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Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

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Time For New Beginnings and Final Endings

There has to be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends and a New Year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences.

It’s a good time for GenuLines to look at the endings in your life. For example , the death of a loved one, will leave you sad.

But if you accept the loss and focus on the good memories the person brought you can move on.

sprout shows new beginnings

Each step in your life

These are necessary for you to continue growing. The end of high school or college signifies the beginning of adulthood.

This might give way to a career that you’ve studied for.

Every New Year is an opportunity for you to sit down and figure out what you want to change in the coming year. What will make you a better and happier person.?

Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking, move on to another job? Now is the time to rethink and reset your goals and make the necessary changes in your life.

Endings can only come when you let go of thinking about the negative events. When bad things go beyond your control you’ve got to distance yourself.

Make space for the positive 

Get a grip on the reality of endings. You don’t like all endings, but you do need to accept their reality.

If you don’t learn to accept endings to allow for new beginnings, you might give up. That could open the door to a lifetime of regrets.

Think about things in a new way. You may think of yourself as “set in your ways,” about certain things.

But you have the right to change your mind if something changes, like more facts about what happened. Sometimes it helps to gain a fresh perspective on life and let go of old beliefs.

Remember, if you don’t take chances, change isn’t possible. You can hold on to the good things in your life, but if a new idea triggers excitement and fulfillment in your life, try it.

If you don’t, you may regret it.

JohnK 12-30-2024

stick figure hears about new beginningsOverhead: “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down”

                                                                    ~Mary Pickford


Article photo by Kindel Media:


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How to Deal With People Who Drive You Crazy

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How to Deal With People Who Drive You Crazy 

There’s one in every office, every family and every group you’ve ever been a part of. A person who drives you up the wall and makes your blood boil.

They seem to have a cheat sheet on what pushes your buttons. And GenuLines knows they can get under your skin.

So how do we deal with these people who frustrate us and make us impatient? Try these  tips during your next work meeting, family reunion or carpool.

man upset with people

We all have different priorities

What you think is a must-do isn’t always everyone else’s. This thinking has been the cause of many spousal disagreements and work resignations.

Keep this in mind when it seems someone isn’t taking action that you think is important. They might not be trying to drive you nuts; they might only have a different priority than yours.

Put yourself in their shoes

Sometimes, all you need to throttle down your impatience is empathy. Someone could be dealing with major life events or be under a great deal of stress.

And they aren’t thinking about the fact that they might be driving you nuts. Put yourself in their situation and see if you can offer them a little empathy.

Ask yourself why they bother you so much

Could it be that they mirror a fault of your own that drives you to distraction? Are they always late and that habit holds everything up?

Look at your own habits

How often are you late? How often do you keep people waiting or expect them to wait for you?

You might actually be responding more to something you see as a character flaw in yourself, but can’t admit to.

Remember that everyone has a different natural rhythm

We don’t all march to the same drummer, and we don’t all have the same internal pace. Some people are more easy going and have a slower rhythm, even when they’re in a hurry.

This can be frustrating. But keeping in mind that we all have a different pace can ratchet down your anger.

People move at the rate that feels right to them.

Focus on their best qualities

It’s easy to focus on the little things that irritate us, but when we do, that’s all we are able to notice. Rather than get impatient with someone, think about what you like or respect about them.

This helps put those little irritations in perspective.

JohnK 12-16-2024


stick man hears about peopleOverheard: “I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him”

~Booker T. Washington


Article image by Andrea Piacquadio:



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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

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Is Your Money Mindset Setting You Up For Failure?

Dreaming of getting rich? You can’t help but admire the extravagant lives of celebrities and influencers, right?

It’s easy to fantasize about living like them. But as you chase after riches, are you losing sight of the things that matter?

Today, GenuLines invites you to explore this crucial question.

Man showing money mindset

It’s often said that if you do something you love, the money will follow. This worked for me and it provided me with a good life (story for another time)

And after all, common sense says that you’ll approach something you love with passion.

But what if?

What if making money is your driving force? You’ll chase the dollar from one job to the next or from one opportunity to the next.

You’ll get seduced by false offers of riches. Over time, you’ll look back and see that you didn’t actually get real fulfillment.

The quick buck

You may be successful in the short term. You get that extra dollar from a new job.

Or you squeeze a quick buck from your business. But, you’ll be searching for more and more money.

You could even put yourself into a position where you can’t handle the new job due to lack of experience.

In other words, you didn’t give your previous level enough time to develop a foundation. You jumped ahead, and now you’re unclear what to do.

It’s a concept known as the Peter Principle, named after the person who came up with the idea, Peter Drucker.

Money isn’t as important as many try to make it out to be. For instance, what good is having a high-paying job when you have to work 80-90 hours a week?


Many people who do this look back at their lives and wonder why they did it. While they may have a lot of money when they get older, they likely don’t have fulfillment.

Another possibility is the heavy workload needed to get that wealth also gets them to an early grave. The money they earned is useless to them.

If you’re happy with what you’re doing, money becomes a less urgent priority. You do need money to live, and you shouldn’t settle for work that pays less than you’re worth.

So reach a balance between your paycheck and doing something that you enjoy. It can bring a whole bunch of fulfillment into your life.

JohnK 12-2-2024

Stick figure hears about money mindsetOverheard: “Wealth is largely the result of habit”

~John Jacob Astor


Image photo by Photo By:


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The Perils of Your Self-Doubt

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The Perils of Your Self-Doubt

Have you ever doubted yourself? That seems like a silly question.

Most people have doubted themselves at some point.

And GenuLines realizes that many people continue to doubt themselves. This can be a major contributor to holding you back from success.

Why do people engage in self-doubt?

man facing self doubtThe reason is that it is easier to doubt yourself than it is to believe that something is possible. When you believe in your concept, it’s something that hasn’t materialized yet.

It’s unfamiliar territory for you. Your protection mechanisms tell you to reach for something that is familiar.



You use this as a reason to quit

The unknown also helps you to come up with excuses. It’s easy to say it won’t work because…, and then insert whatever reason can set your mind at ease.

You can even find help from others in coming up with excuses. They have plenty of them for you to choose.

If they didn’t, they would be succeeding at their goals.

Doubt as survival skill

For instance, someone says you can jump off a cliff and not die. Your self-doubt will reassure you that this is a bad idea.

Self-doubt can also steer you away from a situation. Like a business opportunity that sounds too good to be true, etc.

In most cases, self-doubt is not something that will advance your life. It will hold you back, and you need to always be aware of that.

Don’t take the easy way out

Prepare yourself as much as possible for unfamiliar situations. But, go forward with a strong belief that you can do what you set out to do.

Try to structure your life so that you have more positive than negative energy. Use affirmations, support groups, or whatever works.

Flush out as much negative energy as possible

Negative energy is what self-doubt is all about. So try to tip the scale to as much positivity as possible and push away the negativity.

It’s unlikely that you can ever have 100% positive energy. But, you can work towards exposing yourself to positive energy.

You can stop listening to or reading the news, and you can reduce your exposure to negative people. Positive people do exist.

You only need to find them.

JohnK 11-18-2024


Ostick figure hears about self doubtverheard: “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today”

~Franklin D. Roosevelt



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Self Development And Your Success

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Self Development And Your Success

Life experiences come and go. But, how do they impact your life’s success?

Some of us insist that every event serves a purpose. Negative events can challenge you to see the positive in them.

A “looking with new eyes” mindset might open you up to more positivity. And GenuLines has some practical tips on guiding you on this journey.

Feeling as if you’re a failure

There are no failures in life – only people moving through different experiences. How can others accept you if YOU can’t accept yourself?

Comparing yourself to media figures

Don’t compare yourself to them. The same holds true for the real people you meet.

There is no need to obsess about your looks, financial situation or anything else. Self acceptance does not depend on those things, nor does the approval of others.

Man prepares for success

Down and out

When you see that other people are feeling down about themselves, give them a helping hand. But if you find that they’re determined to stay in their negativity, leave them to it. Nobody benefits when you’re both in a tailspin.

There are no mistakes – only lessons learned

Don’t feel stupid or doomed because you failed some kind of test. See failure as a step on the road to success.

Take things one at a time

It’s fine to have big goals but split them down into realistic, simple steps. Self development means working on habits that you have built up over years or decades. You will not turn everything around overnight.

At YOUR best

Understand that self development will help you to be the best YOU that you can be. It will not turn you into somebody else. Look for your own strengths and build on them, instead of comparing yourself with others.

Little things matter

Sometimes, we don’t realize that the little things that we do are like a pat on the back. Saying “hi” or “hello”, or passing little compliments can mean a huge amount to other people.

Be sensitive to other people’s plight. Help them to see the positive in their lives. This will come back to you in a positive way.

You’re willing to accept change

But it doesn’t mean that everyone else is. It may not be the right time for them, or the method you are using may not be what they need. So do everything you can to be successful with your self development, but don’t bore others with it.

There’s a profound quote that says that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” We’re all here to learn our lessons.

Your parents, children, friends, colleagues, neighbors, even strangers. They all have the potential to be your teachers.

Open the door to self development. You can learn from every person and every situation that you encounter.

JohnK 11-4-2024


stick man hears about reaching successOverheard:  “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out”

~Robert Collier

Article image by Zen Chung:



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The Importance Of Your Mindset In Anything You Do In Life

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The Importance Of Your Mindset In Anything You Do In Life

There are two distinct approaches to this thing called mindset. And the outcome of each type of thought lies at opposite ends of the spectrum.

The first is a “fixed mindset,” while we call the second one a “growth mindset.” Read on as GenuLines shows you which brings more success in life.

Sign reads mindset

The “fixed mindset” tends to see skills, potential and abilities as pre-determined. So, you can’t improve on them.

The growth mindset is open to the idea that there’s always room for improvement by way of working at it.

The “fixed” category tends to make you feel powerless. In the growth category there’s more optimism about who’s calling the shots so to speak.

But there are a few other big differences in these two attitudes.

The main one is how you view mistakes or obstacles and your attitude toward them.

For example, if you have a fixed mindset, you’re quicker to get discouraged by your first setback. The growth mindset and its optimistic attitude help you “make the best of it.”

Any negativity can turn into a chance to learn and grow. Are you getting the idea that the fixed mindset doesn’t leave much room for growth?

But wait, there’s more!

For one, there’s knowing that your mindset can have a major impact on your health and well-being. A depressed and discouraged attitude can suppress your immune system.

You’re more prone to illnesses. And you might take longer to recover from what your defeated attitude brought you.

With a growth mindset you tend to be sick less often- and happier too.

Experts on the subject agree that you have control over your attitude. Their consensus is that it’s smart to switch out of a fixed mindset.

And you can do it in any phase of your life.

This is good news if you find yourself stuck in the pessimistic fixed mindset. Your fatalistic attitude toward accomplishments and success don’t have to be permanent.

You can always improve.

John K 10-21-2024

Stick figure hears about mindsetOverheard: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

                                     ~ Earl Nightingale


Article image by Brian Jones from Pixabay


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Stop Letting The Past Dictate Your Future

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Stop Letting The Past Dictate Your Future

On one level you know that clinging to the past is a bad option and that you need to progress in life. But have you taken a moment to reflect on this?

Why should you move on from the past? Let GenuLines show you how not moving on from your past can affect most every other aspect of your life.

What’s so bad about focusing on the past?

First, we look at a negative aspect: holding grudges. This can stunt your emotional and mental growth.

The more you focus on that, the less attention you have to give to what’s happening in the present.

Now flip the script to the positive side of things. Fixating on a positive event from your past steals attention from your future.

You also run the risk of comparing everything that happens from then on to that one “perfect” event.

This fixation can lead to negative outcomes in your future. The more you focus on the past, the less you witness the present.

You have a tendency to miss special occasions or important events.

You move through life in a more distracted way. Worst of all is that you stunt your development and growth.

How can focusing on the past dictate your future?

You could get distracted when you need to pay attention to the present. And you start making comparisons to another moment in time

Plus, you risk turning down new opportunities. You’re afraid they won’t live up to the past experience.

How do you stop focusing on the past?

The first step in putting an end to this behavior is to resolve to let it go. Yes, it’s easier said than done.

But you have to make a conscious decision to let go and move forward with your life.

Fixated on a positive past event

This is different than letting go of a grudge. Letting go in this sense is to stop comparing other events to this one.

It doesn’t mean that you have to forget the moment you’ve valued for so long. But it does mean that you continue to experience and enjoy each new moment.

Fixated on a negative past event

When you let go of a grudge you forgive the person and move on from the event. You don’t condone what happened.

But don’t let it live rent-free in your head or you’ll only hurt yourself.

JohnK 10-7-2024

stick man hears about the futureOverheard: “Only you can control your future”

~Dr. Seuss
Article image by Photo by Thirdman:


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The Value of Playing to Your Strengths

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The Value of Playing to Your Strengths

Stuck in a job that doesn’t exactly ignite your sweet spot? That doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness.

A lot of us put in the hours, earn a good wage and reap the rewards that help support our families. It’s entirely possible to appreciate what you have while still longing for something more fulfilling

But does that mean you should be complacent? Does that mean you have to give up on branching out to find where your real skills and enthusiasm lie?

The answer is no, and GenuLines is going to show how you can make changes by playing to your real strengths.

What Happens When You Play to Your Strengths?

Most of us have at least a few things that we’re good at. And for most of us, those are the things we love. We spend more time practicing them and we love them because we’re so good at them.

man demonstrates strengths


So, when we work on that ability or strength, everything about our demeanor changes.

For starters, we become much more focused on what we’re doing.
Our brains produce dopamine and catecholamine hormones to keep us fixated.

This is what some circles refer to as ‘flow states’.


You’re much happier and more confident when you’re doing what you love. You’re motivated and you become much less likely to take breaks.

All this of course helps you perform at your very best. At the same time, you’re more focused, happier, and you’re more motivated since you’re in flow.

It means that you’re now going to produce better work that gets you noticed and that gets you promoted. You’ll earn more and perform better because you’re doing what you love.

Signs You’re Playing to Your Strengths

All these are the benefits of playing to your strengths. They’re also a tip-off that you’re doing what you love.

Ask yourself: when was the last time you felt completely focused on a project and found it rewarding? That you worked so hard you ended up holding your need to go to the toilet?

Yeah… you should start doing a lot more of that!

JohnK 9-23-2024

stick man hears about strengths Overheard:  “One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity”

~Albert Schweitzer


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Reinvent Yourself: Remove All That’s In Your Way

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Reinvent Yourself: Remove All That’s In Your Way

The phrase “The quickest route from point A to point B is a straight line” is a familiar adage,. But this can be a challenging practice when you aim to reinvent yourself.

You might run into obstacles on this path that discourage you. The result may be that you’re taking longer to reach your goal.

man demonstrates reinvent yourself

Yes there are unavoidable barriers. Today GenuLines reminds you that you can remove some of the ones that stand in your way.

Don’t be Afraid to Let Go

Fear can affect you in a positive or negative way. It can help you achieve your goals.

On the downside it can hinder you from letting go of things that are holding you back.

The words “what if” can put a downslope on any thought process. Dwelling on the what if puts your focus on the obstacle in your way and not the goal you are moving towards.

The fear associated with “what if” only entrenches the thing that is in your way.

Don’t be afraid to let go of the “what ifs.” Focus instead on what you want.

For example, say you’re thinking “what if I start my own business and then get into financial trouble?” Switch to “what I want to achieve is independence in time, finances, and passion.

“So I’ll open my own business.”

Don’t be afraid to let go of the fear that’s littering your path to success. This is a necessary key to reinventing yourself.

Keep an Open Hand

You want to create an environment where your emotional hands are not clenched shut. When you’re holding onto things, you’re not able to use your hands for anything else.

Your hands need to be free and functioning. An open hand is free to move what needs moving.

Get A Pair of (non rose-colored) Glasses

Sometimes we need help to clear our vision. This is particularly true when it comes to seeing what’s in our way.

You might want to get the help of a friend, mentor, or advisor. They can often identify the things we are not able to see.

Your own eyes tend to identify the larger items in your path. But the small ones can slow you down every bit as much as one large boulder.

Do the Heavy Lifting

At the end of the day, moving the things that are in your way requires that you do some heavy lifting. There’s going to be sweat, effort, or even a little pain.

It’s part of the process. So, roll up your sleeves and get to it.

The fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line. Reinvent yourself and take the fast route to success.

John K. 9- 9- 2024


Ostick man hears about reinvent yourselfverheard: “You’re always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past”

~Dale Carnegie

Article image by cottonbro studio:


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How To Be Happier In Your Own Skin

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How To Be Happier In Your Own Skin

You have the power to change many aspects of your life, but your skin isn’t one of them. That’s why it’s essential to get your head around being happy in your own skin.

Unfortunately this is often much easier said than done. GenuLines looks at a few ways you can learn to be happier in the body you have.

Accentuate The Positive

Woman being happy


Write down all the things you like about yourself. Put the list in places where you’ll find them later.

These places could be on your mirror, in your wallet, or even around your desk at work. Then every time you see them, you’ll get a boost.


Quit Scrolling Social Media

Social media creates unrealistic expectations. You can you feel uncomfortable in your skin because of social media.

If so, it’s time to stop participating. Switch to books, music, and videos that are life affirming.

Work On Your Body Language

Believe it or not, your body language can play a huge part in feeling comfortable in your own skin. Catch yourself when you’re hunched over with your arms folded.

It’s time to walk with your shoulders pulled back, and your head held high. It’s a small change but it does affect your mood.

The Clothes You Wear

You may be wearing clothes that make you uncomfortable in your own skin. Aim to find clothes that fit you well.

Size is not the first consideration here. Rather, try on things that look like they will fit you and decide from there.

Being happier in your own skin is a lifelong journey. But remember that being comfortable in your skin is an inner game.

It’s gotta come from within.

JohnK 8-26-2024


stick man hears about being happyOverheard: “Happiness is not a goal… it’s a by-product of a life well lived”

~Eleanor Roosevelt



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