
piggy bank means prosperity
Prosperous means – ‘successful in material terms, bringing wealth and success.’
Okay now we’re getting somewhere. We know what prosperity is, but how do we go about finding it?

Let’s Talk About Prosperity

Although we have the dictionary definition above, I’m not real happy with it.
Yes prosperity can apply to material wealth and success. But it can also take in mental, emotional, and even spiritual wealth and success too.
But what if it doesn’t reach into every facet of our lives?
To find prosperity in all areas, we have to be very clear about the things that we want in our lives. And the things that we don’t want.
We must also make sure that we’re living a way of life that removes anything that doesn’t serve us. Examples include addictions to negative behavior or people.

Internal & External Prosperity

You can’t consider only your external environment or external resources.
You want to secure your external and internal prosperity. We do this through the means of internal mental and emotional mastery.
So even if you do lose your material wealth you won’t lose your ability to be happy. You can stay in a state of internal peace.
To summarize: know yourself to the best of your ability. Then develop a better mindset and way of life.
One that supports, encourages and cultivates this innate capacity for prosperity. For you and for others, too.
You’ll become a force for good. The world, your world¸ will be a much brighter place if you can do this.
So, get to work. At the end of the day, true prosperity comes from you.
No one in the world can give this to you. You’re going to have to forge this one for yourself.
All the best!
JohnK 10-24-2022
stick man hears about prosperityOverheard: “Prosperity of wicked men runs like a torrent past, and soon is spent
                     ~Marcel Proust, Swann’s Way
Article image by Ann H: https://www.pexels.com/photo/love-business-money-toy-11933551/
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Notes to Start the Week: July 22, 2013

We start an important week on Chi For Yourself with a reminder that this Thursday (July 27th) we have TWO episodes of Chi For Yourself on the schedule. I was able to re-schedule with Brad Warner for 10am Pacific Time Thursday.

Picture of Brad Warner

Brad Warner







..Brad is the author of a number of books, including There is No God, and He is Always With You. (Interesting title, no?) He’ll talk about things like Buddhism (he’s an ordained Zen teacher) and the ‘is there a God?’ question.


Then at 1pm Pacific Time our guest will be Tony Burroughs.

Picture of Tony Burroughs

Tony Burroughs







Tony is the co-founder of The Intenders of the Highest Good and he’s the author of Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions. We’ll talk manifesting and how to bring what you want into your life as easily and effortlessly as possible.

Both calls will be recorded and posted on BlogTalkRadio as well as a number of other hosting sites, but you’re invited to hear the interviews live on Google+ Hangouts On Air. The Chi For Yourself ‘Start’ page will have a screen installed at 10am (Brad Warner) and again at 1pm (Tony Burroughs)..


While we’re on the subject of manifesting I thought you might like to get some ideas on doing it in the reverse. This is from Kathy Wilson:

The Power of De-Manifesting


Expert Author Kathy Wilson

Sometimes rather than bringing something into your life, you just want something to go away. Maybe it’s a problem. Maybe it’s a person. Maybe it’s a belief.

This is when using your power of de-manifesting might be useful.

Actually, de-manifesting is often a necessary, albeit commonly ignored, part of manifesting. In order to bring something new into your life, often you have to release something to make space for the new thing.

So what is de-manifesting? It’s simply the art and science of making disagreeable, unhelpful, or dysfunctional things disappear. It’s not so different from manifesting with The Law of Attraction. However, instead of using that powerful law to magnetize something to you, you use it to make something you don’t want go away.

Here’s a simple four-step method for de-manifesting:

1. Focus your awareness on what you want to leave your life. If it’s a person or a thing, visualize it. If it’s an issue or problem, visualize an occurrence of it. Remember, visualizations don’t have to be still or static images. They can be like videos or movies. If it’s something completely intangible, such as an emotion or a belief, focus on it as best you can. Then silently ask for a symbol of it and almost instantly with your inner vision you’ll see an appropriate symbol. Notice the shape, texture, color, and anything else about it.

2. Silently command that this thing you’re focusing on grow smaller or less intense by 50%. Watch as it diminishes in size until it’s half as large. If it’s an emotion, feel it lessen in intensity to about half of what it was.

3. Silently command that it continue to diminish until it disappears entirely. Watch, feel, or sense it become less and less, until it no longer exists.

4. Immediately after you’ve de-manifested whatever you don’t want, replace it with something you do want. Watch the new thing, person, or symbol appear. First it may be very small. Command that it grow larger and larger until it completely fills the space just vacated by the thing you de-manifested. This step is most important. When you release or remove something during energy work such as this, you create an empty space which must be filled with something of your choice. This vacancy will be filled with something and if that something is not of your choosing, it may be as bad or worse than what you just de-manifested.

Now, when the opportunity arises in your physical world to actually release the thing you just energetically de-manifested, LET IT GO. Else all your pre-manifesting, manifesting, and de-manifesting will be a waste of your time and energy. Be willing to allow that which is no longer serving you to leave your life.

Kathy Wilson helps people create a better life using a multi-faceted approach. She and her clients utilize life coaching, spiritual consulting, NLP, vibrational healing, PSYCH-K, Tarot, mentoring, and teaching… whatever is in her client’s highest and best interests. She’s a Certified Professional Coach, spiritual teacher, Reiki master, vibrational healer, author of An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose, and many ebooks and articles. For information about her products, services, and classes, visit her website: http://www.warrior-priestess.com.

Image for overheard



“A man’s homeland is wherever he prospers.”
–  Aristophanes




JohnK 7/22/2013

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