10 For ’13: Intentions For A More Conscious and Genuine New Year and Beyond

RearViewMirrorI searched for just the right guest blog post to sum up the past year and help us into 2013. Failing that I challenged myself to come up with 10 areas where I can improve beginning now and into the coming year. These 10 bubbled to the surface, and I encourage you to take from these any or all for your own use.


I intend to:

  • be more generous than last year.
  • breathe deeply before making anger my response- does the issue really matter that much?
  • think before making decisions, so that my “yes” or “no” are unconditional.
  • believe in people.. they’re on their path and worthy of my trust. (a personal “biggie”.)
  • trust myself, so I don’t alienate people with a facade of protecting myself (ditto “biggie”.)
  • speak responsibly, with the accent on integrity and kindness.


  • listen and really hear what’s being said.
  • be connected- somehow difficult even in the age of Facebook.
  • shop consciously- especially in the area of nutrition.
  • live my genuine life.

I will follow up these commitments with action and practice and I will continue to dedicate my efforts to being a light for those who intend to do the same.

How will you contribute toward your/humanity’s wellness?




Image for overheard

“The thing that hurts the most is pretending it doesn’t”





JohnK 12-28-2012




Have your say!