We’re almost finished with the CHI FOR YOURSELF series on finding your “why?” I hope this has been of some help as you get a clearer idea of your direction. This time around we look at some ways in which you may enrich your life.
How to Enrich Your Life
Can you honestly say that you are happy and satisfied with your life? Or do you feel miserable and have no direction? Unfortunately too many people are not satisfied with their lives. They feel as though something is missing, and they can’t identify what it is.
Let’s look at ways that you can enrich your life. You will be surprised at just how much happier and content you will feel once you have a purpose in your life.
It is possible that you are just bored with your life. You have way too much spare time on your hands. So how can you fill this time?
Start off by thinking about all those things that you like to do. This might be sports related, charity related, health related or it may just be a hobby that you wished you had more time for.
Select the one that has the most interest for you and find a way to add it to your life. If one
of these things was related to your favorite charity look for ways you can help them out. It would be quite easy to help raise money for them. Or start a collection of needed items. Or you may wish to just get the word out about this charity.
As you start spending time on this hobby or activity you will find that your life suddenly has more purpose. You look forward to working on this project and you feel rewarded by it as well.
There are lots of ways to enrich your life and it can be done easily by just helping yourself. You may want to spend time learning a new skill. Or you may want to have time to read more books, or even write a new one!
Sometimes it only takes something small to help enrich your life. Offering to walk a friend’s dog or babysit for a young couple can really make you feel fulfilled.
Other ideas for enriching your life include cooking for a senior, visiting someone in the hospital, pet sitting, volunteering at your local school or at an after- school club. Once you start thinking, I am sure you will come up with lots of ideas of things you could be doing.
Even if you have a long list start by picking one item and putting it into action. Block off a few hours a week or month and promise yourself to work on it. By doing this you will feel as though you are doing something to enrich your life in some small way or other.
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JohnK 10-10-2016
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
~Norman Vincent Peale