Notes to Start the Week- October 14th, 2013


We start out this week by saying Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Canada!!


…and, don’t forget this week’s guest will be talking to us on Wednesday at 1pm Pacific time. You’ll be able to hear Kuwana Haulsey discussing motherhood and her book Everything I Needed To Know I Learned From My Six-Month Old when you visit the ‘Start’ page.

The scheduled guest for October 24th (Thursday) is Erica Tucci, author of  Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive through Recovery from Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences.

And I promised to tell you about a show planned for later this month- In fact, on Halloween. Our scheduled guest will be Echo Bodine. Echo is the author of What Happens When We Die: A Psychic’s Exploration of Death, Heaven, and the Soul’s Journey After Death. She’ll offer us answers to some of life’s biggest questions: Is there a heaven? Are there people who have been there and come back? Do we have souls? Can we communicate with deceased loved ones? It’ll be Echo’s second visit to Chi For Yourself and you can hear it On Thursday, October 31st at 1pm Pacific.

pictureof Echo Bodine

Echo Bodine

That’s the lineup for the rest of the month. Plan to be with us!!

JohnK October 14, 2013 home page






For Good Vibrations Focus on the Good

The next first-run Chi For Yourself interview is scheduled for Wednesday October 16th at 1pm Pacific. We had to move the date from our usual Thursday to Wednesday because of a scheduling conflict. I hope you’ll be with us for the streamed interview. I’ll be talking to Kuwana Haulsey, author of Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned from My Six-Month-Old. Kuwana Haulsey fuses memoir, spirituality and self-development into the unique perspective that babies are actually extraordinarily divine teachers who are capable of showing their caregivers the way toward inspired living.

Picture of Kuwana Haulsey

Kuwana Haulsey


The following week we get back to a Thursday interview schedule. Chi For Yourself will welcome Erica Tucci on October 24th at 1pm Pacific. Erica is the author of Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive Through Recovery From Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences.The book is about healing, and it offers hope,inspiration, and encouragement to anyone facing trauma in their lives.

Picture of Erica Tucci

Erica Tucci


On October 31st (Halloween) Chi For Yourself welcomes a woman who will be making her second visit to the show. I’ll tell you more about that in a future post.

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Article:     For Good Vibrations Focus on the Good

Picture of thumbs upI like to say that everything is energy, and energy is everything. Energy differs according to the speed at which it vibrates. Light energy has a high frequency vibration, while something like a dining room table has a lower frequency. Human beings have different frequencies of vibration, too. The ways we think and feel go a long way toward determining the frequency at which we vibrate. We then send that vibration out to the world, much like a radio station sends out its signal. The result, as Universal Law tells us, is an attraction to that which vibrates at a similar frequency. And what we bring to us determines our reality. So, it makes sense to raise our vibration in order to make a positive shift in our lives.
You probably know or have been around someone who is vibrating at a high frequency. They strike you as spirited and dynamic. This type of person can be an inspiration to us for working on raising our own vibration. Then there’s the other side of the coin- someone who is very negative or cynical. This is a person who vibrates at a lower frequency. Do a simple test to find out where you stand on the vibration scale. Think about where you fall on a scale between the most negative person you know and the most vital. You’re not doing this to be critical of the person. Rather you can find your place on the vibrational scale. This is a good way to measure your progress and to remind you that you may have some vibration raising left to do.
There is no shortage of ways to raise your vibration. You can say affirmations or start a meditation practice. And it’s always wise to monitor your thoughts. Choose where you send your attention. You can see how effective this is by visualizing- just a few minutes a day. You might want to spend those minutes focused on the good in your life. As you do this you’ll be training yourself to be more mindful and in the moment. And over time you’ll start to see a real shift in your vibration.

JohnK 10-8-2013 home page


Friday on My Mind- Mindfully Easing Into the Weekend

IsItFridayYetOkay..this is something a little different. I don’t usually post on a Friday, let alone a Friday evening. But, it’s been a busy week for me and probably you, too. And I got to thinking about our tendency to live for the weekend. We let out a collective sigh, glad that the rigors of the week are behind us. Now we can ‘let our hair down’..maybe party a bit, or just grab some serenity.

It was serenity I had I mind when I chose to bring back the 2011 John Selby interview. John talks to us about meditation and his book Expand This Moment. But, it’s the subheading that I think resonates with ‘Friday-philes’- Focused Meditations to Quiet Your Mind, Brighten Your Mood, and Set Yourself Free.

But, first I want to tell you about a new feature on If you look at the top of each page on the web site, you’ll see a small box on the left side of the page that reads ‘send voicemail’. If you click on that box you can send us a voicemail. No phone downloads, nothin’. Just click on and follow the directions. You can send your message right from your browser. It’s a great way for me to hear what you would like to hear on Chi For Yourself!

Now, for a heapin’ helpin’ of serenity, courtesy of John Selby- This week’s guest on Chi For Yourself..

Click on the BlogTalkRadio banner to hear the show:


JohnK 10/4/2013

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Happy Trails to Happiness..and A Look Ahead to Some Great Guests!

If you didn’t get to hear Chi For Yourself guest Thomas Bien talking about happiness last week you can listen to the show by clicking on this player:

Before we put the happiness topic away for awhile I want to tell you about some of the guests we plan to bring to you in upcoming episodes, and healing is definitely the operative word here..

  • October 24th at 1pm Pacific- Erica Tucci (Radiant Survivor) talking about healing from a serious illness.
  • November 13th at Noon Pacific time- Annemiek Douw shares her case histories of healing.
  • November 21st at 1pm Pacific- Dr. Bernie Siegel returns to CFY to talk about The Art of Healing.

All the interviews are scheduled to be streamed on the Chi For Yourself home page…should there be any changes, you’ll hear about them here in GenuLines.

Now, for that one last mention of healing..and it comes from a great source!


Looking for Happiness in “All the Wrong Places”

By Marci Shimoff


Smiley Face BallI was 41 years old, stretched out on a lounge chair by my pool and reflecting on my life. I had achieved all that I thought I needed to be happy.

You see when I was a child, I imagined there were five main things that ensured a happy life: a successful career that helped people, a loving husband, a comfortable home, a great body, and a wonderful circle of friends. After years of study, hard work, and a few “lucky breaks,” I finally had them all. (Okay, so my body didn’t quite look like Halle Berry’s–four out of five isn’t bad!) You think I’d have been on the top of the world.

But surprisingly I wasn’t. I felt an emptiness inside that the outer successes of life couldn’t fill. I was also afraid that if I lost any of those things, I might be miserable. Sadly, I knew I wasn’t alone in feeling this way.

While happiness is the one thing that we all truly want, so few of us really experience a deep and lasting fulfillment that feeds our soul. Our Founding Fathers even guaranteed us the right to pursue happiness, so why aren’t we finding it?

Because we’re looking for happiness, in the words of the old country western song, in “all the wrong places.”

That week I threw myself into the study of happiness. The culmination for me was when I discovered a state I call Happy for No Reason, a neurophysiological state of inner peace and well-being that isn’t dependent on circumstances. I believe this is our essential state.

When you’re Happy for No Reason, you don’t need to manipulate the world around you to try to make yourself happy. You bring happiness to your everyday experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them.

Most of us spend our time struggling to string together as many happy experiences as we can, like beads in a necklace, to create a happy life. We do our best to find just the right beads that will fulfill us. Being Happy for No Reason, in this analogy, is like having a happy string. No matter what beads we put on our necklace–good and not so good–our inner reality, the string that runs through them all, is happy, and we experience an unshakeable positive state inside.

So, how do we get there?

I found the answer in the lives of the 100 deeply happy people I interviewed as research for my book Happy for No Reason. The only difference between happy and unhappy people is that they have different habits. In fact, I identified 21 core happiness habits that anyone can practice to be happier.

One of the most important habits that happy people share is that they let love lead. Although they have the same fears, pain, and disappointments as the rest of us, they’re able to keep their hearts open and flowing. This is the key to making your life–and every relationship in it–successful and fulfilling.

How do you let love lead? Here are three tips to get you started:

1. Reach Out and Touch Someone. Schedule time every day to call or visit someone you love or care about. It doesn’t have to be a long call or an elaborate outing. Remember to focus on expressing your love or care for them, rather than looking for them to fill you up.

Taking the time to connect with someone from the level of your heart has been shown to make the actual rhythms of your heartbeat coherent, which is correlated with increased calmness, strengthened immune system functioning, normalized blood pressure, and improved general well-being. For some people, a much-loved pet can be a great heart connection. What’s important is focusing on the bond you feel radiating from within you that links you to the special beings in your life.

2. Spread Lovingkindness. One way to power up your heart’s flow is by sending loving kindness to your friends and family, as well as strangers you pass on the street. Next time you’re waiting for the elevator at work, stuck in a line at the store, or caught up in traffic, send a silent wish to the people you see for their happiness, well-being, and health. Simply wishing others well switches on the “pump” in your own heart that generates love and creates a strong current of happiness.

3. Hang with the Happy. We catch the emotions of those around us just like we catch their colds–it’s called emotional contagion. So it’s important to make wise choices about the company you keep. Create appropriate boundaries with emotional bullies and “happiness vampires” who suck the life out of you. Develop your happiness “dream team”–a mastermind or support group you meet with regularly to keep you steady on the path of raising your happiness.

“Happily ever after” isn’t just for fairytales or for only the lucky few. Imagine experiencing inner peace and well-being as the backdrop for everything else in your life. When you’re Happy for No Reason, it’s not that your life and your relationships always look perfect–it’s that however they look, you’ll still be happy!

Author’s Bio:

By Marci Shimoff. Based on the New York Times bestseller Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, which offers a revolutionary approach to experiencing deep and lasting happiness. The woman’s face of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and a featured teacher in The Secret, Marci is an authority on success, happiness, and the law of attraction. To order Happy for No Reason, newly released in paperback, and receive free bonus gifts, go to


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“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson




JohnK 9/25/2013 home page



Happy Days- When Will They Be Here Again?

The subject of happiness, how to land it and how to keep it has been taking a front seat in many major magazines and news periodicals recently. Figures show that the US currently ranks 23rd on a list of happiest countries despite all its apparent wealth and freedom. What gives? Our guest on this week’s Chi For Yourself says there’s a difference between the usual Western concept of happiness and the experience of deep contentment and joy. Dr. Thomas Bien is a leader in the field of mindful psychology and conducts workshops on mindfulness and meditation. He is also the author of numerous scientific articles and book chapters on spirituality and addiction.

picture of thomas bien

Thomas Bien


Thomas Bien is the author of The Buddah’s Way of Happiness: Healing Sorrow, Transforming Negative Emotion, and Finding Well-Being in the Present. The interview is scheduled for Thursday September 19th, at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific on


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How to Live Consciously and Attract Happiness


Expert Author Emily A Rider

Do you live each day consciously or unconsciously? We would all like to think that we are conscious during our waking hours; that we are consciously making decisions, consciously choosing how we act, react, speak, listen, and think. But do you know that in order to be conscious you must be aware of your Self? Do you know who you are? Are you living out who you truly are? Take a moment to think this over, and continue reading on…

Now that you’ve taken a moment to consider how your actions reflect your inner Self, did you come to the conclusion that how you live just may not be who you really are? You may become angry or frustrated from experiencing certain circumstances, but anger and frustration is not what is composed of your Self. All those molecules and compounds that make up your body, mind, and soul are certainly not angry or hostile ones. This you must realize. So why is it you express every emotion within the spectrum of human emotions? Do you choose to? Or is it a reaction?

If you stop before each thought and action to give yourself time to decide first, you begin to live consciously. If you do not let yourself decide, you defer to reaction: you go into autopilot mode and act or think in terms of your strongest emotion (anger, fear, sadness, etc.) since it is what has taken over. This is how you allow your ego (your mind) to take over and take control away from your real Self (your soul). This does you no good because this is what living unconsciously is. If you are not consciously making a decision, then you are unconsciously and mindlessly reacting. Your ego is not YOU. If you believe there is a difference between your physical body, your mental mind, and your spiritual soul, then you must take into consideration each of their downfalls and learn how to allow your soul to shine through with everything you do.

Do you notice how sometimes after a typical reaction, you may feel a little remorse? Perhaps it really wasn’t very necessary to tell off that waitress who got your order wrong for the second time, or speaking rudely back to that customer service representative who was just trying to do his job.

Life can be hard; it can get frustrating no doubt about it, but it doesn’t mean we need to project negativity right back at it. This does nothing for us.

How can we begin to live consciously? Here is the secret: right now, close your eyes and find the greatest feeling you have ever felt: such as the immense love you have for your child(ren), or that time when you were the most in love with a partner. Pinpoint that highest note of all your experiences. Feel that fulfilling joy and let it linger until your whole being is saturated with it. Hold onto this…

Love is the purest thought, emotion, and experience a soul can choose to live out. Yes, choose! We can choose to think, act, and live the rest of our lives with love being the core of it all; the seed that grows our human experiences; the cell that divides exponentially. We have this awesome Godly power because we are all God.

Now take this feeling that you have just re-experienced within your Self. Take it with you every morning when you get out of bed; take it with you to work or school; take it with you when you go out with your friends; take it home to your family; and take it to bed at night. This ultimate essence is what you will base all of your thoughts and actions on (notice I did not say reactions!). You will re-experience this each time you are confronted with a problem, a situation, a confrontation. Then, after some practice, you will call upon this beautiful part of you every time you think a thought, speak a word, and take an action. Love will be the root of everything you do. Your ultimate goal is to be who you really are, and who you really are, is love. Love is what creates us, the universe, and everything in between. We attract what we project out. So project out only love!

The funny part about this is that in order to know your Self (love), you must also know and have experienced love’s complete opposite: fear. If love attracts like things, fear deflects the same way. So we know fear because we act on it. We make decisions based on fear. We fear our boss, we fear not having money, we fear rejection, and we fear physical pain and death. We know this because we end up reacting out of fear everyday for many of us.

So turn it around. Turn our fear into love. When we stop fearing, we end anger and frustration. We stop feeling like we need to take those negative feeling hostage, only to release them out onto others. We can begin to fill those empty places with much needed love. Fill your life with more of YOU by bringing consciousness into all you do. Love is all there for us to use. So take it. Take it and run with it.

It will not be easy. You have to practice and practice until it becomes second nature to you. It will require intention on your part, which requires energy. If you invest in this, the universe will invest in you.

Love before and after you think or do and your life will evolve. I promise.

Emily A. Rider invites you to browse more great articles she has written about living a more spiritual life at This site contains may topics from meditation to evidence-based research; from spiritual cleansing to the paradigm shift the U.S. is currently beginning. Come gain knowledge and new perspectives on living spiritually now at

JohnK 9/16/2013 home




Making Consciousness the Fruit of Your Labor


Since this is Labor Day for many in the West, I thought today’s article should reflect the mood of the day. But first, I want to remind you that the interview with Cynthia Gill has been posted. If you are the parent of a grade school age boy you’ll want to listen in. Cynthia has lots of experience in the classroom, and her book Jump Starting Boys addresses the difficulties many boys have by the time they reach 4th grade.

Listen to the show on this player..


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Don’t Let the Collective Consciousness of Others Control Your Life


Expert Author Steve Cruize

There is a common mistaken belief that suffering, agony and distress can be placed upon us by other people. However, such conditions never exist due to the actions of a single individual. Negative circumstances that plague certain people within any community, family, country and culture are brought on and sustained by the collective consciousness of that group. Both the origin and resolution to our troubles lie within us and not in the criticism of some vague external force.

Every situation in life is an effect that was produced by a cause. This cause-and-effect sequence applies to both the good and bad things that appear in any individual’s experience. However, people often make the mistake of attributing the cause of negative consequences to the doings of some other person, system or organization. This reasoning is entirely off the mark when it comes to identifying the true basis of our everyday difficulties. The deliberate creation method puts you in command of your everyday experience.

If you were confronted frequently by an aggressive coworker, you may start to think of this person as the sole source of your problems. The real basis for your troubles, however, lies within the collective consciousness of your particular company or department. Each organization of people is held together by a popular body of ideas. This set of concepts is known as the group’s collective consciousness. If your colleague has assumed the role of workplace “tormentor,” it is because the collective consciousness of your company supports him in this position. He could not operate in such a capacity by his choice alone. He is just one person among many. Each person of the group, yourself included, must cooperate with the implied terms of your adversary, either consciously or unconsciously. Otherwise, he would be rejected from the group and replaced by someone who was more in harmony with the common line of thought.

Look around and you will notice that the same state of affairs is played out daily wherever you turn. Why do very cruel people sometimes assume and remain in positions of power? It is because the belief set of those under them allow the unjust possession of authority and status. The same circumstance can also be seen in abusive families and relationships, where one individual can control others through coercive strategies. If the people who make up such groups were not aligned with such an oppressive reality, either consciously or unconsciously, it would not be able to exist.

Now, let’s expand on how the collective consciousness of others can control your life. Remember, that which you frequently focus on creates the basis of your reality. Everywhere you look, negative messages are being sold. News reports are filled with warnings of present and pending disaster. Marketers are continually producing advertisements that make you feel bad about yourself and then pitch their product as the sole solution. We have come to live in a world that begins teaching us to think negatively very early in life. When millions of people spend most of their days focusing on bad things, the collective consciousness of those people will assure that the things they fear continue to exist.

The process of deliberate creation requires you to take responsibility for what you experience. Blaming another person for your troubles places you in the role of a victim. If you hold an idea of victim hood in your mind, you will attract more occasions to be victimized. This is a vicious and self-perpetuating cycle. Any form of energy you send out will resonate with and attract that which is on the same vibrational frequency. History shows us that declaring war against ideas like poverty and drug use only produces more of the same. As long as we look outside of ourselves for solutions, they will continue to elude us.

The only way to improve society is to teach others through example how to produce through deliberate creation. You can not give what you do not have. In order to improve the circumstances that you observe on a day to day basis, you must be the good that you wish to see. One of the best ways to get what you want in your life is to help another person have it first. Focusing on the negative will only serve to prevent what you from getting what you want. When you assume an attitude of giving, however, you place yourself in direct alignment with that which you give. We are all individual parts of one creative mind. By sending out thoughts of what you want for yourself and others, you add to the solution and not the problem.

To Discover more about the Secret of Deliberate Creation, please visit my website


Enjoy the day!

JohnK 9-2-2013 home page

Down But Not Out: Feel the Feelings and Keep Going

Before we get to this week’s article I want to remind you of this week’s Chi For Yourself guest…

Boys are quickly falling behind girls in school, starting as early as the second grade. Academic research gathered in May 2012 revealed that student populations in U.S. colleges today are only 40% male, due in large part to poor grades earned throughout middle and high school (featured on We will be talking to Cynthia Gill. She’s the co-author of Jump-Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Learner Find Success in School and Life.

Picture of Cynthia Gill

Cynthia Gill

Cynthia joins us on Thursday, August 22nd at 1pm Pacific Time. Again we plan to stream the interview via Google + Hangouts. You’ll see the screen on Thursday on the “Start” page of



Down But Not Out: Feel the Feelings and Keep Going

During a recent period of feeling kind of “blue” I was reminded of the waves of emotions that can roll through our lives un-anounced. These can range from the down days just mentioned to the darker depression-like moods. I dealt with those heavy feelings earlier in my life. I referred to those as “situational” since there were some troubling issues that had to be faced. When I ran a search on the definition of emotions I found : A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. Definition 2 read: Any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, horror, etc. The key word in the first example is ‘natural’.

Your first reaction might be to turn your feelings away. You might push the feelings down, put them on hold until later, or use distractions to get your mind off of things. You can deny them or indulge in them (often called wallowing). And there’s a cliche to match every situation- ‘I don’t have time to think about that now’, ‘It’s always something’, or ‘I’ll take care of it later.’ But what you’re feeling is neither positive nor negative. It’s all part of being human.
If your choice is not to experience intense feelings they could become embedded in your physical body. When they set up shop deep inside you they can have an effect on the way you look at the world. The worst case scenario is that they can be so troubling as to cause illness. This is a good time to monitor your thinking, too. One of my very favorite figures in the Human Development field is Louise Hay. She puts it this way, “The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.”

You can bring out the feelings, front and center, to experience them in a safe and enriching way. When I feel the need to do this I pretty much drop whatever was planned for the day, if possible, and get to the feeling place. You may have a more demanding schedule, so how about a date- with yourself? Pick a safe, secure, and comfortable place along with a time when you can be alone. Start by remembering the circumstances that touched off the emotions you’ve been putting off. When you’ve stirred up the emotions let yourself FEEL them. Don’t block them. Cry if you feel like it. Let any thoughts that come up come through. And be gentle with yourself. This is not a good place to judge what’s happening.
Recognizing your emotions instead of pushing them away helps you stay emotionally healthy and goes a long way toward truly conscious living.

JohnK 8-19-2013 home

Upcoming Shows, No-Shows, and a Zen State of Mind

Well, there we were- all dressed up and nowhere to go! Thursday’s planned interview stream with Cynthia Gill did not come off as scheduled, apparently due to some scheduling confusion. So, I’ve put in the request to Cynthia’s publisher to re-schedule, preferably in mid or late August. Cynthia is the co-author of Jump Starting Boys. The book gives parents a thorough look into possible reasons why their lads are struggling in school. She includes case histories, take-action checklists, and helpful tips.

On this week’s Chi For Yourself you’ll hear the interview with Brad Warner, Zen monk and author of There is No God and He is Always With You. During our discussion we touched on the God-or-no God question and a number of others. The show will air on on Friday, August 9th at 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific.


Ponderous, man! Consider this from

The breath, the body, the name, all the forms and shapes in the universe, “It’s all the same  like branches of a tree just as one goes deeper and deeper one becomes aware of the fact that the self is consciousness and diversity is a mere mirage. The one who realizes the consciousness is the true self he shall be free from experiencing the mirage as reality..Read the article.

and on a related note, from the New Indian Express:

This whole world reveals the true consciousness within, like the waves rising in the ocean. Knowing that you are this essence, without a doubt, be that form of consciousness without any quivering attachment to the world of movement, names and forms. Read the article…


Tony Burroughs reminded us that we can design our day, not to mention our lives. Manifesting is his thing, and it can be yours, too. This week a guest offering from Alan Charter and his own thoughts on getting what you want for your life..

How To Let All The Prosperity You Want Come Into Your Life


by Alan Charter

watching the rainbowIn this article you will find solid self-help advice to assist you in working through your problems and attaining the level of success that you desire. The techniques presented here will train you to hone in on potential problems before they get out of hand and negatively impact your life. The tips are simple yet effective.

To achieve successful personal development you need to do more than just set goals. You should visualize them, too. How will it feel when you achieve them? What will the experience be like? This visualization process will motivate you by making your goals seem more tangible. It is also a process you can repeat as often as needed to restore your enthusiasm.

When suffering from a lack of confidence, you should try to engage in physical exercise or a type of sport on a regular basis. Not only will this improve your body shape and therefore your confidence in your looks, exercise releases endorphins which stimulate the mind and body to a natural high.

Always try to present yourself in a positive light. While you should not worry so much about what someone thinks of you, if you need to promote yourself, you do have to be understood. Just do well to be yourself so that you don’t paint a false persona for people just to get their business.

Remember that regardless of the few or the many things you are wishing to improve yourself and your life, you have natural talents that others do not. Capitalize on these talents and abilities as they can bring you to new level or even act as a stepping stone for a new career path or business venture.

Celebrate your successes as you work through your personal development plan to keep you engaged and excited about the process. Do not focus so much on the end result that you fail to recognize the steps you take to get there. Personal development and growth can sometimes be difficult, and acknowledging the small successes along the way keeps you motivated.

One key tip to self-help success is to start by choosing small goals. Whatever part of your life you are trying to improve, it will be much harder if you try and tackle the problem head on. Rather, start setting up small goals you can easily achieve, and this will motivate you to continue on.

Keep flashcards in your pocket! Yes, flashcards are an old fashioned approach to learning but they are also a proven approach. Make miniature flashcards in the desired subject matter and pull them out when you are waiting at the doctor’s office, riding the subway or in any other situation where you have time on your hands.

This article offered advice with respect to seeking Self-help . Many people, for many different reasons at different points in their lives seek help. Each situation and solution to each problem is different. By reading this article you will have the information to get the help that you need when you need it.

About the Author:



JohnK 8-5-2013 home page


Layin’ Down Some Universal Law: Interviews and Inner Views

If you were with us last Thursday you know we had some dropout during the live stream of the Tony Burroughs interview. Friday was not much kinder as BlogTalkRadio gave us a distorted episode of the show. Today’s (Monday) BlogTalkRadio airing of the Tony Burroughs interview came off without any implosions. You can listen to it here. Click on the BTR logo..


Picture of Tony Burroughs

Tony Burroughs


Tony Burroughs is an author, storyteller, and co-founder of The Intenders of the Highest Good,  which helps you to set your intention to have what you want come to you as easily and effortlessly as possible. We like to talk manifesting on this show, and that’s the topic of Tony’s book Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions..



Picture of Cynthia Gill

Cynthia Gill


…now it’s on to Thursday (8-1) and a talk with Cynthia Gill. We’ll look at some reasons that smart, perceptive boys suddenly start struggling in school. Cynthia and co-writer Pam Withers have written a book called Jump Starting Boys: Help Your Reluctant Learner Find Success in School and Life. The book offers some positive solutions to get sons back on track- and just in time for the start of the new school year! We’re scheduled to get underway at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. As usual there will be a screen on the ‘Start’ (home) page at that time., I haven’t forgotten about the Brad Warner interview. Brad was our guest last Thursday and we talked about his book There Is No God and He is Always With You. Brad gave us his look at some highly charged topics through the eyes of a Zen monk. I’ll let you know when the recording is ready for airing.

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Meditation practitionerI don’t know about you but I’m seeing more and more news about meditation’s effect on the brain. My latest find comes from the South China Morning Post. You can read about it here.




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I’ve been keeping some late hours recently, getting lots of work done but getting less sleep in the process. If you get those circles under the eyes like I do you might want to take a look at some natural ways to get rid of them. Read about it here..

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Would you like to have a stronger connection to spirit, more positive thoughts, better emotional states and improved physical health? If so, then Cassandra Sturdy reminds you that you need to raise your about it here..





“Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more – more unseen forms become manifest to him.”

–  Jalal ad-Din Rumi quotes (Persian Poet and Mystic, 1207-1273)


JohnK 7/28/2013 home






Notes to Start the Week: July 22, 2013

We start an important week on Chi For Yourself with a reminder that this Thursday (July 27th) we have TWO episodes of Chi For Yourself on the schedule. I was able to re-schedule with Brad Warner for 10am Pacific Time Thursday.

Picture of Brad Warner

Brad Warner







..Brad is the author of a number of books, including There is No God, and He is Always With You. (Interesting title, no?) He’ll talk about things like Buddhism (he’s an ordained Zen teacher) and the ‘is there a God?’ question.


Then at 1pm Pacific Time our guest will be Tony Burroughs.

Picture of Tony Burroughs

Tony Burroughs







Tony is the co-founder of The Intenders of the Highest Good and he’s the author of Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions. We’ll talk manifesting and how to bring what you want into your life as easily and effortlessly as possible.

Both calls will be recorded and posted on BlogTalkRadio as well as a number of other hosting sites, but you’re invited to hear the interviews live on Google+ Hangouts On Air. The Chi For Yourself ‘Start’ page will have a screen installed at 10am (Brad Warner) and again at 1pm (Tony Burroughs)..


While we’re on the subject of manifesting I thought you might like to get some ideas on doing it in the reverse. This is from Kathy Wilson:

The Power of De-Manifesting


Expert Author Kathy Wilson

Sometimes rather than bringing something into your life, you just want something to go away. Maybe it’s a problem. Maybe it’s a person. Maybe it’s a belief.

This is when using your power of de-manifesting might be useful.

Actually, de-manifesting is often a necessary, albeit commonly ignored, part of manifesting. In order to bring something new into your life, often you have to release something to make space for the new thing.

So what is de-manifesting? It’s simply the art and science of making disagreeable, unhelpful, or dysfunctional things disappear. It’s not so different from manifesting with The Law of Attraction. However, instead of using that powerful law to magnetize something to you, you use it to make something you don’t want go away.

Here’s a simple four-step method for de-manifesting:

1. Focus your awareness on what you want to leave your life. If it’s a person or a thing, visualize it. If it’s an issue or problem, visualize an occurrence of it. Remember, visualizations don’t have to be still or static images. They can be like videos or movies. If it’s something completely intangible, such as an emotion or a belief, focus on it as best you can. Then silently ask for a symbol of it and almost instantly with your inner vision you’ll see an appropriate symbol. Notice the shape, texture, color, and anything else about it.

2. Silently command that this thing you’re focusing on grow smaller or less intense by 50%. Watch as it diminishes in size until it’s half as large. If it’s an emotion, feel it lessen in intensity to about half of what it was.

3. Silently command that it continue to diminish until it disappears entirely. Watch, feel, or sense it become less and less, until it no longer exists.

4. Immediately after you’ve de-manifested whatever you don’t want, replace it with something you do want. Watch the new thing, person, or symbol appear. First it may be very small. Command that it grow larger and larger until it completely fills the space just vacated by the thing you de-manifested. This step is most important. When you release or remove something during energy work such as this, you create an empty space which must be filled with something of your choice. This vacancy will be filled with something and if that something is not of your choosing, it may be as bad or worse than what you just de-manifested.

Now, when the opportunity arises in your physical world to actually release the thing you just energetically de-manifested, LET IT GO. Else all your pre-manifesting, manifesting, and de-manifesting will be a waste of your time and energy. Be willing to allow that which is no longer serving you to leave your life.

Kathy Wilson helps people create a better life using a multi-faceted approach. She and her clients utilize life coaching, spiritual consulting, NLP, vibrational healing, PSYCH-K, Tarot, mentoring, and teaching… whatever is in her client’s highest and best interests. She’s a Certified Professional Coach, spiritual teacher, Reiki master, vibrational healer, author of An Inner Journey: Living Your Life Purpose, and many ebooks and articles. For information about her products, services, and classes, visit her website:

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“A man’s homeland is wherever he prospers.”
–  Aristophanes




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