Motivation Through Adversity- A Proven Path

A life lived without adversity of some kind is rare. At it’s worst it can seem as though motivation is lost.

With that in mind GenuLines takes a look at a few who made their difficult roads work for them

Motivation Through Adversity- A Proven Path
People sometimes feel that they have no hope. They find themselves in dire situations and believe they’re never going to recover.
For instance, a person born with an issue that sets up barriers right from the start.
It’s understandable why they feel defeated. But there are examples of people who beat the odds and thrived in the process.
reminder of motivation
The Miracle Worker
One example is Helen Keller. At the age of 11, she lost both her sight and hearing due to an illness.
Her live-in teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped Keller prepare for college. She went on to became a prolific author and activist.
And she set up schools for the blind and deaf.
Birth of Greatness
You may have heard of Helen Keller, but have you ever heard of Nick Vujicic? Nick was born without arms and legs.
He’s now a motivational speaker and evangelist.
You can find plenty of videos of Nick doing activities as well as or better than people who have all their limbs. He refuses to let hid situation get in his way.
Super Effort
You may remember Christopher Reeves. He was an American actor famous for playing Superman in the 1990s movie series.
He developed quadriplegia after a horse riding accident. Shortly after the incident, he used his fame to help others who experience similar fates.
There are plenty of other examples of people who rose above their disabilities. It is a source of inspiration and motivation to others who feel helpless.
No Quit
These are all examples of people who would be likely to give up based on their circumstances but refused to do so. Their situations were in no way easy to deal with, and they all had long journeys to rise above their situations.
They not only accomplished something but excelled at it.
Someone in your life may be facing a particularly difficult situation. You can help them by showing the inspiration of the people mentioned in this article.
The Takeaway
Even you’re not in a dire situation you can get motivated by these inspiring people. For instance, if you are facing a problem, think about what these people had to go through.
Their experience will lend you some perspective. It’ll help motivate you to look for a solution.
And don’t look at this as reveling in their misery. Instead, you’re celebrating their lives.
And their ability to overcome the adversities they faced.
JohnK 11-8-2021
Stick figure hears about motivationOverheard: “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records”
                               ~ William Arthur Ward
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Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life

Fear is something that, at times, can help you in life. But when it takes control of your life it’s a whole different story. 

Never fear, GenuLines is here to get you back in the driver’s seat. 


Stop Letting Fear Control Your Life

The number one thing that holds many of us from going after our dreams is fear. If left unchecked, it can keep you locked up inside your own mental prison.
picture of fear ride
The trouble is, confronting your fears isn’t easy. And changing it is going to be uncomfortable.
While they may keep you comfortable, they can also cause frustration and depression. If you’re honest about wanting to live your best life, you need to stop letting fear rule it.
Here, we’ll look at how you can stop letting it control your life.
Explore the cause of your fear
If you want to stand any chance of getting over your fear, you’re going to need to know its cause. Write down all your fears.
Then, circle the fears that are most palpable. Once you’ve identified your main fears, start to think of ways you can prevent them from happening.
This can help you to feel like you have more control over them.
You won’t always be able to prevent your fears from coming true. But most of them are nothing more than a defense mechanism.
By facing our fears, we often find that they weren’t as bad as we thought they’d be. Once you have an idea of what’s causing them, you can then look at ways to combat them.
Practice mindfulness
Fear tends to generate a lot of anxiety. By practicing mindfulness, it can help to bring a sense of calm into the mind.
Lowering your anxiety levels will in turn give your fear less control over you. When you’re in a calmer state, you’re going to feel a lot stronger and better able to face your fear.
Meditation and deep breathing exercises are great for calming anxiety. They also deliver a lot of other great benefits for the mind and body.
Start with short, guided meditations if you’re a beginner. They’re free on sites such as YouTube.
Focus on the consequences if you don’t change
If you’re struggling to face your fears, focus on what will happen if you don’t make the needed changes. That is, how will your life be a year from now if you don’t change anything now?
Most likely, you’ll still be stuck feeling dissatisfied with your life. You’ll be unable to move forward.
The reason you’re reading this is that you’re already feeling fed up and wanting to make a change. So, if you don’t start facing your fear, you’ll only start to feel more frustrated, resentful, and lost.
Focusing on what will happen if you don’t face your fear can provide you with the motivation you need to do it.
These are the best ways you can stop letting fear control your life. Only by recognizing and facing up to this can you get past it.
Fear is also linked to how you feel about yourself. So work on your self-improvement and boost your confidence.
You’ll be in a much better position to face your fears.
JohnK 11-1-2021
stick man hears about fearOverheard: “Courage is knowing what not to fear.”
Fear disclaimer

Whole Food Vs. Refined- A Closer Look

You want to eat the best quality food possible. But how many facts and contradictory reports can we consume? 

So today GenuLines is serving up this look at both whole and refined food. 

Whole Food Vs. Refined- A Closer Look

Which foods should I eat and how much? An endless parade of options gives us almost too much information on making good choices.

example of whole foodSure spinach is no doubt a healthier food choice than potato chips. But a new area of focus is getting attention.
It has more to do with the quality of the food rather than which food to pick.
So you took spinach over potato chips.
But is it still good for you if it’s canned, frozen, fresh, refined? It’s a tricky question.
Making good food choices
First, we need to define some of these key terms. Whole food is one without changes that could alter its natural state.
This might refer to vegetables that are grown without any modification. as if you’d picked them from the ground itself.
Grains or even meat can come into play, too. This means no chemicals, preservatives, or additives in the packaging process.
Altered states
By contrast, refined food has had some aspects of it removed or altered. This can but doesn’t always include processed foods.
These prepared foods have nothing taken away. Think fresh orange juice prepared from fresh oranges, or flour from whole grain.
Now, refined food goes through a process that creates a fundamental change. One example is the difference that occurs with converted rice- from brown to white.
But is it better?
Generally speaking refined does not refer to better or improved. Rather it’s often a refining process that’s removing key nutrients.
For example, white flour that’s made from whole grain. It starts with a process that removes a lot of the fiber content.
So it doesn’t have the nutrition density or health benefits of brown rice flour.
Not all refined foods are bad.
Processed dried fruits have had their water removed.
That doesn’t mean they’re bad for you. Heat plain popcorn and you change its structure.
It’s processed, but it can still be healthy.
Take a closer look
One of the key takeaways then is to dig deeper into any food that’s refined or could be. There are many refined foods that don’t deliver nutritional benefits.
And they’ve been fundamentally altered in the process. These deliver a much compromised nutritional benefit.
They include products like white bread, white rice, or refined pasta. These lose their original density when altered for taste and preservation.
But there’s more
Fruit juices are another example of processing for preservation. This gives them longer shelf life and more sweetness.
Their alteration kills most of the original benefit of the actual fruits.
So, if you think drinking apple juice is as good as eating apples, think again. Of course, some examples would be much easier to identify.
Compare potato chip quality to the original potato’s. Or fried chicken tenders and their original composition when they’re still fresh.
In a perfect nutrition world we would only consume whole foods straight from farm to table. Whenever possible this is the recommended choice.
So when you shop for refined foods, do your due diligence. Find out if the refining process has altered the food for the worse, and if so, do your best to avoid it.
As always, preparation equals success so do your research and eat the best food for you!
JohnK 10/25/2021
stick figure hears about foodOverheard: “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
                                  ~J.R.R. Tolkien
disclaimer about food

Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Focus can become a casualty during times like these we’re living in. Important things can fall through the cracks. 

So with that said GenuLines reminds you that focus is key to getting the results you want in life. 

Why Mental Focus Is Crucial For Success

Mental focus is one of the most important skills when it comes to success in any area of your life. To focus means to concentrate on a particular task or problem for a period of time.
picture of brain focus
It’s something you can get better at with practice. For now, let’s look at exactly why mental focus is crucial for success and how it can help you get things done.
Focus Keeps Distractions At Bay
Distractions are all around us. You sit down at your desk and end up checking email.
You browse through Facebook. Or you get lost on YouTube watching video after video.
We get distracted by new projects. Or things that need to be taken care of around the house or the office, and of course by family members and coworkers.
With all these distractions it’s a wonder we get anything done. There’s always something else that demands our attention, or a fun new project we’d rather be working on.
This is where your focus can make a huge difference and help you get things done. Focus is like a pair of blinders.
It helps you concentrate on the task at hand until it’s done.
Focus Keeps You From Making Mistakes
You make fewer mistakes when you’re not always distracted. You give full attention to whatever you’re working on.
The mistakes come when you’re not engaged and immersed in the task you’re working on.
To turn this around, concentrate on your work. If you do make mistakes you’re more likely to catch and fix them.
The end result is a better quality product, no matter what you’re working on.
Focus Helps You Get More Done Faster
Have you ever worked on a tight deadline? Let’s say you have to finish a report or write a blog post before you can head out to lunch to meet a friend.
You become dialed in (thanks to that looming deadline). Now tasks that would usually take you half a day you’re doing in 30 minutes.
Best of all, the end result is often better than your usual work. Now you’re focused and are getting into the flow.
And things seem to come together with almost no effort.
JohnK 10-18-2021
Stick figure hears about focusOverheard: “If you want to live a long life, focus on making contributions.”
                              ~Hans Selye
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Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

There’s no getting around some tasks. You can dodge them all you want and yet there they are. 

It’s a challenge that GenuLines is happy to take on with a look at why they happen. 

Why Do We Avoid Certain Tasks?

List of tasks to do
Do you find yourself dreading a particular task in your life every time you have to complete it? Do you often wonder why you avoid that task?
There are several reasons humans avoid completing specific tasks. These can vary from person to person.
You Don’t Think You’ll Have Fun
One of the main reasons people avoid certain tasks is that they don’t believe that they’ll enjoy them. Or it could be that they’ve performed the task before and didn’t have fun.
Humans generally want to avoid doing things that lead to unhappiness. This is especially true when they see the task at hand may be especially difficult or complex.
When you’re tired, you’ll generally avoid certain tasks. Even if you usually have fun doing them.
This is because you’re tired and need to get some rest.
If you find yourself avoiding a task because you feel exhausted, then it’s time to get some rest. Try to do it later. It’s tough to focus when fatigue sets in.
It could lead you to become distracted as an avoidance tactic for certain tasks.
You Don’t Think You’ll Do Well
Fear of failure is another big reason that people will avoid certain tasks. Often, they’re afraid of looking bad.
Or they want to avoid the embarrassment they might feel. This fear of failure is quite common but it’s one of the easier fears to overcome.
The remedy usually is the result of working on self-confidence and self-acceptance.
Medical Conditions
Several conditions such as anxiety and depression can lead you to avoid what you want to do. Although this may sound bad, treatment of the underlying condition is possible.
And this can help you find your motivation to follow through.
The reasons on this list may vary, but they all boil down to a shortage of motivation. If this is the case with you then start by realizing that you lack motivation.
Once you do, you can start paving your road to the future with real motivation.
JohnK 10-11-2021
Stick figure hears about tasksOverheard: “The hardest task needs the lightest hand or else its completion will not lead to freedom but to a tyranny much worse than the one it replaces”
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Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

Life happens, and wellness can sometimes be one of its casualties. This is especially true during these stressful times. 

But this GenuLines list of suggestions can get you thinking about and doing the things to keep you in the wellness zone. 

Make Wellness A Habit In Every Part Of Your Day

We often become distracted by what life throws at us. This leads to neglect of our own well-being.

Days can be fast paced. But seldom do we slow down to think about the importance of maintaining your wellbeing.

An apple for wellness

Stress is commonplace in the modern world. Think of how driving to work in gridlock traffic can make you a basket case.
The good news is that you can make better choices and develop good habits. You can make wellness a part of your every day routine…
Make a Decision and Stick to it
So first off, you’ll need to make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle. This is a step that many of us avoid.
We give up and revert back to our original way of everyday living. Well, wellness is a decision (As simplistic as it seems) and it’s a necessary one for everyone.
How Can We Make Wellness a Habit?
You form habits when you do something over and over again until it becomes ingrained within you. It’s like you’ve rewired your brain. It makes certain choices that are automatic.
So, here are a few ways you can make wellness a habit every single day…
• Set an alarm clock.
• Make healthy diet choices.
• Plan an exercise routine.
• Make time every day to do one thing you enjoy.
• Spend more time with friends and family.
Do these things each day and at the very least, you’ll notice improved wellness. We need discipline and there’s no other way to go about it.
Especially in the fast-paced world we’re so accustomed to.
Alarm clock
Setting an alarm clock to wake up early is a good way to start your day. The good thing is we know exactly why we’re waking up early… to get things done!
The nutritional choices we make are crucial to physical wellness. Feeding our body live foods (Vegetables, fruits, lean meats, grains etc.) will make us feel good.
And it gives us energy for the days ahead.
Daily exercise
Exercise has so many benefits. They range from improving mental health to creating stronger and more capable bodies.
Daily exercise can help you prevent chronic disease. These include Type 2 Diabetes,
Heart Disease and Osteoporosis.
That’s how powerful getting the body moving is.
Enjoy life
We tend to get too focused on things like work, personal issues, and relationships. But why can’t we take the time to laugh and enjoy being in the moment?
It’s so important to relieve stress by putting worry aside for a little bit each day to focus on leisure activity. We’re not meant to stay in fight or flight mode.
And having leisure time cuts the stress that can interfere with out wellness.
Have healthy relationships
The relationships we develop and maintain in life are essential for wellness. Having a sense of worth often comes from the love and appreciation of other people.
Let’s face it, the reason for our existence is to coexist with others so we can come together to function as a society. Friends and family can give a nice boost to our self-confidence and happiness.
Make Wellness a Daily Habit
Decide to make a decision to live every day in a state of wellness. Follow the steps in this article and you’ll have a good start toward creating healthy every day habits.
Wellness is the key to our ability to be productive and effective in every day life.
JohnK 10-4-2021
stick figure hears about wellnessOverheard: “The greatest wealth is health”
disclaimer about wellness

You Can Teach Your Children How to Eat Healthier

Children tend to have eating habits that are all over the place. They eat what delights the eyes, but their stomachs often pay the price. 

Take a look at these GenuLines tips designed to get the kids on board with healthy eating. 

You Can Teach Your Children How to Eat Healthier

vegetable for childrenOne of the leading causes of childhood obesity is poor food choices. Offer kids either vegetables or a cookie and most will choose the cookie.
Admit it, sometimes even adults do the same thing!  But, with a few strategic lessons good role modeling, you can teach your children to put health first.
Here are some ideas:
* Help them learn to like healthy foods
Forcing kids to eat vegetables and whole grains gets met with resistance. Instead of preparing a plate of lima beans and telling your children to eat it all, give them a choice. 
Prepare a variety of vegetables, side dishes, and whole-grain options.  Encourage your children to try new things.
Children generally have to try something several times before they begin to like it.  You will have to be patient.  Reward them with verbal praise when they try new healthy foods.
If they say they don’t like it, nod your head and praise them for trying it.  Let them know that taste buds change and they might like it better next time or as they get a bit older.
* Make sugar a treat
Many children have become so accustomed to sweet foods. A lot of them feel that anything that doesn’t have sugar just tastes bad. 
If your kids eat a lot of sweets, scale back on the amount they have available to them.  Start with one treat a day and at some point consider reducing it to one treat a week.
Yet, make sure that food doesn’t become a reward for behavior.  And don’t forget to check things like cereal which can be high in sugar.
Your children’s desire for sweets will decrease. And they’ll begin enjoying a variety of other healthy foods.

* Involve them in meal planning and preparation

Children who help you prepare a meal, are going to be much more excited about eating it.  Invite yours to help you choose meals, help with the grocery shopping, and then prepare the foods.
While in the produce area, ask them to find and pick out the various vegetables and fruits you need for the meal.  They’ll learn about their veggies, and they’ll be more excited to try them.
Consider putting them in charge of the meal choices for one evening each week.  You can provide them with a list of choices.  You can also browse cookbooks together.

* Be a good role model

You can’t expect your children to make healthy choices if you don’t. Take good care of your health. 
Exercise and eat well.  Show the kids that taking care of themselves and making good food choices is important.
* Embrace other cultures
A great way to help your children appreciate food is to help them learn about what other cultures eat.  You can embrace one country each month and make a meal. 
You can call it “cultural night.”  Combine it with family game night, and make trying new foods something to which you can look forwards.

* Teach your children the “why” behind food choices

If your children don’t know why they should make healthy choices, they won’t care. Talk to them about how some foods work.
Some provide lasting energy, while others burn out quickly and make us feel tired and cranky. 
Adjust the conversation depending on your children’s ages.
Finally, just enjoy food, because it’s so easy to get caught in the trap of being too rigid about food.  This can cause a backlash. 
It can motivate children to hide food and to feel ashamed.  Make sure children know that it’s about moderation, not restriction and deprivation. 
This will lead to a happy relationship with food that they can take into their adult years.
JohnK 9-27-2021
Overheard: “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”stick figure hears about children
disclaimer about children

Tips to Develop Your Money and Your Life 

Money is at the center of so many of our problems. Too many to mention here. 

What’s worthy of mention is ways to deal with this, and GenuLines is right on the money with help for you. 

Tips to Develop Your Money And Your Life 

One of the biggest pressure points for families is that of financial stress. When yourmoney at man's feet financial house is in order the other parts of your life seem to falls into place.
For most of us financial planning was not a part of high school or college curriculum. No lessons on checkbooks or 401k’s or emergency expenditures.
Without balancing your life’s money issues it’s tough to have balance in other areas. Unfortunately, money controls much of our thought patterns, time, and worries.
Figure Out Your Spending Habits
Learn your financial patterns. Then have a sit-down money talk with your partner.
Do this whether you’re a spendthrift or a frugal financier.
The Spendthrift
If you have no interest in where money comes from or how to manage it, you’ll find that money will manage you. Spending more than you earn is never a good practice.
Sit down with your finances.
Figure out what’s coming in. What’s going out.
And keep the difference for yourself as spendable income.
It is that simple. Living above your means is something that you dont want to do, ever.
Living above your means is never a win/win situation.
The Frugal Financier
If you won’t part with a penny, much less a dime, you’ll have a hard time relating to anyone about money. There’s got to be some wiggle room for playing hard much the same as working hard.
No one admires someone who won’t part with one red cent, even for fun.
Get Together with Your Financial Partner
You and your financial partner can put your differences to work in your favor. Come up with ways to meet somewhere in the middle.
Compromise is key in a relationship.
And what better way to incorporate that tool than to use it in your financial life.
JohnK 9-20-2021
Stick figure hears about moneyOverheard: “Too many people spend money they buy things they don’t impress people that they don’t like”
                                                      ~Will Rogers
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Anger Management 101

Your anger can be a terrible master. It will create a lot of problems in your life if not reigned in. 

So with that in mind, GenuLines looks at ways to keep the angry tendencies at bay.

Anger Management 101

Anger is a powerful emotion. Learning how to manage it can be difficult.
Yet, not impossible.
The problem isn’t that you get angry; the problem is in the way you express your anger. While anger is a normal and natural emotion, it can be overwhelming if not dealt with in the right way.
fist of anger
When you allow your anger to take over, it has a negative effect on your life. This is a sign that it’s time to make important changes to how you handle your emotions.
Allowing anger to take over can be very unhealthy. You can hurt yourself or someone you care about.
There are certain steps you have to go through to be able to cope with your anger in a healthy and productive way. We rounded up some of these tried-and-true techniques to help you cope with your anger.
You may have heard of some of them, but don’t knock any of them until you’ve tried each one several times.
Remember, the more you practice, the better you’ll get at controlling your anger. So, the next time you’re in a situation that gets your blood boiling, try these tips.

Deep Breathing

This helps you take the time to think about the situation. It gives you time to calm down rather than immediately lashing out.
Taking a few deep breaths also boosts blood flow to your brain. The more oxygen going to your brain, the more rational your thoughts and behavior will be.
Want to take it a step further? Do a slow count.
You can count up to 10 as you breathe in and out. Or you can count backward from 100.
Take the time to think about what number comes next. This effort will shift your focus and distract you from what’s making you angry.
When you disconnect yourself from the event that’s making you flustered, you’re less likely to act out. Taking some time to moderate your anger is a healthy and smart way to manage your anger.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

Start by accepting your anger. Tell yourself that it’s okay to be angry, but it’s not okay to let it out on others in a destructive way.
Be true to yourself. If you feel there are any negative issues from your past holding you back, find a way to deal with them.
There are several things you can do to move past painful memories, like
  • Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal
  • Find local support groups
  • Counseling or therapy
  • Practice yoga and meditation

Look Inward

Reflecting inward can help you see things from a different vantage point. Seeing things from a different viewpoint gives you clarity.
As a result, you can deal with the situation in a calm, relaxed manner.
Also, take a moment to ask yourself if the person who angered you actually meant to harm you. Or was it unintentional?
Looking at the situation from a 3rd person viewpoint is a terrific coping mechanism. You’ll be able to reach an amicable understanding and be respectful of yourself and others.

Learn Your Flashpoints

We all have certain people or places that make us angry. Thinking about them makes your temper soar.
To avoid seething with anger over someone or something learn your flashpoints. Start by figuring out what makes you angry.
Once you’ve identified your triggers, you’ll be better equipped at handling them. For example, let’s say you always take a certain route to work, but it’s always congested and that makes you angry.
Why not look for a different route and spare yourself the aggravation of wasting time in traffic?

Do Something You Love

Anger is a very intense emotion. To balance it out, you need to take up a hobby or activity you enjoy.
Creative activities like drawing, painting, or playing a musical instrument. These can benefit your mental health.
In fact, the more time you spend on creative pastimes, the less angry and stressed you’ll feel.
Other hobbies include physical activities like hiking, kickboxing, and cycling. Even taking a 10-minute stroll in the park can uplift your mental wellbeing.
These activities can help release pent-up negative energy in a healthy and safe way. Not only that, but exercise also stimulates your brain to release more feel-good hormones.
So, you don’t only get better at controlling your anger, you also feel happier and more resilient.
JohnK 9-13-2021
stick figure hears about angerOverheard: “Anger makes us feel so isolated”
                         ~Fred Rogers
disclaimer for anger

5 Steps To Be More Honest With Yourself

Are you honest about the good and bad parts of yourself? You might need some help with the not so good stuff. 

This is where GenuLines steps in to help put the truth on your side. 

5 Steps To Be More Honest With Yourself

You’re serious about improving yourself as a person. And honesty is an important part of the process.
Honesty is a key aspect of developing because if you aren’t being honest with yourself, how on earth do you plan to grow?
When we choose dishonesty and delusion we’re choosing to see only what we want to see. That might not sound so bad, but it means that you are ignoring a whole lot that you would prefer to avoid.
It’s those things that matter the most. You’re securing short-term joy in exchange for long-term happiness.
picture of honest
Being more honest with yourself might be painful. But it’s a necessary part of furthering yourself.
How can you be more honest with yourself?
1. Acknowledge The Bad & The Good
We have a way of embracing all the good things in life, while completely ignoring the bad. It’s a bit like social media.
We watch only these timelines of pure joy and bliss. And it’s not realistic.
People share the best of their lives. It’s a slideshow of their lives and doesn’t paint a true picture of the hardships they might face.
We do this, too, whether it’s on social media or in our own heads. It’s just easier to ignore the bad things rather than deal with them head-on.
Ignoring problems won’t solve anything, if anything, it will make things worse for you in the long-run. Be honest with yourself about everything good and bad in your life.
That balanced view can keep you sane.
2. Take Time For Self-Reflection
At the end of each day, take a few minutes to think about how it went. Ask yourself how you did, if there’s anything you did well or could have done better.
You can be honest without being too critical or too judgmental. This exercise isn’t about damaging your self-esteem.
Rather, it’s about reflecting on the day so that make tomorrow will be better.
Reflection helps you learn about yourself. And it can improve your ability to solve problems, too.
Allow yourself the opportunity to analyze the day and you get a better picture of what it takes to improve.

3. We All Make Mistakes – Admit It

This is one of the most difficult aspects of being honest with yourself. It’s easy to slip into ego protection mode and fine an excuse or someone else to blame for a mistake.
But it won’t help you build a real sense of self-esteem.
True self-esteem and confidence lie in being courageous enough to own up to mistakes. When you can stand up and own shortcomings you can learn and grow.

4. Get Into Your Emotions

When people say they’re caught up in their emotions it usually has a negative connotation. Yet, your emotions have an important role to play in how you understand and interact with the world.
Emotions aren’t the reality, but they are revealing. It’s revealing when you dig deep to figure out why you feel a certain way.
You learn about the things that tend to make you feel that way. What’s more, you’re learning appropriate responses.
This is a level of honesty that your stress levels (and social circle) will appreciate.

5. Don’t Get Caught In Analysis Paralysis

As noted above, it’s important to take time for reflection and analyze the day. But it’s also important that you don’t over-analyze.
It’s easy to get carried away. You don’t need to rationalize everything or intellectualize about it.
There’s no need to create an elaborate story about why bad things happen to you. You need only to note how it is right now and move forward.
You don’t need to understand everything that’s going on in the world. Instead be realistic, be practical and be sensible.
JohnK 9-6-2921
stick man hears about being honestOverheard: “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.”
                              ~Sigmund Freud
disclaimer for honest