Do You Believe in Your Own Potential?

You’re capable of great things and people have been telling you that for a long time. But deep down you’re not sure you believe it’s true. 

Let’s unpack this with a GenuLines look at a perplexing question.

Do You Believe in Your Own Potential?

While we all have dreams and aspirations, few of us are aware of our own potential. It can be hard to see the good and admirable traits in ourselves, much like it is with our faults.
But, believing in our potential is a crucial part of developing self-confidence.
To achieve all you’re capable of, you have to believe in your potential. It can help you to try new things, challenge yourself, and take risks that could lead to success.
sign says believe
GenuLines has come up with a few ways you can boost belief in your potential.

Spend Time in Self-Reflection

The first way to determine if you believe in your own potential is to spend time in self-reflection. Ask yourself what you’re capable of; what are your strengths and admirable qualities?
During this time, try to focus on the following:
? What is your potential?
? What do you want to achieve?
? Do you believe you can achieve it?
? What can you do with this potential?
Focusing on these questions. Answering them will help you to identify your potential and give you stronger belief in it.

Write Down What You See As Your Full Potential

Now that you’ve had time to reflect on what your potential is, you can list the needed qualities and skills. This will help you affirm what your potential is and your belief in it.
Study this list and keep it close by. Be sure to look at it whenever you feel yourself doubting your potential.
This way you’ll keep your potential top of mind.

Prove Your Potential to Yourself

To believe in something people sometimes need to see it. This even extends to what they believe about themselves.
A great way to believe in your potential is to prove to yourself you have it. Act on it; challenge yourself by pushing the limits of your potential.
This challenge can be career-, hobby-, or relationship-oriented. As long as it challenges you and forces you to showcase your full potential.
When this happens you’ll have a well-earned sense of accomplishment and confidence. And you’ll believe in your potential without doubts.

Surround Yourself with Those Who Believe in Your Potential

We all like to think we don’t let others affect us. But the reality is that the people around us, especially those close to us, do affect us.
If those close to you doubt your potential, you’re likely to do the same. You don’t need that negative influence in your life.
Instead, be around people who are more likely to encourage you to achieve all you can. Believing in your potential is an essential part of being confident and successful.
At times this will take work. So keep at it.
And keep believing.
JohnK 3-13-2023
Stick figure hears about believingOverheard: “They can conquer who believe they can”
disclaimer for believing

5 Tips for More Effective Conflict Resolution

You want to deal with conflict in your life, whether in business, your personal life, or anywhere else. But conflict can have a lot of moving parts. 

Today GenuLines will help you arrange those parts into a smooth running machine. 

5 Tips for More Effective Conflict Resolution

group shows conflict resolution
Conflicts happen, whether at home, at work, or somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately, they start as something trivial but can jump to something more serious.
And it can do this in a matter of minutes. That’s why it pays to know how to resolve any conflict you face.
You create healthy boundaries. And you’ll balance your emotions without creating unnecessary stress and anxiety.
Here are five tips for more effective conflict resolution that will help you out of any jam. Take a look.

Tip #1: Find the Source of the Conflict

The first step in conflict resolution is to identify the source of the problem. Once you identify the issue, you can start taking the right measures toward fixing it.
Don’t carry on without knowing exactly why you’re feeling the way you do. You’ll be angry and worked up without knowing why.
It may seem like a waste of time at first. But if you think about it, you can’t solve any problem unless you first find its source.
Here’s another way of looking at it: Identify the root cause of the issue and everyone involved can help in not repeating it.

Tip #2: Find a Quiet and Safe Place to Talk

Now it’s time to bring in the other person if you haven’t already. You want to deal with conflict as soon as you can so it doesn’t grow into something bigger over time.
Remember that there’s nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion every now and then. Yet, it’s how you communicate that makes all the difference in the world!
Now we’ve all been in similar situations and it can be daunting to try and engage in this type of discourse. Still, you have to muster the courage and start because the sooner you deal with it, the better the outcome will be.

Tip #3: Actively Listen

Active listening plays a big role in determining how your conflict resolution proceeds. So, you have to be patient when it’s the other person’s turn to speak.
Write down any rebuttals that pop into your head to avoid interrupting them.
Show that you respect the other person’s emotions and point of view. This way, they’ll make it a point to try and do the same when it’s your turn to speak.

Tip #4: Point Out Ways to Solve the Problem

After each person has had their chance to talk and listen, the next step is to try and find some sort of middle ground. Write down your ideas, then start brainstorming.
Write out all the ideas that come, even the crazy ones. Those are usually the ones that lead to an effective end to the problem.
And remember there’s one critical thing to remember while resolving any conflict. That’s to only focus on the issue at hand and not the person.
This will help the other person feel safe enough to start finding ways to solve the issue. You don’t want the person to be on the defensive or think you’re judging them.

Tip #5: Agree on the Best Solution

Finding common ground can be easier said than done. It requires each party to own up to their part of the conflict.
Not only that, but it also means they have to put in the effort of looking for a suitable compromise.
Plus, they have to take the necessary steps to resolve it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. That only happens when all parties have set clear expectations.
At the same time they must respect the other’s differences.
Also, it’s helpful to think of conflict as an opportunity to grow. With proper management you can find great insight.
And it can help you become more attuned to your needs and the needs of those around you.
The neutral ground you create means everyone feels comfortable speaking and sharing ideas.
Open up communication lines. And take the time to listen and collaborate on solutions.
It’s all downhill from there.
JohnK 3-6-2023
Stick figure hears about conflictOverheard: “To practice the process of conflict resolution, we must completely abandon the goal of getting people to do what we want”
                                 ~Marshall B. Rosenberg
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Learning To Say No To Your Inner Critic

Sometimes your loudest critic is the one inside you. It can take a bit of work, but it’s doable.

Let GenuLines help you get started on the project. 

Learning To Say No To Your Inner Critic

Being a bit critical of yourself can provide you with the reality check you sometimes need. It can help you make important changes in your life.
But constant self-criticism can lead to stalled progress. And the inability to do what is necessary for your happiness.
So learning how to silence or ignore your inner critic is an essential life skill. Here are some GenuLines strategies that will help you say no to your inner critic.

What is an inner critic?

man hears inner critic
It’s a voice inside that criticizes your choices, actions, and often your appearance. It’s born out of fear, sadness, and low self-worth.
It’s the thought pattern that tells you, “This isn’t good enough,” or “If only this were different.”



Naming your critic

This can help you recognize it when it is rearing its ugly head. And it can help you put it into perspective.
You might call it The Perfectionist, The Voice, or even The Gremlin. Giving it a less-than-dignified name keeps its power over you low.
Putting your mistakes into perspective can often help tone down your inner critic. With the right perspective, you can quiet that voice in little time.
After a misstep or blunder, be sure to question if anyone else even noticed or cared. As it turns out, we each are not, in fact, the center of the universe, and most people don’t even register others’ errors.
Before feeling that you embarrassed yourself in front of the whole office, think. Was anyone paying attention in the first place?

What would “they” think?

Consider how another person would respond to the way you talk to yourself. What would your spouse or best friend say about your mistake?
What would they say about how you’re talking about yourself or about your mistake? An alternative to this is, if you wouldn’t say it to someone you love, why are you saying it to yourself?
Be kinder to yourself, and soon the inner critic will have no voice.

Have a plan

Develop some pat responses to your inner critic and practice them. The minute you hear that voice beginning to criticize, respond with “So what?” or “Who cares?”
Another favorite is “Big deal!” Take away the critic’s power to influence how you feel and what you do by minimizing your responses and move on.
Your inner critic creates feelings of shame in you because you keep your mistakes secret. When you have made a mistake, admit it so you can move on.

Speak up

Tell someone else what happened or apologize if your mistake harmed others. Then, your inner critic has nothing to complain about,.
You’ll feel better for voicing your feelings instead of keeping them bottled up.
Learn to accept yourself as you are and silence the voice that’s always telling you what’s bad and wrong. This means admitting you’re not perfect.
Hold yourself to realistic rather than perfectionist standards. Find happiness and peace with the chaos that is life.
Mistakes teach you lessons. And you’re the person you are because of all the good and bad things that have happened to this point.
So silence that inner critic by remembering how valuable your life mistakes are.
JohnK 2=27-2023
stick figure hears about criticsOverheard: “How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct”
                                    ~Benjamin Disraeli

Article image from Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

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How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Distractions in your life can hurt your relationships. There’s help for this. And today GenuLines will show you some ways to bring this about. . 

How Reducing Distractions Can Build Stronger Relationships

Spending undistracted time with people will build stronger relationships. You’ll have time to devote to each other in more effective and productive ways.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a working relationship or a personal relationship. 

Enjoy Improved Communication

driver having distraction

Take time to talk to people minus distractions from screens or other activities. This is most conducive to real conversation.

You’ll learn each other’s communication styles better.
And you’ll start understanding each other more. Knowing what the other person means when they talk to you helps all aspects of the relationship.



Have More Fun 

It’s more fun to be with people when you’re not having to answer your phone or look at screens. The few times you get together will be exclusive and without distractions.

Build Positive Memories 

When you look back on your life you’re not going to with you had more time with gadgets or small concerns. Instead, you’ll focus on the memories you’ve built with those closest to you.
You can’t make memories if you aren’t focused on the event or person.

Discover More Shared Interests 

Remove distractions from your dealings with others and you’ll
learn more about who they are. You’re quicker to find common ground.
When you have more shared interests relationship satisfaction improves.

Foster a Sense of Commitment 

When we connect to our community and environment, we’re a lot more devoted to it. Human nature is that way, even if we don’t want to do the activity in question.

Feel Happier 

Studies using couples and families showed interesting results. They found that spending quality time minus distractions brought more happiness.
And they have longer-lasting relationships than those who don’t.

Reduce Stress 

Distraction causes stress, and stress causes so many other problems – even physical illness. If you want to reduce your stress level, consider making lifestyle changes.
Ones that allows you to focus only on each activity you’re in as you’re in it.
Do the same with relationships. If it’s at work, find an electronics free place to talk.
At your work meeting, ask everyone to turn off unnecessary distractions. If it’s your family and friends, make a concerted effort to spend this time together without an agenda.
And ditch the distractions. you’ll be happy you did.
JohnK 2-20-2023
stick man hears about distractionsOverheard: Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions.                                     
                                ~Saul Bellow
Article image by Breakingpic:
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7 Ways to Use Mindfulness to Attack Worry

Dealing with worry can lead you to all types of coping strategies, including substances. This can spiral out of hand in a big hurry. 
There’s another way of dealing, and GenuLines has a list of pointers for your consideration 

7 Ways To Use Mindfulness To Attack Worry

You freeze when it happens. You don’t know what to do or how to move forward.
Your thoughts circle like vultures, waiting for your inevitable demise.
picture suggests mindfulness
It’s only a matter of time. Worry has a way of derailing everything in your day.
Using mindfulness, though, is a quick, easy way to get things back on track.

Stay in the Moment

Take a step back to examine the worrying thought. Start with the acceptance of the thought itself.
This is the heart of mindfulness.
Trying to ignore the worry only makes it worse. By giving the thought your attention, and then placing a label on it, you take power away from it.
For example, let’s say you have money worries. You might start by telling yourself, “Yes, I am worried about paying the bills this month.”

Find the Emotions

Once you’ve labeled your worries, identify the emotion accompanying it. Once you’ve got this, be honest with yourself.
What do these emotions make you feel like doing?

Kill the Worry with Normalcy

Instead of avoiding the worry, pay mindful attention to it. Remind yourself that this worry is normal.
Do this every time it comes up. In time it’ll seem less threatening.

Look for Patterns

Do these worries creep up at certain times? Using mindfulness means you’re paying attention to your thoughts in the moment.
Understanding what sets you off is a great way to keep the worrying thought from happening at all. You’ll find yourself catching those damaging thoughts much faster.
And you’ll be able to shut them down that much faster.


With mindfulness, you’re very much aware of the worries the moment they begin. You’re capable of taking control of them.
And you can switch them something else immediately, putting your attention there instead.

Allow the Emotion to Play Out

Worry comes with a slew of negative emotions. Mindfulness means you’re aware of what you’re feeling right now.
If you find yourself falling into the fears and anxiety coupled with worry, let them play out. Imagine watching them from a distance, rather than suppressing them.
This will let them dissipate in a natural way rather than escalate.

Flip it Around

Worried about trying something new? Rather than avoid it, try it anyway.
Handle the worries you know are irrational with action. More often than not, you’ll find you had nothing to worry about in the first place.
But keep this in mind. Sometimes worry is there for a good reason. Be careful which worries you challenge.
Remember, the whole point of mindfulness. You want to be in the moment and pay very close attention to what’s going on both inside and out.
Worry doesn’t bear up under such close scrutiny. If all you do is pay attention you’ll change the game in a big way. .
JohnK 2-13-2023
stick man hears about worryOverheard: “You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.”
                         ~ Olin Miller
disclaimer for worry

What Innovation Can Do For Your Life

Innovation is a word we often connect to companies and their products. We’re told those innovations will improve our lives.

But GenuLines wants you to know that you can put your own innovation to work in your life, 

What Innovation Can Do For Your Life

It’s a talent that we all have. Yet many of us don’t believe it.

That talent is the power of innovation.
Did you ever admire somebody’s creative prowess? Guess what, you can create and innovate too. It takes some time.
But we can all show our creative side.


a wish for good life


You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? A while, right?
It’s the same with innovation. Today GenuLines shows you a few ways to help your innovation come to life.
1. Don’t listen to what other people say about how to live your life
Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make.
If you have an original idea, don’t waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won’t.
And the ‘help’ that comes your way often comes in the form of negative feedback. If all the geniuses of the past had listened to their peers, we might still be living in the middle ages.

2. Spend time on it
I put a lot of emphasis on this, but please don’t think I mean you should quit your day job. I don’t. With conscious time management and a little discipline you’ll be able to squeeze both in.
3. Exercise
Take a walk. Run a mile or two.
Send all those endorphins coursing through your veins. Exercising clears and relaxes your mind and helps you handle anything that pops up. 

4. Record your dreams

Some might be wild things that your conscious mind would never have thought of. If you’ve had this kind of dream, it shows you the untapped innovative power you have within.
So make notes. Those dreams may create an innovative spark in you.

5. Find your own style

You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You’ll know Hemingway wrote something by the choice of words on the paper.
So it is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it’s yours alone.
6. Don’t hide behind gadgets or tools
You don’t need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. So what if you’ve got an expensive SLR camera if you’re a crappy photographer?
Who cares if you’ve got a blinging laptop if you can’t write at all?
The artist actually reduces the number of tools he has as he gets better at his craft. He knows what works and what doesn’t.
7. Nothing will work without passion
What wakes you up in the mornings? What keeps the flame burning?

What’s the one thing that you must do? Sometimes people with talent are overtaken by the people who want it more.
Think the hare and the tortoise.
Sometimes you just want something so bad you become almost unstoppable. And that is passion.
Passion will keep you going.
8. Don’t worry about inspiration
You can’t force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to. Don’t let these unpredictable yet inevitable moments slip away.
Carry a notebook and pen.
I hope this article helps you bring more innovation into your life. Keep in mind that you’re doing these things for your own satisfaction and no one else’s.
In time others may notice the changes in your life. Expect those changes to snowball from there.
JohnK 2-6-2023

stick man hears about lifeOverheard: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated”
                                           ~ Confucius
Article photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
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5 Questions To Determine If A Change Is A Good Idea

Something needs to change in your life. But you’re not sure if it’s a smart thing to do. 

Use these GenuLines questions to help you make the wisest decision. 

5 Questions To Determine If A Change Is A Good Idea

Change is synonymous with living. It may come into your life out of the blue and take you by surprise.
Other times you know it’s coming and you rush to prepare.
sign symbolizes change
Yet even though change may be your choice, it still may feel scary and overwhelming. You may find yourself wondering: should I make the change or not?
To help you, GenuLines offers 5 questions to determine if a situation is something you can change. The idea here is to make you feel more in control of your life.
These questions can help you decide which situations you should change, and which aren’t worth your time or effort.
Let’s get started.
1. Will it Make Me Happy?
Before you commit to any change ask yourself: will it give my life meaning? Will it make me feel happy?
To answer that question, you have to know what it is you want from life.
One way to do that is to consider your beliefs and your core values. Include those dreams you had for your life when you were younger but forgot about when you got older.
2. Can it Help Me Reach My Goals?
Now that you know what makes you happy, it’s time to take a look at your life goals. Start by making a list of all the realistic goals you want to achieve in life.
Then, divide them into three categories: short-term, medium, and long-term goals.
The final step is to take action. This may force you to step out of your comfort zone, but if that’s what it takes to make a change for the better, why not?
It takes a positive attitude, a bit of patience, and a whole lot of self-love.
Also, remember that your goals themselves may change.
So, it’s important to stay flexible, especially when you’re setting new goals.
3. Is This Something I Want?
We’re programmed to try and always please as many people as we can. It can be exhausting.
You spend time wondering if people like what you’re doing or if they’re satisfied with your work. If you’re going to change any aspect of your life, make sure it’s for you and not to please other people.
After all, it’s your life. No one is going to live it for you.
Another thing to remember is that the only person you should compare yourself to is you. There’ll always be someone who’s better than you or is more successful than you.
The best thing to do is to focus on your progress. Be proud of how much you’ve achieved and concentrate your energy on where you’re going next.
4. Will It Improve My Life?
You might be thinking of moving to a smaller house or changing your job. Change can also come on a smaller scale.
You could be thinking of upgrading your security system, Or planting a garden,
Whatever it is, think about all the ways it can improve the quality of your life. Any type of change you pursue must make your life easier, less stressful, and a lot more fun.
5. Am I Letting Fear Hold Me Back?
Being afraid is natural, but letting fear control you isn’t. We’re all afraid of failing, of uncertainty, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Yet, there’s one thing that successful people don’t do; they don’t let their fears take over their lives.
They learn how to face whatever it is that’s putting those butterflies in their stomachs. Then, they take a deep breath and jump in.
Whether it’s fear of public speaking or fear of heights, you have to muster some courage. Then power through the fear, no matter what the outcome is.
You’ll come out the other side a stronger, more experienced individual.
Everyone goes through a wide array of changes in their lifetime. You can either join in and embrace all the good that change has to offer, or you can stay behind.
If you choose to stay, you’ll always be standing on the sidelines of life. Living with discontent, never fulfilled.
So, draw a deep breath and take the plunge. Who knows?
You might even come to enjoy the ride!
JohnK 1-30-2023
stick man hears about changeOverheard: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do”
                                        ~ Steve Jobs
Article image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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Energy Management vs. Time Management

Busy days can send your energy gauge to near zero. You concentrate on how you spend your time, and the push and pull your create is exhausting.

You can “balance the books” with this GenuLines look at both sides of the equation. 

Energy Management vs. Time Management

You’ve likely heard the old adage, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” You manage your time without paying attention to your energy management.
child with energy
And now you’re running a sprint rather than pacing like a marathoner.
Research tells us that productivity and success have more to do with how you manage your energy. And they have less to do with time management.
At Work
In your work life you often try to do the things that give you more time.
Eating healthy, staying fit, spending time with your children and connecting with others all can suffer..
These take time and you do have to schedule some of your pursuits.
Have you considered whether you have the energy for those pursuits?
Trying to adhere to certain times to manage everything can leave you exhausted.
You’re not able to relax and enjoy yourself when you’ve “scheduled the time” for it.

Be The “Boss”

The alternative to managing your time is good energy management. This works when you take time to recover from those lengthy sprints.
You’re able to finish the marathon with ease rather than anguish.
Here are some tips for effective energy management.

Write It Down 

Make a list of what makes you feel refreshed, more creative and lifts your mood. It’ll help remind you about the benefits of these uplifting activities.
For example, watching a great series or show you’re following on television. Or sipping a cup of tea and listening to music.
These can ramp up your energy levels.
Do your best to take longer breaks. Don’t stick to a time table when it comes to stepping up your energy level.
Have fun with whatever you’re doing. And reward yourself for every goal reached.
Pressed For Time
Do you have lots of projects and it seems you’ll never finish them to be able to relax and enjoy yourself? Break those projects down into parts.
Reward yourself after you complete each one. This beats waiting until you finish the entire project.

Recovery Stops 

While you’re on a long sprint, you may feel the need to stop and renew your spirits and your energy. Do it!
You’ll feel so much more like completing the marathon and you’ll be happier at the finish. Managing your energy is a much more effective way to move through life.
Your inner energy thermostat doesn’t pay any attention to the time table you’ve created. Know this and, make it the most important factor in the marathon called life.
JohnK 1-16-2023
stick figure hears about energyOverheard: “Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal”
                              ~ Albert Camus
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6 Tips To Make Fear Your Friend

In life it seems that fear takes time outs yet never really leaves the game. But you can put fear on your team. 
This GenuLines game plan aims to do just that. 

6 Tips To Make Fear Your Friend

What makes you afraid? Is it losing someone close to you? A trip to the dentist?
Thunder and lightning?
hiding in fear
Whatever it is, keep in mind that fear is normal. It’s how our body warns us of dangerous situations and that we should be careful.
Yet, sometimes, our fears can become so great that they hold us back from living up to our full potential. We’re stressed and anxious over the smallest things.
Then again fear, in its positive form, can actually be good for us. It can inspire innovative ideas and motivate us to reach new heights.
Today GenuLines helps you make fear your friend. Follow the six tips below, and you’ll know how to turn what was once your foe into an ally.
Let’s get started.
1. Identify the Source
This could be the hardest step, though it’s very much worth it. But first, you need to come to terms with the source of your fear.
Being aware of the root cause will be difficult in the beginning, but it’ll make you stronger. You’ll no longer live in the shadow of that big, insurmountable fear.

2. Own It

You’ve come face-to-face with your fear. Now, it’s time to own it.
But before you do that, you have to actually admit that such-and-such scares you. There are several ways to do this.
First, you can either say it out loud. Do this with someone else in a comfortable setting.
You can also write it down in a journal or diary. The point is to get it out of your head and into a way to deal with it.
That’s when your fear loses its control over you.
It also feels better to get it off your chest and share it with the world. It might surprise you to know that many other people are as afraid as you are.

3. Think Rationally

Fear makes us panic, and panic makes us do stupid things. In fact, studies show that when we panic, our prefrontal cortex shuts down.
This is the region of our brain responsible for rational thinking.
Learn how to think rationally despite your worries and panic. Make fear your friend, and you’ll be able to go a lot farther in life.
4. Take Stock
People deal with fear, stress, and anxiety in different ways. Some people like challenges and the pressure they bring.
Others find it better to work at their own pace without any tight deadlines looming overhead.
Whichever way you prefer, the important thing is not to let fear get the better of you. For example, say you’re afraid to speak in public.
A colleague gets sick and asks you to take over their presentation. In this scenario, you have to pick whether you’ll let your fear overpower you or whether you’ll rise to the challenge.
The latter won’t be easy, but it’ll definitely be worth it in the long run. Tell yourself that others have held presentations before and have lived to tell about it.
So, what’s the big deal?
Remember, your mind tends to blow things out of proportion. So, find a way to deal with the stress and take stock.
It’s the only way you’ll be able to harness your fear and get the job done.

5. Find Support

No one ever failed by having a strong support system. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to do better.
These are the people who listen to you when you’re venting about your fears and anxiety.
There’s research to back the benefits of having a support system. This helps your coping skills. your self-esteem. and your well-being.
Moreover, a sound support system can lower stress, anxiety, and depression rates. 
6. Be Positive
Whenever you’re afraid, you’ll tend to focus on negative thoughts and emotions. But then, they fester in your mind and transform into this big, ugly thing that you can no longer control.
Why not try some positivity for a change? Remember, the mind is quite powerful; it only needs a small push in the right direction.
Stay in this mindset and expect things to fall into place.
JohnK 1-16-2023
Stick figure hears about fearOverheard: “Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out”
                                   ~Karl Augustus Menninger
disclaimer for fear

Improve Your Physical Health by Being Optimistic

Optimistic people seem to draw good things into their lives. But did you know that this includes better health, too? 

This check-up from GenuLines will show you how that happens.

Improve Your Physical Health by Being Optimistic

letters spell optimisticIt’s no surprise that being optimistic has mindset benefits. But did you know there are physical health benefits to being more optimistic?
Do you believe that some people are born with it and others aren’t that lucky? Yes, some come into the world with a cheery disposition.
But others including you can learn how to be optimistic. Even better news is that being optimistic can improve your general physical health. 



The Benefits of Optimism on Your Physical Health

Keep a belief system of “I think I can, and I know I will.” Your goals can come to fruition with hard work and dedication.
Your workouts, exercise routines, and high intensity interval training will improve, too.
Once you develop an optimistic mindset and apply it to those routines, the benefits will include:
A more enjoyable workout
An increased capacity for a sustained commitment to your workout routine
The learned skill of creating momentum and reaching your fitness goals
An enhanced self-confidence helps you succeed in other areas of your life
Reaching goals with more ease with optimistic thinking
A willingness to take on other challenges in life
Experiencing satisfying results of optimistic thinking and affirming your success
A healthier mind and body Improved sleep
Building your self-esteem
Focusing on how hard your workout is or how much you dislike doing it keeps your mind focused on what does’t work. This will only your take you in the opposite direction of optimal physical health.

The Mind, Body Connection of Optimism

Think about the mind, body connection. Have you ever felt disappointment?
What does that feel like? It no doubt feels like a sinking in the pit of your stomach while your shoulders begin to sag.
Your emotions, thoughts, and feelings are all stored in your body somewhere. Nervousness can show up as butterflies or an upset stomach.
Anxiety can cause sweaty palms and trembling. And embarrassment leaves its own visible discomfort.
If you want a better body and a better workout don’t add more hours to your workout routine. Instead try taking on learned optimism.
If you think you can and know you will, your body and mind will begin to show the results. With more effort and less time, you may begin to see better results.
Your mind and body will thank you.
JohnK 1-9-2023
stick figure being optimisticOverheard: “I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter”
                                  ~ Walt Disney
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