How much do you know about Ayurveda? On our next CHI FOR YOURSELF we’ll hear from a woman who turned to this 5,000 year old tradition when she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Ayurveda resonated with Michelle Fondin because she was searching for ways to understand why she was sick and for ways to actively participate in her healing– rather than just turn it over to experts and protocols. Michelle Fondin is the author of THE WHEEL OF HEALING WITH AYURVEDA: An Easy Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle.
Michelle Fondin
Michelle is our scheduled guest this Thursday June 11th, at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at Be with us on the call!
Last week’s visit to CHI FOR YOURSELF by Diana Lang gave us a great look at the simplicity of meditation. Diana is the author of Opening to Meditation: a Gentle, Guided Approach and if you missed the interview you can listen to it by clicking on this player:
…and here’s a list of some of the talking points from the program:
Meditation and the mystical
The media’s effect on meditation
How a meditation practice is good for one’s self-esteem
Why meditation is getting so popular
The connection between yoga and meditation
The effect of your practice on your relationships
Why we seem to have such a “disconnect” in our society
The difference between the spiritual and the religious
Dealing with mind chatter
Setting up a “sacred space”
The corporate community embraces meditation
Plans are being made for some outstanding guests to share their wisdom with us in the coming weeks on CHI FOR YOURSELF. On the next program we’ll take a look at Ayurveda- what it is and how it can help you. Details coming your way in another GenuLines post.
Be here for today’s CHI FOR YOURSELF interview. We’ll hear from Diana Lang, author of Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach. Hear the interview at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at
Meditation takes center stage on this week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF when we welcome Diana Lang. She’s the author of Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach, a book for meditators of all levels of experience. Diana reminds us that meditation teaches us to reconnect with the self and to tap into the limitless potential within us.
Be with us on the call for Diana Lang this Thursday May 28th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at
A Few Thoughts on the Inner Workings of Meditation
Meditation can be a useful tool in your overall health and wellness. We live in an electronic society and most might find sitting in silence and tapping into their quiet consciousness a bit challenging at first.
Our culture revolves around smartphones, electronic applications, social media and selfies. Most people shudder at the thought of not having their phone in their hands during their waking hours. This is a new form of stress and anxiety we’ve created as a modern society. Life can be stressful at times due to school, work, finances, family and relationships. We’re bombarded with negative news stories from television, cable, radio, internet and social media.
The average person will process the stresses of life and not think twice about it, unfortunately some will turn to prescription medications, alcohol and drugs to alleviate depression and anxiety. When we are out of balance we seek peace and serenity in any form to make us feel better. Meditation will help you quiet your mind, center your spirit and balance your life.
I love a good “overcoming obstacles” story, and that’s exactly what we got on last week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF with Frankie Picasso Frankie sketched out a period in her life when just about everything was going wrong. But she looked inside to find a way to work through that period and go on to have a life that really is Unstoppable! If you missed the interview you can get caught up by clicking on this player:
Here are some of the talking points from the show:
A quick invitation for you to join us on the call when CHI FOR YOURSELF welcomes Unstoppable Frankie Picasso. Frankie’s specialty is bringing the impossible to life! We get underway today at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at
Our guest on the next CHI FOR YOURSELF says It’s often through negative feelings, traumatic experiences, and obstacles that we find humanity in the bottomless pit of despair and distress. Frankie Picasso should know. She’s been there! While in the hospital after a near-fatal motorcycle accident, Frankie worried herself sick over her three children who were scared and needed their mother at home. The first month in she lost her job to a Corporate restructuring, she went through a marital divorce, lost her position as a drummer in blues band, was replaced on Canada’s Masters Dragonboat team, (they were off to the World Championships in Shanghai), but the worst loss of all, was that of her beloved dog, who died 3 days after she came home from the hospital.
Frankie Picasso
Frankie reminds us that it’s during these times of distress that we manifest what we believe about ourselves. Often it’s a manifestation of lack, limitation, hunger, war, disease, violence, poverty, homelessness, joblessness, racism, prejudice, anger, and jealousy. This contaminated thought has brought many people to believing that life is simply nothing more than obstacles, hindrances, and roadblocks. Frankie Picasso is the author of Midlife Mojo: How to Get Through the Midlife Crisis and Emerge as Your True Self.
Be on the call with us when CHI FOR YOURSELF welcomes Frankie Picasso Thursday May 7th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at
CHI FOR YOURSELF is delighted to tell you that a past guest on the show has taken top honors in New York City. Captain Dan Willis was with us in the fall of 2014 to talk about his book First Responders. Now, Dan’s book has landed a Books for a Better Life award.
Read the announcement from publisher New World Library and see a short video by clicking here:
And, you can hear the complete CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Dan Willis by clicking on this player:
Congratulations Dan!
Well despite a problem with the YouTube screen the interview with Susan Anderson made it to the CHI FOR YOURSELF Start page. Our topic was what Susan calls the “outer child”. Her book is Taming Your Outer Child: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing from Abandonment. Check out some of the talking points from the show:
Personal challenges that moved Susan toward writing the book
Outer Child and Inner Child
Abandonment fear
The Outer Child’s entry and when we might first see it
Teaching parents to work with their kids and the Outer Child
The Outer Child’s effects and PTSD
It’s not about will
Society’s reluctance to “go inside”
Giving ourselves more self love
Consciousness and Outer Child Work
You can hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Susan Anderson by clicking on this player:
My apologies to you if you were on the Start page today, expecting to hear the interview with Susan Anderson, and instead getting an unresponsive YouTube screen.
Susan joined us to talk about her book Taming Your Outer Child: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing from Abandonment. The interview was recorded and you can hear it now by clicking on this player: