Your Routine: Good, Bad, or In Need of a Tuneup?

We’re talking routine today. If yours is working for you, way to go!
If not, GenuLines is here to help you power up your routine 
call for a routine

Your Routine: Good, Bad, or In Need of a Tuneup?

Routines are neither good nor bad. It all depends on the context by which you apply them.
symbol for routineIf your routines are making you crazy, or have you in a rut, it may be time for you to break away from them, at least temporarily. Then again, if you don’t have some structure in your life, routines may be what you need.
If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut, consider going on a vacation. This can be a great way to reset the ordinary.
It can also lead to meeting new people or opening up opportunities. How many stories have you heard of people going on vacation and falling in love with the place they visited?
But keep in mind that making the new place your home can result in still more routine. Another way to shake things up is to join a club that you wouldn’t otherwise join.
For instance, if you never tried a certain type of craft, join a local club where you can learn all about that craft. Or, join a group that plays music together.
You may have to learn an instrument or try out with the group as the singer. No matter what the activity, try doing it in a different way.
If your life is a bit unstructured, and this isn’t working for you, try to introduce some routine into your days. This could be as simple as creating a to-do list.
And you might want to find someone who can hold you accountable to the routine. People form accountability partnerships for this purpose.
You can hold your partner accountable for reaching their outcomes.
Many people find having a mix of routine and spontaneity works best for them. Doing something spontaneous helps to break up the routine before the people get into a rut.
Getting back to those routines after taking a break will restore order in their lives. This isn’t necessarily the way everyone will work best, though it’s worth a try.
Make sure you give yourself some time before writing this off.
Only you can decide whether you need to incorporate a routine or if you have too much routine in your life.
Remember, you’re the only one who can determine if you need to do a mix of routine and spontaneous action.
JohnK 3-19-2019
stick figure shows routineOverheard: “It’s a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it”
                                 ~John Steinbeck



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