CHI FOR YOURSELF Puts Time on Your Side With Helene Segura



welcomes: Helene Segura

picture of Helene Segura


As ”The Inefficiency Assassin”, Helene Segura has spoken to thousands of go-getters, teaching them to manage stress by regaining control of their chaotic work and personal lives. She has coached hundreds of clients to improve their personal productivity and performance, and she has been featured as an organizational expert in more than 100 media appearances. Helene is the author of THE INEFFICIENTY ASSASSIN: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer.

Be here for Helene Segura on CHI FOR YOURSELF on Thursday April 21st at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time at

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picture of john kobikThe CHI FOR YOURSELF interview with Kira Asatryan spoke to the loneliness that many of us are feeling, even in a world that’s connected as never before. If you missed the program you can hear Kira talk about her book STOP BEING LONELY: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships. Click on the player to hear the show..

  Here are some talking points from the interview:

  • So much loneliness in such a “connected” world
  • Closeness- it’s definition and it’s importance
  • Kira’s own lonely feelings
  • Loneliness and Silicon Valley
  • Loneliness and stress
  • Caring and getting close to people
  • Older doesn’t always equate to loneliness
  • What we can do now to feel less lonely


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“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.”          ~Mother Teresa




Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF: Kira Asatryan

picture of john kobikOn this week’s CHI FOR YOURSELF we’ll be hearing from Kira Asatryan. We’ll learn why loneliness doesn’t only happen when we’re alone. She says it can happen when we’re with people. Sound familiar? Be with us for Kira Asatryan, author of STOP BEING LONELY: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships. Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF. We get underway at 3:45pm Eastern time, 12:45 Pacific at “See you” there..

picture of Kira Asatrayan

Kira Asatryan


JohnK 3-24-2016 home

“Stop Being Lonely” (a how-to) and 2 CHI FOR YOURSELF replays

picture of john kobikHard to believe loneliness could be a reality for many of us given that we are sooooooo connected, followed, friended, and liked. But on our next CHI FOR YOURSELF we’ll hear from someone who specializes in helping lonely folks. In fact, Kira Asatryan has been there herself and she’s put her findings into a book called STOP BEING LONELY: Three Simple Steps to Developing Close Friendships and Deep Relationships. 

picture of Kira Asatrayan

Kira Asatryan

Join us on the call for CHI FOR YOURSELF and guest Kira Asatryan on Thursday March 24th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific at

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If you missed the last two editions of CHI FOR YOURSELF you can get caught up here…

picture of Dan MillmanListen as “Peaceful Warrior” Dan Millman talks about his book THE FOUR PURPOSES OF LIFE: FINDING MEANING AND DIRECTION IN A CHANGING WORLD. 

Start the player after you click here..


picture of LeslieBeth WishDr. LeslieBeth Wish is an award-winning, nationally honored psychotherapist and author of her research-based book, “Smart Relationships:  How Successful Women Can Find True Love.”


Start the player after you click here..


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stick figure of man


“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.”
~ Mother Teresa



Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF: Dan Millman

picture of Dan MillmanA reminder: our CHI FOR YOURSELF guest today is Dan Millman, author of THE FOUR PURPOSES OF LIFE: FINDING MEANING AND DIRECTION IN A CHANGING WORLD. We get underway at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific time. Listen in by clicking on the player on the page at


JohnK 2-18-2016



Dan Millman on CHI FOR YOURSELF and- A Valentine’s Day “2-fer”

picture of john kobikHe’s  a former world-champion athlete and college professor, the author of numerous books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior, The Life You Were Born to Live, The Laws of Spirit, and The Journeys of Socrates. Dan Millman is our scheduled guest on CHI FOR YOURSELF this coming Thursday February 18th. Dan will talk about his book The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World.

picture of Dan Millman

Dan Millman


Be with us Thursday Feb. 18th at 4pm Eastern, 1pm Pacific for Dan Millman.


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We couldn’t let Valentine’s Day slip by without a look at relationships from our “Conscious Talk” point of view. So…..a couple of love offerings to honor the day!

In Love Cycles, veteran couples therapist Linda Carroll presents a groundbreaking model of the five natural stages of romantic relationships — the Merge, Doubt and Denial, Disillusionment, Decision, and Wholehearted Love — and a guide for navigating through them toward lasting love. Love Cycles helps readers understand where they are in the cycle of their relationship and provides a clear strategy for how to stay happy and committed, even in difficult times.

Click on this player to hear the CHI FOR YOURSELF interview:



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Long-term happiness in love depends on a couple’s ability to repair the inevitable rifts and differences, large and small, that occur in any relationship. Neuroscience suggests that relationship upsets are best mended quickly, or they accumulate in long-term memory, increase reactive communication, and become harder to repair successfully. And good repair takes five minutes or less! The book Five Minute Relationship Repair from Dr. Susan Campbell and Dr. John Grey offers practical tools and suggested scripts for resolving problems and having your needs met.

Click on the player to hear the interview:



Be Well!


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clip art of manOverheard

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

          ˜ Mother Teresa





It’s a Love Thing! Today on CHI FOR YOURSELF

Just a reminder that today’s scheduled CHI FOR YOURSELF guest is Dr. LeslieBeth Wish. We’ll be talking relationships, but no flowers and candy here. We’ll look at intuition and it’s part in empowering you to make better choices!

picture of LeslieBeth Wish

Dr. LeslieBeth Wish


Be on the call today at 5pm Eastern, 2pm Pacific at

Next CHI FOR YOURSELF: A Love “Wish” Just for You

picture of john kobikSince Valentine’s Day is almost here I wanted to tell you that our next CHI FOR YOURSELF guest will be talking about love, dating, and other matters of the heart. Of course we won’t be talking about the “flowers and candy” kind of love. Instead, we’ll look at relationships from an intuitive level with our guest Dr. LeslieBeth Wish. Dr. Wish is a nationally recognized author, psychologist and licensed clinical social worker honored for her pioneering work in love, career, happiness, and success. She’ll look at ways your “inner voice” can guide you toward love and help you avoid relationship pitfalls.

picture of LeslieBeth Wish

Dr. LeslieBeth Wish

Dr. LeslieBeth Wish on CHI FOR YOURSELF this Friday Jan. 29th at 5pm Eastern, 2pm Pacific. Go to at show time and click on the player to hear the show. We’d love to have you with us!

JohnK Jan. 27th, 2016 home

What You Nееd tо Knоw Abоut Crеаting Chаngе in Your Life


man with check signChаngе can be diffiсult.  Okay, we got that out of the way.  It can be even more diffiсult whеn thе сhаngе is big. Again, no surprise. Let’s say уоu wаnt to brеаk uр with someone you love. You may be thinking оf lеаving уоur old job tо mаkе a transition tо a different job. Maybe you’d love to start your own business.
If уоu саn оvеrсоmе thе fear of fаilurе whеn you set out to make change, thеn a huge portion of the job is done.  Bеlоw wе’ll look аt some hеlрful tiрѕ to guidе you through trаnѕitiоn.


You Nееd tо Truѕt Yоurѕеlf
Trusting yourself iѕ vеrу imроrtаnt in making аnу mеаningful change. It’s оnе оf the bеѕt things you саn do for уоurѕеlf in any area of life. Sеlf belief рuѕhes you to dо what nееds tо bе dоnе.
Bеliеvе thаt you саn dо it.  You’ve done thingѕ оn уоur оwn that уоu (and maybe others) never thought уоu соuld.
Onе Chаngе аt a Timе
Thiѕ iѕ whаt I call change mаnаgеmеnt.  Lifе сhаngе can be vеrу stressful if уоu attempt multiple changes at one time. You may еnd uр nоt асhiеving аnу. Focusing on a ѕinglе tаѕk makes success more likely when you take up your next lifе changing project.
Think of the сhаngеѕ thаt уоu nееd to make. Write them down if you have to. Then choose to work on them in sequence. This will leave you with mоrе drivе. And it will еliminаtе any роtеntiаl blосks to сhаngе уоu may encounter.
Mаkе Time tо Wоrk оn Chаngе
Take thе timе that you need tо work оn the сhаngе(ѕ) you рlаn tо mаkе. Remember the old saying “failing to plan is planning to fail”.  Allowing enough time lets you take care of all the details involved with less stress.
You made a list of the changes you want to make. Very good.  Now уоu саn also writе dоwn thе ѕtерѕ to tаkе to achieve your best rеѕult.  Cоnѕult experts or mentors.  Aѕk questions. Plаn the wауѕ you’ll асhiеvе уоu aim.
This is by no means the only list of tips. But it can help you start out with more confidence as you begin to mаkе important сhаngеs in your lifе.


JohnK 1-18-2016

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“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself”

                                    ˜ Andy Warhol


























picture of john kobikWe’re off to the resolution races- lose 20 pounds..move to a nicer address..take that tropical vacation.
May I suggest some inward inspection to start the new year? Ask yourself:


What is happening in my life?
How is my health?
How is/are my relationship(s)? Really, how are they?
How are my finances?
Do I enjoy my work?

Just a few ideas to take care of the inner self so that the outer results might be more satisfying!
Happy New Year sign


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Clipart image of overheard Overheard:

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.”
― T.S. Eliot


*This is a re-post of a 2011 blog post

Third Time IS the Charm! Tracey Ash on CHI FOR YOURSELF

picture of Tracey Ash

Tracey Ash

I’m happy to say that we’ve connected to Tracey Ash, Tracey is the author of Ancient Egyptian Celestial Healing. You can hear the interview now in the usual spot- “See you” there..




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