“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
― Gautama Buddha
On this last full day of visiting my place of birth, there are a couple of things that stand out. One is the constant presence of fear and scarcity. No surprise, really. I can remember the “lessons” those two offered throughout my youth. This is a common feature of growing up and in fact you may have experienced it yourself. In this atmosphere you can’t help getting a sense of widespread low self-esteem.
Studies have shown that many people to some degree lack self-worth, self-esteem, and confidence. This negative self-image lives on when paired with the feeling that the future will be a copy of their disappointing past. This can leave a person tapped out of joy and vitality. On the other hand, a healthy level of self-esteem and confidence brings optimism about the future and an experience of joy and happiness in the here and now. The result is a feeling of deserving the best that life has to offer.
I have heard Dr. Wayne Dyer, among others, say “you become what you think about all day long.” Your happiness level will be a reflection of your expectations and self-image. What happens to you today and in the future has a direct connection to your expectations. Hold on to low self-esteem and confidence and your situation becomes no better or even worse. Often this is when sabotage creeps in to ensure an outcome in line with our expectations. You were “right” after all!
Expect more of the same outcome you’ve experienced in the past and you’ll get it. Rather, be observant. Monitor your conversation with yourself. Avoid phrases like, ‘with my luck I won’t _______’, or ‘I’m not very good at_________’. Believe in yourself and expect a positive future. You can bring the best life has to offer into your own life. This is not Pollyanna..it’s law..Universal Law. You can make the outcome as good as or even better than you expected. It’s up to you.
JohnK 5/30/2013
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