When Practice Isn’t Perfect: Your Best Effort Toward Consciousness is Good Enough

frustrated woman pictureHere we are, about to say goodbye to the month of January, and maybe goodbye to those New Year’s resolutions. Remember the resolutions? Maybe your list included taking a yoga class. Or getting back into a meditation practice. But the new committment came with conditions. You had to change your schedule, or block out some time in your busy day. And now we find that what we promised we’d do is not so promising after all. It’s easy to fall into the habit of perfection and not so easy to   meet the expectations we set up for ourselves.

You’re moving along on your spiritual path, and you deserve to feel good about it. Just remember that you don’t have to achieve perfection. It’s okay to have moments of intense reaction. Someone cuts in front of you on the freeway or in the grocery store line. You may feel angry and then guilty over your reaction. Suddenly the spiritual capital you built up seems to have turned to vapor. Be patient with yourself. It will do more to keep you on the path than letting ego’s striving for perfection give you a bad report card. Challenges will pop up from time to time so look at them as temporary events rather than as a part of who you are.

Your situation is different from others’ and your behavior will be an outgrowth of your experiences. It’s possible that you will never stop having strong reactions to your everyday situations. But if you do no more than notice what you’re feeling and know that there’s little you can do about it over time you’ll be able to change your reaction. Think of it as consciousness calisthenics.

Negative thoughts will come. With time and patience you can learn to let them go by without giving in to them. Your practice may not be perfect, but you’ll find peace in knowing that you are doing the best you can.

JohnK 1-30-2013

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Finding Your Bliss: Passion is Always in Fashion

magnifying glassMany of us are cemented into professions and personal situations that we never consciously planned to pursue. We have a tendency to blame these on circumstances, and we decide to live with what is sometimes barely tolerable. I suggest we keep in mind that we have a purpose, and our life’s work is a big part of it. Think of your life’s work as a collection of features that allows you to express your creativity and intelligence while you live in harmony with your values. You relax into just being yourself. This allows you to experience the joy of living your genuine life.The normal everyday job can demand more of  you than you really want to give. This sets you up for problems ranging from frustration to physical illness. But your life’s work asks only that you have passion for it.

To find your purpose in life take note of your interests today, and the passions that kept your attention in the past. Maybe you felt drawn to a certain profession or endeavor throughout your younger years, only to be diverted from your path by the time you reached adulthood. Or you may be hearing a small voice that’s pulling you toward something  you’ve yet to explore. Narrow it down. In fact, spend some time meditating on it. Ask the universe to clarify your life’s work by providing signs and be sure to pay attention.

Maybe you like to get your hands dirty. Ask yourself what will let you do that. Or you may be leaning toward some other area of the work you’re already doing. If you want to help the human condition on a larger scale then consider whether you skill set and abilities can take you in that direction.  Make an inventory of your strengths, passions, beliefs and values. These can help you narrow your search if you don’t know where to begin.

Know that your journey toward a life purpose may not be a straight line. You may need to redraw your personal map more than once during your lifetime. For example, you may have spent years at home raising a family, only to find out that now  you’re being called away in a different direction. Your life’s work may be something that brings little recognition or financial compensation. But your passion for it will always give it meaning. You’ll know you’ve found your life’s work when each day starts with a good feeling about what you’re doing, and for the person looking back at you in the mirror.

John K  1-23-2013

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A Barrel Full of Monkey Mind is No Fun- Meditation Can Quiet the Chatter

Meditation practitionerThere you are, fretting over the state of your relationship, or worrying about an upcoming meeting at the office. Those voices in your head are back. It’s the usual chatter that has no rhyme or reason and keeps you totally confused and without real answers. It’s called the monkey mind, and it leaves you feeling as though you’re spinning in circles.

A good way to counter the frontal lobe free-for-all is to practice meditation. This gives you the chance to counter the noise by moving beyond thought. You can become the noticer- aware of your thoughts rather than thinking them. It sounds like the same thing, but there is a difference. When you notice your thoughts you can allow them to move on by without taking you with them. That calms the feeling of being pulled in so many directions. Concentration is key here. It will let you slow down the thought process and keep your attention on observation of those thoughts.

One method of working your concentration “muscles” is by paying attention to your breath during meditation. When the monkey mind begins its cranial chorus observe your thoughts and then return your focus to your breath. Breathing meditations differ. Some have you focus and the inhale and exhale and the movement of the abdomen. Others have you concentrate on the sound of the breath. Then there’s focusing on a candle flame as a way of reigning in the mind. Soften your gaze as you notice the color, shape, and movement of the flame, all the while trying not to blink. You can vary this by closing your eyes though you want to keep watching the flame in your mind.

It seems counterproductive when you realize that quieting your mind for meditation actually provides fertile soil for the mind chatter to take hold. Just remember to be kind to yourself and don’t give up. Meditation is often called “practice”, and continued practice will help you keep monkey mind to a minimum.

JohnK 1-15-2013


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Got Resol-YOU-tions ?



We’re off to the resolution races- lose 20 pounds, move to a nicer address, take that tropical vacation.

As we move into another year I know that many of us are asking: What is it that really matters this year?

Are your New Year’s resolutions about the small things–getting organized, losing weight, getting in shape, being a little kinder…or about something wider and deeper?

There’s nothing wrong with making small commitments, but are they enough for you and who you intend to become, what you know you must do in this world?

Or are you ready to step into something bigger and more radical–daring to fulfill your passion to evolve not only a better self, but a better world and a more enlightened future?

May I suggest some inward inspection to start the process? Ask yourself:

  • What is happening in my life?
  • How is my health?
  • How is/are my relationship(s)? Really, how are they?
  • How are my finances? Do I enjoy my work?

Just a few ideas to take care of the inner self so that the outer results might be more satisfying.
Happy New Year!


JohnK  1-1-2013



10 For ’13: Intentions For A More Conscious and Genuine New Year and Beyond

RearViewMirrorI searched for just the right guest blog post to sum up the past year and help us into 2013. Failing that I challenged myself to come up with 10 areas where I can improve beginning now and into the coming year. These 10 bubbled to the surface, and I encourage you to take from these any or all for your own use.


I intend to:

  • be more generous than last year.
  • breathe deeply before making anger my response- does the issue really matter that much?
  • think before making decisions, so that my “yes” or “no” are unconditional.
  • believe in people.. they’re on their path and worthy of my trust. (a personal “biggie”.)
  • trust myself, so I don’t alienate people with a facade of protecting myself (ditto “biggie”.)
  • speak responsibly, with the accent on integrity and kindness.


  • listen and really hear what’s being said.
  • be connected- somehow difficult even in the age of Facebook.
  • shop consciously- especially in the area of nutrition.
  • live my genuine life.

I will follow up these commitments with action and practice and I will continue to dedicate my efforts to being a light for those who intend to do the same.

How will you contribute toward your/humanity’s wellness?




Image for overheard

“The thing that hurts the most is pretending it doesn’t”





JohnK 12-28-2012




December 21 2012 A Day That Will Live in Levity: Lessons Learned From Yet Another End Time

My friend Ron told me the world would come to an end this Saturday. I must say the week went by slowly as I pondered the meaning of that statement. Ron’s family was on board with the prediction, too. It was a helpless feeling as Saturday approached. Well, Saturday came and went and no end of the world. In fact, a lot of Saturdays passed since that week of “doom”. The year was 1956, and Ron and I were 5 years old.

Here and gone again

My friend’s prediction was based on religion, not unlike much of the fear over the 2012 end- of- the -world prediction. Back in the late 1990s, I was skeptical when people began to worry about Y2K, the computer malfunction that was going to cause Armageddon, or at least a few cases of indigestion. Of course, Y2K came and went. No harm no foul. Well, December 21st came and went, and we’re both still here. Now what? I hope surviving the “end of the world” taught you not to listen to the paranoia of the media and the masses. Life is to be lived, not feared.

Now what?

There is a nugget of (interpreted) Mayan prophecy that I find interesting and somewhat hopeful. It says December 21st will mark the end of an era of darkness and usher in a new era of light. Come to think of it, that really doesn’t sound like an end of the world does it? Let’s go under the hood for a look at this one.
Like Y2k, it’s hard to believe that darkness and the forces of darkness will now suddenly pack up and go away. Remember there have also been visions of utopia and societies where there is nothing but light. Yes more light will shine, but darkness will hang around, causing disruption at home and around the world. It’s not an all-or-nothing-at-all proposition. Rather the light and the darkness are part of the prefection. To paraphrase Einstein, ‘we must decide whether we live in a friendly or a hostile world’. As we speak someone is feeling hate, someone else is radiating love. one person is crying ‘victim’, while another is designing his day.

A “to-do” list

Let’s take a calculated risk. Let’s assume the world will move along as usual. For our part, we’ll pay more attention to our inner voice and what we’re passionate about. For its part, the world will continue to do what it does and bring what it brings. Be the “noticer”..keep your attention on your state of mind, your fears, and especially on how you would like your life to be. I suggest you continue to act “as if”…bringing all you desire into your life, with all the power and faith in NOW on your side. Tomorrow (and I expect there will be one) will take care of itself.

Do this today. Do it now.


JohnK 12-21-2012


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The Sandy Hook Shootings- Who Really Pulled the Trigger?

While we don’t usually offer an opinion or take a stand on news items I thought it necessary to make a comment or two on the shootings in Newtown, Conn. Our thoughts are with the family and friends whose loved ones died in the shootings. By now you’ve been more than inundated with news coverage from the scene. As a 30+ year member of the journalism community I know the kind of energy that this type of story sends through the newsroom. Careers can be made in these moments. Eyeballs are delivered to sponsors. Sophisticated gear is pressed into service to bring you “the whole story.” But speaking as someone who doesn’t have to please his news director or take the wants of the advertisers into account I submit my own take on the shooting spree.

Talking Points

There is more than enough speculation as to why these killings happened. There is the obligatory investigation. The background of the shooter is being viewed and reviewed. And of course television pundits are weighing in with their take, very often politically shaded, as to cause and possible prevention of such events in the future. What I’m offering here is not a reason for what happened. Rather, I ask that you consider some unavoidable realities that are being glossed over by your news agencies- and that practice could be tilling the soil for more of these outbreaks in the future.

Pumped Up Kids

First, the shooter was said to be on medication. This is hardly news. Consider this from Conscious Life News:
Fact: At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 109 wounded and 58 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs.

Eye-Missed-It News

Now tell me the last time you saw your favorite network television coverage concentrated on the testing and administration of psychiatric drugs, or in any area of the pharmaceutical realm. Oh sure, wide-eyed anchors will give lip service to this practice but any news official with his or her head screwed on knows that going down that road could lead to loss of advertising dollars. And, that is a career KILLER in any news organization. Years ago I was approached by my editor at a Group W radio station to do a story on parent company Westinghouse. It seems that Westy was being tied to the delivery of some faulty goods to a Middle Eastern country. The Westinghouse corporate offices were located directly accross the street from where I was working- I could stare into the building’s lobby while sitting at my keyboard. Do ya’ think I jumped at doing that story? Americans like to be plugged into the news and advertisers know that. They are dictating much of the country’s thought in subtle and not so subtle ways.

Take One of These

Another missing talking point is the possiblity of a mis-diagnosis in the shooter’s (or any killer’s) condition. Every situation is dealt with on a prescription pad. And why not? The old paradigm suggests that there’s nothing that a pill can’t cure. Like the broadcast industry there’s plenty of pressure here too since the society seems to buy into the “medicate to eliminate” line of thought.

Death Becomes Us

Finally, there’s no shortage of arguments on guns- should they be banned? Should there be tighter restrictions? These lines are not meant to discuss guns or gun control. In fact, guns themselves don’t lie at the heart of what’s happened here. Look at statistics, and go back as far as you like. The USA is a very violent society. But, murderous rampages are an outgrowth of a violent collective consciousness. We worship combat in every form, from games to movies to wardrobe. We condone perpetual war with the knowledge that our technology can “kick anyone’s butt.” I live in one of the military airshow hotbeds, and I’m often made uneasy by people’s salivating over the display of the latest airborne killing machines. This is not to say that there isn’t a place for vigilance and preparedness. But we seem to have cultivated a casual approach to the possiblity of death on a mass scale. This seems especially true when we turn our eyes to other areas of the world. How do we prepare our children for admission to this world? We get them hyped up on sugar, then bring them down on drugs.

Bless Us, EVERY One

So, do send your best energy to the people of Newtown. Take a moment to remember the dead of Newtown. And, do a consciousness search as you remember the dead children and mourning parents in:







JohnK 12-18-2012

Need Good Reasons To Donate To Charity?


This post comes to us from a guest-blogger…


We all hear pleas for charitable donations every day. TV has commercials as do radio stations. Billboards ask us to give. People ringing bells in front of stores with little red buckets, door to door solicitors, and the guy on the street all of these are chances for us to give to someone less fortunate than ourselves. Why do we give? Some people give to charity to feel good. Some give to make up for something bad they may have done. Others give because they can use it on their taxes as a deduction. Still others do it simply because they believe that it’s just the right thing to do. Many people with many reasons to give. Maybe you have a cause that is near and dear to your heart. If a family member has died of cancer you may feel the need to give to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Fund. There are few serious diseases and afflictions that do not have some form of charity set up. Most people have been touched by a serious affliction, disease, disability, injury… you name it. Despite medical science’s best efforts, there is no shortage. The only real question is whether or not you feel the desire to give to a charity in the first place. Technically, you don’t even have to give to a charity that has anything to do with humans. Animal Fairy Charities, for example, is a charitable organization that assists stables, humane societies, shelters and more in the pursuit of helping those of God’s creatures that cannot help themselves. There are charities for other countries as well. You’ve all seen the starving children and heard some celebrity ask you to help feed the children. So to whom will you give your charitable donations?Must you give cash?Everybody loves cash if for no other reason than it is so very versatile. Cash (or checks) can purchase whatever the charitable organization needs at the time. But donations of other types are just as needed and wanted. Animal shelters love pet supplies. Hunger task forces love non perishable foods. Goodwill, The Salvation Army, St. Vincent, the blind… all take donations of furniture, house wares, clothing, toys and more. There is little that is not accepted. And everybody has old clothes or gently used items that they simply don’t want or need anymore. These facilities give receipts as well, so don’t forget to get your reward for being a good citizen.

MAYAN SCHMAYAN! Facing the New Year and an Old Calendar

Well, here we are- not two weeks from the infamous Mayan calendar”prediction” day of December 21st, 2012. There has been more prognostication around this date than we’ve seen in a long time. Say, around the year 2000. Remember the Y-2k scares? Armageddon housed in a micro-chip. Religious fervor brought to a chariot-riding climax. And the certain ruination of our entire supply of Skittles!
Two words for ya
It brings to mind another “master” of prediction- Chicken Little (who should have his own reality show, but we’ll save that for another post). C-Little kept announcing that the sky was falling..and kept announcing and kept announcing. When the sky didn’t fall it sort of took the sting out of the message.
Be here now
I have an idea as to how we might counter the fearful (silly?) thoughts about the approach of December 21st. It’s simple, really. Be fully present in the moment. That’s it. No more no less. Treat it as you would an affirmation. Stay in the moment, and if you stray just bring yourself back to the moment. No guilt and no judgement. In fact, you can reward yourself for a job well done as you continue to stay in the moment.  If you’re on a winter holiday at the beach, don’t think sad thoughts about when you’ll have to leave.  Be fully present in your surroundings and savor the sights .  When you’re eating a meal, be aware of its flavor and texture.  If you’re at a gathering with friends, keep your attention on their presence and not on things you’ve left undone. Ram Dass would be proud.
Consciousness, Yours and Mayan
Keeping a sense of the present moment is crucial now in 2012 and beyond. As we experience major shifts in consciousness you can be sure that we will face more challenges to our transformation. Staying in the now will prove to be a valuable navigational tool in maintaining a state of peace. Write it down if you’re prone to forget. That’s what I’m going to do.
Now, where did I put that 2013 calendar?

John K 12/7/2012

Death, Dying, and Other Light Fare- Bringing The Afterlife Out of the Shadows

Graveyard pictureUnusual time for a blog post, at least for me. But I wanted to let you know about a fresh view of a topic that gets pushed into the closet more often than not.

The interview with Dr. Julia Assante should open a lot of eyes to the time when our eyes close- permanently. Julia holds some views you may find objectionable, though she’s quite accomplished at what she does and she’s even ‘scored’ highly in testing at her alma mater Columbia University.

Some juicy conversational tidbits included:

  • fear of death is running our world
  • getting rid of the fear of death is the best thing that can happen to humans
  • the benefits of after-death communication

And my personal favorite:

“sin” is an invention!

Give a listen to the show…or…”watch” it on Chee-Vee. Chi For Yourself now streams on Google+ Hangouts. Watch the interview by clicking on the logo:

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Image for overheard


“All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity”

– William Shakespeare


Oh, and one more piece of business. The December guest schedule is up in the air right now, holidays and all. I’m considering some “best of” CFY’s for the month. But we’re scheduled to begin 2013 with a conversation with Morgana Rae. She’s launching a new book- Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation. In it she poses the question “does money LOVE you?”



JohnK  11/30/2012