Optimist or pessimist. Does one of these sound like you?
Or does realist better describe your outlook?
Today GenuLines looks at these three categories and how you might fit into one of them.
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Are You an Optimist, a Pessimist, or a Realist?

These are optimist, pessimist, or realist.
We’ll start with short definitions of each.
Optimists like to “turn lemons into lemonade.” They see most of the events in their lives in a positive light.
Pessimists take the opposite view. They believe that most things turn out badly.
When they’re passed over for a work promotion they’ll sometimes blame themselves. They’ll look for all sorts of reasons that they will “never” get the promotion.
Realists usually see things as they are and accept that things are not always perfect. They deal with problems in a practical way.
For example, if they don’t get the promotion at work they might feel they’re not ready for the position right now.
When a realist misses the promotion they tend to see the big picture. They use a clearheaded approach toward preparing for a future opportunity.
Generally speaking, most of us fall somewhere between these categories. Not every optimist will always be positive.
And not every pessimist will always be negative.
There are pros and cons to each type of personality. But there’s research that points toward being optimistic as the healthier choice.
Negativity breeds negativity. This means that being negative or a pessimist can affect your quality of life.
Changing to a more positive thought process can help your entire outlook.
Studies find those with a positive attitude get along better in the workplace. They’re healthier, and they feel better in general.
Trying to look at things on the positive side can help you improve your situation.
This isn’t always possible. But what is possible is changing your attitude about your life.
It might change everything.
JohnK 3-4-2020

~Eugene O’Neill

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