Why We Don’t Like to Take Chances

You want to take more chances in your life, but you keep holding back. GenuLines reminds you that this is learned. 

And today we’ll help you re-write that lesson

Why We Don’t Like to Take Chances

We’re taught from a very early stage by our parents to be careful.
We’re told to lookman takes a chance both ways before crossing the street and not to eat what is unfamiliar.
Parents want their kids to live long healthy lives. So they teach them to be cautious about most everything.
It was the same for their parents and so on down the line.
What’s It All About?
It’s all about self-preservation and keeping the family going generation after generation. But there are other reasons that we don’t like to take chances.
Societies have rules that its citizens must follow. Failure to do this can lead to jail time.
Even if what we do is legal our need to follow rules can take over. This tends to add to our cautious state of being.
Crowd Control
We hesitate to take chances because these rules are such a part of our lives. We also tend to follow the crowd and there are studies to back this up.
This is a herd mentality.
Say you’re on a busy city street and you look up in the sky for a long period of time. You’ll find more and more people gathering around to see exactly what you’re looking at.
There may be nothing of importance up there. But folks want to know what the attraction is.
So It Is With Taking Chances
If no one else has done it before we’re not likely to take the plunge. As mentioned earlier, we want to see others experience something.
Then we’ll decide whether to go for it ourselves.
This is why we look to product reviews and forums before making purchases online. We want to know that others used products or services without problems.
Go Around The Block
These reasons that we don’t like to take chances are mental blocks. They put up a proverbial stop sign anytime we encounter something that doesn’t sit well with us.
This leads us to create excuses not to do something. The biggest problem is that these barriers took a lifetime to build up so breaking them down is never easy.
We first have to have the belief that we can break them down before we allow ourselves to do so.
JohnK 5-2-2022
stick man hears about taking chancesOverheard: “May you always have courage to take a chance”
                                       ~Irish Saying
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