Today we look at the idea of happiness. It would take a lot more space than we have here to completely cover the subject.
Today GenuLines zeroes in on how a happy attitude can be a boost for your health.
Happiness Can Improve Your Health

This ranges from living a healthy lifestyle to reducing chronic pain.
Happier people are about twice as likely to eat fresh vegetables than unhappy folks. This is a much healthier option than a diet high in processed foods.
Better eating habits translate into more energy. Keep in mind that negativity or sadness can drain the energy from your body
Boosts Immunity
Feeling happy also helps boost immunity. In one study researchers actually gave the cold virus to a group of people.
Those who said they’re happy were three times less likely to suffer cold symptoms!
Lessens Stress
If you’re happy, you’ll have a lot less to keep you up at night, to worry about, so you’ll end up with less stress. But that’s not all.
Happy people tend to report less stress even in stressful situations.
Protects Cardiovascular Health
Eating better and moving more combined with your happiness, also boosts cardiovascular health. You’re less likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke. or other heart health and cardiovascular issues.
Increases Longevity
Eating right, exercising more and feeling great about life can mean living longer. One long-term longevity study tracked the lives of 32,000 people.
It’s not surprising that the happy people tended to live 14 percent longer.
Diminishes Pain
Happiness benefits extended to chronic pain sufferers, too. Happy people tend to deal better with their pain.
This extended to other illnesses as well.
When you’re happy, you’re more likely to eat right, drink enough water, and move. Don’t be surprised if being in better spirits means being more active.
Change your mindset and watch how you change your level of happiness. Your happiness has little to do with your circumstances.
It has everything to do with how you react to them.
JohnK 12-17-2019 home

~ J. Robert Oppenheimer

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