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Live Your Best Life: Focus On What Matters Most

You’re living a pretty good life. But there’s room for improvement.

Ratchet things up a bit with this GenuLines look at where you’re putting your focus. 

Live Your Best Life: Focus On What Matters Most

Have you ever noticed how fast our days seem to race by? We wake up, bombarded with an insane amount of things we have to get done.

Then, before you know it, the day’s done. Having the world at your fingertips doesn’t help to slow things down.
It only adds to the chaos.
Today, I want to focus on what matters most in our lives. That could mean different things for different people.
man living life
Still, each one of us has certain things we value more than others.
So, read ahead to find out how you can live your best life by focusing more on the things that matter.

The Most Important Things in Life

Having status and designer shoes are great and everything. But having them won’t make you any happier or healthier than the average person.
Another thing we tend to obsess over is what we don’t have. Sometimes, it becomes our driving force that can lead to negative habits and behavior.
Let me ask you this: do you want to live your best life today and every day? This is what you can do:

Identify What Matters the Most to You

First, take a step back and look at your life from a different vantage point. Next, try to dissect each aspect of your life.
Which areas should you pay more attention to? Which should you cut back on?
To lead a balanced, well-fulfilled life, consider having one, or all, of the following. You might even add a couple of our own to the list.
A healthy body and mind
Family and friends
Money in the bank
The drive to always learn new things
A place to call home 
Realistic goals and a purpose in life
So recognize that what matters most in life has nothing to do with material possessions. Better to appreciate what you have.
Reconnecting with these things can lead to a better, happier, fuller life. It can also boost creativity and lower stress.
It also gives you control over your happiness. This is much better than allowing external factors to affect your inner peace.

Listen and Pay Attention

While it’s important to listen to those close to you in life, it’s much more than that. It’s also about listening to yourself and paying attention to your likes and dislikes.
This is a measure of your true worth and how much you love yourself.
Self-love requires practice, but it gets easier with time. When you’re at peace with yourself, you love others in a healthy, mature way.
The takeaway: Show yourself the same kindness and compassion you show others. When you look in the mirror, focus on the good rather than the bad.
Treat yourself to nice things and be happy with who you are.

Be in the Present

Too often, we find ourselves regretting the past or worrying about the future. But, what matters the most is the moment we’re living right here and now.
Connecting with the world around you makes you appreciate what you have. The more you’re in tune with your ‘present,’ the more you’ll realize how precious life can be.
As Earl Nightingale said: “Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Think how very precious the time is you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”
The takeaway: Being self-aware helps bring tranquility and happiness into your life. In turn, the happier and calmer you are, the more things you’ll find to be thankful for.

Find a Hobby

Hobbies are the things you do for fun in your free time. They can range from knitting to deep-sea diving to jumping from airplanes.
Your experiences in life are what make it worth living. They give it meaning and shape the way you see others around you.
Doing something you enjoy can be one of the very best stress reducers. You can also use it to push your boundaries a bit and step out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes, the idea of doing something new can be terrifying. If this happens to you, recognize your fear.
Then, tell yourself it’s okay to be nervous about something new.
The takeaway: Live your life. Be eager to try out new experiences. They’re what add fulfillment and richness to your life.

Practice Positive Habits

Identifying positive habits and carrying them out daily brings order to your life. Good habits also result in good physical and mental health.
Stay with routine. You can reduce distractions that stand in the way of your accomplishing things.
They also help steer you towards making better decisions.
Studies show that routines and good habits boost your life, health, and well-being. The trick is to be authentic to your values and beliefs.
Let’s be honest, that can be hard to do in this media-frenzy world we’re living in. Yet, having confidence in who you are can help shine the light on what matters most in your life.
The takeaway: Your words express your thoughts and, down the line, your actions. Those actions turn into habits, so make sure you stick to enforcing positive habits in your life.
Final Thoughts
These five things are some of the ways you can focus on what matters most in your life. At the end of the day, what it boils down to is that to live your best life, you have to focus on certain things over others.
Remember, what matters more to you may not be as important to others. So, stay true to your values and hold on to the things you treasure more in life.
JohnK 8-22-2022
stick figure hears about lifeOverheard:  “The best portion of a good man’s life is his little nameless, unencumbered acts of kindness and of love”
Article image by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

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Use Social Media To Show Your Appreciation

Do you ever think of social media as a vehicle for showing appreciation?
GenuLines asks you to consider your social media use as a means of appreciation. 
call to action for appreciation

Use Social Media to Show Your Appreciation

Is there anyplace social media isn’t? It’s everywhere, with people willing to share all aspects of their lives.
From cute cat pictures to complete details of what they had for breakfast.
Granted, not everyone appreciates these constant updates. But with smart management, social media can be a great way to give the world a look at the things you appreciate.
Let’s start with Pinterest. If you’ve never used it before start setting up boards about your favorite items. These could be podcasts that better the human condition. Or, if if you have healthy recipes you’ve tried and liked, create a board for that.
You can even structure your boards as group boards. Then you can invite others to post on your boards.
You’ll learn about things others enjoy. And you have control over who joins so you can keep spammers from infiltrating your boards.
If you insist on posting details of every meal on social media, consider using Twitter to do this. It’s a more forgiving platform since the messages pass through quicker.
And they only contain a small number of characters.
As for Facebook, your friends there might not be as receptive. Now you know.
Make it legal

thumbs up for social mediaIt’s great to show your appreciation for the small things using social media. But make sure you have the rights to post what you post.

People and companies take copyright infringement seriously. And posting any picture on a whim can get you into serious trouble.
The fines can be hefty. And there have been instances of criminal actions taken against perpetrators.
If you search on Google for images and you don’t know whether it’s okay to use them, likely it’s not. Don’t take this issue lightly.
You also want to make sure you have permission to post pictures of people. If they’re people you know, you can ask them through a verbal confirmation.
If you want to post people you don’t know, make sure you get a signed release showing that it’s okay to use their image.
Needless to say, never use people’s images in a negative light. Be respectful with your social media posting.
Some channels may allow you to post inappropriate material, such as nude pictures, etc. Not the best idea.
Would you show it to your mother? If not, your best bet is to keep it off of social media.
JohnK 8-20-2019
stick man on social mediaOverheard: “Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”
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