How To Be Happier In Your Own Skin

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How To Be Happier In Your Own Skin

You have the power to change many aspects of your life, but your skin isn’t one of them. That’s why it’s essential to get your head around being happy in your own skin.

Unfortunately this is often much easier said than done. GenuLines looks at a few ways you can learn to be happier in the body you have.

Accentuate The Positive

Woman being happy


Write down all the things you like about yourself. Put the list in places where you’ll find them later.

These places could be on your mirror, in your wallet, or even around your desk at work. Then every time you see them, you’ll get a boost.


Quit Scrolling Social Media

Social media creates unrealistic expectations. You can you feel uncomfortable in your skin because of social media.

If so, it’s time to stop participating. Switch to books, music, and videos that are life affirming.

Work On Your Body Language

Believe it or not, your body language can play a huge part in feeling comfortable in your own skin. Catch yourself when you’re hunched over with your arms folded.

It’s time to walk with your shoulders pulled back, and your head held high. It’s a small change but it does affect your mood.

The Clothes You Wear

You may be wearing clothes that make you uncomfortable in your own skin. Aim to find clothes that fit you well.

Size is not the first consideration here. Rather, try on things that look like they will fit you and decide from there.

Being happier in your own skin is a lifelong journey. But remember that being comfortable in your skin is an inner game.

It’s gotta come from within.

JohnK 8-26-2024


stick man hears about being happyOverheard: “Happiness is not a goal… it’s a by-product of a life well lived”

~Eleanor Roosevelt



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